Manual of Gardening Part 33

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Heavier foliage.


Day Lily, _Funkia subcordata._ 18 in. August-October. Trumpet, lily-like, pure-white flowers in cl.u.s.ters, borne upon a stalk from the midst of a group of heart-shaped green leaves.

_F. lancifolia_ var. _albo-marginata._ July-August. Lavender flowers.

Lance-like leaves margined with white.

Flame Flower, _Kniphofia aloides (Tritoma Uvaria_). 3 ft.

August-September. Bright orange-scarlet flowers, in close, dense spikes, at the summit of several scape-like stems. Leaves slender, forming a large tuft. For lawn and borders. Hardy only when covered with litter or straw in winter.

Cardinal Flower, _Lobelia cardinalis._(A) 2-1/4-4 ft. August-September.

Flowers intense cardinal-red, of unrivaled brilliancy. Tall spikes.

Stems cl.u.s.tered; erect.

Giant Daisy, _Chrysanthemum_ (or _Pyrethrum) uliginosum._ 3-5 ft.

July-October. Flowers white, with golden centers. About 2 in. across. A stout, upright, bushy plant. Useful for cutting.

Golden Glow, _Rudbeckia laciniata._(A) 6-7 ft. August-September. Large double golden-yellow flowers in great profusion. Bushy habit. Cut off when done flowering. Leaves appear at the base and a new crop of flowers, on stems about 1 ft. high, appear in October.

Goldenrod, _Solidago rigida._(A) 3-5 ft. August-October. Flowers large for this genus, in close, short racemes in a corymbose-paniculate cl.u.s.ter. Fine, deep yellow. Erect habit. One of the best of the goldenrods.


j.a.panese Wind-flower, _Anemone j.a.ponica._ 2 ft. August-October. Flowers large, bright red. One of the best autumn flowers.

_A. j.a.ponica_ var. _alba._ Flowers pure white, with yellow centers. Fine for cutting.


_Hardy Chrysanthemums._ The Chinese and j.a.panese Chrysanthemums, so well known, are hardy in light, well-drained soils, if well protected with litter or leaves during the winter, and in such situations will stand without protection south of Indianapolis. Chrysanthemums are gross feeders, and should have a rich soil.

But there is a race of hardier or border chrysanthemums that is again coming into favor, and it is sure to give much satisfaction to those who desire flowers in latest fall. These chrysanthemums are much like the "artemisias" of our mother's gardens, although improved in size, form, and in range of color.

_One hundred extra-hardy perennial herbs._

The following list of 100 "best hardy perennials" is adapted from a report of the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario. These plants are chosen from over 1000 species and varieties that have been on trial at that place. Those considered to be the best twenty-five for Canada are marked by a dagger (D); and those native to North America by an asterisk (A).

_Achillea Ptarmica flore pleno._--Height, 1 foot; in bloom fourth week of June; flowers, small, pure white, double, and borne in cl.u.s.ters; blooming freely throughout the summer. (D)

_Aconitum autumnale._--Height, 3 to 4 feet; September; flowers, bluish purple, borne in loose panicles.

_Aconitum Napellus._--Height, 3 to 4 feet; July; flowers, deep blue, borne on a large terminal spike; desirable for the rear of the border.

_Adonis vernalis._--Height, 6 to 9 inches; first week of May; flowers, large, lemon-yellow, borne singly from the ends of the stems.

_Agrostemma (Lychnis) Coronaria_ var. _atropurpurea._--Height, 1 to 2 feet; fourth week of June; flowers, medium size, bright crimson, borne singly from the sides and ends of the stems; a very showy plant with silvery foliage, and continues to bloom throughout the summer.

_Anemone patens._(A)--Height 6 to 9 inches; fourth week of April; flowers, large, and deep purple.

