Melody: A Novel Part 12

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She leaned up. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I hate to say things about people, but I never really liked Keith Taylor. He just doesn't come off as being on the up and up." Melody raised an eyebrow. "It's like he always has some kind of angle, and I can't figure it out for the life of me."

"Angle with this job, or in general?"

Mario wiped sweat from his forehead. "He always manages to make things work out in his best interest, you know? I mean, he gets perks around here that people who have been working here for years don't even get. It's like everyone is snowed. The employees flock to his every move. The women around here, oh, they can't get enough of him. And Mr. Lawson acts like he's Jesus." He shook his head. "I'm probably the only one around here who doesn't think twice about him."

Melody stood. "Until now." Mario looked at her. "I think you're on the right track, Mario. I don't like Keith Taylor, and I'd die before believing a word that came out of his mouth. I think he's a manipulative liar." She looked into the hallway. "He scares the h.e.l.l out of me, and for that, I want to make sure he stays away from my sister."

Mario sighed. "I think you should definitely stay away from him, too, Melody."

"If only I could get Sarah to see a reason, but he has her snowed like everyone else."

"Hi." Keith leaned at the door with his arms crossed. His fancy white s.h.i.+rt, blue tie and black slacks were straightened to perfection. Melody wondered if he'd heard. Somehow she felt it hadn't made a difference either way. She wanted him to know how she felt. Maybe then he'd leave Sarah the h.e.l.l alone.

"Uh, h.e.l.lo, Keith." Mario waved nervously. "I was helping Melody get settled in. How are you this morning?"

Keith squinted as he glanced at Melody. "I'm fine, Mario. Just heading to my office. Please don't stop talking about me on my account." He smiled at Melody.

"Melody, I'll be right back. I need to get you the manual so you can read up on your duties." Mario slid past Keith.

"Oh, boy." Keith chuckled. He scooted on top of the desk. "Nothing more flattering than a woman checking up on me."

"Believe me, I wasn't doing it for the reasons you think, Keith." She glared at him. His eyes skimmed her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s through her suit jacket.

"Any reason you'd take time to know more about me is music to my ears, Melody." He smirked.

"I have to go to the bathroom and..." He blocked the door.

"You're not going anywhere!" He shoved her in the chair.

"Get out of my way, Keith!"

"Shut up!" He opened her suit jacket. He tore open her blouse.

She screamed. "Oh! What are you doing? My blouse!" She tried to s.h.i.+eld herself with her arms.

Keith held her to the chair. "Yeah, I did it," he whispered.

"Get away from me!" she begged.

"I said, shut up." He glanced at her plump b.r.e.a.s.t.s encased in the lacey white bra. Melody could barely breathe. She sure as heck couldn't confront him. Her heart pounded. She started to see double and became woozy.

"Oh, what's the matter...huh?" Keith panted. "What, having a panic attack, Mel? Sarah's told me all about those." He struggled from staring at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Keith...I...I can't breathe."

"What, huh?" He got on his knees in front of her. He continued to hold her arms to the chair. "Besides being gorgeous with great legs, you've also got a very bad habit. You're nosey as h.e.l.l. At first, I a.s.sumed that was part of your charm. So I tolerated it. But I won't tolerate it much longer." He stood erect. His eyes narrowed until she saw no evidence of the green pupils.

" me?" She gazed at him between pants.

"At first, I found it cute how you've been acting, but I quickly grew tired of it. You don't have to like me, Melody. But you are gonna stay out of my business. You stay the f.u.c.k out of my business. Do you understand me?"

"Oh...I...Keith...I can't breathe." She bent over.

"I don't want you asking questions about me. I don't want you snooping in my things. I don't want you bugging Sarah about me...nothing."

"Keith!" she panted. "I can't breathe!"

"It's hard, isn't it, Melody?" He stood. "It's hard when you're cornered, isn't it? When you realize you aren't in control of what's around you. I hate that feeling myself. So I make sure I'm always in control." He leaned over her.

"Keith..." The panting slowed. Her heart settled. She focused on the gray carpet. She exhaled. Finally her body naturally relaxed. She forced her hands from Keith's. She immediately closed her blouse. She held her suit jacket closed over it.

"I must admit, this is kind of fun." He touched her hair and she jerked away. "I'm incredibly attracted to you. Do you know that?"

She shoved him away. "If you come near me again, I'll call the police. I'll tell Mr. Lawson and you'll be fired, Keith. You'll have nothing!" Her arms shook over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"If you stay out of my business, and be a good girl, Melody, then things will be fine." He slumped to the door. She held her mouth. She fought the urge to vomit right then and there. Keith turned from the door. "I love that perfume, by the way. The more you wear it, the more I look forward to it." She shut her eyes. "Sorry if I scared you, Melody." He left.

"Oh...oh..." She leaned back in the chair. She didn't know what in the h.e.l.l to do. She just knew she had to do something.

"Melody?" Lucas stood at the door. She hurried to make herself presentable. He rushed inside after noticing her strange behavior. "Jesus, why is your blouse open?" He turned away.

