Manual of Gardening Part 28

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Verbena of several kinds.

Viscaria Coeli-rosa, elegans picta, oculata, and oculata alba.

Whitlavia gloxinioides.

Plants 18-23 in. high

Adonis aestivalis and autumnalis.

Amarantus atropurpureus.

Calendula officinalis, Meteor, suffruticosa, and pluvialis.

Calliopsis bicolor marmorata.

Callirrhoe pedata.

Centaurea Cya.n.u.s minor Blue and suaveolens.

Centranthus macrosiphon.

Chrysanthemum Burridgeanum, carinatum, tricolor Dunnettii.

Cosmidium Burridgeanum.

Delphinium (annual).

Eutoca Wrangeliana.

Gaillardia picta (Fig. 245), Lorenziana.

Gilia achilleaefolia, a. rosea and tricolor.

Helichrysum atrosanguineum.

Ipomoea coccinea.

Linum grandiflorum.

Loasa tricolor.

Lupinus albus, hirsutus and p.u.b.escens.

Malope grandiflora alba.

Matricaria eximia plena.

Matthiola, several kinds.

oenothera Drummondii.

Papaver Mephisto, cardinale, c. hybridum, c. Danebrog, umbrosum.

Tagetes patula and signata.

Vicia Gerardii.

Whitlavia grandiflora and g. alba.

Xeranthemum alb.u.m and multiflorum alb.u.m.

Zinnias of many kinds (all not mentioned in other lists).

Plants 24-30 in. high

Bartonia aurea.

Calendula officinalis fl. pl., Prince of Orange and Pongei.

Calliopsis elegans picta.

Cardiospermum Halicacab.u.m.

Carduus benedictus.

Centaurea Cya.n.u.s minor Emperor William.

Cheiranthus Cheiri.

Chrysanthemum tricolor, t. hybridum and coronarium sulphureum fl. pl.

Clarkia elegans rosea.

Datura cornucopia.

Erysimum Arkansanum and Perofskianum.

Eutoca viscida.

Gilia capitata alba.

Helichrysum bracteatum and macranthum.

Hibiscus Africa.n.u.s.

Impatiens, all varieties.

Lupinus hirsutus pilosus.

Matthiola Blood-red Ten Weeks, Cut and Come Again, grandiflora, annuus, and others.

Mirabilis Jalapa folio variegata and longiflora alba.

Papaver, American Flag, Mikado and Double.

Perilla laciniata and Nankinensis.

Salvia farinacea.

Tagetes Eldorado, Nugget of Gold, erecta fl. pl.

Xeranthemum annuum and superbissimum fl. pl.

Zinnia elegans alba fl. pl.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 245. Gaillardia, one of the showy garden annuals.]

Plants 31-40 in. high

Acroclinium, double rose and white.

Adonis aestivalis.

Ageratum Mexicanum alb.u.m and blue.

Amarantus bicolor ruber.

Argemone grandiflora.

Centaurea Americana.

Centauridium Drummondii.

Cerinthe retorta. {c. double yellow.

Chrysanthemum coronarium alb.u.m and Clarkia elegans alba fl. pl.

Cleome spinosa.

Cyclanthera pedata.

Datura fastuosa and New Golden Euphorbia marginata. {Queen.

Gilia capitata alba.

Helianthus Dwarf double and cucu- Hibiscus Golden Bowl. {merifolius.

Lavatera trimestris.

Madia elegans.

Martynia craniolaria.

Salvia coccinea.

Plants 41 in. and above.

Adonis autumnalis.

Helianthus of several garden kinds (not mentioned elsewhere).

Ricinus, all varieties.

And many climbing vines.

_Distances for planting annuals_ (or plants treated as annuals).

Only an approximate idea can be given of the distances apart at which annuals should be planted, for not only does the distance depend on the fertility of the land (the stronger the soil the greater the distance), but also on the object the person has in growing the plants, whether to produce a solid ma.s.s effect or to secure strong specimen plants with large individual bloom. If specimen plants are to be raised, the distances should be liberal.

The distances here given for some of the commoner annuals may be considered to represent average or usual s.p.a.ces that single plants may occupy under ordinary conditions in flowerbeds, although it would probably be impossible to find any two gardeners or seedsmen who would agree on the details. These are suggestions rather than recommendations.

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Manual of Gardening Part 28 summary

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