Rebel Walking: Heaven Sent Part 9

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"Mother f.u.c.ker!" I hate this a.s.shole.

I hear Luke and Lilly revving up the guitars to keep the crowd pleased.

Talon will join in soon.

Our manager is quickly in my face. "What are you doing? Get out there, NOW."

"Go to h.e.l.l. I'm not going anywhere."

"Do it, or this is the last show for Rebel Walking. I've already covered for you for two shows on this tour."

"She needs me now."

"I'm sure your lil honey can wait til tonight." I fight the urge to punch him straight in the face until Ivy pulls away from me.

"Go Taron. We'll deal with this when you're done."

By this time Eaven is pus.h.i.+ng her way through. She stops when she sees my face. Her look changes instantly and she rushes to enclose Ivy in her arms.

I'm struggling right now. How do I walk away from her? How do I let my band down? I pull the two of them in tight and whisper to Ivy. "I'll be right there.

Don't move from this spot. Eaven, stay with her." I turn to meet face to face with the head of security.

"Don't let them out of YOUR f.u.c.king sight. NO ONE gets near them.

Do you understand these rules?

Someone needs to call the police." His nod doesn't appease me.

I hold the picture in my hand and turn to the stage. Luke and Lilly look at me and there's no doubt I wear my emotions in my face. They know I'm p.i.s.sed off.

I sing the rest of the songs for our show. I watch Ivy try real hard to compose herself, but how can she? How can she get over something like this?

The instant the last song is over, I rush to Ivy. Here I find myself wanting to take away her hurt and I can't do anything to comfort her.

There's ma.s.s confusion after the concert and I just want to get her out of here. The police arrive and we move to a room to get privacy. They take our information and I hand over the f.u.c.king picture that will be forever burned in my head. MINE.

The security guards had retained the guy who gave her the picture. We find out that he is an idiot who agreed to deliver it for five hundred dollars and a promise of another payment after he delivered. He won't be getting his money because he's going in to lock up for delivering it. The scene was obviously a forced s.e.xual situation and Ivy withers away the more she has to relive it. It's bad enough that she has to tell the entire story again so that these officers can get the history, but now she has a visual of what the scene looked like.

We finally finish with our statements and get security to escort us to the bus. Our tour requires us to drive overnight to another show tomorrow night. I walk with her tucked in my arm until we reach the room I've claimed in the back of the bus. I hold her. I don't know what else to do, but hold her. I can't stand the fact that there is nothing I can do to help her. I silently vow to find him and remove this threat to her. I ease us over to the bed and slide back until I have her cradled. Her tears haven't stopped, but I'll be here when they do.

Ivy What is happening? How did he know where to find me? He must know that I'm on tour with Taron. Dylan is obviously not going to give up. I can't stay on tour and be a constant distraction to Taron. My mind can't comprehend a different plan right now though.

I can't get over the picture that guy handed to me. It's not as if the picture in my head isn't enough. Now I have a visual memory of what it looked like to someone else.

I feel myself slipping further into numbness. It's easier to be numb than to feel like the filth I feel like right now.

My tears don't quit falling until sometime in the darkness of the night.

His arms are still squeezing me tight. I know he's awake because of the kisses he places on my head every once in a while. He's officially seen me at my worst. In the most horrible moment in my life and the one moment where I had zero control of what was happening.

How can I get over this?

Thoughts of his manager yelling at him remind me how much he has to lose with me being here. I can't be the reason he walks away from his future. Who can I turn to? Who else can help me? Aiden is the only person that comes to mind outside of Eaven.

I know Taron won't let me go easily. I'm going to have to force him to let me go. This will be ugly, but I need to cut him free.

I ease out of bed and stumble to the bathroom. I pull my cell phone out and text the only person I can think of to help.

Ivy: I need you.

Aiden: What's wrong?

Ivy: Dylan made contact. I need to leave Taron. Can you come get me?

Aiden: On my way.

Ivy: Thx Aiden: Always I brace myself for this day. It's still dark, but it won't be for long. I know what I have to do.

I open the door and come face to face with the man I love. The man I love enough to walk away from before I drag him down.

"You ok?"

"I'm better." I walk into his arms because I want to cherish these last few hours. Tears fill my eyes thinking about how much this will hurt him. I know I'll break my own heart in the process, but I have to do this. He has a future with no boundaries and if I stay here, he will ruin it all.

"We'll find him. I'm going to talk to Holden to see if he can get some of his friends to help with security. I want to know that you're safe at all times." I let him talk and plan. I don't have the energy to stop him. He would unleash his stubbornness on me and I can't fight with him right now.

T he stress of everything has me feeling nauseated. I try to retain it, but h.e.l.l has no sympathy for me. I rush to the tiny bathroom and fall to my knees. I feel him behind me and hear the water running. He gathers my hair and places a cold rag on my neck. He kneels beside me, holding my hair, until I finish.

It's going to kill this guy when I walk away. It's going to kill me.

I use the extra wash cloth to wipe my face and begin to get up. "You need to rest."

We climb back into bed and we instantly fit up against each other. His arms protect me and remind me what I'm walking away from. My tears from earlier were because Dylan. These tears are for a completely different reason, my broken heart.

I wake in the bed alone.

I must have finally dozed off from exhaustion. I have no concept of time right now, but I notice the bus is stopped. I sit up and fight off the sick feeling once again. I need to eat something. I make my way out of the room and hear Taron talking to Holden.

