Rebel Walking: Heaven Sent Part 8

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Ivy He says all of the right things, but this is my struggle. I refuse to burden hi m with my drama. I'm not a needy b.i.t.c.h. Not to mention I'm already depending on him for so many things. I don't want to depend on him to heal.

Our flight is almost over and I don't miss the smirks that Talon and Ev shoot at us when we go back to join them. Taron flops down in the seat and pulls me on to his lap. His arms wrap around me and he pulls me back against his chest.

"Now this is how it's supposed to be," he whispers in my ear. He always sends chills through my body when he does that. I think he knows that, which is why he chooses to do it so often. I let the chills run and fold my arms over his.

I love this feeling. You know, the feeling that everything is going to be just fine and that life will go on.

As soon as we land we are rushed out and into a limo. The security guard quickly tells us he has orders to get us to the concert. I feel the rush of our future spread through me. Let the excitement begin! They aren't even the main show yet. I can't even imagine what that will be like.

We arrive at the set after a short ride from the airport. Eaven and I are left standing to watch the craze of all of the equipment being set up. The guys are in their element. This is a pa.s.sion for them. You can see the excitement on their face as the guitarist, Luke, joins them. This band fits together very well.

Lilly rounds these guys off on the ba.s.s guitar.

Luke makes his way to Ev and I.

He is sporting that killer grin that melts the ladies. This is Luke Jacobs, Eaven's hot cousin that I love to flirt with. It has never meant anything to me, but it has always been fun torturing Eaven. She worries that we will end up going for it and one of us will mess it up bad. He is one s.e.xy, freaking hot guy, but he is more of a cousin to me. I could never cross that line. I do notice he has a few more tattoos than he did the last time I saw him without a s.h.i.+rt on.

"How are my girls?" He leans in to hug both of us at the same time. He stops mid hug and lifts his hands to my face, and it me off that it's about my d.a.m.n face again. Can we just get move on from the fact that I have bruises?

"Who did this to you? Who do I need to kill right now?" He is angry.

Just like everyone else around me is. I can hardly handle the anger myself.

How am I supposed to calm everyone else down?

"I'm ok, Luke. Don't worry about it. It will heal soon." I smile to let him know that I will be fine.

"Uh.... Bulls.h.i.+t Ivy. Who did this to you?"

"Dylan did. Ev can tell you all about it later. I'm good and I don't feel like f.u.c.king talking about it. Ok?" I know that he'll want more, but right now I don't want to go there. I don't have the energy to go back to that h.e.l.l every time someone sees my cheek. I added makeup to cover it, but apparently it doesn't cover it well enough. I sweep my hair forward to cover my cheek and walk away from that conversation.

Leave it in the past.

I work my way over to Lilly. She is cool as h.e.l.l and I'm in need of some fun.

"Hey girl! Glad to see you! How are you? I knew something was up when the boys went all apes.h.i.+t alpha on us.

Are you going to be ok?" Her sincerity makes me feel her compa.s.sion. She is a rocker chick with a soft side. Her hair is always radical, but her skin is flawless.

She has a few tattoos, but they are all done in pet.i.te and beautiful ways. Her nose is pierced with a small stud, and I am jealous of her artistic beauty.

"I'll be fine, thanks."

"You need a shot!" She pulls my arm until we reach the side of the stage.

She pulls out a bottle of tequila from Luke's guitar case and looks at me with an expected expression.

"You are the toast queen here.

Let's hear it." She doesn't hesitate putting pressure on me. I think hard and look over at Taron just as my toast comes to mind. He is on his way over to join us just as I begin the words of my toast.

"May all your ups and downs be between the sheets." I say it proudly and smile when I hear Taron's breath hitch.

"My turn!" Taron's panty dropping grin is now in the building.

"To the king! What king?

f.u.c.king!" He says his toast while making a humping motion in my direction.

He's a d.a.m.n lunatic, but a lunatic that I love to be around. His energy is infectious. I need to have some fun.

He will always have a toast to come back and top mine. I'm not even sure I should try, but I throw one last toast out there. "Here's to the top, and here's to the middle. Let's hope tonight, we all get a little."

His smirk warms me. His eyes darken as he encloses in on me.

Everyone else fades away. That moment it is just Taron looking at me like I'm prey for the taking. I lean up into his face and lick his face. Not a s.e.xy lick, but the nasty dog lick kind he gave me in the truck. His eyes accept my challenge and his smile shows that he is enjoying himself.

"That look doesn't work on me," I manage to say, but it's entirely breathy.

It's obvious his looks do work on me.

Will we ever get enough of each other?

How can I get my fill of this guy?

"Oh really? Should I test that?"


"There is only one way to know for sure if I make you wet. Do you want me to see just how not effected you are?"

"Um...don't you dare."

"Did you just say dare?" He smiles wickedly and leans down to grab me by the waist. It takes no effort for him to throw me over his shoulder and begin down the hall.

"What the h.e.l.l Taron. Put me down!"

