The Marne, 1914 Part 9

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44. Memorandum dated 28 December 1912. BA-MA, N 43/101, Nachla Schlieffen. Memorandum dated 28 December 1912. BA-MA, N 43/101, Nachla Schlieffen.

45. Ritter, Ritter, Schlieffenplan Schlieffenplan, 185.

46. BA-MA, RH 61/50739, Generalleutnant von Stein, der Generalquartiermeister der sechs ersten Kriegs-wochen, 9. BA-MA, RH 61/50739, Generalleutnant von Stein, der Generalquartiermeister der sechs ersten Kriegs-wochen, 9.

47. Ritter, Ritter, Schlieffenplan Schlieffenplan, 145ff.

48. BA-MA, RH 61/96, Aufmarschanweisungen fur die Jahre 1893/94 bis 1914/15. In raw terms, the left wing was strengthened by eighty-five and the right wing weakened by ninety-six battalions. BA-MA, RH 61/96, Aufmarschanweisungen fur die Jahre 1893/94 bis 1914/15. In raw terms, the left wing was strengthened by eighty-five and the right wing weakened by ninety-six battalions.

49. David Kahn, David Kahn, Hitler's Spies: German Military Intelligence in World War II Hitler's Spies: German Military Intelligence in World War II (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1978), 3234; Hilmar-Detlef Bruckner, "Schulga von Rastenfeld," (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1978), 3234; Hilmar-Detlef Bruckner, "Schulga von Rastenfeld," Newsletter of the International Intelligence History Study Group Newsletter of the International Intelligence History Study Group 6 (Winter 1998): 15. 6 (Winter 1998): 15.

50. BA-MA, RH 61/406, Die militarpolitische Lage Deutschlands in den letzten 5 Jahren vor dem Kriege, 33. BA-MA, RH 61/406, Die militarpolitische Lage Deutschlands in den letzten 5 Jahren vor dem Kriege, 33.

51. BA-MA, RH 61/96, Aufmarschanweisungen fur die Jahre 1893/94 bis 1914/15. BA-MA, RH 61/96, Aufmarschanweisungen fur die Jahre 1893/94 bis 1914/15.

52. See Jurgen Angelow, See Jurgen Angelow, Kalkul und Prestige. Der Zweibund am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges Kalkul und Prestige. Der Zweibund am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges (Cologne: Bohlau, 2000), 38284. (Cologne: Bohlau, 2000), 38284.

53. Report by the Saxon military plenipotentiary to Berlin, Hermann von Salza und Lichtenau, 6 September 1905. SHStA, Militarbevollmachtigter 1426, folder 45. Report by the Saxon military plenipotentiary to Berlin, Hermann von Salza und Lichtenau, 6 September 1905. SHStA, Militarbevollmachtigter 1426, folder 45.

54. BA-MA RH 61/150, Denkschrift uber die Ersatzstellung fur das Deutsche Heer von Mitte September bis Ende 1914. BA-MA RH 61/150, Denkschrift uber die Ersatzstellung fur das Deutsche Heer von Mitte September bis Ende 1914.

55. BA-MA, RH 61/50850, Die Tatigkeit der Fliegerverbande der 1. und 2. Armee 2.-9. September 1914, 6. BA-MA, RH 61/50850, Die Tatigkeit der Fliegerverbande der 1. und 2. Armee 2.-9. September 1914, 6.

56. See Dennis E. Showalter, See Dennis E. Showalter, Tannenberg: Clash of Empires Tannenberg: Clash of Empires (Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1992), 11721. (Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1992), 11721.

57. Militargeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Militargeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Handbuch zur deutschen Militargeschichte 1648 1945 Handbuch zur deutschen Militargeschichte 1648 1945 (Munich: Bernard & Graefe, 1979), 3:159. (Munich: Bernard & Graefe, 1979), 3:159.

58. Hew Strachan, Hew Strachan, The First World War (Oxford: The First World War (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 1:239. Oxford University Press, 2001), 1:239.

