The Brotherhood - The Salt Of The Earth Part 4

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"Good G.o.d, you're incredible at this." Dylan was panting. "Suck harder. Use your tongue."

Oh, yes, Master. Alex did as he'd been told but decided to improvise besides. He lifted his free hand to cup Dylan's nuts and began to roll them gently, feeling the sac draw up high and firm at his touch.

"f.u.c.k! You devil!"

Alex chuckled to himself and kept right on doing what he did best. He used his tongue to stroke, his teeth to ever so lightly, and worked his fingers around those hardened b.a.l.l.s. Dylan continued to slide in and out, swearing a blue streak as Alex worked his magic.

You might be able to transport us through some kind of hocus-pocus kind of gateway ... but I've got the keys to you now, baby.

Dylan's fingers tightened and loosened in concert with Alex's sucking. Alex urged him on, letting his cheeks bulge around Dylan's c.o.c.k. "You have no idea how s.e.xy you look," Dylan said hoa.r.s.ely. "No, wait. You probably do."

Mm-hmm. Alex exhaled around Dylan's c.o.c.k, then tickled his b.a.l.l.s and gave them a rough squeeze. It's been a good show. Let's see about the big fireworks. I want this to end with a Fourth of July kind of bang.

He sc.r.a.ped his teeth harder over Dylan's staff, then bit ever so lightly. The in his hand pulled into a hard knot, and Dylan began to huff like a freight train. "d.a.m.n it. Want to f.u.c.k you. Get my c.o.c.k into that tight little a.s.s."

There's always later. And believe me, I plan on there being a later. Like I said, you can take another break. Alex let go of Dylan's b.a.l.l.s and reached behind them to tickle the little strip of sensitive flesh there, before sliding one finger into his mouth to moisten it, teasing Dylan's c.o.c.k with that extra bit of sensation.

"f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k!"

Exactly. Using his dampened finger, Alex traced his way back down the line of Dylan's sac andperineum, then up into the crevice of his a.s.s cheeks.

"You do that and I'm not gonna ..."

Alex did. His slick finger pressed up against the hard wrinkled skin of Dylan's hole, pressed hard, and sank in.

"Oh, h.e.l.l!" Dylan gripped Alex's hair roughly enough to hurt as his c.o.c.k jumped and his legs twitched.

He froze for a brief moment, then let out a long, guttural cry and began pumping into Alex's mouth as the condom filled with thick spurts of creamy come, weighing heavily on Alex's tongue. Alex's own c.o.c.k gave a sharp buck, and he came along with Dylan, once again soaking the front of his own pants.

He couldn't have cared less.

Giving Dylan's c.o.c.k one last, lingering lick that swirled down around the tip, savoring the berry taste of the condom, Alex drew off and sat back. Dylan's fingers slid out of his hair, those big hands coming to rest on his thighs. The man was sweating profusely and looked sh.e.l.l-shocked, as if he didn't have two working brain cells left to rub against one another.

Alex rested his chin on one well-shaped knee. "So," he murmured. "Was it good for you?"

"You're a demon," Dylan managed to rasp. "Why the h.e.l.l didn't you come in with someone? Any man who knows how to use his mouth like that ... G.o.d." He removed the used condom with shaking fingers, tied a knot in the end, and hurled it neatly into a trash can by the bed. "Don't think I'm not going to get inside your a.s.s," he warned. "Just give me a few minutes."

Alex lowered his eyelids to half-mast. "Thought we were still technically on the clock."

"Not anymore. As if I'm going to go back to pulling drinks when I've got a hot armful like you with me?

I can afford a sick night."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire." Alex drew his nails lightly down the corded length of Dylan's thigh. "You're not sick at all."

Dylan flashed him a wavering grin. "You never heard of lovesick?" He rolled away from Alex before Alex, startled, could form a reply, and stood. That taut, toned a.s.s of Dylan's flexed temptingly as he walked toward a wall phone Alex hadn't noticed before.

As Alex watched, his lover's fingers danced over the keypad. Dylan swore once when he had to stop and redial, but he managed to get the right number on the second try. "Silas? Hi. It's Dylan, from the Motor Pool bar. Can you have someone cover for me the rest of the night?" Pause. "d.a.m.n. Busted.

Yeah, I did meet someone." Pause. "No, it's not just anyone. He's one of the Brothers." Longer pause.

"Take it easy. I know what I'm doing. Don't worry about Liam. I'll treat my guy right." Pause. "Great, thanks."

Alex leaned against the bed as Dylan hung up, and then turned around to face him. "It always comes back to Liam," he drawled. "That man is a mystery to me, but if he gets you off the hook for the night, I'll have to kiss him when I see him next."

