Manual of Gardening Part 34

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_Dianthus plumarius flore pleno._--Height, 9 inches; second week of June; flowers, large, white or pink, very sweet scented; and two or three borne on a stem. A variety called Mrs. Simkins is especially desirable, being very double, white and deliciously perfumed, almost equaling a carnation. It blooms the fourth week of June.

_Dicentra spectabilis_ (Bleeding Heart).--Height, 3 feet; second week of May; flowers, heart-shaped, red and white in pendulous racemes.

_Dictamnus albus._--Height, 1-1/2 to 2 feet; second week of June; flowers, white with an aromatic fragrance, and borne in large terminal racemes. A well-known variety has purple flowers with darker markings.

_Doronic.u.m Caucasic.u.m._--Height, 1 foot; second week of May; flowers, large, yellow, and borne singly.

_Doronic.u.m plantagineum_ var. _excelsum._--Height, 2 feet; third week of May; flowers, large and deep yellow.(D)

_Epimedium rubrum._--Height, 1 foot; second week of May; flowers, small, bright crimson and white, borne in a loose panicle. A very dainty and beautiful little plant.

_Erigeron speciosus._(A)--Height, 1-1/2 feet; second week of July; flowers, large, violet-blue, with yellow centers, and borne in large cl.u.s.ters on long stems.

_Funkia subcordata (grandiflora)._--Height, 1-1/2 feet; August; flowers, large and white, borne in racemes. The best funkia grown at Ottawa; both leaves and flowers are handsome.

_Gaillardia aristata_ var. _grandiflora._(A)--Height, 1 1/2 feet; third week of June; flowers, large, yellow, with deep orange centers, and borne singly on long stems. The named varieties, Superba and Perfection, are more highly colored and are of great merit. These all continue blooming profusely until late in the autumn.(D)

_Gypsophila paniculata_ (Infant's breath).--Height, 2 feet; second week of July; flowers, small, white, borne profusely in large open panicles.

_Helenium autumnale_(A)--Height, 6 to 7 feet; second week of July; flowers, large, deep yellow, borne in large heads; very ornamental in late summer.

_Helianthus doronicoides._(A)--Height, 6 to 7 feet; second week of August; flowers, large, bright yellow, and borne singly; continues blooming for several weeks.

_Helianthus multiflorus._(A)--Height, 4 feet; flowers, large, double, bright yellow, and borne singly; a very striking late-flowering perennial.

_Heuchera sanguinea_(A)--Height, 1 to 1-1/2 feet; first week of June; flowers, small, bright, scarlet, borne in open panicles; continues blooming throughout the summer.

_Hemerocallis Dumortierii._--Height, 1-1/2 feet; second week of June; flowers, large, orange-yellow, with a brownish tinge on the outside, and three or four on a stem.(D)

_Hemerocallis flava._--Height, 2 to 3 feet; latter part of June; flowers, bright orange-yellow and fragrant.(D)

_Hemerocallis minor._--Height, 1 to 1-1/2 feet; second week of July; flowers, medium size and yellow; blooms later than the two preceding species and has a smaller flower and narrower foliage.

_Hibiscus Moscheutos._(A)--Height, 5 feet; third week of August; flowers, very large, varying in color from white to deep pink. A variety called "Crimson Eye" is very good. This plant makes a fine show in late summer.

_Hyperic.u.m Ascyron_ (or _pyramidatum_).(A)--Height, 3 feet; fourth week of July; flowers, large, yellow, and borne singly.

_Iberis sempervirens._--Height, 6 to 12 inches; third week of May; flowers, pure white, fragrant, and borne in dense flat cl.u.s.ters.(D)

_Iris Chamoeiris._--Height, 6 inches; fourth week of May; flowers, bright yellow with brown markings.

_Iris flavescens._--Height, 1-1/2 to 2 feet; first week of June; flowers, lemon-yellow with brown markings.

_Iris Florentina._--Height, 2 feet; first week of June; flowers, very large, pale blue or lavender, sweet scented.(D)

_Iris Germanica._--Height, 2 to 3 feet; first week of June; flowers, very large, of elegant form; color, deep lilac and bright purple, sweet scented. There is a large number of choice varieties of this iris.(D)

_Iris loevigata (Koempferi)._--Height, 1-1/2 to 2 feet; first week of July; flowers, purple and modified colors, very large and distinct in color and shape.(D)

_Iris pumila._--Height, 4 to 6 inches; third week of May; flowers, deep purple. There are several varieties.

