Tablets of the Divine Plan Part 4

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_Revealed on February 8, 1917, in Baha'u'llah's room at the house of Abbud in Akka, and addressed to the Baha'is of the twelve Central States of the United States: Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas. _


_He is G.o.d!_

O ye old believers and intimate friends:

2 G.o.d says in the great Qur'an: "He specializes for His Mercy whomsoever He willeth."(16)

3 These twelve Central States of the United States are like unto the heart of America, and the heart is connected with all the organs and parts of man. If the heart is strengthened, all the organs of the body are reinforced, and if the heart is weak all the physical elements are subjected to feebleness.

4 Now praise be to G.o.d that Chicago and its environs from the beginning of the diffusion of the fragrances of G.o.d have been a strong heart.

Therefore, through divine bounty and providence it has become confirmed in certain great matters.

5 First: The call of the Kingdom was in the very beginning raised from Chicago. This is indeed a great privilege, for in future centuries and cycles, it will be as an axis around which the honor of Chicago will revolve.

6 Second: A number of souls with the utmost firmness and steadfastness arose in that blessed spot in the promotion of the Word of G.o.d and even to the present moment, having purified and sanctified the heart from every thought, they are occupied with the promulgation of the teachings of G.o.d.

Hence the call of praise is raised uninterruptedly from the Supreme Concourse.

7 Third: During the American journey 'Abdu'l-Baha several times pa.s.sed through Chicago and a.s.sociated with the friends of G.o.d. For some time he sojourned in that city. Day and night he was occupied with the mention of the True One and summoned the people to the Kingdom of G.o.d.

8 Fourth: Up to the present time, every movement initiated in Chicago, its effect was spread to all parts and to all directions, just as everything that appears in and manifests from the heart influences all the organs and limbs of the body.

9 Fifth: The first Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar in America was inst.i.tuted in Chicago, and this honor and distinction is infinite in value. Out of this Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar, without doubt, thousands of Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kars will be born.

10 Likewise (were inst.i.tuted in Chicago) the general Annual Conventions, the foundation of the Star of the West, the Publis.h.i.+ng Society for the publication of books and Tablets and their circulation in all parts of America, and the preparations now under way for the celebration of the Golden Centenary Anniversary of the Kingdom of G.o.d. I hope that this Jubilee and this Exhibition may be celebrated in the utmost perfection so that the call to the world of unity, "There is no G.o.d but One G.o.d, and all the Messengers, from the beginning to the Seal of the Prophets (Mu?ammad) were sent on the part of the True One!" may be raised; the flag of the oneness of the world of humanity be unfurled, the melody of universal peace may reach the ears of the East and the West, all the paths may be cleared and straightened, all the hearts may be attracted to the Kingdom of G.o.d, the tabernacle of unity be pitched on the apex of America, the song of the love of G.o.d may exhilarate and rejoice all the nations and peoples, the surface of the earth may become the eternal paradise, the dark clouds may be dispelled and the Sun of Truth may s.h.i.+ne forth with the utmost intensity.

11 O ye friends of G.o.d! Exert ye with heart and soul, so that a.s.sociation, love, unity and agreement be obtained between the hearts, all the aims may be merged into one aim, all the songs become one song and the power of the Holy Spirit may become so overwhelmingly victorious as to overcome all the forces of the world of nature. Exert yourselves; your mission is unspeakably glorious. Should success crown your enterprise, America will a.s.suredly evolve into a center from which waves of spiritual power will emanate, and the throne of the Kingdom of G.o.d will, in the plent.i.tude of its majesty and glory, be firmly established.

12 This phenomenal world will not remain in an unchanging condition even for a short while. Second after second it undergoes change and transformation. Every foundation will finally become collapsed; every glory and splendor will at last vanish and disappear, but the Kingdom of G.o.d is eternal and the heavenly sovereignty and majesty will stand firm, everlasting. Hence in the estimation of a wise man the mat in the Kingdom of G.o.d is preferable to the throne of the government of the world.

