The Prime Minister Part 7

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"Ah, the son of an excellent father," observed the stranger; "I hope he, too, is safe?"

"Many thanks to your Excellency, we are both uninjured," returned Captain Pinto. "And my young friend, who was the first attacked, fought as bravely as he did before the enemy."

"I am glad to hear it," said the stranger. "Brave men are more scarce than cowards. Carry those men off to prison," he added, turning to his followers, who secured the two ruffians who had been unable to escape.

"The affair must be looked into to-morrow. You, gentlemen, I will accompany to your houses, for these streets are unfortunately not fit to be walked by honest men, without guards and lights; but such things shall be amended before long."

The stranger was a man of almost gigantic stature, and, as he strode rapidly to the scene of conflict, his movements exhibited strength and activity; the suit of dark cloth in which he was dressed, such as is now worn exclusively at Court, setting off to advantage his muscular and well knit figure. There was also a confident air of authority in his words and actions, which betokened one who felt that he had a right to command. "Come now, gentlemen, we will proceed," he said; and ordering the torch-bearers to advance, the party moved forward, the guards bringing up the rear with the prisoners, who no sooner saw into whose power they had fallen than they quietly submitted to their fate. Don Luis was at a loss to conceive who the tall stranger could be, and as he found himself walking on the opposite side of him to his friend, he had no opportunity of asking.

"All, Senhor Don Luis," he said, "you have lately been travelling, I understand from Captain Pinto, in a country where such disorders as these do not occur, and where a man may walk the streets at night, or journey from one end of the kingdom to the other, without fear of losing either his purse or his life."

"Scarcely so, senhor," answered Don Luis, "robberies are constantly occurring even in the public streets; but the English have, in general, an abhorrence of shedding blood, except that of their enemies."

"Ah, that arises from their not being able to purchase absolution at as cheap a rate as do our countrymen," interrupted the stranger, with a sarcastic laugh; "aided, perhaps, by a wholesome fear of detection, the best preventive of crime. However, continue: it gives me pleasure to hear accounts of England, a country I much admired, during my short residence there; although, not having time to acquire the harsh language of its inhabitants, I had some difficulty in becoming acquainted with its internal arrangements. At all events, a person may travel on the public roads without arms, or without fear of being robbed as here."

"Pardon me, senhor, such is not the case," answered Don Luis. "The roads are constantly infested by men on horseback, who levy contributions, even in the very neighbourhood of the capital, on the unarmed traveller."

"Ah! I am glad to hear we are not so very much less civilised than our old friends and allies, who are apt to boast themselves so much our superiors," returned the stranger. "We have now arrived at your house, senhor, and I will not detain you; but as I have many questions to ask respecting England, I should wish to see you to-morrow morning at eight o'clock, and till then, adeos."

"I regret that I cannot do myself that honour, senhor," answered Don Luis; "for I intend to set forward at daybreak to visit my father, who is in the country."

"I should advise you to defer your journey to a later hour," said the stranger, in rather an angry tone. "I shall esteem your doing so a favour," he added, more mildly, as if correcting himself. "You also forget that you will be obliged to appear at the examinations of the ruffians who attacked you. For the present, I will leave Captain Pinto with you, who will perhaps accompany you in the morning. Adeos, Senhor Pinto, till the morning, when I shall see you with your young friend."

Saying which, the stranger moved on, without waiting for an answer, leaving the Captain respectfully bowing, and Don Luis much amazed, at the door of the palace, at which one of the guards had loudly knocked.

After sundry careful interrogations from within, the door was unbarred and opened. "Who is that man, who seems of so much authority here?"

eagerly demanded Don Luis of his friend, as they were admitted into the hall by old Lucas.

"No other than Sebastiao Joze de Carvalho," answered the Captain; one of the ministers of the king, "who does more work in a day than the other two in a month, and has more brains in his head and courage in his heart than all the fidalgos in Portugal put together. You will do well to follow his request; for he is not fond of having his wishes neglected."

"In one respect I will, in requesting you to take up your abode here,"

said Don Luis, as they mounted the steps, preceded by the old steward.

"Of the rest we will consider; but I like not his authoritative tone."

"Well, I will set you the example of obedience, by accepting your hospitality instead of returning on board my s.h.i.+p; and I trust you will follow my advice for the rest."

Old Lucas now ushered them into a large apartment hung round with paintings, and adorned with crimson hangings, much faded and moth-eaten, it must be confessed; indeed, all the furniture wore an air rather of past than present splendour, except on a table in the centre, where was laid out a repast, which, considering it was intended for a single person, exhibited a profusion of eatables, affording considerable satisfaction to the worthy captain, though, as may be supposed, poor Don Luis felt but little inclination for the good things set before him.