_Iris Sibirica._--Height, 3 to 4 feet; fourth week of May; flowers, deep blue, borne on long stems in cl.u.s.ters of two or three. This species has many varieties.

_Iris variegata._--Height, 1 to 1 1/2 feet; first week of June; flowers, yellow and brown, veined with various shades of brown.

_Lilium auratum._--Height, 3 to 5 feet; July; flowers, very large, white, with a yellow central band on each petal, and thickly spotted with purple and red. The most showy of all lilies and a splendid flower.

This has proved hardy at the Central Experimental Farm, although it has been reported tender in some localities.(D)

_Lilium Canadense._(A)--Height, 2 to 3 feet; latter part of May; flowers, yellow to pale red with reddish spots, pendulous.

_Lilium elegans._--Height, 6 inches; first week of July; flowers, pale red; several varieties are better than the type.

_Lilium speciosum._--Height, 2 to 3 feet; July; flowers, large, white, tinged and spotted with deep pink and red. Hardier than _Lilium_ _auratum_ and almost as fine. There are several fine varieties.(D)

_Lilium superb.u.m._(A)--Height, 4 to 6 feet; first week of July; flowers, very numerous, orange red, thickly spotted with dark brown. An admirable lily for the rear of the border. (D)

_Lilium tenuifolium._--Height, 1 1/2 to 2 feet; third week of June; flowers, pendulous and bright scarlet. One of the most graceful of all lilies.

_Lilium tigrinum._--Height, 2 to 4 feet; flowers, large, deep orange, spotted thickly with purplish black.

_Linum perenne._--Height, 1 1/2 feet; first week of June; flowers, large deep blue, borne in loose panicles, continuing throughout the summer.

_Lobelia cardinalis._(A)--Height, 2 to 3 feet; August; flowers, bright scarlet, borne in terminal racemes; very showy.

_Lychnis Chalcedonica flore pleno._--Height, 2 to 3 feet; first week of July; flowers, bright crimson, double, and borne in terminal racemes.

_Lysimachia clethroides._--Height, 3 feet; fourth week of July; flowers, white, borne in long spikes. A very striking late-flowering perennial.

_Myosotis alpestris._--Height, 6 inches; third week of May; flowers, small, bright blue with a yellowish eye. A very profuse bloomer.

_OEnothera Missouriensis._(A)--Height, 1 foot; fourth week of June; flowers, very large, rich yellow, and borne singly, throughout the summer.

_Poeonia officinalis._--Height, 2 to 4 feet; early part of July. The double-flowered varieties are the best, and can be obtained in several colors and shades, (D)

_Papaver nudicaule_(A)--Height, 1 foot; second week of May; flowers, medium size, orange, white, or yellow, almost continuously until late autumn. (D)

_Papaver orientale._--Height, 2 to 3 feet; first week of June; flowers, very large, scarlet, and variously marked, according to variety, there being many forms.

_Pentstemon barbatus_ var. _Torreyi._(A)--Height, 2 to 3 feet; first week of July; flowers, deep red, borne in long spikes, very ornamental.

_Phlox amoena._(A)--Height, 6 inches; second week of May; flowers, medium size, bright pink, in compact cl.u.s.ters.

_Phlox decussata_(A) (the garden perennial hybrids).--Height, 1 to 3 feet; third week of July; flowers, of many beautiful shades and colors, are found in the large number of named varieties of this phlox, which continues to bloom until late in the autumn. (D)

_Phlox reptans._(A)--Height, 4 inches; fourth week of May; flowers, medium size, purple, and borne in small cl.u.s.ters.

_Phlox subulata_(A) _(setacea)_.--Height, 6 inches; third week of May; flowers, medium size, deep pink, and borne in small cl.u.s.ters.

_Platycodon grandiflorum._--Height, 1-1/2 to 2 feet; second week of July; flowers, very large, deep blue, borne singly or in twos.(D)

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Manual of Gardening Part 34 summary

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