"Oh, I plan to." He turns a corner and enters the first door on the right. He s l a ms the door closed and pulls me down his body. I'm not going to lie, I like this take charge att.i.tude of his.

He backs me up against the door and I don't waste anytime wrapping my arms around his neck. Our kiss begins rough and desperate until he takes my face in his hands. Two large hands surround my face then he slowly slides them back through my hair.

"Ivy, will I ever get enough of you?" His words are breathy and hit me hard. He feels the same desperate attraction that I do.

He turns me to face the wall and runs his hands up my sides.

"I hope not!" He slows the kiss down even more and begins to trail kisses down the side of my face and neck. A flashback of Dylan hits me and I try to be discreet about it, but he picks up on my emotional change instantly.

Taron I'm an a.s.s. I can't be pus.h.i.+ng her into this so quickly. I can tell something has changed. I run my hands back down her sides, edging her s.h.i.+rt back down. I lean into her neck and place a few kisses while my hands fall to her hips. I hold he r in place until she leans back into me.

"I'm sorry." Why is she apologizing? She has been through so much and here I am like a h.o.r.n.y jack-a.s.s that can't keep my hands off of her. I know she just needs time, and I will wait however long it takes.

"No need to be sorry. I'll be here to get you through this." I turn her to face me so that I can look into her eyes.

"I'm the one that should be sorry.

I shouldn't be pus.h.i.+ng you so hard. I got lost in you Ivy."

She lowers her face and presses her forehead into my lips. I hold her like this until she seems to relax. I wish I could take her pains away.

"It's ok, I just need time. It me off, but I do. I don't want to feel this way."

"I know babe. You will get through this. We will find him and then maybe you can find peace." I brush her hair back and pull her face upward to place a simple kiss on her lips. The smile on her face is worth the blue b.a.l.l.s that I'm going to be sporting tonight.

I lead her back to the stage area where the crew is setting up everything.

Our entrance gets a lot of reaction from the group. I lead them to believe their thoughts about what happened are correct. There is no need to draw attention to Ivy. This is what they expect from us. We will definitely be the couple that doesn't care where we are.

We will get it on and we will find a spot when the need arises. It will be anywhere we feel the urge, we're just not there yet.


enjoy her playful mood throughout the afternoon and before the show. I can tell she is trying her hardest to forget about what happened. She is flirting with me and it's taking everything not to take her back and try it again. I will wait for her and enjoy the torture that she is unleas.h.i.+ng on me today. d.a.m.n she is f.u.c.king gorgeous.

She stays near me after the show and I love the feel of her up against me.

The fans are really wild tonight and it feels nice to have her this close. She does very well with all of the s.e.x comments that come from the fan girls.

One of the girls even tries to hand me her panties. When I don't reach for them, Ivy reaches up and give the finger dangling the g-string a flick. She leans over into her face and says something to her. I have no idea what she said, but the fan girl's smile tells me that she must have handled it well.

I lean in to her ear and ask, "What did you say to her?"

"I just told her she should meet up with us later at the hotel after party." I l o o k at her non-responsive facial expression and smile, because I know her game.

"So what hotel did you send her to?"

"Not ours, of course!" This is my Ivy. I love that she can think on her feet tha t fast. These girls don't stand a chance against her anyway. It's just nice to know that she can handle this environment and she seems proud to be in my arms.

We have hotel rooms tonight and I'm looking forward to sharing my room with her. I told the agent not to give her a room of her own. We will end up together anyway, so we may as well bypa.s.s all the bulls.h.i.+t to get to that point.

Everyone meets in Luke's room to party a little since today is his birthday and we don't have to leave until late tomorrow.

I start to pour the tequila shots and let Ivy have the honor of the first toast.

"Here's to birthdays! Birthdays come once a year. Aren't you glad you're not a birthday!" h.e.l.l yes I'm glad. That would never fly with this guy.

I actually came up with a few toasts on the bus ride from h.e.l.l when I was drinking the entire time. I'm pretty proud to bust out a new one!

"Eat me, beat me, bite me, blow me. Suck me, f.u.c.k me, very slowly. If you kiss me, don't be hasty, use your tongue and make it tasty." I watch Ivy's lips the entire time I say my toast. She runs her teeth over her lip during my words and then she began to run that d.a.m.n tongue across her lips. Have mercy on me. This girl can bring me to my knees right here in front of everyone, and I wouldn't give a s.h.i.+t if it makes me look like a p.u.s.s.y whipped little b.i.t.c.h or not. She gets to me. She gets straight to the core of me.

I hold out the shot gla.s.s for another shot. I want to hear what she has in store for me with the next toast. We may have to eventually move on to drinking lighter shots to get through our toasts to each other.

"May you always come more than you go." Yes, I'm ready to go right now. I watch her eyes zoning into my lips and this makes me twitch. We need to leave now. Luke pours us another and my mind isn't focusing. I can't think of a single shot right now. I just want to take her back to my room.

I say the only stupid toast that I can remember. It's one from a long time ago. It was ridiculous then, and it's going to be even crazier now. "Here's to swimming with bow legged women."