59. Erich Gunter Blau, Erich Gunter Blau, Die operative Verwendung der Deutschen Kavallerie im Weltkrieg 191418 Die operative Verwendung der Deutschen Kavallerie im Weltkrieg 191418 (Munich: C. H. Beck, 1934), 4, 13, 23. (Munich: C. H. Beck, 1934), 4, 13, 23.

60. See, for example, the case of the 1st (Mecklenburg) Dragoon-Regiment Nr. 17 at Waremme on 6 August 1914. Gerhard Wagner, See, for example, the case of the 1st (Mecklenburg) Dragoon-Regiment Nr. 17 at Waremme on 6 August 1914. Gerhard Wagner, Die deutsche Stahlrohrlanze Die deutsche Stahlrohrlanze (Reutlingen: Steinach, 2005), 5. (Reutlingen: Steinach, 2005), 5.

61. Stefan Kaufmann, Stefan Kaufmann, Kommunikationstechnik und Kriegfuhrung 18151945. Stufen teleme-dialer Rustung Kommunikationstechnik und Kriegfuhrung 18151945. Stufen teleme-dialer Rustung (Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1996), 139. (Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1996), 139.

62. On 25 July, War Minister von Falkenhayn opined: "Generally speaking, a state of war is declared already with the announcement of a threatening state of danger of war as well as with mobilization." HStA, M 1/4, Kriegsministerium, Allg. Armee-Angelegenheiten 1524. On 25 July, War Minister von Falkenhayn opined: "Generally speaking, a state of war is declared already with the announcement of a threatening state of danger of war as well as with mobilization." HStA, M 1/4, Kriegsministerium, Allg. Armee-Angelegenheiten 1524.

63. Diary entry dated 1 August 1914. BA-MA, RH 61/50661, Kriegserinnerungen des Generalleutnants v. Diary entry dated 1 August 1914. BA-MA, RH 61/50661, Kriegserinnerungen des Generalleutnants v. [sic] [sic] Tappen, 13. Tappen, 13.

64. WK, 1:145; Arden Bucholz, WK, 1:145; Arden Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, and Prussian War Planning Moltke, Schlieffen, and Prussian War Planning (New York and Oxford: Berg, 1991), 278; Herwig, (New York and Oxford: Berg, 1991), 278; Herwig, First World War First World War, 5859, 74.

65. Evelyn Princess Blucher, Evelyn Princess Blucher, An English Wife in Berlin: A Private Memoir of Events, Politics, and Daily Life in Germany Throughout the War and the Social Revolution of 1918 An English Wife in Berlin: A Private Memoir of Events, Politics, and Daily Life in Germany Throughout the War and the Social Revolution of 1918 (London: Constable, 1920), 14. (London: Constable, 1920), 14.

66. BA-MA, RH 61/815, Finanzierung der Mobilmachung, 13. BA-MA, RH 61/815, Finanzierung der Mobilmachung, 13.

67. Figures vary greatly. Those given are from the official Bavarian history, Figures vary greatly. Those given are from the official Bavarian history, Die Bayern im Groen Kriege 19141918 Die Bayern im Groen Kriege 19141918 (Munich: Verlag des Bayerischen Kriegsarchivs, 1923), 1:5, 2 (appendix 1). See also (Munich: Verlag des Bayerischen Kriegsarchivs, 1923), 1:5, 2 (appendix 1). See also Das Bayernbuch vom Weltkriege 19141918. Ein Volksbuch Das Bayernbuch vom Weltkriege 19141918. Ein Volksbuch, ed. Konrad Krafft von Dellmensingen (Stuttgart: Chr. Belser, 1930), 1:9; and Die Schlacht in Lothringen und in den Vogesen 1914. Die Feuertaufe der Bayerischen Armee Die Schlacht in Lothringen und in den Vogesen 1914. Die Feuertaufe der Bayerischen Armee, ed. Karl Deuringer (Munich: Max Schick, 1929), 1:3031.

68. From From Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/1918 Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/1918, ed. Wilhelm Muller-Loebnitz (Karlsruhe: G. Braun, 1935), 1314, 22, 2425.