13 Continually my ear and eye are turned toward the Central States; perchance a melody from some blessed souls may reach my ears-souls who are the dawning-places of the love of G.o.d, the stars of the horizon of sanctification and holiness-souls who will illumine this dark universe and quicken to life this dead world. The joy of 'Abdu'l-Baha depends upon this! I hope that you may become confirmed therein.

14 Consequently, those souls who are in a condition of the utmost severance, purified from the defects of the world of nature, sanctified from attachment to this earth, vivified with the breaths of eternal life-with luminous hearts, with heavenly spirit, with attraction of consciousness, with celestial magnanimity, with eloquent tongues and with clear explanations-such souls must hasten and travel through all parts of the Central States. In every city and village they must occupy themselves with the diffusion of the divine exhortations and advices, guide the souls and promote the oneness of the world of humanity. They must play the melody of international conciliation with such power that every deaf one may attain hearing, every extinct person may be set aglow, every dead one may obtain new life and every indifferent soul may find ecstasy. It is certain that such will be the consummation.

Let the spreaders of the fragrances of G.o.d recite this prayer every morning:

O LORD, my G.o.d! Praise and thanksgiving be unto Thee for Thou hast guided me to the highway of the kingdom, suffered me to walk in this straight and far-stretching path, illumined my eye by beholding the splendors of Thy light, inclined my ear to the melodies of the birds of holiness from the kingdom of mysteries and attracted my heart with Thy love among the righteous.

O Lord! Confirm me with the Holy Spirit, so that I may call in Thy Name amongst the nations, and give the glad tidings of the manifestation of Thy kingdom amongst mankind.

O Lord! I am weak, strengthen me with Thy power and potency. My tongue falters, suffer me to utter Thy commemoration and praise. I am lowly, honor me through admitting me into Thy kingdom. I am remote, cause me to approach the threshold of Thy mercifulness. O Lord! Make me a brilliant lamp, a s.h.i.+ning star and a blessed tree, adorned with fruit, its branches overshadowing all these regions. Verily, Thou art the Mighty, the Powerful and Unconstrained.


_Revealed on February 15, 1917, in Baha'u'llah's room at the house of Abbud in Akka, and addressed to the Baha'is of the eleven Western States of the United States: New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, California, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Was.h.i.+ngton. _


_He is G.o.d!_

O ye friends and the maidservants of the Merciful, the chosen ones of the Kingdom:

2 The Blessed state of California bears the utmost similarity to the Holy Land, that is, the country of Palestine. The air is of the utmost temperance, the plain very s.p.a.cious, and the fruits of Palestine are seen in that state in the utmost of freshness and delicacy. When 'Abdu'l-Baha was traveling and journeying through those states, he found himself in Palestine, for from every standpoint there was a perfect likeness between this region and that state. Even the of the Pacific Ocean, in some instances, show perfect resemblance to the of the Holy Land-even the flora of the Holy Land have grown on those study of which had led to much speculation and wonder.

3 Likewise, in the state of California and other Western states, wonderful scenes of the world of nature, which bewilder the minds of men, are manifest. Lofty mountains, deep canyons, great and majestic waterfalls, and giant trees are witnessed on all sides, while its soil is in the utmost fertility and richness. That blessed state is similar to the Holy Land and that region and that country like unto a delectable paradise, is in many ways identical with Palestine. Now just as there are natural resemblances, heavenly resemblances must also be acquired.

4 The lights of the divine traces are manifest in Palestine. The majority of the Israelitish Prophets raised the call of the Kingdom of G.o.d in this holy ground. Having spread the spiritual teachings, the nostrils of the spiritually-minded ones became fragrant, the eyes of the illumined souls became brightened, the ears were thrilled through this song, the hearts obtained eternal life from the soul-refres.h.i.+ng breeze of the Kingdom of G.o.d and gained supreme illumination from the splendor of the Sun of Reality. Then from this region the light was spread to Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia.