I get the looks I knew I'd get, but I don't care. Seeing the amus.e.m.e.nt on my girl's face is worth every minute of any ridicule I'll receive.

She moves forward and takes the shot into her mouth. I can tell she hasn't swallowed it and I look forward to her taste mixed with my shot that she is about to give me. She leans into me and I let her shove me back into a chair that is behind me. She straddles me letting her lips touch mine. I open for her as she lifts her face above mine. I wait while she slowly releases the tequila into my mouth. She finishes the shot with her tongue as a chaser. It's over now. We need to leave this place because I don't care who is watching. I run my hands up her legs until I have her a.s.s in my hands again.

She begins to pull away and I pull her back so that our foreheads are touching again. We look at each other until we hear obnoxious noises coming from across the room. I look over and see the rest of the band enjoying their own party.

Luke is getting an a.s.s load of attention from the girls he brought back to the room to hang with us. He is having a lot of fun, but it looks to almost be a race between Lilly and Luke to see who can get more inappropriate in front everyone. I look over at Talon and Eaven and notice that I'm not the only one seeing the show. I move to stop Lilly from getting out of control because she needs to chill the f.u.c.k out. Luke moves to Lilly before I can get there, stepping through a few girls to get to he r. What ever he says her off because she finds the nearest guy, grabs his waist band, and walks right out of the room with him in tow.

I move to follow her out of the room and Ivy pulls me back. "You have to let her do her thing. She doesn't need you interfering. She is a big girl and doesn't need a big bad cousin to t.w.a.t block her." I cringe as I think about what Ivy is saying, but I decide to back off. Lilly will always be someone we want to protect and it will take some getting used to, but I do need to let her have fun on these tours as well. I make a mental note to watch out for her without interfering in her decisions unless she gets completely out of control.

We move to our room and we aren't even in the door before we are stripping down to our naked selves. I love to watch her being confident again.

I let her control everything so that I don't push her too far before she is ready. She drops to her knees right inside the door and I lean back against the wall while she works her magic on me. It's not long and I have to move her to the bed to make sure I can show her pleasure before she ruins me.

I begin to travel over her body, but she rushes me to enter her. Our movements are so in sync and we look into each other's eyes the entire time until right before we both release. I collapse onto her and pull her into my arms not letting go as I move to her side.

We continue to kiss until our breathing has slowed enough to relax into each other's arms.

I can honestly say that I have now made love for the first time in my life. I know because of the feelings that I have right now. This means something. How many times have I been in this position without any emotional connection?

Every time it wasn't with Ivy it lacked the connection we have. This brings a whole new aspect of s.e.x that I'm prepared to explore with her as often as possible.


Taron It's been a couple of weeks now on tour. Ivy is healing everyday and I couldn't be happier than I am in my life right now. There is still no sign of Dylan and the cops haven't located him.

Ivy makes everyday so eventful and our s.e.x life is off the charts. She seems to be enjoying the lifestyle. Our show tonight is packed and I can't help but love the spotlight when I'm out there. We don't party every night like everyone would think. Some nights we are on the road so quickly to hit the next stop that we don't have time to mix with the fans. We have booked some smaller venues that we are the only band going to in between the nights we have to cover for Beckoning Reality. This will help us branch out on our own. So far the venues are selling out completely when we go out on our own. I'm hoping this means we can be on our own soon..

Tonight's show is packed and we are all pretty relaxed about our concerts now. I enjoy Ivy's company until the last possible minute that I have to take the stage. The band right before us travels to most of the same concerts we do and it's pretty bad a.s.s to watch them rock out and get more attention each night just like we are.

When it's time to make our way to the stage I leave her off the side with Eaven. I notice the girls start to move through the audience as the flash to each of their cameras flicker in the darkness.

I've seen some of her pictures and I know she has a pa.s.sion for photography and I can't wait to see what she comes up with. She has a brilliant way of capturing us in a way that no one else has except Eaven. Those two work together to come up with all of our promotional material.

I notice her stop to talk to a guy and watch security quickly move in. She follows security back after the strange guy hands her something. I notice her stop mid step and by now I'm completely focused on her body language. She's in shock about something and I'm glad that I know my music well enough to sing this song without thought because my mind is not in this song.

The security guard moves her back to the side stage and I finally see her face. She looks horrified. I'm near the end of the song and I can't f.u.c.king take it anymor e. I walk off stage and move through the crew until I'm standing in front of Ivy.

"What is it?" I grab her arms and snap in desperation. "What did he give y o u ? " She hands me a small folded piece of paper. I open it and all rationality leaves my head. I wrap her in my arms and yell a demand for security to come.

"Get head of security here now.

What the f.u.c.k? Why did you let him near her? Get the h.e.l.l out of my sight." I glance down at the picture of Dylan standing over my naked Ivy. He's holding her arms behind her back and reaching for the b.u.t.ton to his jeans. The w o r d M I NE across the bottom of the picture sends my head spinning.

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Rebel Walking: Heaven Sent Part 8 summary

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