69. Ibid., 1314. Ibid., 1314.

70. GLA, S Kriegsbriefe und Kriegstagebucher 53. GLA, S Kriegsbriefe und Kriegstagebucher 53.

71. GLA, 456 F41 Kriegstagebuch Inf. Regt. "Prinz Wilhelm" Nr. 112, 171. GLA, 456 F41 Kriegstagebuch Inf. Regt. "Prinz Wilhelm" Nr. 112, 171.

72. Max von Hausen, Max von Hausen, Erinnerungen an den Marnefeldzug 1914 Erinnerungen an den Marnefeldzug 1914 (Leipzig: K. F. Koehler, 1920), 10107, appendix 2; (Leipzig: K. F. Koehler, 1920), 10107, appendix 2; Sachsen in groer Zeit: Gemeinverstandliche sachsische Kriegsgeschichte und vaterlandisches Gedenkwert des Weltkrieges in Wort und Bild Sachsen in groer Zeit: Gemeinverstandliche sachsische Kriegsgeschichte und vaterlandisches Gedenkwert des Weltkrieges in Wort und Bild, ed. Johann Edmund Hotten-roth (Leipzig: R. M. Lippold, 1920), 3 vols.

73. HStA, M 660/038, Nachla von Soden, Die Leistungen der Wurttemberger im Weltkrieg; also, HStA, M 660/038, Nachla von Soden, Die Leistungen der Wurttemberger im Weltkrieg; also, Wurttembergs Heer im Weltkrieg. Einzeldarstellungen der Geschichte der wurttembergischen Heeresverbande Wurttembergs Heer im Weltkrieg. Einzeldarstellungen der Geschichte der wurttembergischen Heeresverbande (Stuttgart: Berger, 1939), 20 vols. (Stuttgart: Berger, 1939), 20 vols.

74. Sewell Tyng, Sewell Tyng, The Campaign of the Marne, 1914 The Campaign of the Marne, 1914 (New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green, 1935), 80. (New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green, 1935), 80.

75. Mob.-Termin Kalendar 1914/15. Ehlert, Epkenhans, and Gro, eds., Mob.-Termin Kalendar 1914/15. Ehlert, Epkenhans, and Gro, eds., Schlieffenplan Schlieffenplan, 47884.

76. BHStA-KA, AOK 6/369, Aufmarsch-Anweisungen. Italics in the original. BHStA-KA, AOK 6/369, Aufmarsch-Anweisungen. Italics in the original.

77. Eugenia C. Kiesling, "France," in Richard F. Hamilton and Holger H. Herwig, eds., Eugenia C. Kiesling, "France," in Richard F. Hamilton and Holger H. Herwig, eds., The Origins of World War I The Origins of World War I (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), 229, 246. Comments by Gaston Doumerge (January 1914) and Maurice Paleologue (July 1914). (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), 229, 246. Comments by Gaston Doumerge (January 1914) and Maurice Paleologue (July 1914).

78. Ralph R. Menning, ed., Ralph R. Menning, ed., The Art of the Possible: Doc.u.ments on Great Power Diplomacy, 18141914 The Art of the Possible: Doc.u.ments on Great Power Diplomacy, 18141914 (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996), 247. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996), 247.

79. SHD, 7 N 1535, Renseignements donnees par le General Gilinski au General Joffre dans la conference preliminaire du 30 juillet12 aout 1913. I have profited greatly from two recent publications by Robert A. Doughty: "French Strategy in 1914: Joffre's Own," SHD, 7 N 1535, Renseignements donnees par le General Gilinski au General Joffre dans la conference preliminaire du 30 juillet12 aout 1913. I have profited greatly from two recent publications by Robert A. Doughty: "French Strategy in 1914: Joffre's Own," Journal of Military History Journal of Military History 67 (2003): 42754; and 67 (2003): 42754; and Pyrrhic Victory: French Strategy and Operations in the Great War Pyrrhic Victory: French Strategy and Operations in the Great War (Cambridge, MA, and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005). (Cambridge, MA, and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005).

