Surrendering To The Dragon Part 22

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Kai raised his brows. "Are you well enough to take this on?"

"Of course I am," Nikki stated. "My wing may still be tender, but there's a lot I can do without flying. I'm sure Dr. Sid would agree with that."

Rafe rubbed circles on her lower back. The circular motion eased some of her tension. Without him saying a word, she knew Rafe would back her up.

Kai a.s.sessed her for a second before nodding. "All right, then I need to make my proposal to Bram. I want you two to rest up until Aaron arrives back from Ireland this afternoon. I want you both at that briefing. Unless you have any other pressing questions, you can leave."

"When will you find out Bram's answer, Kai?" Nikki asked.

"Soon," Kai answered. "I'll talk to you after Aaron's briefing." He paused a second before adding, "But feel free to brainstorm ideas in the meantime. You two are like me in that once you have a possible mission, you just want to get started."

Nikki eyed Kai. "I'm grateful for the understanding, but I'm surprised you aren't protesting or barking orders."

"You warning the clan of the attack instead of taking them on yourself, even with your history related to the dragon hunters, proved to me you are ready for more responsibility. Don't disappoint my judgment, Nikki," Kai answered.

Her dragon spoke up. It looks as if you're finally getting the recognition you so desperately wanted.

You seem a bit underwhelmed.

I am. I don't need the clan's approval to know I'm brilliant, and so are you.

Aware everyone was waiting for her to answer, she stopped talking to her beast. "I won't disappoint you, Kai. The fact you're willing to help me keep a male you don't much care for means a lot to me."

Kai grumbled. "Hartley isn't too bad."

Rafe snorted. "Don't sound too happy about it."

Jane frowned. "Rafe, don't make the situation worse. Your actions this week changed Kai's mind about you quite a bit."

Kai grunted, and Nikki bit her lip to keep from laughing at the look on his face. Apparently, Jane had shared too much.

Looking up at Rafe's profile, Nikki would fight to have the same comfort and trust with her human as Kai did with his.

Her beast snarled. No one will take him away from us. He is ours.

Needing the comfort of Rafe's touch, she leaned against his side, and he lightly patted her hip. Rafe nodded at Kai. "We'll be at the meeting. In the meantime, I'm going to take care of Nikki."

"Good. We'll see you this afternoon."

After Jane waved farewell, Rafe guided Nikki out of Kai and Jane's cottage. When they were far enough away from any cottage, she whispered, "Do you really think we can find evidence linking Christie to the hunters?"

"If anything exists, no matter how small, I will find it."

Nikki hated to doubt, but she couldn't resist replying, "How do you know?"

Rafe stopped and cupped her cheek. "Because I'm fighting for the greatest prize of my life. And I'll be d.a.m.ned if I ever give you up."

She placed a hand over her lower belly. "For our child."

"Not just our daughter, but also for you. I intend to make you my family, Nikki. And I will do whatever it takes to win that right."

The honesty in his eyes made her eyes p.r.i.c.kle. She could try to blame it on pregnancy hormones, but she wouldn't. "You should try asking me if you've won that right. Because if you had, then you'd already know that I want you as my family, too, Rafe Hartley."

Running the backs of his fingers down her cheek, he murmured, "Tell me again."

Placing her hands on his chest, she leaned close and whispered, "I want to start a family with you."

"'Start' might be the wrong word since we already have something cooking in the oven."

"Do you always have to focus so closely on the details?"

He grinned. "Of course. That's my job."

Rolling her eyes, Nikki replied, "Fine, then make a family with you. Is that better?"

"Yes," he whispered before kissing her gently. "Although, we might have to do a lot more 'making' in the future. For practice, of course. I say the next nine months should make us experts."

"Then how about we do some practicing now since we have some time?"

"And here I thought you'd want to think of ideas on how to find proof on Christie."

Nikki leaned even closer until the hard tips of her nipples brushed Rafe's chest. "Who says we can't do both at the same time? Unless you're not able to do anything else when using your d.i.c.k?"

"Of course I can." He cupped her a.r.s.e possessively. "But I may need some practice to hone my skills. I give you permission to torture me with your tongue until I can answer questions coherently. No matter how long it takes."

She snorted. "Right, that's the reason."

"Okay, maybe your preview this morning makes me wonder what else you can do. Torturing takes skill, after all." Rafe swore. "Sorry, Nikki. I didn't mean to bring it up. I'm an a.r.s.ehole."

"At one time, the word might've triggered a memory. But right now, all it does is remind me of how you torture me with your tongue."

Searching her eyes, he murmured, "Then maybe I should do it a bit more, just to cement the connection. I only want happy memories for you, Nikki. Let me give this to you."

She raised her brows. "Is Rafe Hartley going soft? I never thought I'd see the day."

"Woman, be quiet. I'm trying to help you."

Rafe kissed her again. As he gently explored her mouth, Nikki sighed.

As he expressed his true feelings with his touch, she took the time to memorize his taste and the way it felt to be pressed up against his heat. She was going to need the memories to motivate her in the future because she had a feeling the times ahead were going to be rough.

Then we'll fight, her beast growled.

Yes, yes they would.

A few hours later, Rafe sat with Nikki at his side inside Bram's office. Also in attendance were Kai, Jane, Bram, and Evie. Everyone was waiting for Aaron Caruso to show up. Rafe crossed his arms over his chest. "He's late."

Before anyone could answer, Aaron Caruso, along with Quinn and Sebastian, walked into the room. All the dragon-s.h.i.+fters standing in the room made it feel much smaller than it really was.

Aaron nodded to Kai and Bram. "There was a last minute request from Glenlough, which is why we're late."

