Circle Of Three: Making The Saint Part 20

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Annie nodded. Aunt Sarah doesnt want me trying to carry stuff until this has had a chance to heal a little. But Ill be back pretty soon. Maybe Thursday if everything feels okay.

They were standing in the back room of Crones Circle, waiting for their weekly cla.s.s to begin. Only a few people had arrived already, so the room was quiet. The three of them stood there in an awkward silence.

How did it happen? asked Kate.

A knife, said Annie. I cut myself with a knife.

A knife, Kate thought. Steel. Oggun likes knives. Had Oggun really caused Annie to hurt herself? Was this the result of the ritual shed done when shed asked him for help? Looking at Annies injured hand, she felt sick. Was she really responsible for her friend getting cut? And equally upsetting, did this prove her suspicions about Annie and Tyler? Either of those things being true would be enough to make her miserable. Both of them being true would be devastating.

Youre the one who asked Oggun to punish her, she reminded herself. Then she wondered, if this had happened to Annie, had something happened to Tyler, too? Had he had some freak accident as well, caused by the orisha Kate had sent to take vengeance? Suddenly she realized what shed done. Shed used magic against someone. And not just someone"her best friend and her boyfriend.

You were angry, she reminded herself. But she knew that was no excuse. Even if what she suspected was true, that was no reason for her to misuse magic.

I forgot, she said suddenly. Theres something I need to go do.

But what about cla.s.s? Cooper asked as Kate started to leave.

Ill be back, Kate called out as she fled from the store.

She ran down the street as fast as she could. Her arms pumped as she forced her feet forward. Her chest began to burn as she breathed more and more heavily, but still she kept going. She blocked out the pain as she turned corners and looked for shortcuts.

Finally she reached Botanica Yemaya. She raced to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. She looked at the sign on the door and saw that it had closed only a few minutes before. Maybe someone is still there, she thought.

She pounded on the door, praying that Evelyn or maybe Jon-Jon would still be somewhere in the back and hear her. She was frantic, and she felt her anxiety growing stronger and stronger as she stood, helpless, in front of the locked door peering into the dark store.

Then she saw movement in the darkness. Someone came to the door, and then she saw Madelaines face looking out at her with a puzzled expression. When the girl saw that it was Kate outside, she undid the locks and pulled the door open.

Whats all the noise about? she asked.

Please, Kate said. I need to talk to your mother. Is she here?

Yes, Madelaine said. But what is this about?

Just let me in, Kate said. Please. This is an emergency.

Madelaine stepped aside and motioned for Kate to come in. When she was inside the store, Madelaine locked the door again. Come upstairs, she said.

Kate followed Madelaine through the doorway and then up a small staircase she had never noticed before. At the top of it Madelaine pushed open a door and led Kate inside. They were in an apartment, *

and Kate realized that Madelaine and her mother must live above the shop.

As they entered, Evelyn came out from another room. Who was it? she said, then noticed Kate standing there. The look on her face changed from one of curiosity to one of concern. Whats happened? she asked.

Its Annie, Kate said. I mean, its me, but what I did hurt Annie.

Evelyn frowned. I dont understand, she said.

Kate looked at Madelaine, who was watching her with interest. She didnt really want the other girl to know what shed done, but she was desperate. I kind of did a ritual, Kate told Evelyn. I asked Oggun to do something for me.

What kind of something? Evelyn asked, her voice low.

Kate swallowed. I asked him to punish my boyfriend and the person I thought he was cheating on me with, she admitted.

Evelyn groaned. And then your friend was hurt? she said.

Kate nodded. She cut herself with a knife. Not too badly, but she needed st.i.tches.

Evelyn waved Kate to her. Come, she said. We need to talk.

Kate went to her, and Evelyn put an arm around her shoulder and led her into what turned out to be the kitchen. Sit, she said, indicating a chair at the table.

Kate sat. She was a little disconcerted to see that Madelaine had followed them into the kitchen as well, but she didnt want to say anything about it. Madelaine leaned against the counter and listened as her mother talked.

Orisha magic is very powerful, Evelyn told Kate. You saw what the spirits do to people when they ride them.

Kate nodded. That was one of the things that had fascinated her most about the Santeria tradition.

Evelyn folded her hands on the table. The orishas are not entirely like other spirits or G.o.ds, she said carefully. They are not bad, or evil, but like humans they can become jealous and sometimes vengeful. It is possible to ask them to do what you did. There are people who do such things. However, this is not how you should interact with them. Oggun is your guardian spirit. He watches over you and protects you.

When you asked him to do this thing, he became like an angry father. Do you understand?

I think so, Kate said. He didnt like seeing me hurt, so he did as I asked and tried to make the people I thought hurt me pay for it.

Evelyn nodded. Yes, she said. Your anger fueled him. He was only doing as you asked.

How do I stop him? asked Kate.

Probably it is done already, Evelyn told her. You asked to have the person your boyfriend was *

cheating on you with revealed, yes?

Yes, Kate said. But what about the punishment part? I dont want anything to happen to Tyler.

Then you must tell Papa Oggun that, Evelyn said.

Can I do it now? asked Kate.

Evelyn nodded. She got up and rummaged around the kitchen. Maddy, hand me the bottle from the cupboard, she told her daughter as she herself looked in a drawer.

Madelaine did as her mother asked, and a moment later Evelyn placed some cigars, a bottle of rum, and a coconut on the table. Take these to the park on the corner, she said. Leave them under a tree. Give Oggun your thanks and tell him that he no longer needs to protect you from this.

Evelyn turned to Madelaine. Go with her, she said. Show her where to go.

Madelaine nodded. Come on, she said to Kate.