80. Jan Karl Tanenbaum, "French Estimates of Germany's Operational War Plans," Ernest R. May, ed., Jan Karl Tanenbaum, "French Estimates of Germany's Operational War Plans," Ernest R. May, ed., Knowing One's Enemies: Intelligence a.s.sessment Before the Two World Wars Knowing One's Enemies: Intelligence a.s.sessment Before the Two World Wars (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984), 153, 15859. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984), 153, 15859.

81. Dated 15 February 1908. AFGG, 1:3338; and 1-1:47. Since all volumes from the French official history, Dated 15 February 1908. AFGG, 1:3338; and 1-1:47. Since all volumes from the French official history, Les armees francaises dans le grande guerre Les armees francaises dans le grande guerre, used in this book are from the first of eleven multivolume tomes tomes, the relevant tome tome number has simply been omitted. For the three narrative volumes of the series consulted, the single number 1, 2, or 3 designates the volume; a hyphenated number (1-1 or 2-1 or 3-1) designates the volume as well as its doc.u.mentary annex; all numbers after the colon are for pages. number has simply been omitted. For the three narrative volumes of the series consulted, the single number 1, 2, or 3 designates the volume; a hyphenated number (1-1 or 2-1 or 3-1) designates the volume as well as its doc.u.mentary annex; all numbers after the colon are for pages.

82. Ibid., 1-1, 7-11. Ibid., 1-1, 7-11.

83. Ibid., 1:38; Doughty, Ibid., 1:38; Doughty, Pyrrhic Victory Pyrrhic Victory, 14.

84. Joffre, 1:117. Joffre, 1:117.

85. Ibid., 1:190. Ibid., 1:190.

86. SHD, 7 N 1778; AFGG, 1:53ff., 77ff.; AFGG 1-1:2135; Joffre, 1:16980. SHD, 7 N 1778; AFGG, 1:53ff., 77ff.; AFGG 1-1:2135; Joffre, 1:16980.

87. Cited in Doughty, Cited in Doughty, Pyrrhic Victory Pyrrhic Victory, 19.

88. Tyng, Tyng, Campaign of the Marne Campaign of the Marne, 2631.

89. Doughty, Doughty, Pyrrhic Victory Pyrrhic Victory, 26.

90. Ibid., 22. Ibid., 22.

91. Ibid., 23. Ibid., 23.

92. Ibid., 27. Ibid., 27.

93. Anthony Clayton, Anthony Clayton, Paths of Glory: The French Army, 191418 Paths of Glory: The French Army, 191418 (London: Ca.s.sell, 2003), 37. (London: Ca.s.sell, 2003), 37.

94. Tanenbaum, "French Estimates," 166. Tanenbaum, "French Estimates," 166.

95. Ibid., 143. Ibid., 143.

96. Ibid., 95. Ibid., 95.

97. Cited in Doughty, Cited in Doughty, Pyrrhic Victory Pyrrhic Victory, 34.

98. AFGG, 1:106, and 1-1:58; Joffre, 1:222; Raymond Poincare, AFGG, 1:106, and 1-1:58; Joffre, 1:222; Raymond Poincare, Comment fut declaree la guerre de 1914 Comment fut declaree la guerre de 1914 (Paris: Flammarion, 1939), 11920. (Paris: Flammarion, 1939), 11920.

99. Jean-Baptiste Duroselle, Jean-Baptiste Duroselle, La France et les francais 19001914 La France et les francais 19001914 (Paris: editions Richelieu, 1972), 8285; Strachan, (Paris: editions Richelieu, 1972), 8285; Strachan, First World War First World War, 1:206.

100. Charles de Gaulle, Charles de Gaulle, France and Her Army France and Her Army (London: Hutchinson, n.d.), 9091. (London: Hutchinson, n.d.), 9091.

101. Jean-Jacques Becker, Jean-Jacques Becker, Le carnet B; les pouvoirs publics et l'antimilitarisme avant la guerre de 1914 Le carnet B; les pouvoirs publics et l'antimilitarisme avant la guerre de 1914 (Paris: Klincksieck, 1973). (Paris: Klincksieck, 1973).

102. Henri Desagneaux, Henri Desagneaux, A French Soldier's War Diary, 19141918 A French Soldier's War Diary, 19141918 (Morley, UK: Elmfield Press, 1975), 5. (Morley, UK: Elmfield Press, 1975), 5.

