Surrendering To The Dragon Part 23

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His dragon huffed. We're supposed to work with him. The sooner we do, the sooner we can try to set up a meeting with Teagan.

Not this again.

We only saw her right before we left. She's intriguing. I want to know more.

Our duty is here. Forget the b.l.o.o.d.y female.

You try too hard to forget her.

No, I don't.

His beast harrumphed and fell silent. Aaron rarely tried lying to his dragon, but the Irish leader was a problem he definitely didn't need. The politics between clans was tenuous at best.

So, to forget the tall female with raven black hair and moss green eyes, he worked harder at irritating Hartley by lying down on the couch, dirty shoes and all.

Rafe finally spoke up. "Get your b.l.o.o.d.y boots off my furniture."

Aaron wiggled in place. "But it's so comfortable. I'm tempted to take a nap. I haven't slept in over a day, you know."

"That isn't my f.u.c.king problem. You're here to help us pour through Zain's information. Unless you can learn through osmosis, get your a.r.s.e up and help."

He half-expected Nikki to tell Rafe to go easy on him, but Nikki said, "You may not have to listen to Rafe, but I'm in charge for this particular mission. Either get up or get out, Aaron. Irritating Rafe isn't part of your job description."

With a sigh, he sat up. "Are you sure? You two are so lovey dovey these days that I felt someone needs to irritate him. Otherwise, he might start getting ideas about being stronger than a dragon-s.h.i.+fter."

Rafe growled, but Nikki put a hand on his shoulder. "You might not have much riding on this mission, but I do. So, either help or leave, Aaron, because your behavior is taking time away from securing my future."

Aaron studied Nikki a second before standing and answering, "You sound more like Kai than the Nikki Gray I know."

Nikki raised her chin. "A lot has changed. So, what's it to be?"

With a sigh, Aaron sat down at the kitchen table. "What do I need to do?"

Nikki picked up a file and held it out. Before he could s.n.a.t.c.h it, she pulled back. "Are you going to take this seriously?" He nodded, and she handed over the information. "We have the composite sketch of the escaped hunter and know he has a Yorks.h.i.+re accent. However, we need to narrow our search parameters. Zain collected details on a number of hideouts, meeting places, and even addresses of some of the Leeds hunters. No doubt, some have scattered by now. But we need to narrow the list down to a more manageable number." She waved toward the file. "So highlight what you think might be the best places for the escaped hunter known as Toby to lay low."

Aaron thumbed through the stack of papers. "What happens if I find the information first?"

Nikki narrowed her eyes, "Then I don't kick your a.r.s.e out of my home."

He grinned. "Fair enough."

Rafe kicked him under the table. "Stop grinning at the mother of my child and get to work."

Aaron debated pus.h.i.+ng Rafe's b.u.t.tons but his dragon sighed. Nikki is pale. If you tease him, it will irritate her. Be nice to the pregnant female. Would you want someone doing the same if it were your female?

Probably not.

Good. Then behave. Because when we have a pregnant mate, you'll understand Rafe's point of view.

Aaron paused in skimming the interrogation transcripts. We don't even have a girlfriend. You're getting ahead of yourself, dragon.

In response, his dragon sat smugly in the back of his mind.

s.h.i.+t. His dragon had an idea for a female to impregnate, and Aaron had a feeling he knew who his dragon wanted.

He'd just have to focus on his work. Because if it was a certain green-eyed female, Aaron didn't need that headache. No matter how pretty or feisty she might be.

Nikki was doing her best to keep her lunch down. The scent of vanilla that ran through the house was making her want to throw up. Which was odd, considering it used to be her favorite scent.

Her beast spoke up. Then sit next to Rafe. His scent will calm our stomach.

But in front of Aaron? I think he's finally taking me seriously. I don't want to appear weak.

Her dragon huffed. You can be stubborn or practical. One will help you accomplish your goal faster than the other.

Rafe laid a hand on her back and gently pushed her toward the table. He never took his eyes off the papers in front of him.