Much to the chagrin of the old domestic, who stood near, pressing him to taste of the various dishes, and praising their qualities, he could scarcely touch them. The old man, looking with a melancholy glance at his young master, shook his head, thinking that some serious illness must have attacked him. "Ah! this comes of going to sea, and wandering in strange countries among heretics," he thought; "but his native air and proper food will soon restore him to health. Come, senhor, a little of this marmalade will do you good; it is of your old nurse's making, and you used to be very fond of it once upon a time."

"Thank you, my good Lucas, I have already finished supper; but I hope another day to do more justice to Senhora Anna's cookery. For the present, leave us; for I have much to say to Captain Pinto."

The old man unwillingly quitted the room, with many a lingering glance behind. "Ah! he is sadly changed from what he once was, poor young gentleman! Oh dear, oh dear!" he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed, as he slowly retired.

The hardy sailor, however, made ample amends to the viands for his host's want of appet.i.te. "Come, Luis," he said, "tell me how fared you with Donna Theresa? Ah! I had better not ask; your countenance tells your tale."

"Your warnings were but too just, and I have been miserably deceived,"

answered the young man.

"Do not make yourself unhappy; you will recover sooner than you expect,"

said the Captain. "Remember our voyage: dark clouds and storms for the greater part of the time; and yet the sun burst out brightly, and we arrived safe in port at last. Take my word for it, everything happens for the best, and you may some day rejoice that you have undergone what you now consider so great a misfortune."

"You have already prophesied too truly for me now to contradict you,"

said Don Luis; "but it is difficult to persuade a man that a bitter draught is pleasant to the taste."

"I do not say that it is pleasant, but, with returning health, he will be glad he took it," said the Captain, laughing. "Come, come, this is our first evening on sh.o.r.e after a long voyage, and we must not be sad-- so here's a health to the fair ladies of Portugal, and I am sure there are plenty of them, so that, if one is not kind, there are others who will be so. That is a sailor's maxim, and I should advise you to adopt it; 'twill save many a heart-ache."

"Oh! do not talk on the subject," exclaimed Don Luis, not relis.h.i.+ng his friend's principles; "I am not of so callous a nature."

"Well, we'll change the subject; and, while I am giving advice, let me strongly urge you to call to-morrow on the minister. He is a man not to be trifled with; and though he is a firm friend to those who please him, he is a relentless enemy to any who venture to oppose his objects."

"But why should I fear him, I have no favours to ask, and he has no means of injuring me?" said Don Luis.

"Do not confide in that," answered the Captain. "If you displease him, he will find means of avenging himself when you least expect it. He never yet forgave an offence. Though he is my patron and friend, and a man with many qualities I admire, I know his faults, and they are terrible ones. Pity is an utter stranger to his bosom, and the life of man he looks upon as a thing of nought, to be disposed of at his pleasure. While other men tremble with fear, his nerves are only the better strung. I remember him when he married Donna Theresa Noronha, the niece of the Conde dos Arcos, and a relation of the proud Duke of Aveiro. Her relations all protested against the match, stigmatising him as a low-born profligate, unworthy of their alliance; but he laughed, and bore her off in spite of them, though they have vowed vengeance on him ever since. But we shall see which will ultimately conquer; and, mark me, every step he takes to power is one nearer to their destruction."

"You describe a person whose friends.h.i.+p I would rather shun than seek,"

said Don Luis.

"There you think wrong," said the Captain, laughing. "He is just the person you ought to make your friend; for he can be of more Service to you than any one else; while, if you fail to win his regard, and make him your enemy, you will find him a most dangerous one. At all events, call on him with me to-morrow."

"Though fear of his enmity does not influence me, I will follow your advice, my good friend, and accompany you, which I am also hound to do after the service he rendered me to-night."

"It matters but little what your motives are, so that you follow his wishes," returned the Captain.

We need not follow further the conversation of the two friends, which lasted till a late hour, when at length, having arranged to call, early the following morning, on the minister, they separated to their respective rooms, Don Luis with his heart yet heavy, and his head in a whirl of confusion, from the various and important occurrences he had met with since his landing in the morning; indeed, it was with difficulty he could persuade himself that he had pa.s.sed only a few short hours on the of Portugal, so great a change had taken place in all his thoughts and feelings. At the present period of his career, Carvalho made no attempt to vie in outward show with the rich and luxurious fidalgos of Lisbon, his mansion being small, and his domestic arrangements unostentatious; the guard at the door, who presented arms as Captain Pinto and his young friend entered the hall, being the only sign that a person of consequence resided there.

On giving their names, a servant, without delay, ushered the two gentlemen up stairs into a small ante-room, where he left them for a moment, and immediately returned, saying that his master would receive them, when, throwing open a side door, he made a sign to them to enter, and Don Luis found himself in the presence of his acquaintance of the previous evening.

Carvalho, habited in his morning gown, was pacing the chamber, which he evidently used as his dressing-room, while a secretary, at a desk near the window, was busily occupied in writing according to his dictation; the last few sentences he spoke being heard by his guests before he appeared to remember their presence. He then suddenly turned, having a.s.sured himself that his instructions were fully understood, and received them with that frank and courteous politeness for which the Portuguese are so justly esteemed, and in which he particularly excelled; placing them on seats opposite to the one into which he threw himself, in such a position that he might every now and then turn and give directions to his secretary.

