Circle Of Three: Making The Saint Part 10

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All right, then, said Eulalie. Ill be seeing you.

She retreated into her room and Annie continued on her way out of the building. When she emerged into the gray November afternoon she was surprised to see Tyler sitting on the steps of the nursing home. She stopped, looking at him.

I wasnt sure if you hung up on me on purpose or not, he said.

Annie shook her head. I ran out of change, she said.

Tyler nodded. Thats one less thing to be paranoid about, then, he remarked.

Neither of them spoke for a moment. Annie didnt know whether she should just go home or if she should stay. Part of her wanted to get as far away from Tyler as possible. But she found that she couldnt move.

I drove, he said finally. My mothers car. Do you want a ride home?

Annie nodded. Okay, she said.

The two of them walked to the car. As Tyler unlocked the door to let Annie in he said, I know a station wagon isnt exactly cool or anything, but at least its not a minivan.

Annie got in and Tyler shut the door. Then he let himself in. He started up the car and pulled out of the lot. They drove in silence for a while, Annie looking out the window and Tyler staring straight ahead.

Ive been thinking about what you asked me, Tyler said when they stopped for a red light. You know, about what were doing?

And? asked Annie.

And I think were making a big mistake, Tyler said.

Annie looked away. She felt a tear slip from her eye and begin to roll down her cheek. She reached up and quickly wiped it away. Dont let him say anything else, she pleaded silently. Please dont let him say anything else.

The light changed and Tyler continued driving. I like you, Annie, Tyler said. I really like you. The time we spent together made me see that. He paused. And it also made me see that maybe Kate and I arent as perfect a couple as I thought we were.

Annie closed her eyes. She wanted Tyler to stop talking. She didnt want him to say anything that would make her feel worse than she already did. It was like he was tearing the bandage off a wound she had tried hard to cover up, thinking that would heal it. It hurt, and she could feel it deep in her heart.

If I had never been with Kate, I would do this in a heartbeat, Tyler said.

But you have been with her, so you cant, said Annie when he didnt continue. She bit her lip. Do you still love her? she asked.

I dont know what I feel right now, Tyler replied. I honestly dont. Ive been away from Kate for so long, and Ive been spending so much time with you, that its hard for me to tell what my real feelings are.

So were supposed to wait until you figure out what they are? asked Annie, looking at him for the first time since theyd started driving.

Is that asking too much? Tyler said. And can you honestly tell me that some of what youre feeling for me isnt about your breakup with Brian?

Annie started to protest, but stopped. Tyler was right. The two of them had been spending a lot of time together under unusual circ.u.mstances. How much of what she felt for him was a result of that? She couldnt honestly say.

Tyler was nearing her neighborhood. Do you want me to drop you off at your house? he asked.

No, Annie said. Ill get out here.

Neither of them said what they were both thinking"that they didnt want to risk Kates seeing them together. Although Kate knew that they spent time together, Annie was sure that if she saw either of their faces right at that moment she would know exactly what had been going on.

Tyler pulled over. He turned to face Annie. I cant deny that I feel something for you, he said. And part of me wants to take that and just run with it. A big part. But we both have a lot to lose here. You know that.

Annie nodded. I think maybe we already have lost something, she said. Neither one of us can take this back.

I know, Tyler said. But we dont have to make it any worse. So for now lets just back away.

Annie nodded. She couldnt say anything. She knew that what Tyler was saying was right. In her heart she knew it. But that didnt keep her heart from hurting any less.

Tyler leaned over and kissed her gently. Youre incredibly special, he said.

Annie needed to get out of the car. She couldnt stay any longer. If she did she knew that she would kiss Tyler back, and she didnt want to think about what would happen if she did that.

Ive got to go, she said, opening the door.

She stepped out, not waiting for Tylers response. The tears were about to come, and she didnt think she could stop them this time. She wanted to get home, where she felt safe. She wanted to lock the door to her room and cry her frustrations out.

The drivers-side door opened and Tyler got out. Annie, he said. Dont go like this.

Annie turned away. As she did she looked up and saw Cooper standing in front of her. She was carrying her guitar case. When she saw Annie she smiled. Then she noticed the expression on her friends face. Then she noticed Tyler standing next to the car.

Hey, guys, she said, looking from Annie to Tyler. Whats going on here?


Hey! Where is everybody?

Kyle! Kate ran out of her bedroom and thundered down the stairs. Her big brother was standing in the living room, a duffel bag at his feet. Kate ran up and gave him a huge hug. When she let go she looked up at him.

