Theresa's Punishment Part 14

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To be the secret slave of a mere human - what could be more decadent?

Chapter Thirteen.

The weighty doors slid apart with the entry of the command code. The long neglect of their mechanisms made them hesitant to obey the demand for access. In some ways it was an omen not to tamper with the contents of this chamber, for the darkness within was more devouring and d.a.m.ning than any evil the Dregakk could conceive. It had resulted in the only civil war to ever occur in the history of their people.

The use of such bleak arts was forsaken when the Dregakk philosophy of s.a.d.i.s.tic hedonism was first created. The pract.i.tioners of the old creed were killed in a sudden and b.l.o.o.d.y a.s.sault throughout the Theocracy, and their resolute defiance to submit to the new order was the justification for their execution. Could they have been executed? Were they even remotely akin to a living being any more, and so could they actually be killed? The war had been brief and savage, but the intensity of the fighting had been needed to overcome the capacity for adaptation their foe presented.

It had been a war between those devoted solely to science, and those aligned to religion. The faithful feared total dependence on machines and sought to steer the Theocracy away from such a fixation. Since then, such immersion in technology had been frowned on and treated with disdain.

Eldral decided to crush such notions. If he were to persevere with this plan, he would have to put aside all the prejudices and propaganda issued to dissuade anyone from ever even contemplating such a course of action again. However, nothing had ever warranted the resurrection of these skills.

The prospect of such power was dizzying, but he would have to give up so much for it. Would it totally remove him from the way he was? The first users of this art were obsessed with it, and resolutely refused the new way of the faith. Their stubbornness had caused the war. What would it do to one who had been raised under such precious doctrines and now turned to the old path for aid? What would this psychological hybrid of two ancient enemy creeds create?

Stepping into the musty darkness, Eldral could smell the heat of metal and decay. It was a scent he a.s.sociated with prohibited power. The lights flickered on after a few questioning flashes and revealed the dust-covered interior. Tall dark machines arose as monoliths of intricate work. The huge sculptures of forgotten technologies were only usable by those who gave themselves over to the forbidden arts. One person alone would not be able to revive the practices - he would need others. The unity of the many was the very core of this pseudo religion.

A deep clunk issued beside him, and a door opened to reveal a booth. The interior was lit with a smoky green light and beckoned with automated arms for someone to surrender to it. Rows of such coffins stretched on into darkness and proved that enough of them remained to start the cycle afresh.

This subterranean complex had remained hidden from memory and view for centuries but the old ways were their only hope. First, he had to convince the Grand Theocrat herself. An audience was being prepared to discuss strategy against the alien menace. The gravity of the threat and the Theocracy's complete inability to even delay their advance meant that he would be able to attend. This opportunity would grant the chance to present his idea, but he would need to think of some heavy reasons to justify implementing it.

Slave of the Theocracy culminates in Part 3: Theresa's Revenge.

About the Author.

Born and raised in London, Bruce was a Royal Marine Cadet, has worked in demolition, rainforest preservation, and for the Ministry of Defense, Harvey Nichols, and Selfridges, but writing was always his one true pa.s.sion. He encountered a wonderful Californian and after marrying, they moved to San Francisco in '98 where he worked and played in the S&M community before relocating to Seattle a few years later. He has written many books and ill.u.s.trated a number for the House of Gord, Chimera books, and Olympia press. Several works are under development into graphic novels and computer animated series/films.

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Theresa's Punishment Part 14 summary

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