The Wildwood: Smolder Part 2

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The sound of her soft laughter broke through his l.u.s.t-induced spell and he shook his head, wis.h.i.+ng he could shake her from his brain that easily. She was actually reaching out toward that Josh a.s.shole, her hand on his chest, her head tipped back as she studied his face. Like maybe she enjoyed what she saw, what she heard, what she felt.

Grimacing, Lane turned and fled the kitchen, heading outside like the hounds of h.e.l.l were nipping at his heels.

For once in his life, he wished hed taken his brothers advice.

Chapter Three.

SHED SUNK TO a new low. Flirting with a nice man for the sole purpose of making another not-so-nice man jealous. How lame could she get?

Worse, she was dying of curiosity. Had her plan worked? Delilah couldnt be 100 percent sure, but shed caught the menacing scowl on Lanes face just before he bolted outside. And she knew one thing.

Hed looked incredibly p.i.s.sed.

Mad at her though? Well, if he was, then he could suck it. But if he was angry because she was talking to an unknown, rather attractive man who actually seemed interested in her? Well, then good. Perfect. That was exactly what she wanted.

Maybe her behavior was considered calculating, but she couldnt help herself. Her feelings for Lane Gallagher and his lack of acknowledgment made her do really stupid things. She needed to focus on the here and now, not stress over a man she had no control of.

How long are you here for? she asked Josh to keep her mind off Lane. Shed been chatting up Josh for the past ten minutes and found him a tad reserved but friendly enough. The reserved part she blamed on his job occupation. Being an arson investigator meant having to deal with suspicious"and guilty"people all the time. Josh probably wasnt big on trust, much like Lane. Being a cop meant he dealt with the liars and the dirty, dirty cheats of the world every single freaking day . . .

Im here for as long as Im needed. Josh smiled, bringing his beer bottle close to his lips. Much of it depends on the investigation, he added before he took a drink.

She watched him, quietly fuming that she thought of Lane"again"and wis.h.i.+ng she could find this guy so outrageously attractive that he obliterated every thought from her head.

Not that he was a dog. No way. Women were going to trip over their tongues following this guy around town. New, handsome men were always welcomed. When West had first returned to Wildwood a few months ago, shed known all the single women aged twenty to thirty-five were eager to welcome him home with open arms. But hed immediately staked his claim on Harper, breaking many hearts.

Well, they were about to get their hopes up all over again when they caught sight of Josh. Fresh meat, theyd call him. He might end up regretting coming to Wildwood"or he might have the time of his life.

So tell me. His voice knocked her from her thoughts and she glanced up, offering him a polite smile. Whats there to do around this town?

Not a whole lot, she said almost apologetically. She could only imagine how small and maybe even pitiful her hometown might look to someone whod never been here before. Though if you like spending time outdoors, this is the place for you.

I saw the lake, he said. Made me wish I had a boat.

You could always rent one . . . for a very steep price. The marinas always jacked up the prices during the summer months.

Ill pa.s.s. Though one of these guys here must have a boat, right? Josh glanced around and so did Delilah, noting there was no one in the kitchen with them. Everyone was outside.

Her spine stiffened when she realized they were alone, though Josh wasnt giving her any weird vibes. She just wasnt a huge fan of being alone with unfamiliar men.

Scratch that. She wasnt used to being alone with unfamiliar men.

Almost everyone shed ever dated, spent time with, or whatever, shed known through school, a mutual friend, a family member, or whomever. Small towns bred familiarity. Yeah, a few of the guys own boats.

Which ones? Ill buddy up with them so they can take me out on the lake while Im here. He laughed. She knew he was making a joke, but the only guy who came to mind was . . .

Lane. And last shed noticed, hed looked ready to tear Joshs arms off. Come with me outside and Ill introduce you to a few of them.

