Blur: A Sports Romance Part 9

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I have to hold back with you. Im afraid Ill let my want for you take over, and youll think Im some controlling creep.

Believe me, if I ever think that, Ill let you know. Adrian, youre all I know, and so far, I cant complain. I smiled, rea.s.suring him. Ill make you a promise, if youll make me one.

Agreed. He turned to his side and perched himself on his elbow, staring into my eyes.

I promise to tell you if its ever too much, or if I dont enjoy it, and you promise me to stop holding back. I want to experience everything with you, Adrian.

His lips caught mine, and between the kiss, he whispered that he promised.

How did you manage all this? I asked as we walked out of the park and back to his car.

He popped his trunk and put the two bags of items we had collected in. My friend Emmet lent me a hand in setting things up.

That was nice of him. How do you know him?

He opened my door and buckled me into my seat. For someone that knows a lot of television and movie trivia, you dont know sports at all, do you?

I shrugged. Not much.

Emmet Dawson is also a player for the Mavericks, but I knew him before all that. He was a good friend of Alexs when we were growing up, and when Alex pa.s.sed, he sort of became like a surrogate big brother to me. I owe him a lot.

Well, tell Emmet thank you for making my date with you outstanding.

Adrian laughed. Ill tell him, but he doesnt need any more material to use against me. Ill withhold the details, if thats all right with you.

I blushed. Yeah, probably a good idea. Id like to meet him someday.

Id like that too.

We reached the flower shop sooner than I had expected, and my heart dropped. I didnt want to leave him. Can I walk you to your car?

Yes, please. I said with a wide smile, happy he wasnt leaving me just yet. Adrian, thank you. It was amazing, all of it.

His hand tangled into my hair, and I gasped as he pressed me with his body back against my car. He was so strong and his touch was intense. His lips found my mouth with ease. I dont know how I am going to leave you here.

I wanted to beg him to stay with me. Ill see you in the morning.

He placed his forehead against mine. Okay, okay, Ill let you go this one time, just for tonight. His lips danced over mine one more time.

There was something else I wanted to say, but it frightened me enough to make me keep quiet. Instead, I opened my car door and slid inside. Tomorrow?

Absolutely. He gave me one last fleeting kiss and closed my door. I watched him stay standing on the curb as I drove away, and I wanted to cry. If I had opened my mouth and told him that I was falling in love with him, would he have followed me home? I smiled to myself, because deep down, I knew he would have.

Chapter Fourteen.

Adrian I never imagined it would be this hard to leave a person. Usually, I looked forward to going back to my apartment, to being by myself. It was my sanctuary, my place of peace. But tonight, it was going to be empty, cold, and lonely. I told myself that after tonight, Id never be alone in it again. Mallory would be with me. Wed sleep, eat, and make love together every day and night.

Well h.e.l.l, someone had a happy date.

I stopped in my tracks. Between me and my car stood Mikes goon, along with two other burly, rough-looking men. They were both broad in the shoulders, looked like worked out on occasion, and had both been in a few fights at one time or another.

Id like you to meet two of my a.s.sociates. Luca and Nick.

This is the guy, G? asked the shorter, dark-haired one, that had been indicated as Luca.

Yup, this is him.

I opened my stance and stood my full height, hands fumbling in my pants pocket. Man, why are you so dead-set on keeping this up?

G scratched his head and pretended to give that question some deep thought. He looked to Nick, who was standing to his right with his arms crossed over his ma.s.sive chest. I sized him up and decided he was the weakest of the three men in front of me. I could see the water retention in his chin and around his arms. His bulk was from muscle but his muscle was coated in the byprodcuts of too much salty, starchy food. I could probably outrun him without an issue, if I needed to.

You know, Maxwell, you could put a stop to these awkward meetings if youd agree to do what were asking.

Im not going to change my mind. So no need for anymore meetings.

G threw his head back and laughed. You arent getting it. Its not me thats asking.

My fingers fumbled once more and then I pulled them free of my pockets. Oh really, whos asking if not you? These two here, Mutt and Jeff?

You watch the news, right?

I stood there.

You ever hear of Jonny Mugs Marcciano? He runs some nice lines around town, brings in the finest dust youll ever taste.

I kept silent.

No? Well I wouldnt expect so, seeing as youre all clean and straight-laced now. How about the takedown of five supposed gang member that robbed Nicky Belini last year? I think he knifed three and choked out the other two all on his own, and the stupid cops chalked it up to a gang war. Nicky showed us how to do it that night, didnt he boys?

