Wolf Breeds - Jacob's Faith Part 29

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There was knowledge in her eyes. A burning satisfaction that confused him. As though some need in her were suddenly fulfilled. A need that did not involve his touch, merely whatever she was seeing in his expression, in his desire for her.

"What do you think I've done to you?" she asked with him a purely female smile of mystery. d.a.m.n her, it only made him want her more.

"Drove me insane," he suggested with a measure of amus.e.m.e.nt at his desires. He was nearly at the edge of his control, and he had yet to even kiss her.

Jacob lowered himself to the bed, coming over her, needing her. His mate. Her hands rose, flattening on his abdomen as the muscles there clenched at the agonizing pleasure of her touch. Jacob drew in a hard, deep breath as his c.o.c.k twitched in reaction. Her touch smoothed from his abdomen to his chest, then back again, igniting a fire of need that tore a ragged groan from his chest. He wanted to eat her alive. He wanted to f.u.c.k her until she screamed. He wanted to love her, touch her with all the tenderness, all the heat that rose inside him for her.

The scent of her need enfolded him, infused his system now, just as she did. Just, he realized, as she always had. Had he ever been free of Faith? Free of the need, in some form, for her?

"You are so soft." He brushed his jaw, rough from the stubble that had grown there overnight, across her bare shoulder. "Your skin amazes me."

And it did. It glowed with the depth of a rare, perfect pearl. The sheen of satin, the warmth of life, that pa.s.sion of a rising l.u.s.t that amazed him. He brushed his lips over the curved area, loving the taste of heat and woman, the dewy drops of perspiration that began to cover her body.

She s.h.i.+fted beneath him, her back arching, her nipples hard and fiery brus.h.i.+ng his chest. He grimaced, burying his lips in her neck, his tongue stroking the mark he had left on her as he settled cautiously beside her. He pulled her into his arms, fighting the overpowering need to take her quickly, urgently. His body, his mind was conflicted. He wanted her soft and easy, hard and fast, screaming in o.r.g.a.s.m, crying out his name in release.

"Yours is warm, and strong," she whispered with a breathless arousal that strained his control as her hands whispered over his abdomen. "You make me feel warm and hungry, Jacob."

Jacob couldn't stop the need to press her closer, to feel her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with their fiery tips burning into his chest, the way her thigh lifted over his, the humid heat of her p.u.s.s.y burning into his skin. d.a.m.n her, he felt like a ravenous animal in his need. It was all he could do to keep from throwing her to her back. Instead, his lips took hers possessively. She was his woman. His mate. He would prove this to her this day. Before she left his bed, she would know she was his, heart and soul, body and life.

He caught her cry in his mouth as his tongue thrust past her petal soft lips, sweeping over hers, encouraging her to take him, to draw the pulse of his pa.s.sion from the swollen glands there.

She didn't hesitate. Her lips and tongue twisted against his, then she closed over it, drawing it into her, relieving the minute pain of his need. Her tongue slid past his lips, a cry escaping her as her own need became paramount. Jacob's lips twisted against hers, taking possession of her, drawing the sweetness of her pa.s.sion into him.

Her kiss was silken heat, satin l.u.s.t, and a core of such vibrant emotion he wanted to shy away from it in self-defense. He, the lone wolf, the Enforcer that all Packs and humans who knew of him feared. With only her kiss, this woman stole his strength, his breath, his will to live without her. As though recognizing the dark needs he had refused to confront, and admitting they all stemmed from his need for her, suddenly made the difference in his very survival.

G.o.d help him, she had possessed his very soul. The more he tasted of her, the more he needed.

They fought each other for domination of the kiss; lips, tongues, muted moans of desperation as their arousal began to flame out of control. Jacob could feel his control fraying, just as it had the night in the Lab, when his desperation, his animal instinct pushed him past the edge.

