Loyalty In Death Part 33

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He'd seemed distracted himself, she thought now, and they'd circled each other the night before and again that morning.

She'd make it up to him, Peabody promised herself. She'd carve out a couple of hours that night and take him to some funky little club for a meal and music. Zeke loved music. It would do them both good, she decided as she stepped off the guide and tried to rub the stiffness out of the back of her neck.

She turned toward the conference room and rammed straight into McNab. He sprang back, collided with a pair of uniforms who toppled into a clerk from Anti-crime.

n.o.body took his apology very well, and he was red-faced and sweaty by the time he managed to look Peabody in the eye again. "You, ah, heading into the meeting."

"Yeah." She tugged at her uniform coat. "Just now."

"Me, too." They stared at each other a moment while people shoved by them.

"You shake anything loose on Apollo?"

"Not much." She cleared her throat, tugged her coat again, and finally managed to start moving. "The lieutenant's probably waiting." "Yeah, right."

He fell into step beside her. "You get any sleep?"

She thought of warm slick bodies... and stared straight ahead. "Some."

"Me, either." His jaw ached from gritting his teeth, but it had to be said.

"Look, about yesterday." "Forget it." She snapped it out. "I already have. But if you're going to walk around all tight-a.s.sed about it -- "

"I'll walk any way I want, and you just keep your hands off me, you moron, or I'll rip your lungs out and use them for bagpipes." "Same goes, sweetheart. I'd rather kiss the back end of an alley cat."

Her breath was coming quick now. Outrage. "I bet that's just your style."

"Better that than a stiff-necked uniform with an att.i.tude."

"a.s.shole." "Twit."

They turned together into an empty office, slammed the door. And leapt at each other.

She bit his lip. He nipped her tongue. She body pressed him against the wall.

He managed to get his hands under her thick coat to squeeze her a.s.s. The moans that ripped from their throats came out as one single, tortured sound.

Then her back was against the wall and he filled his hands with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Oh G.o.d, you're built. You are so built."

He was kissing her as if he could swallow her whole. As if the universe centered on that one taste. Her head was spinning too fast for her to catch her own thoughts. And somehow the bright b.u.t.tons of her uniform were open and his fingers were on her flesh.

Who'd have thought the man had such fabulous fingers?

"We can't do this." Even as she said it she was her teeth along his throat. "I know. We'll stop. In a minute." The scent of her -- all starch and soap -- was driving him crazy. He was fighting with her bra when the 'link behind them beeped and had them both m.u.f.fling a scream.

Panting like dogs, clothes twisted, eyes glazed, they stared at each other with a kind of horror. "Holy G.o.d," he managed.

"Step back, step back." She shoved him hard enough to knock him back on his heels and began to fumble with her b.u.t.tons. "It's the pressure. It's the stress. It's something, because this is not happening."

"Right, absolutely. If I don't have s.e.x with you, I think I'm going to die."

"If you'd die, I wouldn't have this problem." She did her b.u.t.tons up wrong, swore, and fumbled them open again. Watching her, he felt his tongue go thick. "Having s.e.x would be the mother of all mistakes."

"Agreed." She b.u.t.toned her uniform again, then met his eyes dead-on.

"Where?" "Your place?"

"Can't. My brother's staying with me."

"Mine then. After s.h.i.+ft. We'll just do it, and it's done and we'll, you know. Get it out of the way and be back to normal." "Deal." With a brisk nod, she bent and picked up her cap. "Tuck in your s.h.i.+rt, McNab." "I don't think that's a good idea quite yet." He grinned at her. "Dallas might wonder why I've got a hard-on the size of Utah." Peabody snorted, straightened her cap. "Your ego, maybe."

"Baby, we'll see what you say about that after s.h.i.+ft."

She felt a little tingling between her thighs, but sniffed. "Don't call me baby,"

she told him and yanked open the door. She kept her head up and her eyes straight ahead as she walked the rest of the way to the conference room.