The duo of dopes snickered and agreed.

Dude, I dont know what youre getting at here, but Im done. I started to skirt around them, and G grabbed my upper arm in a vice-grip.

He hissed in my ear, I got money on this game, Nick and Luca got money on this game, and the bosses above us got money on this game. I do not intend to lose anyones money. So Im not asking anymore"youre gonna throw the game, and everybody walks away happy, healthy and a little bit richer.

I yanked my arm out of his grasp. I said Im done with you, and you and your goons here can go to h.e.l.l.

G shook his head. I really didnt want it to come to this. But Adrian, you arent leaving me a choice, d.a.m.n it. He gritted his teeth and lunged at me, pinning my arms to my sides. Boys, he yelled.

I jerked my body and dodged my head to the side as Nicks fist breezed inches from my left cheek bone. The sudden action took G off balance, and he slipped on the uneven level of the broken sidewalk. His grip loosened enough for me to power through it and leave him trying to regain his footing or find himself on his a.s.s on the concrete.

Luca took his shot and managed to connect with my right eye. The force was minimal, but it took me by surprise, and I turned away. Nick made a lunge for me, and I ducked to the side, sending him sailing past me. My foot connected with his lower back and helped his momentum forward until he was splayed out on his stomach, trying to catch his breath.

I used my twisting momentum and circled around on Luca. He was ready and waiting. My body went into fight mode. My knees bounced, and my fists went up defensively to protect my face and keep his blows off me.

He danced around me. I followed his movement and saw he was a fighter, which meant he had weak points. I watched him swing, and I ducked out of the way. He wasnt as quick as he looked, and he took too much time to bring his hands back up to protect his vulnerable spots. His hand shot out again, and I took the opportunity to reach through and connect with his already crooked nose. There was an audible crunch, and I felt the bone crack beneath my knuckles. Id bruise, but his nose was the real victim, and it let out an immediate stream of blood that flooded his mouth and doused his s.h.i.+rt. He cringed and turned away holding his face.

G was standing on the sidewalk again. I rounded on him, ready to take him down too. He didnt advance on me.

Come on. I yelled. Bring it! Lets be done with this s.h.i.+t once and for all.

G looked at his two men and nodded that they should leave. Nick limped back into the alley they had had come from, with Luca holding his nose in his b.l.o.o.d.y hands following behind him.

You think you can fight us forever?

Wasnt that hard. I swiped at my watering eye. Id have to ice my hand and my eye when I got home, and that p.i.s.sed me off more than having to stand here and listen to his mouth run some more.

You might have been a hard sell tonight, but I dont think your friends and family will be as tough to crack.

I lunged at him and grabbed the lapel of his ever present leather jacket. Are you threatening my family?

Im just saying you could save yourself a lot of pain by playing ball with us, Adrian. Why would you put the ones you care about at risk? G.o.d forbid someone you love ran into Luca or Nick without you there. I mean, you cant be everywhere at once.

I was seething, If you or your mob squad lay one f.u.c.king finger on anyone I know, it will be the last thing you ever do. I shoved him away from me before I did something I would regret.

Adrian, this is your last night to give it some good thought. Youre life is good right now, Id hate to see it fall apart, he called after me.

I flipped him off before I pulled my keys and my phone from my pocket and got in my car. The tires squealed on the pavement and it took every ounce of strength I had left not to run his sorry a.s.s over with my car. I could feel the slight swelling under my eye. How was I going to explain that to Coach or Emmet, or h.e.l.lMallory? What if they did go after people I loved? What if they went after Mallory? I had my pride, I had my talent, but if I didnt have Mallory because of something she knew nothing of, had no involvement in, Id never be able to forgive myself. In the end, my stubbornness wasnt worth losing her, but if she found out that Id thrown a game, shed think it was for the money, and Id lose her anyway. Either way I was screwed.

I banged my bruised fist on the steering wheel. f.u.c.k.

Chapter Fifteen.

Mallory Monday afternoon found myself, Leslie, and Robbie all excited with the antic.i.p.ation of going to the game. Adrian called me to tell me he was sending a car for us and that we should go right to our box seats and stay close to each other. He didnt want anyone to get lost or left behind.

You sound like a worried parent. I teased him as we talked over the phone.

Im sorry, I just worry about you. I know youve never been to a game, and I know how crazed fans can be. Just promise me, Mallory, please. His voice had a tone of concern, more than usual.