He fought those same needs now. As though the first pulse of her heated, arousal laced kiss was just entering his system. His hand tightened at her hip, his lips drawing a desperate line of kisses over her jaw, her neck. He licked at the mark there, drew it into his mouth, laved it roughly. He wanted her as hot, as out of control as he was. He wanted her screaming. Or did he want her soft and pulsing? Hard and exploding? He wanted it all, and he needed it now. It made no difference that one contradicted the other. All that mattered was the need.

Faith couldn't help but plaster her body as close to Jacob as possible. She could feel her needs building inside her. They vibrated through her, setting up a steady palpitation in her c.u.n.t, her womb, beneath her skin as his kiss fired her body more heatedly than ever before. She strained to him, wanting every inch of their bodies to touch, to mate. One hand gripped his hair, fighting to hold him to her as he turned her to her back, rising over her. The other curved over his shoulder to his back, feeling the muscles there bunch, clench.

"The taste of you makes me crazy." There was that heated rumble, rough and s.e.xy that growled from his chest as he spoke.

Faith s.h.i.+vered, her head tilting to give him better access to her neck as she licked over the wound at his shoulder. He tasted just a bit salty, very dark, and very male as his mouth left her neck, then traveled a heated path to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

She groaned, feeling his breath waft over a nipple, tightening it further, heating it until she felt her flesh burning from her needs. She arched to him, whispering her plea as her nipple raked his lips.

Eyes half open, drowning in sensation, Faith watched as his mouth opened then covered the stiff peak. Faith felt her breath catch for long moments as pleasure tore from her nipple to her womb, contracting the muscles of her abdomen. Her hips jerked, her c.u.n.t rippling beneath the onslaught of ecstasy that fired through her body. Her eyes closed as a tremulous moan whispered past her lips.

Her hands roamed over his sweat-dampened shoulders, into his hair, holding him closer, pleading as the deep suckling motion of his mouth had her burning alive. Her thighs tightened as she fought the demand in her v.a.g.i.n.a. Her body tried to turn, to find the ease of the hard male thighs that pushed between her softer ones as he came further over her.

"Stay still," he rasped roughly. "My control is shaky at best, Faith. Do not tempt me right now."

"I need, Jacob." She could feel the blood rioting through her veins, throbbing in her c.u.n.t as her body cried out in hunger.

He groaned at her breast, licking her nipple with a rough swipe of his tongue before he moved more fully between her thighs. Faith wanted to scream in denial when she realized he was not positioning his c.o.c.k to sink into her heat, rather his shoulders to hold her legs wide as his head lowered to her c.u.n.t.

"And I need, Faith," he groaned, his breath blowing against the wet folds of her s.e.x. "I need your taste, I need your heat-"

Faith wanted to scream as his tongue circled her c.l.i.t, then pushed through the narrow slit below. It twisted, probed, licked at her with such erotic stimulation that she could only tremble in his grasp, her hips bucking against his greedy mouth. Heat seared her body, whipped through her v.a.g.i.n.a, and contracted her womb as she felt his tongue plunge deep inside her saturated c.u.n.t.

Her thighs tightened on his shoulders, her head tossing on the bed as she fought to get closer, to make him plunge inside her harder. She screamed out when he moved, his tongue running fiercely up her slit until it stroked her c.l.i.toris. Short, quick circles, the suckling action of his lips and mouth and Faith was driven past sanity. The feel of his finger, long and broad, slipping past her a.n.a.l entrance then, sliding with burning pleasure into her a.s.s pushed her over the edge. She bucked into him, then against the finger f.u.c.king her with gentle short strokes, and dissolved.

"d.a.m.n you." Jacob's voice was dark, as desperate as her body as he jerked her up, turning her quickly to her stomach. "Knees," he demanded roughly, his hands lifting her hips, positioning her body.

"Jacob?" She stilled, remembering clearly the night in the Labs, the sensual fire, the agony of unquenched l.u.s.t.

"Mine," he growled, his hands clenching on her b.u.t.tocks as his finger moved purposely along the line that led to her a.n.a.l entrance. "Tell me, Faith. Tell me you are mine."