Eve was already there, which gave Peabody a quick twinge of guilt. Three boards were set up, and her lieutenant was busy covering the last of them with hard copy data.

"Glad you could make it." Eve said it dryly without turning around. "I ran into...

traffic. Do you want me to finish that for you, sir?"

"I've got it. Get me coffee, and program the screen for hard copy. We won't be using discs on this." "I'll get the screen," McNab volunteered. "And I could use some coffee, too. No discs, Lieutenant?" "No, I'll update when the full team's here."

They went to work quietly, so quietly that Eve got an itch between her shoulder blades. The two of them should've been sniping at each other by now, she thought, and glanced over her shoulder.

Peabody had given McNab his coffee, which was weird enough. But while she printed out hard copy of her own discs, she smiled at him. Well, not really a smile, Eve mused, but close.

"You two take happy pills this morning?" she asked, then frowned when they both blushed. "What's the deal?" she began, then shook her head when Anne Malloy and Feeney came in. "Never mind."

"Dallas." Anne stayed in the doorway. "Can I talk to you a minute?" "Sure."

"Make it quick," Feeney suggested. "Whitney and the chief are heading in."

"I'll keep it short." Anne drew a breath when Eve joined her at the door. "I want to apologize for yesterday. I had no call coming down on you that way."

"It was a tough scene."

"Yeah. I've done tough scenes before." She glanced into the room, lowered her voice another notch. "I didn't handle it well, and that won't happen again."

"Don't beat yourself up over it, Anne. It wasn't a big deal."

"Big enough. You're heading this investigation, and you have to count on all of us. I blew it yesterday, and you need to know why. I'm pregnant again."

"Oh." Eve blinked, s.h.i.+fted her feet. "Is that good?"

"It is for me." With a little laugh, Anne laid a hand on her belly. "Nearly four months into it now, and I'll tell my s.h.i.+ft commander in a couple weeks. I've done it twice before and it hasn't interfered with my job. It did yesterday. It was the kids that got me, Dallas, but I've got a handle on it now."

"Fine. You're not feeling... weird or anything?"

"No, I'm good. I just want to keep it quiet for a few more weeks. Once everybody finds out, they start the betting pool and the jokes." She lifted her shoulders. "I'd like to close this case before all that gets going. So, are we square here?"

"Sure. Here come the bra.s.s," she murmured. "Give Peabody your report and evidence discs. We'll be using hard copy." Eve remained in the doorway, at attention. "Commander. Chief Tibble."

"Lieutenant." Tibble, a tall, nearly ma.s.sive man with sharp eyes, nodded as he walked by her into the room. He glanced at the boards, then as was his habit, linked his hands behind his back. "If everyone would please be seated.

Commander Whitney, would you close the door?"

Tibble waited. He was a patient man and a thorough one, with a mind like a street cop and a talent for administration. He scanned the faces of the team Whitney had put together. Neither approval nor disapproval showed on his face.

"Before you begin your reports, I've come to tell you that both the mayor and the governor have requested a federal anti-terrorist team to a.s.sist in this investigation."

He watched Eve's eyes flash and narrow and silently approved her control.

"This is not a reflection on the work being done here. Rather it's a statement as to the scope of the problem itself. I have a meeting this morning to discuss the progress of the investigation and to make the final decision as to whether a federal team should indeed be called in."

"Sir." Eve kept her voice level and her hands on her knees. "If they're called in, which team heads the investigation?"

His brows lifted. "If the feds come in, the case would be theirs. You would a.s.sist. I don't imagine that sits well with you, Lieutenant, or any of your team."

"No, sir, it doesn't."

"Well then." He moved to a chair, sat. "Convince me that the investigation should remain in your hands. We've had three bombings in this city in two days. What have you got, and where are you going with it?"

She rose, moved to the first board. "The Apollo group," she began and went step by step through all the gathered data.

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Loyalty In Death Part 33 summary

You're reading Loyalty In Death. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): J. D. Robb ( Nora Roberts). Already has 459 views.

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