"Better not. I want all your kisses." "Then you'll have to earn them, won't you? Mmm." Alex sighed happily as Dylan reached down and pulled him up for a hard lip-lock, tasting the man's natural flavor again even in the all-too-brief encounter.

"Now we have all night. Whatever shall we do with our time?"

"No one operates on an empty belly," Dylan informed him. "Let me get dressed, and I'll take you to one of Amour Magique's restaurants. We need more than popcorn and pretzels to fuel us up for tonight."

"Oh, and waste all that good-quality f.u.c.king time?" Alex batted his eyes once more. "I thought you wanted to put your c.o.c.k in me."

Dylan's grin was sharp. "All in due course.. Right now, I'll find you a change of pants while I dress.

d.a.m.n, I never knew anyone who could come just from sucking before. You're fantastic."

"And it just goes up from here."

"I may not survive."

"Maybe not, but you'll go with a smile on your face."

"Food first, you insatiable kitten. Then we come back here and f.u.c.k. I promise." Dylan held out his hand. "Once more with feeling. Are you ready, willing, and able?"

Alex considered for a moment, then reached up to take the warm, strong fingers in his own. "Lead on,"

he purred. "I can't wait to see what you have in mind."

Chapter Four.

Alex was about to put on the clothes Dylan had offered when he was struck by a bright idea. "Room service," he blurted.

Dylan paused. "Say what, now?"

"Food brought to the room. You know, so we don't have to go anywhere." Alex cast the loaner clothes aside. "I'd rather stay right here as long as we can. The lighting is just to die for, there's plenty of condoms and lube and, oh, yes, this great big bed." He shrugged the s.h.i.+rt he still wore off his shoulders and let it float gracefully into a puddle on the floor. "And all the things we could do on this bed. Even while waiting for room service to show up."

Dylan had paused with his hand on the doork.n.o.b but now turned to watch Alex. The expression in his eyes was hot as he gazed at Alex's naked torso. Alex preened, knowing that he presented a tempting picture: rippling with lean muscle and smooth as a man's chin right after a shave, crowned by his two lovely flat nipples. "You make a good argument. But what if I told you Amour Magique doesn't have room service?"

"Then I'd just have to have you for dinner. Mmm, big strong man with a side of s.e.x. Best entree I can think of." The tall bartender grinned. "So, would it spoil your fun if I told you theydo have room service?"

"Depends. Can I eat my meal off of you?" Alex moved his hands to his zipper and drew it down. "I can imagine all sorts of things to do with food, if you're bound and determined that we eat."

"There is a meal called the 'Full-Body Special ...'" Dylan ran his tongue across his lips. "b.l.o.w. .j.o.b of my life aside, do you think you're worth the cash for that kind ofVIP treatment?"

"Baby, I'm worth my weight in platinum." Alex slipped out of his shoes and dropped his cargo pants, good and sticky in the front. He'd gone commando. Now his c.o.c.k was revealed in all its glory, thick and uncut, a respectable size even when he wasn't hard. He posed for Dylan. "Don't you think so?"

"If there's a chance I can get my hands on that fat p.r.i.c.k, I'll order two of the specials."

"Play your cards right." Alex fluttered his eyelashes and strolled, completely naked, over to the bed. He lay on top of the covers, a nice hardy quilt, and arranged himself justso , head on the pillows and body drawn up just far enough to hide the good bits while letting others peek out. He dearly loved to tease.

"What game is it now? Five-card stud?"

Alex grinned. "Joker's wild."

"What does the winner get?"

"Mmm. Whatever he wants. And he gets to do it with the loser."

Something bright flared in Dylan's deep brown eyes. "That a fact? Well ... I might just take you up on the offer, then."

"It's not an offer. It's a bet."

"A bet, right. Can't forget that. Ah, and to think I could be upstairs right now, changing channels between the trivia game and the post-action highlights. Such are the hours gone by. Hope my replacement's having fun."

"He'd better not be having as good a time as you are." Alex caressed the quilt. He liked the way it felt, rough in some spots and soft in others, just like Dylan's hands. Mmm, those hands. "Put in an order, and come join me."

"Demanding, demanding."

"You know you love it. Dial already."

Dylan shook his head, dark curls tumbling, but went to the phone again. He punched in a series of numbers and waited. "Yes, is this the kitchens? Oh, good. No, I know I'm not paid enough to afford you. This is going to be on one of the Brothers' tabs. I know you've heard of them, right? Which one?