Not really. She planned on dumping Josh on West and then getting out of there. Going home so she could lick her self-inflicted wounds. Shed spent the past few hours quietly waiting for Lane to show up and the minute he had, he hadnt said a word to her. Not that he could have, what with her flirting game and how shed made sure she was occupied the entire time hed lingered in the kitchen. Not her proudest moment . . . but c.r.a.p.

Shed become a desperate woman acting like a lovesick teenager. And she was really starting to get sick of herself.

Making sure she was on her best behavior, she led Josh out to the backyard and left him with West, who happened to be standing with a bunch of other firefighters. Perfect. They could all talk shop and she could get the h.e.l.l out of there. She sought out Harper, who was with Wren, and hugged both of her best friends, telling them shed text them both tomorrow. And then she made a beeline for the house, stopping off in the guest bathroom real quick before she went home.

After was.h.i.+ng her hands and smoothing damp hands over her ponytail to calm her frizzy hair, she opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom.

Only to collide with a solid wall of firm, warm muscle.

Delilah stumbled backward. Her heart rose to her throat when she stared into Lanes face. His jaw was clenched, his usually full mouth a hard, thin line, and his eyes blazed with all sorts of emotions she didnt want to name.

She parted her lips but no sound came. Cleared her throat. Made a second attempt. A third. Finally the words fell from her lips. Excuse me.

He didnt budge. When he stood this close, she was always reminded just how big he was. Broad shoulders, wide chest, imposingly tall"so big she could barely see around him. He blocked out everything so all she could focus on was him.

Lane. The irritation in her voice was clear but he didnt react. Didnt so much as say a single word or even bat an eyelash. He just watched her in that unnervingly quiet way of his. She went right with a quick step, and so did he. s.h.i.+fted left and he followed suit, not allowing her to escape. And right about now she was desperate to get away from him. What did he want? Let me get by.

I want to talk to you first. His voice was pitched exceptionally low, the sound reaching deep inside her and setting off a flurry of b.u.t.terflies in her already jittery stomach.

What about? She tried to keep calm but she heard the slight tremble tinge her voice. Knew that if she held her hand out, itd be shaking.

Who was the guy? When she frowned Lane continued. The one you were talking to earlier. Who is he to you?

Oh. Oh. Lane was jealous. She never thought shed see the day. The triumph that surged through her could barely be contained. He works for Cal Fire. Hes an investigator. He had to know this. Surely West had told him. So why was he asking her?

Right. Lane nodded, like he already knew that. Who is he to you, Dee?

She really hated it whenever anyone called her Dee. Even Lane. We were just talking, she said irritably.

He seemed interested. Lane paused, the air heavy between them. In you.

So what if he was? She shrugged, hoping against hope he believed her casual att.i.tude. Inside her heart was doing cartwheels over the fact that Lane Gallagher was acting like he might . . .


You seemed interested too. He sounded fierce. Downright hostile.

Meaning he was definitely jealous. Shed fully expected to be bouncing off the walls with glee right about now but instead she felt sort of bad. She didnt necessarily want him to get the wrong idea. What if her pretend interest in Josh drove Lane away? And she didnt want to lead Josh on either. Hes nice. She hesitated, hoping she would say the right thing. I was just being friendly.

Flirting and touching him is your definition of being friendly? Lane raised a brow, taking a step forward. Coming closer to her.

Touching-distance close.

Her heart started to race triple time and she stood a little straighter, lifting her chin. Since when are you allowed to question me about the people I talk to?

Shaking his head, he came even closer, forcing her to step back, her b.u.t.t hitting the wall. What are you doing, Delilah?

I could ask you the same question. She took a deep breath and noted the way his gaze dropped to her chest for a fleeting moment, lingering there. She knew her b.r.e.a.s.t.s werent her best a.s.set, but she thrust them out toward Lane anyway. For a man who constantly claims he has no interest in me, youre acting awfully possessive.