_Anthemis tinctoria_ var. _Kelwayi._--Height, 1 to 2 feet; fourth week of June; flowers, large, deep yellow, borne singly on long stems; it continues to bloom profusely throughout the summer; is very showy and valuable for cutting. (D)

_Aquilegia Canadensis._(A)--Height, 1 to 1-1/2 feet; third week of May; flowers, medium size, red and yellow.

_Aquilegia chrysantha._(A)--Height, 3 to 4 feet; fourth week of June; flowers, large, bright lemon-yellow, with long slender spurs; much later than other columbines. (D)

_Aquilegia coerulea._(A)--Height, 1 to 1-1/2 feet; fourth week of May; flowers, large, deep blue with white center and long spurs. (D)

_Aquilegia glandulosa._--Height, 1 foot; third week of May; flowers, large, deep blue with white center and short spurs.

_Aquilegia oxysepala._--Height, 1 foot; second week in May; flowers, large, deep purplish blue with blue and yellow centers; a very desirable early species.

_Aquilegia Stuarti._--Height 9 to 12 inches; third week of May; flowers, large, deep blue with white center; one of the best.

_Arabis alpina._--Height, 6 inches; first week in May; flowers, small, pure white, in cl.u.s.ters.

_Arnebia echioides._--Height, 9 inches; third week of May; flowers, yellow, borne in cl.u.s.ters with petals spotted with purple. One of the most charming of early flowering plants.

_Asclepias tuberosa._(A)--Height, 1-1/2 to 2 feet; third week of July.

Flowers, bright orange, borne in cl.u.s.ters. Very showy.

_Aster alpinus._(A)--Height, 9 inches; first week of June; flowers, large, bright purple, borne on long stems from the base of the plant; the earliest flowering of all the asters.

_Aster Amellus_ var. _Bessarabicus._--Height, 1 to 1-1/2 feet; July to September; flowers, large, deep purple, singly on long stems; very fine. (D)

_Aster Novae-Anglae_ var. _roseus._(A)--Height, 5 to 7 feet; fourth week of August; flowers, bright pink, borne profusely in large terminal cl.u.s.ters; very showy.

_Boltonia asteroides_(A)--Height, 4 to 5 feet; September; flowers, smaller than the next, pale pink, borne very profusely in large panicles; much later than the next species.

_Boltonia latisquama_(A)--Height, 4 feet; first week of August; flowers, large, white, somewhat resembling asters, and borne very profusely in large panicles.

_Campanula Carpatica._--Height, 6 to 9 inches; first week of July; flowers, medium size, deep blue, borne profusely in loose panicles; continues in bloom throughout the summer. A white variety of this is also good.

_Campanula Grossekii._--Height, 3 feet; first week of July; flowers, large, deep blue, borne on a long spike.

_Campanula persicifolia._--Height, 3 feet; flowers, large, blue, borne in a raceme with long flower stems. There are also white and double varieties which are good.

_Clematis recta._--Height, 4 feet; fourth week of June; flowers, small, pure white, borne profusely in dense cl.u.s.ters. This is a very compact bushy species and desirable for the rear of the border. _Clematis Jackmani_ with large deep purple flowers and _Clematis Vitalba_ with small white flowers, are excellent climbing sorts.

_Convallaria majalis_(A) (Lily-of-the-valley).--Height, 6 to 9 inches; latter part of May.

_Coreopsis delphiniflora._(A)--Height, 2 to 3 feet; first week of July; flowers, large, yellow, with dark centers and borne singly with long stems.

_Coreopsis grandiflora._(A)--Height, 2 to 3 feet; fourth week of June; flowers, large, deep yellow, borne singly on long stems, blooming profusely throughout the summer.

_Coreopsis lanceolata._(A)--Height, 2 feet; fourth week of June; flowers large though slightly smaller than the last, and borne on long stems, blooming throughout the season.(D)

_Delphinium Cashmerianum._--Height, 1-1/2 feet; first week of July; flowers, pale to bright blue, in large open heads.(D)

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Manual of Gardening Part 33 summary

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