"Yours," she whimpered, unable to deny him, unable to deny the complete dominance of his position, the wild, animalistic l.u.s.t surging through her.

She felt his fingers at the tight opening, probing gently, spreading a slick substance before two pushed in with excruciating heat and pleasure. She cried out, distantly hearing his groan, her name a rough entreaty on his lips.

His fingers moved easily inside her, stretching her, working the muscles, easing them into parting as he slid deeper, deeper, until he could go no further. He pulled back then as she cried out in protest and followed the movement. She backed into something much thicker, much harder than the two fingers that had prepared her.

The head of his c.o.c.k nudged at her a.n.u.s. A second later a small, hot jet of thick fluid shot into the a.n.a.l entrance. Faith trembled, remembering Hope's confusion as she related this action to her. The ability the male had of providing the lubrication needed for his mate. A natural lubrication. One that aided in arousal, and the lessening of pain upon penetration.

Almost instantly she felt the tight muscles relaxing further. Hot pa.s.sion surged through her veins, igniting an inferno of desperate l.u.s.t as the mushroom shaped head eased into the pa.s.sage. Fiery pleasure/pain began to build there as she felt her muscles separate for the broad length pus.h.i.+ng into it.

"Jacob." She wanted to scream, but barely had breath for a whisper.

"Faith. G.o.d. You're so hot. So tight." His voice was tortured as he held her hips still, worked his c.o.c.k further into her a.s.s.

Her back bowed as lightning flares of sensation radiated from her stretched netherhole, radiating through her body, pulsing in her c.u.n.t.

She was tortured, tormented by the demand of his burrowing shaft into her tight hole. She bucked against him, feeling another hot pulse of fluid as he whispered a curse, his voice tight with pleasure. Her arms trembled as weakness flooded through her, the heat of the fluid at first burning, then soothing as he forged deeper.

Finally, he sank in to the hilt, his c.o.c.k throbbing, held tight and hot by her a.s.s as she writhed against the possession. She couldn't halt the flex of her b.u.t.tocks, but she reveled in Jacob's hard cry of pleasure as she did so.

"Easy, Faith." His voice was guttural, beseeching.

She couldn't fight the l.u.s.t surging through her though. It was hot and demanding, controlling her body as she moved forward, feeling the tight grip of her channel along the broad length of his c.o.c.k.

Jacob groaned, surging back inside those missing inches as his hands tightened on her hips.

"I can't control it-" he cried out, fighting for breath, his voice ragged.

"f.u.c.k me, Jacob," she demanded, her voice hoa.r.s.e, the agony of her near ecstasy driving her past reason. "d.a.m.n you, f.u.c.k me now."

Her muscles tightened on him again, as they did, she felt her c.u.n.t tingle, the thin separation between her a.n.u.s and her v.a.g.i.n.a was no hindrance to the dual sensations attacking her. He was so thick, that even that entrance felt filled, his short strokes stimulating the muscles in her c.u.n.t, heating her.

She fought to follow his thrusts, to force a harder penetration until his palm landed with surprising heat on her b.u.t.tock. She cried out, shocked at the pleasure the action brought. She wiggled against him as he pulled back until only the head remained. His palm landed on the opposite cheek a second before another pulse of fluid filled her and he surged in again in a hard stroke.

She was heated, slippery from his lubrication, from her own. Her c.u.n.t throbbed and the motion of his s.c.r.o.t.u.m slapping against her only excited her further. She tensed then, fighting for the explosion she knew was coming, searching desperately for the release of fire and agonizing pleasure just out of reach. She couldn't bear it much longer. Could not retain her sanity if it didn't come soon.

His thrusts increased, his c.o.c.k plunging up her a.s.s, retreating, stretching her, making her insane with the hard bite of pleasure/pain that followed each thrust. She was close, so close. She heard him cry out behind her, felt another, harder e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n of his lubrication a second before his c.o.c.k began to swell.

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Wolf Breeds - Jacob's Faith Part 29 summary

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