Manual of Gardening Part 27

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It is obviously impossible to make any accurate or definite list of plants in terms of their height, but the beginner may be aided by approximate measurements. The following lists are made from Bulletin 161 of the Cornell Experiment Station, which gives tabular data on many annuals grown at Ithaca, N.Y. Seeds of most of the kinds were sown in the open, rather late. "The soil varied somewhat, but it was light and well tilled, and only moderately rich." Ordinary good care was given the plants. The average height of the plants of each kind at full growth, as they stood on the ground, is given in these lists. Of course, these heights might be less or more with different soils, different treatments, and different climates; but the figures are fairly comparable among themselves.

The measurements are based on the stock supplied by leading seedsmen under the trade names here given. It is not unlikely that some of the discrepancies were due to mixture of seed or to stock being untrue to type; some of it may have been due to soil conditions. The same name may be found in two divisions in some instances, the plants having been grown from different lots of seeds. The lists will indicate to the grower what variations he may expect in any large lot of seeds.

Seedsmen's catalogues should be consulted for what the trade considers to be the proper and normal heights for the different plants.

Plants 6-8 in. high

Abronia umbellata grandiflora.

Alyssum compactum.

Callirrhoe involucrata.

G.o.detia, Bijou, Lady Albemarle, and Lady Satin Rose.

Gypsophila muralis.

Kaulfussia amelloides.

Leptosiphon hybridus.

Linaria Maroccana.

Lobelia Erinus and Erinus Elegant.

Nemophila atomaria, discoidalis, insignis, and maculata.

Nolana lanceolata, paradoxa, prostrata, and atriplicifolia.

Podolepis chrysantha and affinis.


Rhodanthe Manglesii.

Sedum caeruleum.

Silene pendula ruberrima.


Plants 9-12 in. high


Asperula setosa azurea.

Brachycome iberidifolia.

Calandrinia umbellata elegans.

Callirrhoe pedata nana.

Centaurea Cya.n.u.s Victoria Dwarf Compact.

Centranthus macrosiphon na.n.u.s.

Collinsia bicolor, candidissima and multicolor marmorata.

Convolvulus minor and tricolor.

Eschscholtzia crocea.

Gamolepis Tagetes.

Gilia laciniata and linifolia.

G.o.detia d.u.c.h.ess of Albany, Prince of Wales, Fairy Queen, Brilliant, grandiflora maculata, Whitneyi, Duke of Fife, rubicunda splendens.

Helipterum corymbiflorum.

Iberis affinis.

Kaulfussia amelloides atroviolacea, and a. kermesina.

Leptosiphon androsaceus and densiflorus.

Linaria bipart.i.ta splendida.

Matthiola dwarf Forcing Snowflake, Wallflower-leaved.

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum.

Mimulus cupreus.

Nemophila atomaria oculata and marginata.


Nolana atriplicifolia.

Omphalodes linifolia.

oenothera rosea and tetraptera.

Phlox, Large-flowering Dwarf and Dwarf s...o...b..ll.

Rhodanthe maculata.

Saponaria Calabrica.

Schizanthus pinnatus.

Silene Armeria and pendula.


Viscaria oculata cserulea.

Plants 13-17 in. high

Abronia umbellata.

Acroclinium alb.u.m and roseum.

Brachycome iberidifolia alba.

Browallia Czerniakowski and elata.


Calandrinia grandiflora.

Calendula sulphurea flore pleno.

Chrysanthemum carinatum.

Collomia coccinea.

Convolvulus minor and minor unicaulis.

Dianthus, the Margaret varieties, Dwarf Perpetual, Caryophyllus semperflorens, Chinensis, dentosus hybridus, Heddewigii, imperialis, laciniatus, plumarius, superbus dwarf, picotee, Comtesse de Paris.

Elsholtzia cristata.

Eschscholtzia Californica, Mandarin, maritima and tenuifolia.

Gaillardia picta.

Gilia achillesefolia alba and nivalis.

Helipterum Sanfordii.

Hieracium, Bearded.

Iberis amara, coronaria Empress, coronaria White Rocket, Sweet-scented, umbellata, umbellata carnea, and umbellata lilacina.

Leptosiphon carmineus.

Lupinus na.n.u.s, sulphureus.

Malope grandiflora.

Matthiola, Wallflower-leaved and Virginian stock.

Mirabilis alba.


oenothera Lamarckiana.

Palafoxia Hookeriana.

Papaver, s.h.i.+rley and glauc.u.m.


Phlox of many kinds.

Salvia Horminum.

Schizanthus papilionaceus.

Statice Thouini and superba.

Tagetes, Pride of the Garden and Dwarf.

Tropaeolum, many kinds of dwarf.

Venidium calendulaceum.

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Manual of Gardening Part 27 summary

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