Her human was urging her to take it easy while not embarra.s.sing her in front of Aaron.

Sometimes, it was hard to believe Rafe Hartley had ever broken her heart.

Her dragon spoke up again. He's changed. For us.

Rafe then moved his hand to her a.r.s.e and squeezed. It took everything she had not to smile at him secretly feeling her up in front of company. Two could play at that game.

Sitting next to him, she placed a hand on his leg and ran it close to his groin. His muscles tensed under her hand. With a light squeeze, she removed her hand and focused on the work in front of her. As she still felt as if she were going to lose the contents of her stomach, Nikki inched closer to Rafe. As her male's scent replaced the vanilla, her stomach settled.

Just as she picked up the stack of papers in front of her, Rafe tapped the ones in front of him. "I think I found something."

"What?" Nikki asked as she leaned closer.

Rafe met her eyes and then Aaron's as he answered, "Most of those we captured are from Seacroft."

Aaron frowned. "Does that mean something?"

"Probably not to dragon-s.h.i.+fters. But to humans in the UK, it's rather well known as a dodgy part of Leeds." Nikki raised her brows and Rafe continued. "It's full of high unemployment, crime, and more than a few boarded-up dwellings. The hunters tend to recruit young people from the economically disadvantaged areas of Britain. Seacroft definitely fits the bill."

"But do you really think this Toby escapee would return to Seacroft? Was he even from there?" Nikki asked.

Rafe shook his head. "None of the prisoners Zain interviewed knew where he was from in Yorks.h.i.+re, although some thought Leeds. But if I were him and wanted a place to blend in and hide, there are plenty of places to do it in Seacroft. The Yorks.h.i.+re accent is distinct, but wouldn't stick out there. It would also be easy to move places if he thought someone was on his trail, especially compared to a rural farm or cottage."

Nikki asked another question. "And how big is the area, exactly? Are there a lot of people?"

"Actually, it's a highly populated area with over 10,000 people," Rafe stated.

Aaron waved a hand toward the paper. "Even if this Toby bloke is hiding there, is there anything in those notes so far that narrows down where he might be?"

"I haven't found anything yet. But, I think it's time for me and Nikki to reach out to our contacts and see what we can find. While we do that, you can go through the rest of the transcripts. Highlight any locations, find a map, and mark them out. Maybe a pattern will develop. We might even find one of the hunter dens in the process."

Aaron sighed. "I forgot what it was like to do grunt work."

Nikki met Aaron's gaze. "Not every job we do is glorious, but it doesn't make it any less important."

She felt Rafe's gaze on her. Yes, she was using his words as encouragement. He could tease her later.

Spreading out some papers, Aaron nodded. "Right, then I'll get to work. Keep me in the loop about what you find."

"Of course," Nikki answered. Rafe stood and she followed suit. "Let's reconvene in two hours." Aaron nodded and Nikki wrapped her arm around Rafe's waist. "The secure lines are at central command."

Rafe gave Aaron a piercing glare. "Don't destroy my home while I'm gone."

"I wouldn't think of it," Aaron answered with a wink.

Rafe groaned. Sensing the pair could argue for a long while, Nikki tugged Rafe's waist. "Come on. Don't let him get to you. He does it on purpose."

Her male surprised her by following her lead. As soon as they were out the door, she looked up at him. "That was rather easy."

"The sooner we can locate the b.a.s.t.a.r.d, the sooner you can rest and let me take care of you."


"No, don't deny it. You were green earlier and about ready to vomit. Between your injuries and your pregnancy, you could do with a little pampering."

She sighed. "Maybe. But there's too much to do. And I can't let this one go, too, Rafe. Ireland I could understand, but I'm well enough to help this time. Besides, I don't want anyone else to suffer before we find this Toby."

He kissed her forehead and murmured, "They won't. We're clever and can figure this out."

"I sense a 'but.'"

