Misled. Part 14

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She whimpered.

"Relax, baby." He kissed her temple, her hairline, swiped her tears away. "Relax."

In slow degrees, her body loosened beneath his and her hands fluttered across his back, sending goose b.u.mps along his skin. He began to move inside her, slow, deep strokes into her snug, little body. Stretched around him, wet and hot, she drove him to hard thrusts. He inserted his hand between them, found her c.l.i.t and fingered her. His own release was near, but he wanted her to come first. She twisted against him, jerking her hips, and crying out.

He came hard, growling her name and shaking as his seed poured into her.

Breathing heavily, he turned over and drew her into his arms. He kissed the top of her head, not sure what to say, feeling the weight of Boss's murder more than ever.

Chapter 17.

Meggie rested her head in the crook of Christopher's arm. He'd been silent for the last half hour and, although she'd never admit it to him, twinges of shyness made topics of conversation difficult to think about. She knew he wasn't feeling shy at all. He'd done this many times before, so he wasn't awkward or sore or afraid. They were lovers. So now what?

Christopher made it clear he was making love to her because she slept in his bed. She s.h.i.+fted in his arm, turning on her side and facing away from him. She could just as well have been any other woman. Kiera, Ellen, or any of the other ladies who hung around. After what they'd just shared, the thought hurt her. She knew it shouldn't because he hadn't lied to her about anything.

She'd been drifting since she'd run away, the plans she'd made for her life a faraway dream. Instead of preparing for college, she'd been homeless. Instead of waiting for the man she'd spend her life with to take her virginity, she was now some a.s.s.

What did that even mean? Christopher could have s.e.x with her whenever he wanted? She didn't know. Neither did she know how long she'd stay around now that Christopher had made love to her. She wouldn't be able to stand watching him with other women. If she saw Kiera, Meggie would always believe she was there for Christopher.

"Now what?" she asked quietly since Christopher seemed content to say nothing.

Christopher's arms enveloped her and he threw one of his legs over hers. He nuzzled her hair. "Now we f.u.c.k again," he said hoa.r.s.ely, palming her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Meggie wiggled in his arms and turned to face him. A half grin curved his mouth, his eyes dark and heavy lidded. He knew her question meant more than his simple reply. Then, again, he'd already given his answer before they made love and he didn't intend to change his mind.

Christopher rolled onto her and settled his hand on her hip, his erection thick and hot between them. She sucked the skin on his shoulder, parted her thighs and sighed as he sank into her. "Okay."

When Meggie awakened the next morning, the sun streamed through the window. She sat up and realized she was alone in bed. She stood and winced, noticing dried blood combined with dried s.e.m.e.n on her thighs and the bed sheet. Her stomach growled and she hurried through her shower before finding more of Christopher's clothes to wear and going in search of something to eat.

She didn't like turning the corner of the hallway and walking into the main room because she never knew what she'd find. It was always a surprise. This time, when she appeared, Christopher was leaning against the bar, arms folded. One of the brothers watched the monitors. Rack chomped eggs and sausage, a beer in front of him. Other men, many of whom she didn't recognize but all wearing their cuts proclaiming them part of the Death Dwellers' organization, sat at the tables.

Kiera and Ellen sat on each side of Christopher, commanding Meggie's attention. Jealousy swamped her and she glared at Christopher, ignoring the fact so much attention was focused on her.

Christopher narrowed his eyes and his mouth tightened. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of making a scene. Throwing him a dirty look, she straightened her shoulders and started toward the kitchen. She reminded herself he wasn't her boyfriend. Not that she knew anything about boyfriends since she'd never had one. She only knew her feelings and what she wanted.

He moved quick, blocking her way.

"Move," she ordered.

"Where you goin'?"

"I'm hungry. I'm going to find something to eat."

He grabbed her arm and dragged her in the direction of where he'd been standing.

She struggled against his hold, but he wouldn't let go and she was causing a scene, giving supreme satisfaction to the two women. Her emotions were all over the place this morning and she wanted to sob with all the hurt in her at the same time she wanted to howl with rage.

"Megan, give Kiera a chance." Christopher's deep voice rumbled the greeting and Meggie swore she heard fondness when he spoke the woman's name. "Ellen, too."

Ellen barely acknowledged her, just lit a cigarette, gave her a small nod and turned her back. Kiera, however, stood next to Christopher and gave Meggie a slight smile. Though unfriendly, it wasn't as hostile as Ellen's.