103. Joffre, 1:236. Joffre, 1:236.

104. Instruction generale No. 1, 8 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:12426. Instruction generale No. 1, 8 August 1914. AFGG, 1-1:12426.

105. Joffre, 1:205. Joffre, 1:205.

106. Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: His Life and Diaries Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: His Life and Diaries, ed. C. E. Callwell (London: Ca.s.sell, 1927), 1:7879.

107. Joffre, 1:12224. Joffre, 1:12224.

108. Michael Howard, Michael Howard, The Continental Commitment: The Dilemma of British Defence Policy in the Era of the Two World Wars The Continental Commitment: The Dilemma of British Defence Policy in the Era of the Two World Wars (London: Temple Smith, 1972), esp. 3152. (London: Temple Smith, 1972), esp. 3152.

109. Diary entry dated 18 November 1914. Douglas Haig, Diary entry dated 18 November 1914. Douglas Haig, War Diaries and Letters, 19141918 War Diaries and Letters, 19141918, eds. Gary Sheffield and John Bourne (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005), 82.

110. Grey to Bertie, 15 January 1906. Grey Papers, FO 800/49, National Archives, Kew. Grey to Bertie, 15 January 1906. Grey Papers, FO 800/49, National Archives, Kew.

111. Keith Wilson, Keith Wilson, The Policy of the Entente: Essays on the Determinants of British Foreign Policy, 19041914 The Policy of the Entente: Essays on the Determinants of British Foreign Policy, 19041914 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985), 63. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985), 63.

112. Niall Ferguson, Niall Ferguson, The Pity of War The Pity of War (London: Allen Lane, 1998), 65. (London: Allen Lane, 1998), 65.

113. David Herrmann, David Herrmann, The Arming of Europe and the Making of the First World War The Arming of Europe and the Making of the First World War (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997), 15657. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997), 15657.

114. See Paul Hayes, "Britain, Germany, and the Admiralty's Plans for Attacking German Territory, 19061915," in See Paul Hayes, "Britain, Germany, and the Admiralty's Plans for Attacking German Territory, 19061915," in War, Strategy, and International Politics: Essays in Honour of Sir Michael Howard War, Strategy, and International Politics: Essays in Honour of Sir Michael Howard, eds. Lawrence Freedman, Paul Hayes, and Robert O'Neill (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992), 95116.

115. Samuel R. Williamson Jr., Samuel R. Williamson Jr., The Politics of Grand Strategy: Britain and France Prepare for War, 19041914 The Politics of Grand Strategy: Britain and France Prepare for War, 19041914 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1969), 307. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1969), 307.

116. Asquith to the king, 2 November 1911. Asquith Papers I/6, Bodleian Library, Oxford University. I am indebted to Professor Keith Neilson of the Royal Military College, Canada, for this reference. Asquith to the king, 2 November 1911. Asquith Papers I/6, Bodleian Library, Oxford University. I am indebted to Professor Keith Neilson of the Royal Military College, Canada, for this reference.

117. Williamson, Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy Politics of Grand Strategy, 36467.

118. Strachan, Strachan, First World War First World War, 1:202.

119. Cited in Cited in Sir Henry Wilson Sir Henry Wilson, 1:158.

120. HGW-MO, 1:10. HGW-MO, 1:10.

121. Following from Ian V. Hogg, Following from Ian V. Hogg, British Artillery Weapons and Ammunition, 19141918 British Artillery Weapons and Ammunition, 19141918 (London: Ian Allan, 1972), 8081, 10203, 11617. (London: Ian Allan, 1972), 8081, 10203, 11617.

122. HGW-MO, 1:68. HGW-MO, 1:68.

123. Bruce Gudmundsson, Bruce Gudmundsson, The British Expeditionary Force, 19141915 The British Expeditionary Force, 19141915 (Oxford, 2005), 7273. (Oxford, 2005), 7273.