5 Now California and the other Western States must earn an ideal similarity with the Holy Land, and from that state and that region the breaths of the Holy Spirit be diffused to all parts of America and Europe, that the call of the Kingdom of G.o.d may exhilarate and rejoice all the ears, the divine principles bestow a new life, the different parties may become one party, the divergent ideas may disappear and revolve around one unique center, the East and the West of America may embrace each other, the anthem of the oneness of the world of humanity may confer a new life upon all the children of men, and the tabernacle of universal peace be pitched on the apex of America; thus Europe and Africa may become vivified with the breaths of the Holy Spirit, this world may become another world, the body politic may attain to a new exhilaration, and just as in the state of California and other Western States the marvelous scenes of the world of nature are evident and manifest, the great signs of the Kingdom of G.o.d may also be unveiled so that the body may correspond with the spirit, the outward world may become a symbol of the inward world, and the mirror of the earth may become the mirror of the Kingdom, reflecting the ideal virtues of heaven.

6 During My journey and traveling in those parts, I beheld wonderful scenes and beautiful panoramas of nature, orchards and rivers; national parks and general conclaves; deserts, plains, meadows and prairies; and the grains and fruits of that region greatly attracted My attention; even to the present moment they are in My mind.

7 Particularly was I greatly pleased with the meetings in San Francisco and Oakland, the gatherings in Los Angeles, and the believers who came from the cities of other states. Whenever their faces cross My memory, immediately infinite happiness is realized.

8 Therefore I hope that the divine teachings like unto the rays of the sun may be diffused in all the Western States, and the blessed verse of the Qur'an, "It is a good City and the Lord is the Forgiver!"(17) may become realized. Likewise, the significance of another Qur'anic verse, "Do ye not travel through the land?"(18) and of the verse, "Behold the traces of the Mercy of G.o.d!"(19) become revealed in the utmost effulgence.

9 Praise be to G.o.d that through the divine bounty and providence, in that region the field of service is vast, the minds are in the utmost degree of intelligence and progress, sciences and arts are being promoted, the hearts like unto mirrors are in the utmost state of purity and translucency, and the friends of G.o.d are in perfect attraction. Therefore it is hoped that meetings for teaching will be organized and inst.i.tuted, and for the diffusion of the fragrances of G.o.d wise teachers may be sent to cities, even to villages.

10 The teachers of the Cause must be heavenly, lordly and radiant. They must be embodied spirit, personified intellect, and arise in service with the utmost firmness, steadfastness and self-sacrifice. In their journeys they must not be attached to food and clothing. They must concentrate their thoughts on the outpourings of the Kingdom of G.o.d and beg for the confirmations of the Holy Spirit. With a divine power, with an attraction of consciousness, with heavenly glad tidings and celestial holiness they must perfume the nostrils with the fragrances of the Paradise of Abha.

The following commune is to be read by them every day:

O G.o.d! O G.o.d! This is a broken-winged bird and his flight is very slow-a.s.sist him so that he may fly toward the apex of prosperity and salvation, wing his way with the utmost joy and happiness throughout the illimitable s.p.a.ce, raise his melody in Thy Supreme Name in all the regions, exhilarate the ears with this call, and brighten the eyes by beholding the signs of guidance.

O Lord! I am single, alone and lowly. For me there is no support save Thee, no helper except Thee and no sustainer beside Thee. Confirm me in Thy service, a.s.sist me with the cohorts of Thine angels, make me victorious in the promotion of Thy Word and suffer me to speak out Thy wisdom amongst Thy creatures. Verily, Thou art the helper of the weak and the defender of the little ones, and verily Thou art the Powerful, the Mighty and the Unconstrained.


_Revealed on February 21, 1917, in Baha'u'llah's room at the house of Abbud in Akka, and addressed to the Baha'is of Canada-Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, Mackenzie, Keewatin, Ungava, Franklin Islands-and Greenland. _


_He is G.o.d!_

O ye kind friends and the maidservants of the Merciful:

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Tablets of the Divine Plan Part 4 summary

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