Wolf Breeds - Jacob's Faith Part 30

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Faith couldn't stop screaming. Heat, blistering, indescribable, struck the walls of her a.n.u.s, her v.a.g.i.n.a, the very depth of her womb as she began to climax. The hard knot centered in a way that pressed into the walls of her c.u.n.t, pressing those muscles together tightly as she aided in a natural clenching that further locked him inside her.

"No," she heard him cry out desperately behind her as the swelling increased, refusing him the option of pulling from her. The tight little jerks tore into her though, driving her higher as her body shook, shuddered.

Faith fell to the bed as Jacob followed her, his hips jerking spasmodically, his c.o.c.k pulsing, throbbing. A strangled scream erupted from her throat as the hard jets of hot s.e.m.e.n then shot into her a.s.s. Deep, searing, driving her climax to yet another plateau as she could do nothing but tighten around him further, her body trembling, shaking as agonizing, brutal pleasure ripped through her repeatedly.

As the last spasms pa.s.sed, she could hear him fighting for breath, gasping, his teeth locked on her shoulder as he shuddered repeatedly. Sweat dripped from them, dampening their bodies, the sheets beneath them. Faith felt her juices pooling beneath her, her swollen c.l.i.t sensitized, but no longer throbbing in an agony of need.

Behind her, still buried in her a.s.s, Jacob's c.o.c.k twitched, the tight swelling slowly decreasing as his teeth lifted from her shoulder, his lips now buried in her neck as his weight covered her. He should have been too heavy for her. His ma.s.sive muscles should be driving the breath from her lungs, but Faith felt only contentment, warmth as he fought to catch his breath, to allow his c.o.c.k to ease from her body.

"Faith?" He whispered her name as he brushed a tendril of hair from her cheek. "G.o.d. Baby, I'm sorry. Please. Please tell me you aren't hurt, Faith."

She could hear the fear, the desperation radiating from his voice as he eased his softening flesh from her.

"Hmm," she whispered her satisfaction. "I died. Now let me rest in peace."

There was silence behind her, then he eased her over, his hands, so strong and gentle as he turned her to her back.

She looked up at him, seeing his eyes, pale and filled with concern, his face creased with worry. She smiled weakly, her body felt boneless, so completely sated she had no desire to move.

"Lay down and sleep with me, or go away." She yawned, breathing deeply as drowsiness began to fill her once again. "You can f.u.c.k me again when I wake up."

Faith felt Jacob as he moved hesitantly from the bed. She opened her eyes again, watching him as he stood over her.

"Bath." He cleared his throat rather hesitantly. "We both need to bathe. You'll relax easier."

"You go bathe-dammit, Jacob," she cursed as he picked her up.

She a.s.sured herself she would have fought him, and made plans to do just that as soon as she regained her breath and her strength.

"Let me take care of you, Faith," he said gently, staring down at her as he moved to the open bathroom door. "Stop cursing and fighting me. Just let me care for you. Just for now."

And how could she deny him? Especially when she had dreamed of nothing more.

She watched in silence as he adjusted the water as it poured into the tub, which was big enough to hold three normal sized people. She might fit in there with him, she thought with a flash of amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He turned back to her, holding out his hand to help her into the steamy water that slowly rose in the porcelain tub.

"Jacob, are you okay?" She frowned as she allowed him to help her in. "Of course I'm fine. I told you I was."

He eased into the water, then drew her down between his thighs. Faith relaxed against his chest with a sigh. She was tired, ready to sleep the rest of the day away. It was rare that her body and her mind were relaxed enough for her to do so.

"You frighten me, Faith," he whispered as his hands held her to him, his body encasing hers.

Her heart jumped in her chest. She held herself still, barely breathing, afraid of breaking the tenuous air of intimacy that suddenly surrounded them.

"I'm terrified of your innocence," he said softly. "Your generosity and your emotions. You threaten everything that has kept me sane all these years. How would I live if I lost you now?"

She drew in a trembling breath. "And how would I live, Jacob, if I lost you?" she asked him, her voice just as soft.

She turned until her side rested against his chest, her head in the hollow of his shoulder. One large male thigh lifted to allow her legs room, then lay over them protectively. She was surrounded by his hard, male heat. Just as she had always longed to be.

One large palm held her head to his chest as he dropped a soft kiss to her hair. He was quiet, but his heart raced beneath her ear.

"I want to protect you," he whispered. "And I can't because I don't have the strength to send you away, the will to do without you any longer. But I fear for you, and those fears could restrict you."

She frowned, then tilted her head back to look into his face. He appeared uncertain, intense. His eyes swirled with emotions she knew he would never admit to, at least not yet, not right now.

She smiled up at him, and winked flirtatiously.

"It's the Alpha in you. Don't worry, babe, I'll keep you on the straight and narrow. No restrictions unless I can live with them."

She wanted to laugh at the shock that filled his now narrowing eyes.

"I am being serious here, mate," he bit out.

"No, my love, you are trying desperately to excuse love with a need for protection. But that's okay." She patted his thigh comfortingly. "For now, you can get away with it. Now bathe me so I can sleep. You dragged me in here, you can wash me."

She pulled a cloth from the small shelf behind him, and a small bar of soap from beside it. She slapped both in his hands and watched him expectantly.

"One day, you may not have the last word so easily," he a.s.sured her, his voice a smooth, dark warning.

She merely arched a brow in amus.e.m.e.nt and restrained her laughter. He would come around, she knew he would. He had to, or else she knew she could never survive their future.

Chapter Twenty-Two.

The alarm sounded again, just after midnight. Several of the perimeter's alarms had Jacob and Faith jumping from the bed and jerking on clothes and shoes within seconds.

"Stay close to me," he ordered her quietly as they grabbed revolvers and comm. links.

She didn't speak, but the brief glance he shot her a.s.sured him that she was following his lead efficiently. The revolver was in a readied position at her shoulder, the comm. link attached securely to her head once again.

"Expecting someone?" she asked him, barely a breath of a sound as they moved quickly downstairs then into the foyer, edging along the wall to the slender, tinted double windows that looked out to the front gate.

Jacob grunted sarcastically.

"You there, Stygian?" His voice was soft as it came through the unit.

Faith knew they were expecting another attempt to breeze the security of the house, but they hadn't been expecting it so soon. Whoever or whatever was out there was more than persistent.

"Can't see s.h.i.+t, Commander." Stygian's voice was disgusted, angry. "I got the alarm the minute it came through, but there's nothing out here."

But they were there. Jacob could feel it. His trouble barometer was going crazy.

"No animals, no nothing. We found the tripped unit, and it's definitely been tripped, but I'll be d.a.m.ned if there's anything around here," the other Enforcer continued. "And I smell Coyote. Evidently the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds are getting smarter."

The Coyote breeds were smart enough as it was, Jacob thought furiously, they didn't need to get smarter.

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Wolf Breeds - Jacob's Faith Part 30 summary

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