"I don't want any f.u.c.k ups. I need her safe at all times. Bring in everyone it takes to make sure he can't get to her."

He pauses for a little bit, but starts back just as I'm about to step forward.

"Holden, I f.u.c.king love this girl.

I'm going crazy wis.h.i.+ng I could take aw ay her pain. He's a monster and I can't let him near her. I'll walk away from all of this if I don't know she's safe."

s.h.i.+t he just said love. It melts my heart, but solidifies my decision.

"Brother, I promise. I'll do everything in my power to protect her.

Give me some time to round up the guys, and I'll organize the best security team you've ever seen."

I pull the door closed until it latches hoping to draw attention to myself. It works because Taron is on his feet heading in my direction immediately.

"Hey," he says as he approaches me and leans in for a kiss. I turn slightly so he hits my cheek. I'm not really loving the vomit feeling I have right now.

"Where is everyone?"

"We're stopped at a restaurant to get some lunch. I asked Ev to get us something. Are you hungry?"

"Yea. I need some food." I make my way to the couch and reach for a blanket to cover with. Eaven and Talon walk in just as I sit.

"Hey! I got you the special. I hope it works! Roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a salad."

This sounds perfect.

"The plan is for both of you to be safe. We are working on a team of security that will ensure that. I need you both to coordinate with me any time you do anything. This team will report to me." Holden starts demanding orders. I let him continue as I enjoy my lunch.

I'm going to miss these people. I need to talk to Eaven today. I need her to believe my story or come up with something so she can understand why I need to leave. I watch Taron walk to the back of the bus.

"How much further?"

"One hour and we'll be on location." Holden's quick response makes me smile. He'd make a perfect head of security.

I need to check my phone to see if Aiden has sent a text. I walk into the room and find Taron on the edge of the bed, holding my phone. From the look on his face, he's seen the text.

" Wha t are you doing with my phone?" He won't even look at me. His hand is fisted at his side as he moves his finger to scroll through my phone.

"Taron! What the h.e.l.l are you doing looking at my phone?"

"Just texting that f.u.c.king cowboy." s.h.i.+t. Here is the fight that I'm not ready for.

"What did you say to him?"

"I told him to turn his f.u.c.king horse around and head back home."

"Taron, I can't stay here."

"Yes you can. I'm not letting you out of my sight. s.h.i.+t Ivy, there is a rapist after you." I know this is going to hurt. I know I'll have to be the best liar to pull this over. I hope I can pick up the pieces of my heart once I've blown it to shreds.

"I can't be with you, because I love Aiden. I refuse to fight with you any longer."

"Bulls.h.i.+t Ivy. You're f.u.c.king lying right now." I fight back the lump in m y throat and speak around my heart trying to pound out of my chest.

"Taron, I love Aiden. I wanted it to be you so I could come on tour to escape, but I can't live without him. I miss him."

"You're out of your mind. I'm not letting you leave."

"Yes you are! You can focus on your tour because I won't be here to distract you."

"Did you ever think that maybe I prefer the distraction? That maybe I don't care about this f.u.c.king tour?"

"You don't mean that."

"Ivy, I can't believe that you want him. I know you're just saying that, but why? Why are you doing this?" He moves in so close to me. I know I need to move or he'll break me down.

"Don't touch me. I'm leaving with Aiden tonight because I love him. I wish you the best."

"The best? Are you kidding me right now? Don't you know that's you?

You're the only thing I think about. You consume my every thought. I'm always thinking about your pain, your safety, your skin, your body, your lips, your eyes, your feisty f.u.c.king mouth... this list could go on forever. Don't you know what I wish for involves you? If you aren't involved, then I don't want it."

How do I walk away from this?

How do I speak after that? I know I have no choice but to leave, but my heart wants to stay so badly. What can I say to make him stop?

"I'm sorry. I don't feel the same way. I could never love you. I don't trust you to be faithful. I know that I'm just another piece of a.s.s to you. I'm leaving tonight with Aiden. Get over it!" I manage to say it without a tear, but any second and I'm going to lose it.

His stare pierces right through me.

The anger in his eyes almost makes me look away. I hold his glare and fight the urge to wrap my arms around him and take it all back. Take back all of the words that are breaking us.

"I love you, Ivy. I want you to be happy, and if that means you leave me for cowboy, then I'll let you go. Just know that I'm f.u.c.king dying right now."

"Thank you." That's all I can say.

The lump in my throat won't let me say anything else.

"Can I send Holden with you? I don't want Dylan near you."

I shake my head because if I talk, it's over. No.

"I'm sending Holden whether you agree or not. Dylan WILL NOT get near you." I think about his demand. I just broke his heart and he still wants to protect me. Why does this have to happen?

I nod yes to him and watch his eyes fall to the floor right before he turns to walk out of the room. I hold my emotions in check even though it's ruining me inside. He stops right as he reaches the door.

"I really do love you, Ivy."

I squeeze my eyes closed and clamp down on my jaw. The urge to sob uncontrollably is taking over. With my hand over my heart, I open my eyes to watch the man I love walk out of my life. I work hard to remind myself that this is for the best.


Taron I'm done. I need out of this enclosed bus. Luke is the first to say something to me when I storm out of the room.

"What the h.e.l.l is wrong with you?"

"Ivy is leaving tonight." I pace in the small walkway and the only place that isn't full of our c.r.a.p. Eaven jumps up.

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Rebel Walking: Heaven Sent Part 9 summary

You're reading Rebel Walking: Heaven Sent. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Hilary Storm. Already has 549 views.

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