The Brotherhood - The Salt Of The Earth Part 3

The Brotherhood - The Salt Of The Earth -

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"What do you think?" Dylan stood patiently. Alex glanced him up and down, then took the ma.s.sive paw that was still held out for him. The dance and crackle of electricity was just as good as it had been the first time around, making him want to moan and purr.

"Lead the way, then, Captain. Or would you rather I called you 'sir'?"

"Call me anything you like, sweet cheeks."

"Oh, now, we've been through this. No fair nicknamingme unless I give you permission."

"You don't like endearments, my little honey bun?"

Alex gave Dylan a slight push. He stuck out his lower lip. "Now you're just being mean. What if I decide I don't want to go with you, after all?"

"Then I'll go back to pouring drinks and you'll have wasted all that quality time you spent flirting, not to mention you'll be missing out on a fantastic f.u.c.k. Baby, if there's one thing I know besides how to pour the best d.a.m.n drink in this place, it's how to make a man scream." Dylan faced Alex and lifted his hand, thumbing Alex's lower lip to poke it back in place. "Up to you, lover. What's it going to be? Just remember we're on the clock. Tick-tock, tick-tock."

Alex considered a little more pouting, but theywere on a countdown. He couldn't risk Dylan losing his job. "All right. I'll trust you. So, what's the mystery about getting to your room? Do we have to click our heels three times and make a wish?"

"Not exactly. Just hold my hand -- and I mean hold it. No letting go no matter what -- and follow me.

That a deal, kitten?"

"There you go again. Mmm, I think I could deal with this pet name, though."

"You're definitely the worst or the best s.e.x kitten I've ever met."

"And to think we're not even in bed yet." Alex bit lightly at Dylan's thumb. "Do your hocus-pocus, Mr.

Wizard. I promise I won't let go. Now take us away toNever-neverLand ."

Dylan grinned approvingly. He lowered his lips to Alex's ear and whispered, "I just hope you're as much of a cherry bomb as all the hype promises."

"You haven't even begun to discover the real me."

"And am I ever looking forward to that particular joy." Dylan squeezed Alex's hand. "It'll be the bestquickie of our lives." He lifted his odd-looking key and tugged Alex along to a shadowy corner of the bar. "Just remember to trust me."

"Do I look like a doubting Thomas?"

"Okay, then. Hang on tight. Here goes nothing."

He pushed the key into what looked like a great big old patch ofnothing , but all the same Alex heard a click and something that sounded like the tumblers of a lock turning. The shadows turned darker, forming a tall, broad oval. Dylan gave him a sideways glance. "Don't you let go of my hand."

Ooh, this evening kept getting better and better. "Lead the way," Alex murmured, weaving his fingers tightly with Dylan's. Following the other man's lead, he stepped forward into the shadows.

"Holy s.h.i.+t!" he yelped -- or would have, if he could hear his own voice or feel his body. This appeared to be a place where sound couldn't be made or heard. He also felt like he was in an elevator on free fall from the top floor of theEmpireStateBuilding , but with the lights out. The only thing he could feel at all was Dylan's warm hand in his.

Let go? Like h.e.l.l he'd let go!

Almost as soon as the screaming free fall had begun, it finished with the two of them thumping hard as they landed on their feet in a carpeted hallway. Alex abruptly stopped shrieking and glanced quickly over his shoulder and saw the big black oval retreating into a pinpoint, then disappear. He took a deep breath, collecting himself. Strange mud wrestlers, Liam, Amour Magique. He'd coped so far and he could deal with this, too. He hoped.

When he looked around again, Alex could see Dylan's grin held a note of challenge. "Didn't scare you, did it?"

"You'll have to try a lot harder to get me screaming."

"Oh, I heard you when we stepped in." Dylan let go of Alex's hand and pushed him back against a wall, the rough nubbles of the wallpaper pressing into his shoulders. "You're not as tough as you pretend to be."

Alex shrugged, then preened. "But I'm twice as s.e.xy." He wrapped his arms around Dylan's neck and pressed their bodies together. Dylan smelled of rich, briny salt and, oh, he moved as gracefully as a seal in the water. f.u.c.kinghot . "Fifteen minutes. Several down. You want to talk?"

