The Treaty Of The European Union, Maastricht Treaty, 7th February, 1992 Part 6

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Administrative expenditure occasioned for the inst.i.tutions by the provisions of the Treaty on European Union relating to common foreign and security policy and to co-operation in the fields of justice and home affairs shall be charged to the budget. The operational expenditure occasioned by the implementation of the said provisions may, under the conditions referred to therein, be charged to the budget.

The revenue and expenditure shown in the budget shall be in balance."

70) Article 200 shall be repealed.

71) Article 201 shall be replaced by the following: "ARTICLE 201 Without prejudice to other revenue, the budget shall be financed wholly from own resources.

The Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament, shall lay down provisions relating to the system of own resources of the Community, which it shall recommend to the Member States for adoption in accordance with their respective const.i.tutional requirements."

72) The following Article shall be inserted: "ARTICLE 201a With a view to maintaining budgetary discipline, the Commission shall not make any proposal for a Community act, or alter its proposals, or adopt any implementing measure which is likely to have appreciable implications for the budget without providing the a.s.surance that the proposal or that measure is capable of being financed within the limit of the Community's own resources arising under provisions laid down by the Council pursuant to Article 201."

73) Article 205 shall be replaced by the following; "ARTICLE 205 The Commission shall implement the budget, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations made pursuant to Article 209, on its own responsibility and within the limits of the appropriations, having regard tot he principles of sound financial management.

The regulations shall lay down detailed rules for each inst.i.tution concerning its part in effecting its own expenditure.

Within the budget, the Commission may, subject to the limits and conditions laid down in the regulations made pursuant to Article 209, transfer appropriations from one chapter to another or from one subdivision to another."

74) Article 206 shall be replaced by the following: "ARTICLE 206 1. The European Parliament, acting on a recommendation from the Council which shall act by qualified majority, shall give a discharge to the Commission in respect of the implementation of the budget. To this end, the Council and the European Parliament in turn shall examine the accounts and the financial statement referred to in Article 205a, the annual report by the Court of Auditors together with the replies of the inst.i.tutions under audit to the observations of the Court of Auditors and any relevant special reports by the Court of Auditors.

2 Before giving a discharge to the Commission, or for any other purpose in connection with the exercise of its power over the implementation of the budget, the European Parliament may ask to hear the Commission give evidence with regard to the execution of expenditure or the operation of financial control systems. The Commissions shall submit any necessary information to the European Parliament at the latter's request.

3. The Commission shall take all appropriate steps to act on the observations in the decisions giving discharge and on other observations by the European Parliament relating to the execution of expenditure, as well as on comments accompanying the recommendations on discharge adopted by the Council.

At the request of the European Parliament or the Council, the Commission shall report on the measures taken in the light of these observations and comments and in particular on the instructions given to the departments which are responsible for the implementation of the budget. These reports shall also be forwarded to the Court of Auditors."

75) Articles 206a and 206b shall be repealed.

76) Article 209 shall be replaced by the following: "ARTICLE 209 The Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament and obtaining the opinion of the Court of Auditors, shall: (a) make Financial Regulations specifying in particular the procedure to be adopted for establis.h.i.+ng and implementing the budget and for presenting and auditing accounts; (b) determine the methods and procedure whereby the budget revenue provided under the arrangements relating to the Community's own resources shall be made available to the Commission, and determine the measures to be applied, if need be, to meet cash requirements; (c) lay down rules concerning the responsibility of financial controllers, authorizing officers and accounting officers, and concerning appropriate arrangements for inspection."

77) The following article shall be inserted: "ARTICLE 209a Member States shall take the same measures to counter fraud affecting the financial interests of the Community as they take to counter fraud affecting their own financial interests.

Without prejudice to the other provisions of the Treaty, Member States shall co-ordinate their action aimed at protecting the financial interests of the Community against fraud. To this end they shall organize, with the help of the Commission, close and regular co-operation between the competent departments of their administrations."

78) Article 215 shall be replaced by the following: "ARTICLE 215 The contractual liability of the Community shall be governed by the law applicable to the contract in question.

In the case of non-contractual liability, the Community shall, in accordance with the general principles common to the law of the Member States, make good any damage caused by its inst.i.tutions or by its servants in the performance of their duties.

The preceding paragraph shall apply under the same conditions to damage caused by the ECB or by its servants in the performance of their duties.

The personal liability of its servants towards the Community shall be governed by the provisions laid down in their Staff Regulations or in the Conditions of Employment applicable to them."

