Dwarven Nations - Hammer And Axe Part 3

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Once he slipped, causing him momentarily to lose his balance. Spreading his great wings, he recovered easily, but the incident only served to increase his irritation further.

The morning sun lit the mountain peaks, touching the dragon, causing his blue scales to s.h.i.+mmer golden in the clear light but doing little to warm his blood.

The dragon s.h.i.+vered again, stamping his feet upon the chill ground. Winter was not for the blue dragons, nor was travel in this abyssmal country. With that thought in mind, as it had been in his mind all the long, bitter night, Skie looked about for his master.

He found the Dragon Highlord standing upon an outcropping of rock, an imposing figure in horned dragonhelm and blue dragon-scale armor. The Highlord, cape whipping in the chill wind, was gazing with intense interest across the great flat plain far below.

"Come, Lord, return to your tent:' And let me return to the hot springs, Skie added mentally. "This chill wind cuts to the bone. Why are you out here anyway?"

Skie might have supposed the Highlord was reconnoitering, planning the disposition of troops, the attacks of the dragonflights. But that was not the case. The occupation of Tarsis had long been planned-planned, in fact, by another Dragon Highlord, for this land was under the command of the red dragons.

The blue dragons and their Dragon Highlords controlled the north, yet here I stand, in these frigid southlands, Skie thought irritably. And behind me is an entire flight of blue dragons. He turned his head slightly, looking down upon his fellows beating their wings in the early morning, grateful for the hot springs' warmth which took the chill from their tendons.

Fools, Skie thought scornfully. All they're waiting for is a signal from the Highlord to attack. To light the skies and burn the cities with their deadly bolts of lightning are all they care about. Their faith in the Dragon Highlord is implicit t. As well it might be, Skie admitted-their master had led them to victory after victory in the north, and they had not lost one of their number.

They leave it to me to ask the questions-because I am the Highlord's mount, because I am closest to the Highlord. Well, so be it. We understand each other, the Highlord and I.

'We have no reason to be in Tarsis:' Skie spoke his feelings plainly. He did not fear the Highlord. Unlike many of the dragons in Krynn who served their masters with grudging reluctance, knowing themselves to be the true rulers, Skie served his master out of respect-and love. "The reds don"t want us here, that's certain. And we're not needed. That soft city that beckons you so strangely will fall easily. No army. They swallowed the bait and marched off to the frontier:'

"We are here because my spies. tell me they are here-or will be shortly" was the Highlord's answer. The voice was low but carried even aver the biting wind.

"They . . . they . . :' grumbled the dragon, s.h.i.+vering and moving restlessly along the ridge. "We leave the war in the north, waste valuable time, lose a fortune in steel. And for what-a handful of itinerant adventurers:"

"The wealth is nothing to me, you know that. I could buy Tarsis if it pleased me:' The Dragon Highlord stroked the dragon's neck with an ice-caked leather glove that creaked with the powerful movements. "'The war in the north is going well. Lord Ariakus did not mind my leaving. Bakaris is a skilled young commander and knows my armies nearly as well as I do. And do not forget, Skie, these are more than vagabonds. These '.itinerant adventurers' killed Verminaard."

"Bah! The man had already dug his own grave. He was obsessed, font sight of the true purpose:' The dragon flicked a glance at his master. "The same might be said of others:'

"Obsessed; Yes, Verminaard was obsessed, and there are those who should be taking that obsession snore seriously. He was a cleric, he knew what damage the knowledge of the true ;gads, once spread among the people, can do us," answered the f-Iighlord. "Now, according to reports, the people have a leader in this human called Elistan, who has become a cleric of Paladine. Wors.h.i.+pers of Mishakal bring true healing back to the land. No, Verminaard was fa.r.s.eeing.

There is great danger here. We should recognize and move to stop it-not scoff at it:"

The dragon snorted derisively. "This priest -Elistan~ doesri t lead the people.

He leads eight hundred wretched humans, former slaves of Verminaard's in Pax Tharkas. Nowthey're holed up in Southgate, with the mountain dwarves:' The dragon settled down on the rock, feeling the morning sun finally bringing a modic.u.m of warmth to his scaled skin. "Besides, our spies report they are traveling to Tarsis even as we speak. By tonight, this Elistan will be ours and that will be that. So much for the servant of Paladine!"

"Elistan is of no use to me:' The Dragon Highlord shrugged without interest. "He is not the one I seek:'

"No?" Skie raised his head, startled. 'Who, then?"

"There are three in whom I have particular interest. But I will provide you with descriptions oar all of them-"The Dragon Highlord moved closer to Skie- "because it is to capture them that we partic.i.p.ate in the destruction of Tarsis tomorrow.

Here are those whom we seek. . . :"

Tanis strode across the frozen plains, his booted footsteps punching noisily through the crust of wind-swept snow. The sun rose at his back, bringing a great deal of light but little warmth. He clutched his cloak about him and glanced around to make certain no one was lagging behind. The companions line stretched out single-file. They trod in each other"s tracks, the heavier, stronger people in front clearing the way for the weaker ones behind them.

Tanis led them. Sturm walked beside him, steadfast and faithful as ever, though still upset over leaving behind the Hammer of Kharas, which had taken on an almost mystical quality for the knight. He appeared more careworn and tired than usual, but he never failed to keep step with Tanis. This was not an easy feat, since the knight insisted on traveling in his full, antique battle armor, the weight of which forced Sturm's feet deep into the crusted snow.

Behind Sturm and Tanis came Caramon, trudging through the snow like a great bear, his a.r.s.enal of weapons clanking around him, carrying his armor and his share of supplies, as well as those of his twin brother, Raistlin, on his back.