"f.u.c.k, no." Dylan ground against him. "I want to have you." He began gyrating against Alex's hips, grinding their c.o.c.ks against one another. Alex felt his p.r.i.c.k stiffen so quickly it was nearly painful but, oh, so good. Dylan's own length was hard as iron, stroking quick and fast against his lower stomach. "Fifteen minutes," he chanted hoa.r.s.ely. "Gotta make it count."

Alex couldn't say anything in return. He was too busy riding this cowboy off into the sunset. He felt his eyes roll back inside his head as his c.o.c.k and Dylan's rubbed together. Even with a barrier of clothing between them, the sensation was un-f.u.c.king-real. Too good to be true. He began grinding back, urgency spurring him on.

"Oh, G.o.d," Dylan moaned. "Keep that up and I won't last." Alex laughed and started moving in the nastiest way possible, writhing and twisting against Dylan's body.

He humped like there was no tomorrow, because who knew? There might not be. His body was on fire and Dylan was feeding the flames. An o.r.g.a.s.m of his own started to rise up, warning him that he was about to go off like a rocket.

Why not?Alex bucked, twisted, and got his arms down so he could give Dylan's a.s.s cheeks a rough squeeze. He pulled Dylan close, then darted up to nip at his neck hard enough to leave white marks in the tanned flesh. The man even tasted like sea salt. "Meow," he whispered.

Dylan made a loud noise with no words and began to shake like a tree in the wind. Alex felt a warm wetness spurt up between them, enough to push him over the edge.

They stood together for a long minute, arms wrapped around one another, just breathing. "f.u.c.k management," Dylan finally said. "I'll risk being late back to the bar for another chance at you when we're both naked."

Alex licked his dry lips and nodded. He still felt shaky and thought he might be glowing, but his quick tongue didn't fail him in the clinch. "Tell me we're at your room. I think I've had about all the foreplay I'm in the mood for."

"You? There's got to be s.p.a.ce for a little more. Always a little more, no matter what. But, yeah, we're here." Dylan reached past Alex with his ring of keys, jingling as he pushed one into a lock of the door beside them. "Home, sweet home, or as close as it gets when you're -- when you work for Amour Magique."

Alex got his breathing under control. Who cared what the place looked like as long as it contained a naked Dylan? All the same, he had to keep up appearances. "Can't wait to see," he said breezily.

"Just don't go expecting the Ritz."

"Doesn't matter to me. All I expect is to see you sans clothing on a great big bed." Alex undulated against Dylan, letting him feel the rapidly re-hardening c.o.c.k between his legs. "I'm going to suck you down like a straw once I get you nude."

"You do have a way with words." Dylan pushed the door open. "Come on, and make yourself at home.

Don't take too long admiring the ambience, though." His eyes darkened with heat. "I'd rather you took your time looking at me and wondering exactly what I'm going to do with that fine, tight body of yours."

"Well, we'd better get in there, hadn't we?" Alex stepped backward out of Dylan's arms as the other man freed him and moved aside. Then he turned and faced the room. "Oh, my. Not bad, bartender. Not bad at all."

The quarters weren't exactly over-decorated, but Alex found he appreciated the spartan look after day in and day out of working with a man who thrived on excess -- soft beige carpet, plastered walls bare of anything except an old s.h.i.+p's wheel and a few art prints, a lamp, and a bed. A long, wide bed, the kind a big man like Dylan would need.

Alex slunk across the floor and sat on the edge of that bed. He crossed his legs -- not easy to do with an erection and wet pants -- and glanced up at Dylan through his eyelashes. "Care to show me your etchings?" "There'll be time to talk about art later. Right now, we have other things to talk about, like betting how many times I can get you to yell out my name."

"My money's on fifteen," Alex said without batting an eye.

Dylan blinked. Then he burst into laughter. He reached for his belt and began pulling it out of the loops.

Alex eyed the leather appreciatively. He hadn't been kidding -- much -- about liking to sub, and he loved having his a.s.s spanked nice and rosy red. That length of rawhide could come in handy later.

Dylan tossed it to one side. "Come on," he encouraged. "I want to see that tasty little body naked and spread out for me."

"You can't just snap your fingers and get me naked in a puff of smoke?" Alex teased. "Don't tell me we have to do this the old-fas.h.i.+oned way."