Alex. Yep. Send the bill to Silas, care of Liam. One Full-Body Special. With a selection of drinks. House choice. Doesn't matter to me; choose something that goes with the entree." He grinned. "Good deal.

Thanks. Just knock." He replaced the receiver as Alex watched him with an arched eyebrow.

"This meal must be pretty pricey," he observed. "If you're not careful, I'm going to think you like me." "Hey, it's all on your tab."

"Ah, yes, my big-but-nonexistent tab. I really do have to thank Liam." Alex stretched a little, enjoying the play of his muscles. "So do you think we could come up with a few ways to pa.s.s the time until the food arrives?" He lifted one leg, letting Dylan get a glimpse of his b.a.l.l.s but not his c.o.c.k. "There's an old saying concerning turnabout. It's supposed to be fair play."

"Are you asking me to wrap my lips around that beautiful p.r.i.c.k of yours?" Dylan crossed his arms. Alex admired him from head to foot.Mt.Dylan . Oh, but he could pick them!

"I'm saying you want to," he answered with certainty. "I can read your mind."

"You're sure you're human?"

"Born and bred."

"And you're fine with the fact that I'm not?"

Alex rolled his eyes. "I'm here, aren't I? You know, you really have to tell me what you are."

"There's plenty of clues. Just take a look around. Smell the air. Salty." Dylan winked.

"Now, come here. Lick me clean and then get me all dirty again." Alex parted his legs, fully revealing himself. His c.o.c.k was already on the move, enthusiastically rising to the occasion. "Don't take all day.

You have to finish before room service gets here."

"Oh, I do, do I?" Dylan crossed the room swiftly, his long legs eating up the short distance. He lay on the bed beside Alex, his head hovering over Alex's groin. "We're on the clock again?"

Alex tapped him. "I've just started the swingy thing going."


"Whatever. Just shut up and suck me. Then, later on, we can get to the f.u.c.king. After, as you insist, we eat."

Dylan grinned wolfishly. "Oh, you're going tolike the Full-Body Special. I bet it'll be the meal of your life."

I've had fine food before. But why couldn't this be the best I've ever tasted? I'll try anything and everything once. Alex gasped as Dylan lowered lips to his c.o.c.k, wrapped around it, and started to suck. "Oh, yeah. Good and hard. That's how we play." He tugged at his lover's curls, running them through his fingers. "f.u.c.k! Yes!"

Dylan lifted his head. "If you like this, just wait until dinnertime."

Alex raised an eyebrow.

* * * * * "Yum ..." Alex lifted his mouth to take the last bite of chicken from between Dylan's lips. He still tasted salt when he kissed Dylan, but it didn't overpower the flavors of their meal. Each segment, from the appetizer of braised asparagus to the tiniest soft rolls to this chicken, was perfectly sized and shaped to be fed from mouth to mouth. Everything had been a delicious treat, made even better by touching Dylan's lips with each bite. The poultry was perfectly spiced with a hot dash of rosemary that perked it up even more and making it something entirely different and wonderful.

Alex was used to fine foods; he ate well in his position as a valet, but he didn't generally eat naked.This he could get used to. Especially if he happened to be dining in the buff with Dylan. His adventure in Amour Magique got better and better by the second.

Alex slipped his hand down between Dylan's legs and stroked what he found there, rigid and silky, ready to go. "Do we get dessert with this meal?"

Dylan grinned. "Yes, but I'd call what you're touching another main course."

"You filled my mouth up just fine earlier. This chicken is but a finis.h.i.+ng touch."

"Oh, we're a long way from finished."

"You read my mind." Alex caressed Dylan's swollen c.o.c.k again, feeling it buck underneath his questing fingertips. "Now, dessert ...?"

"All good things come to those who wait," Dylan chided. "Besides, I think you'll get a kick out of this.

Lie down on your back, with your arms by your sides and your legs straight." He reached for the silver cover on one last tray. "Now, promise me you'll be good."

"Me? Never. But what about if I promise to be bad?"

"With you, that's pretty much the same thing." Dylan gave Alex a love tap on the thigh. "Now stay still, kitten. Let me work my own brand of magic."

Alex gave a long, put-upon sigh. "If you think this is more important than s.e.x ..."

"Kitten, nothing is more important than s.e.x, especially with a dish like you in the room. But I promised you the Full-Body Special, and I intend to deliver what I promised. Solie still ."

Alex rolled his eyes and grumbled, wriggled just to prove he could, then lay as he'd been directed like an obedient boy.Wonder what's under that cover? It'd better be a can of whipped cream and maybe a surprise toy or two ...

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The Brotherhood - The Salt Of The Earth Part 4 summary

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