79) Article 227 shall be amended as follows: (a) paragraph 2 shall be replaced by the following: "2. With regard to the French overseas departments, the general and particular provisions of this Treaty relating to: - the free movement of goods; - agriculture, save for Article 40 (4); - the liberalization of services - the rules on compet.i.tion; - the protective measures provided for in Articles 109h, 109i and 226; - the inst.i.tutions, shall apply as soon as this Treaty enters into force.

The conditions under which the other provisions of this Treaty are to apply shall be determined, within two years of entry into force of this Treaty, by decisions of the Council, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission.

The inst.i.tutions of the Community will, within the framework of the procedures provided for in this Treaty, in particular Article 226, take care that the economic and social developments of these areas is made possible."

(b) in paragraph 5, subparagraph (a) shall be replaced by the following: "(a) this Treaty shall not apply to the Faroe Islands."

80) Article 228 shall be replaced by the following: "ARTICLE 228 1. Where this Treaty provides for the conclusion of agreements between the Community and one or more States or international organizations, the Commission shall make recommendations to the Council, which shall authorize the Commission to open the necessary negotiations. The Commission shall conduct these negotiations in consultation with special committees appointed by the Council to a.s.sist it in this task and within the framework of such directives as the Council may issue to it.

In exercising the powers conferred upon it by this paragraph, the Council shall act by a qualified majority, except in the cases provided for in the second sentence of paragraph 2, for which it shall act unanimously.

2. Subject to the powers vested in the Commission in this field, the agreements shall be concluded by the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission. The Council shall act unanimously when the agreement covers a field for which unanimity is required for the adoption of internal rules, and for the agreements referred to in Article 238.

3. The Council shall conclude agreements after consulting the European Parliament, except for the agreements referred to in Article 113(3), including cases where the agreement covers a field for which the procedure referred to in Article 189b or that referred to in Article 189c is required for the adoption of internal rules. The European Parliament shall deliver its opinion within a time limit which the Council may lay down according to the urgency of the matter. In the absence of an opinion within that time limit, the Council may act.

By way of derogation from the previous subparagraph, agreements referred to in Article 238, other agreements establis.h.i.+ng a specific inst.i.tutional framework by organizing co-operation procedures, agreements having important budgetary implications for the Community and agreements entailing amendment of an act adopted under the procedure referred to in Article 189b shall be concluded after the a.s.sent of the European Parliament has been obtained.

The Council and the European Parliament may, in an urgent situation, agree upon a time limit for the a.s.sent.

4. When concluding an agreement , the Council may, by way of derogation from paragraph 2, authorize the Commission to approve modifications on behalf of the Community where the agreement provides for them to be adopted by a simplified procedure or by a body set up by the agreement; it may attach specific conditions to such authorization.

5. When the Council envisages concluding an agreement which calls for amendments to this Treaty, the amendments must first be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article N of the Treaty on European Union.

6. The Council, the Commission or a Member State may obtain the opinion of the Court of Justice as to whether an agreement envisaged is compatible with the provisions of this Treaty. Where the opinion of the Court of Justice is adverse, the agreement may enter into force only in accordance with Article N of the Treaty on European Union.

7. Agreements concluded under the conditions set out in this Article shall be binding on the inst.i.tutions of the Community and on Member States."

81) The following Article shall be inserted: "ARTICLE 228a Where it is provided, in a common position or in a joint action adopted according to the provisions of the Treaty on European Union relating to the common foreign and security policy, for an action by the Community to interrupt or to reduce, in part or completely, economic relations with one or more third countries, the Council shall take the necessary urgent measures. The Council shall act by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission."

82) Article 231 shall be replaced by the following: "ARTICLE 231 The Community shall establish close co-operation with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the details of which shall be determined by common accord."

83) Article 236 and 237 shall be repealed.

84) Article 328 shall be replaced by the following: "ARTICLE 238 The Community may conclude with one or more states or international organizations agreements establis.h.i.+ng an a.s.sociation involving reciprocal rights and obligations, common action and special procedures."

F. In Annex III: 85) The t.i.tle shall be replaced by the following: "List of invisible transactions referred to in Article 73h of this Treaty".

G. In the Protocol on the Statue of the European Investment Bank: 86) The reference to Articles 129 and 130 shall be replaced by a reference to Articles 198b and 198e.


ARTICLE H The Treaty establis.h.i.+ng the European Coal and Steel Community shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

1) Article 7 shall be replaced by the following: "ARTICLE 7 The inst.i.tutions of the Community shall be: - a HIGH AUTHORITY (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission"); - a COMMON a.s.sEMBLY (hereinafter referred to as "the European Parliament"); - a SPECIAL COUNCIL OF MINISTERS (hereinafter referred to as "the Council"); - a COURT OF JUSTICE; - a COURT OF AUDITORS.