"Uh..." She could have easily settled things by being honest. For some reason she didn't see it the time or the place. Besides, she wanted to keep her problems with Keith away from Lucas. She'd waited a long time to meet someone special. She had no idea that she'd known him all the while Sarah had been right. Maybe Lucas had been the man of Melody's dreams.

She wouldn't let her feelings about Keith f.u.c.k that up. She deserved happiness like everyone else. She just needed time to think about what to do. Somehow, she could make Sarah see reason about her new "perfect" boyfriend.

"Melody!" He snapped his fingers. She looked at him. "I asked you why your blouse is opened. What in the h.e.l.l is going on in here? You look a mess." He touched her hair. "Still a beautiful mess."

"Uh..." She knew d.a.m.n well she couldn't think of a convincing lie. She'd do her best to try. "I was, uh, in here with Mario, unpacking things. Uh..." She grinned. "And I opened my jacket because it was kind of warm. I bent over to pick something up and my blouse snagged on the desk. It just popped open. I'm so embarra.s.sed." She chuckled. "And thanks for saying I look a mess."

"Well, I came to welcome you on board. I couldn't wait until you got here." He looked around. "I picked out this office for you. I hope you don't mind." She shook her head. "I hope you enjoy your time here, Melody." He gestured to the door. "I saw Keith leaving a few seconds ago. Was your blouse open then?"

She scoffed. "Uh, are you getting at something?"

He shrugged. "Am I?"

"Lucas, what are you saying?"

"It just looks suspicious, that's all. Keith was in here and I come in here and your blouse is open. You give me some flimsy excuse and..."

"It's not an excuse." She straightened her jacket. "G.o.d, I had an accident, Lucas. It's nothing to even mention. Am I being accused of something?"

"It's just that you're so tense around Keith. When we were at Jayson's, I got the feeling something was going on between you two. Like, I don't know, some kind of secret. Am I right?"

"No." She crossed her arms. "Not in the way you mean. I'm not attracted to Keith, if that's what you mean, Lucas."

"Is he attracted to you?"

She scoffed. "He's with Sarah."

"I didn't ask you who he was with. I asked you if Keith was attracted to you."

"He's my sister's boyfriend. Do you really think I'd go there, Lucas?" He sighed. "d.a.m.n, I thought you of all people knew me better than that. I already told you I don't like Keith. There definitely isn't anything romantic between us. I could never do that to Sarah. What kind of person do you think I am?"

"I didn't mean to offend you. I was curious, that's all. Mel, you gotta admit that this looks pretty strange, don't you think?"

"Maybe it does, but it's not like I have to explain myself to you. You're not my boyfriend or anything, Lucas. Look, I like you, okay? But I don't need yet another person second-guessing me or treating me like a child. Now, I said nothing is going on between me and Keith. At least not in the way you may think. I don't like him. I can't stand him. Are you happy now?"

"I just had to check."

"Why?" She glared at him. "What difference would it make to you?"

"It makes a big difference because I think I'm falling in love with you." He kissed her. She moved away. The kiss produced the same fire as the one at Jayson's. He rubbed the back of her smooth neck. Melody leaned against him, praying that he'd get the hint to take her mouth again.

"Lucas, this feels so strange. Everything feels so strange these days. It's like things are moving so fast and I can't keep up."

"I said, we can take it slow, and I meant it, Melody. But I want to explore this."

"There's only one way we can."


He wrapped his arms tighter around her thin waist. "For starters, let's go out on a real date, just the two of us." He nibbled her neck. She moaned at the action.

"Lucas, I gotta ask you something." She moved away. His lips dangled in mid-air. "Did you want me to take this job just to get close to me?"

He rubbed his nose against hers. "Would you be offended if I said I did?"

She smiled.

Melody enjoyed the dinner at the fancy restaurant that night. Lucas claimed it would be nothing compared to his next surprise. She couldn't get over how gorgeous he'd become over the years. While so many things changed, they still stayed the same. No one made her laugh like Lucas. No one made her comfortable like Lucas. No one made her feel beautiful like he did.

Melody always felt that she wasn't worthy of being in the company of some people. She didn't feel like that with Lucas. He acted as though she had been the prize. He clung to her every word. He asked her about her every thought. Some women b.i.t.c.hed about men paying them too much attention. Melody felt nothing could sour such treatment. Lucas could ask her anything if he held her how he did tonight.

She loved the blue silk s.h.i.+rt and black slacks he'd worn. She wore her white skirt and jacket set. Sarah begged her to wear it. She thought nothing suited Melody like the color white. Melody found that bulls.h.i.+t, but since Sarah had the fas.h.i.+on sense in the family she didn't question the opinion. She touched the sides of her head. She pinned her hair up in a sophisticated ball.

Melody couldn't wait to see the surprise. Lucas walked alongside of her with his hand over her eyes, and the other held her waist. He ordered her to keep her eyes shut until they reached the destination. Melody took such light steps that she felt like she was walking on air. She couldn't tell where they were. They were somewhere very quiet. She could hear every breath Lucas took.