Just watching Caramon made Tanis weary, for the big warrior was not only walking through the deep snow with ease but was also managing to widen the trail for the others behind him.

Of all of the companions the one Tanis might have felt closest to, since they had been raised together as brothers, was the next, Gilthanas. But Gilthanas was an elflord, younger son of the Speaker of the Suns, ruler of the Qualinesti elves, while Tanis was a b.a.s.t.a.r.d and only half elven, product of a brutal rape by a human warrior. Worse, Tanis had dared to find himself attracted-even if in a childish, immature fas.h.i.+on-to Gilthanas's sister, Laurana. And so, far from being friends, Tanis always had the uneasy impression that Gilthanas might well be pleased to see him dead.

Riverwind and Goldmoon walked together behind the elflord. Cloaked in their furskin capes, the cold was little to the Plainsmen. Certainly the cold was nothing compared to the flame in their hearts. They had been married only a little over a month, and the deep love and compa.s.sion each felt for the other, a self-sacriificing love that had led the world to the discovery of the ancient G.o.ds, now achieved greater depths as they discovered new ways to express it.

Then came Elistan and Laurana. Elistan and Laurana. Tanis found it odd that, thinking enviously of the happiness of Riverwind .and Goldmoon, his eyes should encounter these two. elistan and Laurana. Always together. Always deeply involved in serious conversation. Elistan, cleric of Paladine, resplendent in white robes that gleamed even against the snow. White-bearded, his. hair thinning; he was s.h.i.+ll an imposing figure. The kind of man who might well attract a young girl. few men or women could look unto Elistan's ice-blue eyes and not feel stirred, awed in the presence of one who had walked tile realms of death -and found a new and stronger faith.

With him walked his faithful 'a.s.sistant,' Laurana. The young elfmaid had run away from her home in Qualinesti to follow Tanis in childish infatuation. She had been forced to grow up rapidly; her eyes -opened to the pain and suffering in the world.Knowing that many of the party-Tanis, among them - considered her a nuisance, Laurana struggled to prove her worth. With Elistan. she found her chance. Daughter to the Speaker of the Suns of the Qualinesti. she had been born .and bred to politics.. When Ellistan-was foundering among the rocks trying to feed and. clothe and control eight hundred men, women, and children,. it was Laurana who stepped in and eased his burden. She had become Indispensable to him, a fact Tanis found difficult to deal with. The half-eaf gritted his teeth let




"Something's wrong. Do you want me to go with you?"

Tanis, seeing the weariness in the knight's face, shook his head, "You get the others organized:" Dressed in a winter traveling cloak of white, he prepared to climb the snow-covered, rock-strewn hills, Ready to start, he felt a cold hand on his arm. He turned and looked into the eyes of the mage.

"I will come with you;' Raistlin whispered.

Tanis stared at him in astonishment, then glanced up at the hills. The climb would not be an easy one, and he knew the mage's dislike of extreme physical exertion. Raistlin saw his glance and understood.

"My brother will help me;' he said, beckoning to Caramon, who appeared startled but stood up immediately and came over to stand beside his brother. "I would look upon the city of Tarsis the Beautiful:"

Tanis regarded him uneasily, but Raistlin's face was as impa.s.sive and cold as the metal it resembled.

"Very well," the hall-elf said, studying Raistlin. "But you'll show up an the face of that mountain like a blood stain. Cover yourself with a white robe:" The half-elf's sardonic smile was an almost perfect imitation of Raistlin's own.

"Borrow one from Elistan."

Tanis, standing on the top of the hill overlooking the legendary seaport city of Tarsis the Beautiful, began to swear softly. Wispy clouds of steam floated from his lips with the hot wards. Drawing the hood of his heavy cloak over his head, he stared down into tire city in bitter disappointment.

Caramon nudged hits twin. "Raist," he said. "What"s the matter? I don't understand:"

Raistlin coughed. "'Your brains are in your swordarm, mg brother;" the mage whispered caustically. "Look upon Tarsis, legendary seaport city. What do you see?"

"Well . . . " Caramon squinted. "It's one of the biggest cities I've seen. And there acre s.h.i.+ps-just like we heard-'

""The white-winged s.h.i.+ps of Tarsis the Beautiful;" Raistlin quoted bitterly.

"You look upon the s.h.i.+ps, my brother. Do you notice anything peculiar about them?"

"They're not in very good shape. The sails are ragged and=" Caramon blinked.

Thin he gasped. "There's no water!"

"Most observant:'

"But the kender's map-'

"Dated before the Cataclysm;" Tanis interrupted. "d.a.m.n it, I should have known!

I should have considered this possibility" Tarsis the Beautiful-legendary seaport-now landlocked!"

"And has been for three hundred years, undoubtedly;" Rais^ tlin whispered. "When the fiery mountain fell from the sky^, it created seas-as we saw in Xak Tsaroth- but it also destroyed them. What do we do with the refugees now, Half-elf"

"I don't know," Tanis snapped irritably. He stared down at the city, then turned away. "It's no good standing around here. The sea isn't going to comeback just for our benefit. " He turned away and walked slowly down the cliff.

"What will we do?" Caramon asked his brother. "We can't go back to Southgate. I know something or someone was our footsteps:' He glanced around worriedly. "I feel eyes watching-even now."

Raistlin put his hand through his brothels arm. For a rare instant, the two looked remarkably alike. Light and darkness were not more different than the twins.

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Dwarven Nations - Hammer And Axe Part 3 summary

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