The Commission shall be a.s.sisted by a Consultative Committee."

2) The following Articles shall be inserted: "ARTICLE 9 1. The Commission shall consist of seventeen members, who shall be chosen on the grounds of their general competence and whose independence is beyond doubt.

The number of members of the Commission may be altered by the Council, acting unanimously.

Only nationals of the Member States may be members of the Commission.

The commission must include at least one national of each of the Member States, but may not include more than two members having the nationality of the same State.

2. The members of the Commission shall, in the general interest of the Community, be completely independent in the performance of their duties.

In the performance of these duties, they shall neither seek nor take instructions from any government or from any other body. They shall refrain from any action incompatible with their duties. Each Member State undertakes to respect this principle and not to seek to influence the members of the Commission in the performance of their tasks.

The members of the Commission may not, during their term of office, engage in any other occupation whether gainful or not. When entering upon their duties they shall give a solemn undertaking that, both during and after their term of office, they will respect the obligations arising therefrom and in particular their duty to behave with integrity and discretion as regards the acceptance, after they have ceased to hold office, of certain appointments or benefits. In the event of any breach of these obligations, the Court of Justice may, on application by the Council or the Commission, rule that the member concerned be, according to the circ.u.mstances, either compulsorily retired in accordance with Article 12a or deprived of his right to a pension or other benefits in its stead.

ARTICLE 10 1. The members of the Commission shall be appointed in accordance with the procedure referred to in paragraph 2, for a period of five years, subject, if need be, to Article 24.

Their term of office shall be renewable.

2. The governments of the Member States shall nominate by common accord, after consulting the European Parliament, the person they intend to appoint as President of the Commission.

The governments of the Members States shall, in consultation with the nominee for the President, nominate the other persons whom they intend to appoint as members of the Commission.

The President and the other members of the Commission thus nominated shall be subject as a body to a vote of approval by the European Parliament. After approval by the European Parliament, the President and the other members of the Commission shall be appointed by common accord of the Member States.

3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied for the first time to the President and the other members of the Commission whose term of office begins on 7 January 1995.

The President and the other members of the Commission whose term of office beings on 7 January 1993 shall be appointed by common accord of the governments of the Member States. Their term of office shall expire on 6 January 1995.

ARTICLE 11 The Commission may appoint a Vice-President or two Vice-Presidents from among its members.

ARTICLE 12 Apart from normal replacement, or death, the duties of a member of the Commission shall end when he resigns or is compulsorily retired.

The vacancy thus caused shall be filled for the remainder of the members term of office by a new member appointed by common accord of the governments of the Member States. The Council may, acting unanimously, decide that such a vacancy need not be filled.

In the event of resignation, compulsory retirement or death, the President shall be replaced for the remainder of his term of office. The procedure laid down in Article 10(2) shall be applicable for the replacement of the President.

Save in the case of compulsory retirement under Article 12a, members of the Commission shall remain in office until they have been replaced.

ARTICLE 12a If any member of the Commission no longer fulfils the conditions required for the performance of his duties or if he has been guilty of serious misconduct, the Court of Justice may, on application by the Council or the Commission, compulsorily retire him.

ARTICLE 13 The Commission shall act by a majority of the number of members provided for in Article 9.

A meeting of the Commission shall be valid only if the number of members laid down in its rules of procedure is present."

3) Article 16 shall be replaced by the following: "ARTICLE 16 The Commission shall make all appropriate administrative arrangements for the operation of its departments.

It may set up study committees, including an economic study committee.

The Council and the Commission shall consult each other and shall settle by common accord their methods of co-operation.

The Commission shall adopt its rules of procedure so as to ensure that both it and its departments operate in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty. It shall ensure that these rules are published."

4) The following article shall be inserted: "ARTICLE 17 The commission shall publish annually, not later than one month before the opening of the session of the European Parliament, a general report on the activities of the Community."

5) The following subparagraph shall be added to Article 18: "The Council shall, acting by a qualified majority, determine any payment to be made instead of remuneration."

6) The following Articles shall be inserted: "ARTICLE 20a The European Parliament may, acting by a majority of its members, request the Commission to submit any appropriate proposal on matters which it considers that a Community act is required for the purpose of implementing this Treaty.