"I am glad to find that your foreign travel has given you habits of punctuality and early rising," he observed; "customs I wish the young men of your rank would more generally follow."

"I was anxious to thank your Excellency for the aid you afforded me last night," returned Don Luis; "and I therefore seized the earliest moment to pay my respects."

"Ah! that reminds me that you need not be detained in Lisbon to appear as a witness against the ruffians. They did not intend to take your life, it appears, but mistook you for another person; however, a few weeks' imprisonment will benefit them; and I conclude that you do not intend to remain long away from Court. The king looks with a jealous eye on those who absent themselves, wis.h.i.+ng to see himself, as he ought to be, surrounded by his n.o.bles, who seem often to forget that they but hold their rank from him, and that, at his pleasure, they may again become mere commoners."

"My movements will depend entirely on my father's will," answered Don Luis; "and, after my long absence, he will probably desire me to remain with him."

"Your father is a man I much esteem," said the Minister; "and regret that some slight he conceives himself to have received should have driven him from Court; for I cannot suppose that he is tainted with disloyalty to our sovereign, which is more than I can say for some of the haughty fidalgos of the land, whose pride, by heavens! soars so high, that they seem to consider themselves his superiors; let them beware, or it shall be brought low enough."

The manner of the speaker for a moment became excited; but he quickly resumed his usual calm demeanour, as he continued--"Offer my compliments to your father, and say I must request he will not detain you long away, for I feel confident that his majesty will wish to give you some employment suitable to your rank, and the high talents I know you to possess."

Don Luis, surprised at the compliment, for he could not conceive how the minister knew anything about him, could only bow in return; nor was he particularly pleased with its authoritative tone, as coming from a man whom he had been taught to consider, on account of his birth, but of little consequence; particularly when he heard threats uttered against the cla.s.s to which he belonged. The Minister, eyeing the young man narrowly, to observe the effect of his observations, then addressed a few sentences to Captain Pinto, during which time Don Luis, happening to look in the direction of the secretary, observed that his glance was fixed on him; but it was immediately withdrawn, the latter person applying himself studiously to his occupation; it was, however, sufficient to attract Don Luis's attention more especially to his countenance, which he could not help fancying that he had seen somewhere before, and at no great distance of time. It was not probable that he had met him abroad, so that it could have been only on the previous day;--perhaps he had pa.s.sed him in the street--for he possessed only an undefined, dreamy sort of recollection of the countenance;--when, on a sudden, it struck him that those expressive eyes and features were the same he had for a moment seen in the corridor of the Jesuits' College.

Yet it was extraordinary that a person employed by one who was a professed enemy of that order should have been found holding communication with them, and he felt confident that the secretary had either been playing false to his master, or deceiving in some way the holy fathers. However, he wisely, for the present, kept his counsel: determining, as in duty bound, to take the first opportunity of mentioning his suspicions to his cousin, Father da Costa, between whom and the Minister he knew there was no cordiality. He had just arrived at this conclusion, when Carvalho again turned to him, making many minute inquiries about his travels in England, which showed him, notwithstanding his declarations to the contrary, to be well acquainted with the laws and customs of that country. "Amba.s.sadors," he observed, "have less chance than any other strangers of learning the true state of a country; it is the interest of everybody round them to blind their eyes; and if they attempt to move about incognito, and alone, they are considered as spies, and every action is watched. In despotic countries, such as Austria, and I hear also in Russia, the matter is much worse; and I have heard of the whole country, by the borders of a road, being populated, and villages built, on the occasion of the visit of some distinguished personage, which vanished when he had pa.s.sed by; though he went away with the impression that it was one of the most fertile and populous countries in the world."

The Minister smiled at his own story, as, in duty bound, did his guests, and Don Luis began to doubt that he could possibly possess the violent and sanguinary temper which was reported: he made many more inquiries, and seemed much pleased with the answers Don Luis gave; then, in the most bland, and courteous manner, informed him and Captain Pinto, that he would no longer detain them, begging the former to call upon him on his return to Lisbon. As they rose to depart, Don Luis caught the eye of the secretary again turned towards him, with a sort of inquiring glance, but he had no opportunity of observing further, as he was obliged to follow the captain from the room.

As they were crossing a corridor, and about to descend the stairs, a young girl pa.s.sed them, with light ringlets falling over her shoulders, and laughing blue eyes. In no way abashed at sight of the strangers, she bowed gracefully, and bounded on. "Who can that fair creature be who pa.s.sed us?" asked Don Luis.

"The eldest daughter of the Minister by his present wife, Donna Leonora, Countess Daun, whom he married during the time he was envoy at the Court of Austria;" answered Captain Pinto; "she shows her mother's Saxon blood."

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The Prime Minister Part 7 summary

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