124. Nikolas Gardner, Nikolas Gardner, Trial by Fire: Command and the British Expeditionary Force in 1914 Trial by Fire: Command and the British Expeditionary Force in 1914 (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003), 2027; also Andrew J. Risio, "Building the Old Contemptibles: British Military Transformation and Tactical Development from the Boer War to the Great War, 18991914," unpublished MA thesis, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2005, 3182. (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003), 2027; also Andrew J. Risio, "Building the Old Contemptibles: British Military Transformation and Tactical Development from the Boer War to the Great War, 18991914," unpublished MA thesis, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2005, 3182.

125. Timothy Travers, Timothy Travers, The Killing Ground: The British Army, the Western Front, and the Emergence of Modern Warfare, 19001918 The Killing Ground: The British Army, the Western Front, and the Emergence of Modern Warfare, 19001918 (London and New York: Routledge, 1993), 3742. (London and New York: Routledge, 1993), 3742.

126. History of the Great War, Naval Operations History of the Great War, Naval Operations, ed. Sir Julian Corbett (London: Longmans, Green, 192031), 1:7282.

127. HGW-MO, 1:3150. HGW-MO, 1:3150.

128. The following from Luc de Vos, "Belgien: Operationsplanungen und Taktik eines neutralen Landes," in Ehlert, Epkenhans, and Gro, eds., The following from Luc de Vos, "Belgien: Operationsplanungen und Taktik eines neutralen Landes," in Ehlert, Epkenhans, and Gro, eds., Schlieffenplan Schlieffenplan, 293310. The runup to 1914 is in Luc de Vos, Het effectief van de Belgische krijgsmacht en de militiewetgeving, 18301914 Het effectief van de Belgische krijgsmacht en de militiewetgeving, 18301914 (Brussels: Koninklijk Legermuseum, 1985); also, Centre de Doc.u.mentation historique des forces armees, (Brussels: Koninklijk Legermuseum, 1985); also, Centre de Doc.u.mentation historique des forces armees, Histoire de l'armee belge Histoire de l'armee belge, vol. 1, de 1830 a 1919 de 1830 a 1919 (Brussels: Editions Centre de Doc.u.mentation historique des forces armees, 1982). (Brussels: Editions Centre de Doc.u.mentation historique des forces armees, 1982).

129. emile Galet, emile Galet, Albert, King of the Belgians in the Great War: His Military Activities and Experiences Set Down with His Approval Albert, King of the Belgians in the Great War: His Military Activities and Experiences Set Down with His Approval (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1931), 10ff. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1931), 10ff.

130. Strachan, Strachan, First World War First World War, 1:208.

131. BA-MA, RH 61/96, Aufmarschanweisungen fur die Jahre 1893/94 bis 1914/15. BA-MA, RH 61/96, Aufmarschanweisungen fur die Jahre 1893/94 bis 1914/15.

132. Marie-Rose Thielemans and Emile Vandewoude, Marie-Rose Thielemans and Emile Vandewoude, Le Roi Albert au travers de ses lettres inedites, 18821916 Le Roi Albert au travers de ses lettres inedites, 18821916 (Brussels: Office International de librairie, 1982), 85. (Brussels: Office International de librairie, 1982), 85.

133. Galet, Galet, Albert, King of the Belgians Albert, King of the Belgians, 86.

134. Cited in ibid., 1820. Cited in ibid., 1820.

135. Ibid., 32. Ibid., 32.

136. Luc de Vos, "Belgien," 30304. Luc de Vos, "Belgien," 30304.

137. Galet, Galet, Albert, King of the Belgians Albert, King of the Belgians, 73.

CHAPTER 3. 3. Death in the Vosges Death in the Vosges.

1. The Commentaries of Caesar The Commentaries of Caesar, ed. William Duncan (London: J. Cuth.e.l.l, 1819), 1:26372. Hans Delbruck, History of the Art of War History of the Art of War (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1990), 1:48385, places the battle closer to Colmar and Schlettstadt (Selestat). (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1990), 1:48385, places the battle closer to Colmar and Schlettstadt (Selestat).

2. Otto Pflanze, Otto Pflanze, Bismarck and the Development of Germany Bismarck and the Development of Germany (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990), 1:487. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990), 1:487.

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