Bram crossed his arms over his chest. "Aye, but where's Brenna? All of you were supposed to report to this meeting."

Aaron shared a glance with Quinn before he finally answered, "She's still with Glenlough."

"Explain," Bram demanded.

Aaron didn't hesitate. "The Irish required a 'guest' in exchange for us leaving and sharing one particular secret. If I tell the wrong people, Brenna will be executed."

Kai raised his brows. "And what is this secret?"

Aaron looked to Rafe and then back to Kai. "Are you sure you want the human to hear it?"

Rafe opened his mouth to reply, but Bram cut him off. "Rafe has earned his right to be here. Whatever you have to say, it'll stay in this room."

Aaron gave Rafe one more doubtful glance before shrugging. "If you say so. The secret is huge, though."

Kai grunted. "Just spit it out, Aaron."

"Fine, fine." Aaron put out his hands. "Killian O'Shea isn't the leader of Clan Glenlough."

"What?" everyone asked at the same time.

Aaron smiled. "I told you it was a huge secret."

"Aaron," Bram said in warning as he took a step toward the dragon-s.h.i.+fter. "Get to the point."

"Their leader is actually Killian's sister, Teagan. Apparently, Glenlough has a history of female leaders," Aaron answered.

"A female leader," Nikki murmured. "I had always thought they were myths."

"Don't get any ideas, Nikki. At least, until I'm dead," Bram said. He then looked to Aaron. "What's the reason for the deception?"

"To most males, hearing 'female' equates 'weaker.' To avoid proving herself over and over again, a male is always the public face of the clan."

"Just something else we need to try to change," Nikki muttered.

Jane leaned forward. "You don't suppose I could talk to this Teagan, do you?"

Before Aaron could answer, Kai jumped in. "First, tell us if the mission was successful. My guess is that the Glenlough didn't want electronic or even voice communications in case someone was listening."

Aaron nodded. "There were quite a few reasons for the restrictions, which I'm not yet able to disclose. However, I worked with Killian-who is Glenlough's head Protector-and we found the few dragon hunters looking for recruits. They had no idea we were looking for them." He looked to Rafe. "For that, thank your source." Rafe nodded and Aaron continued, "If Bourne thought picking off Glenlough would be easy, he should now think differently."

"I don't like the secrecy, but I'm glad the hunters didn't succeed with Glenlough," Bram replied. "What are the stipulations for Brenna's return? I have a feeling they were reasonable, or you never would've left her."

Rafe was starting to see how much Bram trusted certain members of his clan. It took a lot of faith to delegate high priority duties and decisions.

"Teagan wants an in-person meeting with you. Until that happens, Brenna volunteered to stay." Aaron smiled. "Not that volunteering was any hards.h.i.+p for her, I think. Brenna was rather taken with the idea of a female leader."

"I will arrange a meeting as soon as I can. But we have some more pressing issues to deal with." Bram dismissed Quinn and Sebastian. Once the pair were gone, Bram explained about Jonathan Christie's appointment and Rafe's idea to find concrete evidence linking Christie to the hunters.

It looked like Rafe and Nikki's plan had been approved.

Bram continued, "The human male we need to find used a fake name, but Zain managed a composite sketch before the prisoners were handed over to the human authorities."

Aaron looked around the room. "So you want to connect the person with the highest authority over our kind to a staged hunter attack and all we have is a b.l.o.o.d.y composite sketch from a bunch of rebel hunters?"

"Aye," Bram answered.

Rafe half-expected Aaron to moan, but instead, the dragonman slapped his hands together and rubbed them. "When do we get started?"

Bram wrapped his arm around Evie and squeezed. "Evie's trying to find out what she can with the DDA." He waved toward Jane. "Jane is trying to find the source for the video footage of Nikki being shot down that was used on the broadcast." He pointed to Nikki and Rafe. "You'll be working with those two on identifying the man behind the attack."

Rafe met Aaron's gaze. After the dragonman had a.s.sessed him a second, he looked to Nikki. "So that means you'll be my boss for this a.s.signment?"

Nikki smiled. "I'm in charge of the Stonefire contingent, so I guess yes, that does make me your boss."

Aaron winked and Rafe was tempted to growl. However, Nikki leaned against his side, cooling his jealousy at the dragonman flirting. Nikki only had eyes for him. Rafe needed to remember that.

Bram spoke up again. "Everything said here today stays in this room. Zain can be included as he already knows all this anyway and probably can provide more information from his interrogations. But no one else."

Nikki chimed in. "Not even Melanie? If there was anyone who could think of ideas to help, it would be her."

Bram shook his head. "Not yet. The last thing I need is for her children to be targeted because she's helping us."

"But you and Evie are helping, and you have two children," Nikki pointed out.

Bram stared straight at Nikki. "Melanie will be informed later if I think she can help. For now, this is in our hands."

Even Rafe understood the dominance in Bram's voice and wasn't surprised when Nikki nodded.

"So the fate of all dragon-s.h.i.+fters in the UK rests on our ability to show the DDA Director is a b.a.s.t.a.r.d?" Aaron asked. "Right, then. We should have this done within the week."

Rafe sighed. Working with Aaron was going to be the ultimate test of his patience.

But meeting Nikki's gaze, he knew he would do much worse than working with an annoying dragonman to stay with her. Even a month ago, he never would've imagined Stonefire would feel like home. But between his feelings for Nikki, Bram, and Kai trusting him to help with the future of the clan, and him even begrudgingly starting to like his sister's mate, Rafe was home. Now all he had to do was protect it with his life.

Chapter Twenty.

Aaron sprawled out on Nikki and Rafe's couch. From the frown on the human male's face, Aaron was succeeding in irritating him.

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Surrendering To The Dragon Part 22 summary

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