Dylan rumbled. "Ilike the old-fas.h.i.+oned way. Especially if it means getting to see every delicious piece of you unwrapped one piece at a time. So get to work."

"Oh, big and bossy, aren't you? And here I thought you had to get back soon."

"Soon can be a relative term. If I'm going to break the rules, I'm going all the way. The boozehounds can wait. You just can't rush some things."

"I think we just did," Alex pointed out archly.

Dylan's dark eyes smoldered. "You just go ahead and get undressed. Let me worry about the ticking clock. Get yourself naked."

"Uh-uh." Alex shook his head. "You go first. I want to enjoy the show. And then, if you're very, very good, I'll let you undress me."

"Really? And what do I get in return for drawing this out?"

"Mmm." Alex licked his lips, tasting Dylan's salt from when they'd kissed. "How about me down on my knees in front of you, taking that delicious-looking p.r.i.c.k of yours into my mouth? I'm dying to find out what you taste like. What do you say?"

He got his answer as Dylan drew off his b.u.t.ton-down s.h.i.+rt and threw it into his face. Laughing, Alex pulled the white cotton, smelling richly of spilled beer, out of his eyes. "I take it that's a yes?"

"I'm not undressing this quickly for the sake of my health." Dylan drew down the zipper of his pants and let them slide off his hips. He wore tight-fitting jockey shorts underneath, which revealed -- oh, yum -- a c.o.c.k underlined beneath that lived up to all of Alex's expectations. Fully hard and thick around as Alex's wrist, with the tip peeking above the elastic waistband.

Dylan stepped out of his shoes and then the pants. He hooked a thumb underneath the jockey band.

"Say pretty please."

"With a cherry on top." "Only one cherry in this room -- my cherry bomb." Dylan skinned his underwear off in a flash, revealing himself in all his many inches of naked glory. Kicking the material aside, he put his hands on his hips and grinned. "Well?"

Alex's mouth had gone dry in the face of such magnificence; he hadn't seen such a lickable c.o.c.k in ages.

"I think you should bring that over here on the double," he said huskily, standing up. "Sit on the bed."

"You're not even naked yet."

"I don't think I can wait." The dryness was being replaced by water at the thought of wrapping his lips around Dylan's gorgeous c.o.c.k. "Perch on the edge of the bed with your legs open. Do I have to switch and play the dom, or do you know how to take orders?"

"Aye, aye, sir." Dylan grinned as he seated himself on the bed, knees braced wide apart. Alex purred and knelt between them, his hands resting on Dylan's thighs. This close, he could smell the rich, musky, natural male scent of Dylan's c.o.c.k. He nuzzled in a little to get a better whiff of the bouquet -- hard-working man and d.i.c.k -- flicking his tongue out to taste the man's lightly furred b.a.l.l.s.

Still salty, but oh, so good.

Dylan made a strangled noise. "G.o.d, to have a seat belt right about now."

"You bet. Hang on for the ride of your life." Alex licked a long, lazy stripe up one of the veins decorating Dylan's c.o.c.k, loving the way the big man jumped at the contact. Dylan groaned, reaching down to fist his hands in Alex's hair. There were some things Alex didn't mind mussing his coif over. This was definitely one of them.

He took his own sweet time just running his tongue over the magnificent length of Dylan's c.o.c.k, enjoying the seash.o.r.e flavor and the texture. Dylan's p.r.i.c.k jumped under his attention. Whenever Alex found a particularly sensitive spot, he lingered for a moment with teasing flicks until Dylan swore and tugged at his hair.

"You said to f.u.c.k the clock. So patience, patience," Alex said, kneading his hands into Dylan's thighs.

"f.u.c.k the clock and f.u.c.k patience too," Dylan said, sounding breathless. "Either quit playing around, or suck me."

Normally, no one gave Alex orders off the job. But there were a few commands he just didn't mind, no matter when, especially when facing down such a yummy treat. "Your wish ..." he murmured.

Time to blow Dylan's mind.

Starting with the tip of the other man's c.o.c.k, he worked on driving Dylan absolutely crazy. Alex licked it delicately to get it moister, and tasted a salty bubble of pre-come, then blew cool air over the bulbous head. Dylan moaned and s.h.i.+fted, moving his legs further apart.