ARTICLE 20b In the course of its duties, the European Parliament may, at the request of a quarter of its members, set up a temporary Committee of Inquiry to investigate, without prejudice to the powers conferred by this Treaty on other inst.i.tutions or bodies, alleged contraventions or maladministration in the implementation of Community law, except where the alleged facts are being examined before a Court and while the case is still subject to legal proceedings.

The temporary Committee of Inquiry shall cease to exist on the submission of its report.

The detailed provisions governing the exercise of the right of inquiry shall be determined by common accord of the European Parliament, the Council, and the Commission.

ARTICLE 20c Any citizen of the Union, and any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State, shall have the right to address, individually or in a.s.sociation with other citizens or persons, a pet.i.tion to the European Parliament on a matter which comes within the Community's field's of activity and which affects him, her or it directly.

ARTICLE 20d 1. The European Parliament shall appoint an Ombudsman empowered to receive complaints from any citizen of the Union or any natural or legal person residing or having its registered office in a Member State concerning instances of maladministration in the activities of the Community inst.i.tutions or bodies, with the exception of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance acting in their judicial role.

In accordance with his duties, the Ombudsman shall conduct enquiries for which he finds grounds, either on his own initiative or on the basis of complaints submitted to him direct or through a member of the European Parliament, except where the alleged facts are or have been the subject of legal proceedings. Where the Ombudsman establishes an instance of maladministration, he shall refer the matter to the inst.i.tution concerned, which shall have a period of three months in which to inform him of its views. The Ombudsman shall then forward a report to the European Parliament, and the inst.i.tution concerned. The person lodging the complaint shall be informed of the outcome of such inquiries.

The Ombudsman shall submit an annual report to the European Parliament on the outcome of his inquiries.

2. The Ombudsman shall be appointed after each election of the European parliament for the duration of its term of office. The Ombudsman shall be eligible for reappointment.

The Ombudsman may be dismissed by the Court of Justice at the request of the European Parliament if he no longer fulfils the conditions required for the performance of his duties or if he is guilty of serious misconduct.

3. The Ombudsman shall be completely independent in the performance of his duties. In the performance of those duties he shall neither seek nor take instructions from any body. The Ombudsman may not, during his term of office, engage in any other occupation, whether gainful or not.

4. The European Parliament shall, after seeking an opinion from the Commission and with the approval of the Council acting by a qualified majority, lay down the regulations and general conditions governing the performance of the Ombudsman's duties."

7) Paragraph 3 of Article 21 shall be replaced by the following: "3. The European Parliament shall draw up proposals for elections by direct universal suffrage in accordance with a uniform procedure in all Member States.

The Council shall, acting unanimously after obtaining the a.s.sent of the European Parliament, which shall act by a majority of its component members, lay down the appropriate provisions, which it shall recommend to Member States for adoption in accordance with their respective const.i.tutional requirements."

8) Article 24 shall be replaced by the following: "ARTICLE 24 The European Parliament shall discuss in open session the general report submitted to it by the Commission.

If a motion of censure on the activities of the Commission is tabled before it, the European Parliament shall not vote thereon until at least three days after the motion has been tabled and only by open vote.

If a motion of censure is carried by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, representing a majority of the members of the European Parliament, the members of the Commission shall resign as a body.

They shall continue to deal with current business until they are replaced in accordance with Article 10. In this case, the term of office the members of the Commission appointed to replace them shall expire on the date on which the term of office of the members of the Commission obliged to resign as a body would have expired."

9) The following Articles shall be inserted: "ARTICLE 27 The Council shall consist of a representative of each Member State at a ministerial level, authorized to commit the government of that Member State.

The office of President shall be held in turn by each Member State in the Council for a term of six months, in the following order of Member States: - for a first cycle of six years: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom; - for the following cycle of six years: Denmark, Belgium, Greece, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Portugal.

ARTICLE 27a The Council shall meet when convened by its President on his own initiative or at the request of one of its members or of the Commission."

10) The following Article shall be inserted: "ARTICLE 29 The Council shall, acting by a qualified majority, determine the salaries, allowances and pensions of the President and members of the Commission, and of the President, Judges, Advocates-General and Registrar of the Court of Justice. It shall also, again by a qualified majority, determine any payment to be made instead of remuneration, ARTICLE 30 1. A committee consisting of the Permanent Representatives of the Member States shall be responsible for preparing the work of the Council and for carrying out the tasks a.s.signed to it by the Council.

2. The Council shall be a.s.sisted by a General Secretariat, under the direction of a Secretary General. The Secretary-General shall be appointed by the Council acting unanimously.

The Council shall decide on the organization of the General Secretariat.

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The Treaty Of The European Union, Maastricht Treaty, 7th February, 1992 Part 6 summary

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