SHE WAS RIGHT. Lane was behaving like a jealous, possessive a.s.shole and he had no business acting that way. He had no claim on Delilah. It shouldnt bother him to see her talking to another man.

But it had. The sight of her laughing with that Josh a.s.shole, resting her hand on his chest for even those few seconds, had eaten Lane up inside. His gut still burned at the memory. Hed come close to socking the guy in the face for just looking at her, which was stupid.

Incredibly stupid.

Instead of getting into a brawl, hed gone outside and stewed for a solid ten minutes, brooding like the lovesick fool he shouldnt be. And once that guy"Josh"came out to join them, Lane hadnt said a word to him beyond a curt h.e.l.lo. Instead, hed kept his gaze glued on Delilah as she walked over to Wren and Harper and said good-bye. He hadnt been able to pry his eyes off her long, tanned legs. The way she moved was so graceful, her posture perfect, her perky a.s.s making his mouth water . . .

Lane closed his eyes briefly, trying his d.a.m.nedest to ward off the vision, but it was so hard. No, he was hard. Hard for Delilah.

Jesus. He was so screwed up over her. Hed downed a couple of beers in quick succession even though alcohol always made his feelings for her worse. So much worse. He needed water. He needed to sober up. He needed to walk away right now before he did something he might regret"

Delilah gasped when he touched her, his fingertips seeming to burn when they made contact with her cheek. For a moment he forgot himself. Let his fingers drift across her petal-soft skin. Skin he dreamed of touching. Kissing. Licking . . .

Her eyes fluttered shut when he brushed her plump lower lip with his thumb. He saw the subtle movement of her throat as she swallowed. She leaned toward him, leaned into him, seemingly poised on the edge of a cliff. Waiting.


He felt the same exact way.

Delilah, he croaked, unsure why he said her name. But he did. He liked the way it sounded. Like a melody. It wasnt a common name but it fit her because hed never met someone like his Delilah before.

Keeping her eyes closed, she took a deep breath, like she needed to. Like she was in search of strength and couldnt find it when she was with him. What?

I want to kiss you, he whispered, then cleared his throat. His hand cupped her cheek, pulling her in as he stepped forward, and their heads, their mouths aligned as if it were the most natural thing in the word.

So why was he so d.a.m.n determined to fight nature every step of the way?

Her tongue darted out to lick her upper lip and he clamped his mouth shut, stifling the groan that wanted to escape.

No ones stopping you, she murmured, cracking her eyes open. Eyes that were so dark and so hungry, she seemed to gobble him up with just a look.

Right. No one was stopping them. What was wrong with a little kiss? He just wanted a taste. One taste of sweet, s.e.xy Delilah, something hed never experienced before. The girl who haunted his dreams. The girl who was too good for him. The girl whod been with one Gallagher man and didnt need another to come into her life and f.u.c.k it up, as Gallagher men were known to do.

But he wasnt listening to the rational side of his brain right now.

He cradled her face with both hands now, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs. He tilted her head back, her lush mouth within perfect reach, and leaned in. Lane could feel her warm breath waft across his face, could see the way her lower lip trembled in antic.i.p.ation just before they parted. The scent of her hair and skin, the warmth of her body, it all swarmed him. Made his head spin. Made his heart pound. Made him break out in a sweat.

Oh! a startled female voice screamed. Oh my G.o.d! Im so sorry!

The rather familiar voice broke the spell that had fallen over him, and Lane dropped his hands from Delilahs face, turning to see whod interrupted them.

Great. It was his little sister, Wren, gaping at the both of them like shed just seen a ghost.

He popped his mouth open, about to tell Wren to get the h.e.l.l out of there, when he swore he heard Delilah growl. Actually growl, like a wild animal. He glanced down at her, shocked at the ferocious look on her face, noting her rosy cheeks, her damp lips. Lips hed been seconds from kissing.

That growl had been sort of hot.

Go away, Delilah demanded, her eyes blazing as she glared at Wren.