"Oh, yeah. Just like that. No! No, wait. Condom. We need a condom. d.a.m.n it! I should have one in the back pocket of my pants. Can you ...?"

Alex purely hated to let anything distract him, but he knew enough to play safe. With a roll of his eyes and a mock grumble, he reached for the crumpled pile of fabric and felt around until he reached the pocket and a hard foil square. Pulling it out quickly, he examined the s.h.i.+ny surface in the lamplight.Amour Magique's logo was stamped across the surface, along with "flavored for his pleasure."

He gave Dylan a wicked look. "Kinky. Were you planning on getting some, or is this just my lucky night?"

"Always be prepared. You never know when someone's going to waltz right into your life." Dylan wet his lips. "Put it on me. I want to feel your fingers on my d.i.c.k."

Alex pulled open the square, careful not to tear the thin latex inside, and pulled out the small doughnut.

"Hope this is an extra large."

"Do you think I'd do small?"

"I wouldn't be here if you did."

"So superficial."

"I'm attracted to you purely for your mind." Alex kissed the tip of Dylan's d.i.c.k again, then winked at him. "Check this out." He formed a ring with his mouth and placed the condom within the circle. Lifting Dylan's c.o.c.k at just the right angle, he used his mouth to press the latex down on the head, and then kept on going, unrolling the rubber with his lips and tongue until every inch of that gorgeous p.r.i.c.k was covered in a protective barrier.

"f.u.c.k," Dylan gasped as Alex drew back, trailing his tongue along the sheath. "No one's ever done that to me before. Where'd you learn how?"

Alex grinned. "Trade secret from a former life. So, you ready for me? Think I can take you on?"

"I think you can take whatever you want from me."

"I'm up to the challenge." Alex laid a light kiss on Dylan's swollen purple head, then took just the crown into his mouth and sucked hard. When Dylan swore, he laughed around the flesh, making sure Dylan could feel the vibrations. G.o.d, he loved to suck c.o.c.k, especially when it was worth his while.

Ever so slowly, Alex began to slide his mouth down Dylan's shaft, pausing to suck every now and then, exactly when he figured Dylan would least expect it. G.o.d, it was fun to drive a man insane. Seemed to be working, too, from the steady stream of gravelly voiced swearing he heard coming out of the man's mouth.

Alex had long ago learned how to deep-throat, and that was a good thing since Dylan was lengthy enough that the tip of his c.o.c.k b.u.mped against the back of Alex's tongue ages before he'd engulfed the whole thing. Alex let it glide a little way further, got a grip on what was left with his hand, and swallowed, squeezing that sensitive head as tight as he could with the muscles in his throat.

"Jesus Christ!" Dylan hissed. "Yeah, yeah, just like that!"

Your wish ...Alex swallowed again, then hollowed out his cheeks with the force of his suction as he slowly pulled his way back up the everlasting length of c.o.c.k, his lips a tight ring and his hand working wickedly away at what he couldn't take in his mouth.

"Stop! Oh, G.o.d, stop!" Dylan panted. "You're way too good at this. Go that deep again, and I'll lose itall before we even start."

Alex glanced up at him, letting mischief twinkle in his eyes and smile. He made to dive deep once more -- and would have succeeded if Dylan hadn't grasped his hair harder to make him come to halt.

"You make me want to rush, baby." Dylan sounded breathless. "We play this game by my rules this time around. Just sit still, and let me f.u.c.k your mouth. That gorgeous mouth, so and sweet. Come on, kitten. I want to see you take it all."

Mmm. Alex closed his eyes in pleasure. He formed a harder seal with his lips, careful of his teeth, and stroked Dylan's thighs in response. He felt the hands in his hair relax for a moment, then grip even harder as Dylan began to thrust forward, pus.h.i.+ng his c.o.c.k in and out of Alex's mouth.

Alex's eyes almost rolled back in his head.Oh, yes. f.u.c.k me between my lips. Give it to me hard and nasty. You know how to treat me right . He moaned around his mouthful, urging Dylan on as the deliciously musky c.o.c.k slid over his tongue. The condom tasted faintly like berries.Mmm, fruit .

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The Brotherhood - The Salt Of The Earth Part 3 summary

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