Kate looked at Evelyn. Im really sorry, she said. I didnt mean to do anything wrong. You were so nice to teach me about Santeria, and now I feel like Ive ruined everything.

Youve ruined nothing that cant be fixed, Evelyn said, smiling. We all fall down from time to time.

The hard part is getting back up and moving on. You are always welcome in my store and in my home.

Kate took up the things on the table. Thank you, she said to Evelyn, and then followed Madelaine out of the apartment and down the stairs.

There is a tree in this park that is used by many people in the religion, Madelaine explained as they walked to the corner. It is considered sacred.

Kate nodded. She felt strange being alone with Madelaine. It bothered her that the girl knew what she had done. What must she think of me? Kate wondered as they entered the park.

Madelaine led her to a remote corner of the park, away from the benches and the fountain. There she stopped in front of a large tree. This is it, she said, a note of reverence in her voice. You may make your offering here. I will wait for you.

Kate nodded and Madelaine left her alone. Kate knelt. Looking at the base of the tree, she was surprised to see that objects of various kinds were already scattered around it. Flowers, candies, nails, and pieces of paper with writing on them covered the roots. Kate wondered what the people who had come before her had asked of the orishas. Had any of them, like her, made mistakes that they needed to make up for?

She couldnt think about that now. She cleared her head and thought about what she needed to do. She nestled the cigars and the coconut in a little nook made by the trees roots. Then she opened the bottle of rum and poured it over the ground around the tree. The sweet smell filled her nose and made her choke a little bit.

Oggun, she said when she had emptied the bottle. Thank you for listening to me, and for coming to my protection. But now please dont do any more. I was wrong in asking for you to do those things, and *

Im sorry for that. I know you were only looking out for one of your children.

She didnt know what else to say. What she had said was hard enough to get out. Part of her was afraid that Oggun would be angry at her for asking him to do something she really hadnt wanted him to do. But she really was sorry, and she hoped that was enough.

After sitting there for another minute, Kate got up and looked around for Madelaine. She saw her standing beneath a street lamp not too far away. Walking over to her, she said, Thanks for showing me where to go.

Madelaine smiled at her. Mama was right, she said. Weve all done things like what you did.

Really? Kate asked doubtfully. You mean Im not the only stupid one?

Madelaine laughed. No, she said. Ive seen people do much stupider things. Someday Ill tell you about the ones Ive done.

That makes me feel a little better, I guess, Kate said. But this isnt over yet. I still have something else to do.

Madelaine nodded. Go, she said.

Kate paused. Thanks, she said. I know we dont really know each other very well, but I hope we get to.

I think that can be arranged, Madelaine told her. Just tell your friend that Im not after her boyfriend.

If shes anything like you, Id be in big trouble.

Kate laughed. Ill do that, she said.

She left Madelaine at the entrance to the park and started running again. This time she went a little more slowly. She needed to think about exactly what she was going to do. By the time she reached Crones Circle, she was ready. Or at least she hoped she was.

She went inside. Cla.s.s was just ending and people were helping to put away the chairs and the other items theyd used during the session. Kate looked around and saw Annie and Cooper standing to one side. They were talking to Tyler.

Here goes nothing, Kate told herself, and walked over to them.

Hi, she said.

The three of them looked at her.

Hi, Cooper said. Are you okay? You look beat.

Im okay, Kate said. I was running. Then she turned to Annie and Tyler. We need to talk, she said.

Tyler and Annie exchanged a look. Yeah, Tyler said. We do.

But not here, said Kate. How about on the beach?

Tyler nodded. Okay, he said.

Thats fine, added Annie, looking very sad.

I think Ill just go, Cooper said. Ill talk to you guys later, okay?

Kate and the others nodded. Cooper left, and the three of them exited the store behind her and walked toward the wharf, not saying anything. They continued in silence down the long flight of wooden stairs to the beach. Then they walked along the sh.o.r.e.

It seems like all kinds of important stuff happens to me down here, Kate remarked as they walked. I broke up with Scott here. I first kissed you here, she said, looking at Tyler. I did my first ritual with you here, she added, glancing at Annie. Its like the ocean sees all these major things in my life.

Kate . . . Tyler said.

No, Kate said. Let me finish. I know something happened between the two of you. I dont know what, exactly, but I know it changed things. And I know that thinking about it made me so angry that I did something I would never think I could do"I hurt one of my best friends in the whole world. Annie, Im sorry about your accident.

You didnt" Annie began.

Yes, I did, said Kate. Ill tell you how later. The point is that I did it and Im sorry.

And Im sorry for not telling you everything, Annie said.

Kate held up her hand. You know what, she said. I dont really even want to know. But I do want to know where it leaves us, she said to Tyler.

Tyler looked at her, his eyes glinting in the moonlight. I think we should probably stop seeing each other, he said. Theres nothing between Annie and me. Something happened, and it happened for a lot of reasons. It wasnt right, but it made me see that this isnt working for you and me right now, Kate.

Kate felt something inside of her break. Not her heart, but a dam that had been holding back a lot of emotions. Now she was surprised to see that although she mostly felt sad, she also felt a sense of relief. It was as if a huge source of pressure had been taken off her. She didnt entirely understand why, but she felt better.

Okay, she said simply.

No one spoke for a few minutes as they stood on the beach, the waves cras.h.i.+ng in and the cold November wind blowing across their faces. Above them, the moon was bright and sharp, and the stars shone like bits of cut gla.s.s in the sky.

I dont know what else to say, Tyler said finally.

You dont have to say anything, Kate said. We can talk more about it later. Right now I think we should just call it a night.

They walked back up the steps. At the top, Tyler paused. This feels weird, he said. I dont know what to do now.

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Circle Of Three: Making The Saint Part 20 summary

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