Delilah, Lane chastised, surprised shed speak so meanly to her friend.

Hey, no harm, no foul. Wren threw her hands up in front of her and backed away, the giant s.h.i.+t-eating grin on her face a dead giveaway that she knew exactly what shed just broken up. Ill see you two kids later, she said just before she scurried her little b.u.t.t out of there.

Lane turned to Delilah, frowning as she took a deep breath and blew it out shakily while smoothing back her hair. What was that all about?

She dropped her arm, her expression incredulous. Do you really have to ask?

Well. No. But her vicious reaction to Wrens unexpected appearance truly had shocked him. You seemed pretty angry at Wren.

I was. Then when he stared at her stupidly, she clarified: Angry at Wren. Thats what she did to him. Rendered him stupid when he got too close. Her beauty, her mouth, her intoxicating scent . . . it hit him hard and turned him into an imbecile. Ive been waiting for this moment for what feels like forever and she goes and blows it by having to what? Use the restroom? Her timing is freaking impeccable.

He might have found Delilahs outburst amusing if he wasnt as frustrated as she was. Youve been waiting for what moment?

Growling again, she threw her arms out, her hands landing on his chest. With more force than he expected, she shoved him away from her and he went stumbling back, gaping at her while she sent him a look that clearly said screw you. Before he could stop her, she pushed past him and for a moment he could do nothing but let her go.

It took everything in him not to stop her but then, like an idiot, he let her go.

Delilah made her way down the hall before she turned to glare at him, her eyes glowing in the dim light. I swear to G.o.d, youre the most ignorant person Ive ever met in my life. Do you do that on purpose or what?

Do I do what on purpose? He scratched at the center of his chest, hating how his heart was still beating erratically, so hard it felt like it was going to bust right through his rib cage.

They stared at each other for a long, quiet moment. He could hear the m.u.f.fled voices coming from outside, the kitchen door slamming. Most likely it was Wren making her way to the backyard. He hoped like h.e.l.l she wouldnt spread rumors about what she just saw.

Knowing his sister, shed probably tell Harper. And West. And anyone else with ears. She had a big enough mouth.

You make me insane, Delilah finally said, her voice . . . sad? Well, h.e.l.l he hadnt expected that. Irritation yes. That was the name of their game. But upsetting her? Making her sad? Making her look so d.a.m.n . . . hopeless?

He didnt like that. At all. But what could he say? What could he do to make it better? He was an expert at his job. Could handle any tough situation thrown at him. But when it came to women"when it came to this particular woman"he was clueless.

Figures youd have no reply, she muttered. With a roll of her eyes and a flick of her ponytail, she started to walk away but he caught up with her in three long strides, grasping her slender arm so she couldnt escape. She glanced over her shoulder at him, those big brown eyes wide and full of so many questions. Questions he wasnt prepared to answer.

Im sorry, he murmured, his voice low, his stomach doing weird flip-flops when her gaze dropped to his mouth and seemed to linger there. The electric buzz was still there, sizzling between them, pinging between their bodies, and he felt as if every hair was standing on end.

You say that a lot, you know. She sighed and carefully disentangled her arm from his hold. He immediately missed touching her. It doesnt have to be this difficult.

She was right. He fought the attraction they had for each other constantly. I dont know if you understand what exactly Im struggling with . . .

I think you struggle with the same thing I do. Youre just not brave enough to go for it. She stared him down but he refused to flinch. Delilah had basically just called him a coward. And that hurt. I dont know how much more obvious I need to be.

Dee" He started but she reached toward him, her fingers settling on his parted lips; that tiny, seemingly innocent touch searing him to his very soul. But there was nothing innocent about Delilah. Not when it came to the two of them together. She knew just how her touch affected him. And he knew he had the same effect on her.

She lifted her gaze to his once more. You know we want each other.

His entire body went stiff. Especially his d.i.c.k.

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The Wildwood: Smolder Part 2 summary

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