"But, you need to tell me when you need my help. I learned a lot about reading expressions and body language whilst you were in your dragon form for nearly a week. But I'm not a b.l.o.o.d.y mind reader."

The corner of her mouth ticked up. "And here I thought you could do everything."

"Nikki," Rafe growled.

She chuckled. "Okay. Asking for help in my personal life is difficult, but I'll try."

"Don't try, do."

After sticking her tongue out at him, Nikki picked up her pace and Rafe matched her strides. She changed the subject. "I think we should involve Jane in this."

The corner of Rafe's mouth ticked up. "I was thinking the same thing. She might have connections that can help since she's done a few stories in that area."

Nikki didn't miss Rafe's deliberate attempt at being broad to keep it from unwanted ears, which she'd expected given his soldier background. "If she agrees and wants to go undercover to ask questions, I wish I could see Kai's face when she tells him her plan."

Rafe shrugged. "Jane can be quite persuasive, even with your oh-so-wonderful head Protector."

"Of course. She just needs to show a little cleavage." Rafe groaned and Nikki laughed. "You're so easy to tease."

In the next second, Rafe tightened his grip on her waist and tickled her side with his other hand. Nikki couldn't do anything but laugh. But as he continued, her head started to spin.

Her dragon spoke up. Tell him to stop.


He heard the plea in her voice and immediately stopped. "What's wrong, love? Are you okay?"

Leaning against his side, Nikki tried not to think about him calling her love. "I'm not sure if I'm going to faint or throw up. Either way, your tickle session is going to have to wait."

He searched her eyes. "Of course. I can refrain as long as you like."

"Not forever, Rafe. Just for a little bit. I love your playful side. It's been a long time coming out, and I don't want you to ever hide it."

As he rubbed her back, he murmured, "I was much more playful as a boy, but never had a reason to use it as an adult. Until you wrestled it out of me. Almost quite literally in your father's house when you pinned and tickled me."

She snorted. "I was just trying to outsmart you is all." He grunted, and she looked up to his eyes. "In all seriousness, I treasure the fact I could bring out the fun-loving side of you again. It'll much better prepare you for our child if he or she takes after me."

He gave a slow smile and placed his hand over her abdomen. "I hope for a little girl just like you."

Laying her hand over his, she simply stared and smiled at her human.

Even a week ago, the thought of raising a baby would've sent Nikki on a frantic run the other way. But staring up into the eyes of the male she loved, she looked forward to the adventure.

For a split second, panic flared at realizing she loved Rafe Hartley. But as he laid a gentle kiss on her lips, his touch and taste reminded her of all he had done over the last few weeks for her. In her gut, she knew Rafe would never abandon their child. He had yet to say he loved her, but maybe, just maybe, one day he'd feel the same as her. Then Nikki might avoid what had happened to her father and find her happy ending after all.

Her dragon grunted. About time you realized he will make us happy. Next, you need to mate him.

Give me time, dragon. I just b.l.o.o.d.y realized my feelings. I'm not about to scare him off and ruin our mission.

Then just make sure to fight for him. Otherwise, I will make your life extremely difficult.

Her dragon had never outright threatened her before. Is that a threat?

Yes. Don't screw up our chance for a happy life because of what our mother did.

As she tried to think of a way to respond to that, Rafe's voice interrupted the conversation with her dragon. "I'd love to stand here all day snogging you, but the sooner we find information to capture that b.a.s.t.a.r.d, the sooner we can set about outing Jonathan Christie and work on securing our future."

Her heart thumping hard, she asked, "So you do want to stay?"

"Of course I do, woman. How many times do I need to say it?" Lightly caressing her cheek, his voice was gentler as he added, "After all, I want to win the bet about our child being a girl."

Growling, she shook her head. "We never bet on that."

"I think we should. Because I always pay my debts, and if I do lose, I'll be here to pay out."

She sighed. "Fine. I'll say boy because dragon-s.h.i.+fters tend to have more boys than girls."

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Surrendering To The Dragon Part 23 summary

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