Whats this? she asked, indicating the new goatee that covered his chin and upper lip.

What do you think? Kyle asked her. Pretty hot, huh?

Oh, very, teased Kate. If you want to look like a pirate.

Kyle grabbed her and twisted her arm behind her back. Kate squealed and tried to get away, but he was much stronger and he had her trapped. Say it, Kyle said as he continued to hold her arm.

It. Kate giggled, earning herself a new round of torment.

Come on, said Kyle. I can keep this up all night. He held on even harder.

Okay! Kate said. Okay. You are the supreme lord and master. There, happy?

Thats better, Kyle said, letting her go. Im pleased to see that you remember the magic words.

I know some other words, too, Kate said, grinning. Like new tattoo. How about that?

Kyle narrowed his eyes. You wouldnt, he said. I showed you that only after you promised never to tell a living soul.

And I wont, Kate told him. If you help me out with a little problem.

Thats blackmail, Kyle said. Then he nodded. I like it. So, what am I helping you with?

I need to get Mom and Dad to let me start seeing Tyler again, said Kate.

I didnt know that theyd stopped letting you see him, replied her brother.

Its a long story, Kate answered.

Kyle looked at his watch. Dad wont be home for at least a couple of hours, he said. Wheres Mom?

Catering a Thanksgiving luncheon for some ladies club or something, Kate said.

Then we have time for the sure-to-be-captivating story of your thwarted love, said Kyle as he picked up his bag and walked into the kitchen.

Fine, said Kate. But dont eat all the cookies. Mom will skin you.

Kyle, who was at that very moment inspecting the contents of the cookie jar on the counter, responded by taking a handful of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and popping an entire cookie into his mouth.

Then he pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. Do we have milk? he asked.

Kate opened the refrigerator and got out the milk. She took a gla.s.s from the dish drainer, filled it, and handed it to Kyle. Who looks after you when youre at school? she joked.

She poured herself some milk and sat down across from her brother. Then she took one of the cookies from his pile and bit into it. She wasnt sure where to begin the story she wanted to tell Kyle. Shed been going over it in her head for a couple of days, but she still hadnt decided on a final script.

Spill it already, said Kyle after she had been silent for a minute. Why did they put the kibosh on your budding romance?

They think Tyler is a bad influence on me, Kate told him.

Tyler? Kyle said, snorting. He seems about as bad an influence as" He searched for a comparison.

Finally, he pointed to the milk and cookies in front of him. As this.

Probably even less, Kate said.

Then what happened? asked Kyle. Did they catch you two making out on the couch or something?

Kate shook her head. No, she said. In fact, they were really starting to like him.

Until? said Kyle.

Kate took a breath. This was the part of the conversation shed been trying to work out. She was pretty sure that Kyle would be okay with what she had to say next. After all, he was her big brother. Hed looked out for her ever since she was a kid. She knew he wouldnt let her down now.

Until they found out that hes a witch, she said.

Kyle swallowed the cookie in his mouth. A witch? he said. Then he laughed. What are you talking about?

Tyler is Wiccan, said Kate. Hes a witch. So are his mother and sister.

Kyle leaned forward. Youre serious? he said incredulously.

Kate nodded her response.

But hes a guy! Kyle said. Guys arent witches.

What do you think those people who did the ritual for Aunt Netty were? asked Kate. They were witches. And some of them were guys.

Tyler is part of that group? asked her brother.

Yes, Kate said. I asked him not to come that night because I wasnt sure how to tell Mom and Dad.

They were already freaked out that Annie and Cooper knew those people. When they found out that I know them, too, they just about lost it.

What do you mean that you know them, too? Kyle said. I thought you told me that you had never met them before.

I know, Kate said. I did tell you that. That was because I didnt know how to tell you about them, and about me.

What about you? Kyle asked.

Im involved in Wicca, too, said Kate.

Kyle put his gla.s.s of milk down. Come again?

I said Im involved in Wicca, too, repeated Kate, feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden. Kyle was *

looking at her with an odd expression on his face.

Are you telling me you think youre a witch? he asked her.

No, Kate said. Im just part of a study group, thats all. She knew that it wasnt all, but she had realized that Kyle wasnt ready to hear the part about how after her year and a day of study she would probably be initiated as a witch.

Kyle shook his head. No wonder Mom and Dad said no way to witch boy, he said.

What do you mean? asked Kate.

Kyle raised his eyebrows. Well, clearly you wouldnt be doing this if it wasnt for Tyler. I mean come on, Kate. You, a witch?

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Circle Of Three: Making The Saint Part 10 summary

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