Okay, of course I will. Are you okay? My heart was doing flip-flops.

He gave a heavy sigh. I want you safe, and until I can get you into my arms again, I want you with people I know and trust.

Adrian, youre making me nervous.

Its alright, kitten. Im sorry. I miss you.

I miss you too. It was true. I was hoping to see him yesterday, but he said he had a tight schedule, and that the Coach had thrown in an extra practice. Instead, he made arrangements for Leslie and me to go to the movies, then out for lunch. He called me during his breaks, and when I told him my brother was coming for dinner he seemed relieved that I wouldnt be home alone. When I went to bed, he called and talked to me until I was falling asleep between my words.

Ill see you at the game, he said before hanging up.

I walked back into the front of the shop to let Robbie and Leslie know we had a car coming for us.

Hey, look what just got delivered. Leslie was grinning from ear to ear as she laid a Mavericks hooded sweats.h.i.+rt over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Theres one for each of us and one for Mr. Alika.

Thats sweet. Adrian didnt mention he was sending them. I took mine and slipped it on over my head, fluffing out my ponytail from the collar.

Robbie grabbed his. Alright, duds from my main dude! Hey Mal, do you think you can date someone from the Yankees next year? I could use a new jacket.

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. Leslie swatted at Robbies chest. He dodged her hand and pulled on his s.h.i.+rt.

Adrian said a car will be here in a half an hour for us.

No freaking way! Robbie jumped in the air and pumped his fist. Ridin in style, you know it. He grabbed Leslie around the waste and swung her around in a circle. Ever make it in a chauffeured car, baby?

She wiggled and punched her way out of his arms. Several times, idiot.

Robbies face dropped, and I felt a pang of sorrow for him. It was obvious that Leslie wasnt infatuated with him as much anymore, but that was Leslie. I hoped one day she would meet a guy that felt like to her what Adrian felt like to me. She deserved that happiness too.

Robbies mood lightened as soon as the black Towne car pulled up to the front door of Pus.h.i.+ng Daisies. We said our goodbyes and thanks to Mr. Alika for letting us all leave early, and we piled into the car, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with excitement. Adrian had given us to get into the private VIP area for drinks and snacks. The driver handed us the color-coded wristbands that we immediately strapped on around each others wrists. I was amazed at how excited we all were, especially myself. I was excited to see Adrian play and learn the game.

We entered the stadium like three kids entering Disney World. Our eyes were wide, our heads back and our mouths hanging open.

Wow. Oh my G.o.d, look at that! Who is that, is that someone famous? We were all taking at once. I looked at our tickets and tried to figure out where we needed to go. A man in a green jacket was standing at the entrance to one of the sections.

Guys, stay put, Ill be right back. I walked up to him and gave him a polite smile. Excuse me, sir, can you direct me to where these seats are?

Of course, miss. He took the three tickets and scanned over the print, then his mouth formed a perfect circle and he whistled. These are some very nice seats, miss. Are you family of a Maverick?

Oh no, not family, good friends of Adrian Maxwell, do you know him?

The older mans belly shook as he laughed, like I had told him the worlds best joke. Miss, everyone knows Adrian Maxwell. I see you have VIP bands. Would you like me to show you to that area first? You can get some refreshments and paraphernalia before you go to your box seats.

Thank you, let me just grab my friends.

He waited patiently as I ran back to Leslie and Robbie. Follow me. I demanded. We all filed behind the man in the green jacket and followed him down several flights of stairs until we were actually on the field and walking down the Mavericks sideline. I kept my eyes peeled for a glimpse of Adrian.

You wont see him, Mal. Hes getting ready to play. Leslie dashed my hopes. What was it, some secret society that had rules that players couldnt show their faces before a game?

Our little trio entered into the VIP area, and someone placed frosty mugs of beer and soda at our table, slices of pizza, and fresh bowls of nachos and salsa. Robbie dove in like a ravenous animal, and Leslie and I watched in awe at the amounts he was shoving into his face,, stated Leslie, taking a mug of beer and sipping at it.

Hey, its free, and Im a floral shop delivery boy, he mumbled over a mouthful of nachos.

I smiled, enjoying the fact that Robbie had this opportunity. He seemed the most excited out of the three of us.

Here, take a picture, Mallory. He handed me his phone and posed with a mug and a slice. My fantasy football buds are gonna stroke out about this!

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Blur: A Sports Romance Part 9 summary

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