She became flattered at his anxiety. If he was nervous due to the surprise, that meant he truly cared what she thought. It obviously meant as much to him as it did to her.

Lucas picked up the pace. She struggled to keep up while stumbling on the pavement. She realized they were on some kind of sidewalk. She grinned. At least they were still close to civilization. She heard laughter far off. She imagined a crowd of people standing around, gawking at the strange-looking couple. They made it to a crooked walkway that felt like gravel.

"Lucas!" She laughed. He held her waist to keep her from stumbling. "I'm sick of this! Show me what in the h.e.l.l you want to show me already."

He laughed. "We're almost there, Melody. Believe me, it's worth the wait."

She struggled to keep her eyes closed. The suspense had long been killing her. Melody thought she recognized the place, but couldn't be sure. The crooked gravel path suddenly converted into a smoother walkway. Lucas whispered for her to watch her step.

"Whoa." Melody stumbled. She felt him lifting her into his arms. He steadied his feet and carried her on. "Now, Lucas!" She laughed. "If you don't show me what this is, I swear I am never going out with you again." He stopped. "Can I open my eyes now?"

He chuckled. "You can open them now." She clung onto him for leverage. She heard loud, rhythmic breathing. She stood on some sort of wobbly platform. She opened her eyes. She tumbled back. She grabbed onto Lucas. "Whoa, you okay?" He laughed.

"Ahhh!" She laughed. "I can't believe this!" They stood in a fancy white horse carriage. A beautiful mare turned around to check out the excited couple. "Oh my G.o.d, Lucas." Melody held her chest. "Oh...this is beautiful." They settled into the seat. The carriage driver tilted his hat to her. "Jesus. I can't did all of this for me?"

He shrugged. "Well, I wanted our first date to be something you'd remember. I couldn't think of anything more romantic than a carriage ride in the park, could you?"

"Oh no." She kissed him. "No." She leaned against his chest. Lucas gestured for the driver to go down the path. "I can't believe you'd do all of this for me." The beautiful horse neighed.

"I wish you could see how important you really are, Melody. You've always been a big part of my life. You were like my best friend." He looked ahead. "I know Aileen and Craig were always there with us back then..." He took her hand. "But sometimes it felt like you were the only one I saw." She smiled. "Maybe I've been in love with you all this time, Melody. I never stopped thinking about you. I can't believe I stayed away."

"Lucas, this...this is just incredible. Tonight has been amazing. I can't even take all of this in!" She turned all around. "I, this is just too much. Lucas, I...oh, I don't know what to say."

He pulled her close. "I figure if you've got the money, you might as well use it in the best ways. And you don't have to thank me, Melody. This wasn't a favor, okay? I wanted to do this. You deserve all of this and more. Don't let anyone make you feel that you don't. I wish I could make you see how wonderful you are."

He wrapped his arms around her to s.h.i.+eld her from the night's chill. People gawked at the attractive young couple in the carriage. Melody felt like royalty. She usually didn't like to show off, but tonight she thought she deserved to. She imagined how jealous Aileen and Sarah would be to hear of this night. She grinned. Why couldn't she have something special for once? If Lucas felt she deserved it, didn't that mean something?

Melody turned from Lucas's intense gaze. "You're staring." She grinned.

"I always stare at you."

"Not like that. Something on your mind?"

"You never told me how you felt about me. Better yet, how did you feel when I said that I've been in love with you all this time?"

She wiggled in the seat. "Strange, I gotta admit. I mean, we haven't seen each other in a while. It's going to take some time for me to know exactly what I feel for you, Lucas. I hope you understand."

"But, you do want to explore this, too, right? I know you said you aren't good in relations.h.i.+ps, but can we just do this? I mean, can we give it a try on your terms?"

"It shouldn't just be on one person's terms, Lucas. A relations.h.i.+p is a partners.h.i.+p. It takes two to commit. I do want to take it slow, but I don't want you to hide your feelings because of me. I'm very comfortable about how you feel."

He smirked. "Really? Because you got this strange habit of running away from things that could ultimately make you happy."

"Really?" She tilted her head in the air. "Very presumptuous of you since you haven't seen me since high school."

"Did I offend you again?" He sighed.

"You d.a.m.n right, you did!" The driver looked around. Lucas grinned. "And it's not funny. Don't just a.s.sume how I'm gonna act, Lucas. I may surprise you." She smirked.

"Oh really?" He held her closer. "What kind of surprise do you have in mind?"

She gently pushed him away. "Uh, the night is romantic but not that romantic."

He laughed. "Don't think just 'cause you swept me off my feet you're gonna get laid."

"I wasn't thinking that." He grinned. "Anyway, I wouldn't want to have s.e.x with you unless it was official, you know?" He touched his lap. "I mean, we'd have to do the girlfriend and boyfriend thing first."

"So what are you saying? You want us to become an official couple?" The horse neighed.

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Melody: A Novel Part 12 summary

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