Not speaking, Kiera glanced between her and Christopher.

"We have church," Christopher said. He and Kiera shared a meaningful look. He pulled out his billfold and pressed a wad of cash into Kiera's hands. "It's gonna be particularly intense, so no women can be on the premises. Kiera and Ellen nicely agreed to take you shoppin' today. I gave Kiera money last night and just now. She has enough to let you buy whatever you want. Just ask."

Megan blinked, sure she'd misheard. He expected her to have a girl's day with his lover and her friend? And he hadn't even given her money? Instead, handing it to Kiera. Meggie had to ask for money to let Kiera allow her to buy things. She shoved him. "Jerk! I'm not going anywhere with them," she screeched. She pinched his arm-or tried to. He had no give anywhere, so she didn't do much damage. It didn't matter. She ran away as fast as her legs could carry her.

Christopher pounded behind her, his boot falls loud against the concrete. His legs were longer than hers, so he caught up to her in a moment. He started dragging her back toward the way they'd come.

"I'm not going anywhere with your girlfriend," she said around a sob. He'd just taken her virginity last night. He could've given her a break and not shove other women in her face so soon. "I'll just stay in your room. Not come out for anything. Not even food."

"As if," Christopher said with a snort. "You don't f.u.c.kin' listen. And I don't give a f.u.c.k who you want to be with. You gonna go with Kiera and get the f.u.c.k outta here."

"You could've given me your truck and money. I would've preferred-"

"You don't f.u.c.kin' know where you goin'."

"I know how to follow directions," she shot back.

He thrust his face into hers. "You have yet to f.u.c.kin' demonstrate that. If you can't follow one type of direction, I'm not gonna trust you to follow another type."

"I can follow geographical directions," she yelled. "And, maybe, I want to go to church. I need to pray. It doesn't matter how intense it gets."

Christopher burst out laughing and shook his head, wiping his eyes.

"It isn't funny," Meggie said in hurt tones. "Kiera has attended. I saw the way you two looked at one another."

His chuckles died down and he stared at her before taking her face between his big hands and kissing her lips with tenderness. "Church, Megan," he said between kisses, "means a club meetin'. That was all our look was about." He stepped back from her but didn't release her face. "s.h.i.+t's gonna be intense. After what the f.u.c.k happened fifteen days ago, we have to elect new officers."

"And she knows what you're facing?"

"Yeah. She been around long enough."

"I don't want to go with them," she insisted. "I saw you two together yesterday and-"

"I don't have time for your bulls.h.i.+t right now." He dug his wallet out and stuffed money into her hands. "Happy now? Your pockets f.u.c.kin' flushed with money, too."

No, she still wasn't happy. He'd given Kiera money as well, so what he did for Meggie wasn't because she was special to him. He just wanted her out of his way. She wouldn't budge him on how he felt about women and relations.h.i.+ps. She nodded.

"Fine," she said in a small voice. "I'll get out of your way."

"Megan," Christopher called as she turned away.

She stopped but didn't respond. He walked closer to her. Sighing, he glanced away then looked at her again, fisting her hair.

"I never expected to have to tell you this." His hand twirled a curl. "Seein' as how s.h.i.+t have been goin' this mornin'...I f.u.c.ked Ellen, too. Most of the time-the exception bein' yesterday-with Kiera."

Meggie gasped before heat rose in her cheeks. Embarra.s.sed, she shook her head. "A threesome?" she squeaked.

A muscle ticked in Christopher's jaw. He nodded.

"Why tell-"

"Kiera is a nice chick."


"Ellen's a b.i.t.c.h," he continued. "She'd tell you to hurt you. I wanted you to hear it from me."

Speechless, she started to back away but Christopher grabbed her and kissed her hard. She kept her spine stiff, despite how much she wanted to melt against him.

"Besides yesterday, I ain't f.u.c.ked Kiera, Ellen, or no b.i.t.c.h since the night I met you. Hear what I'm sayin'?" He wrapped a hand around her neck and pulled her closer. "I been dealin' with club business. A motherf.u.c.ker wants me dead, Megan. This is serious s.h.i.+t." He shook her slightly and kissed her again. "Stop lettin' s.h.i.+t bother you. Especially them two. You in my bed right now."

Right now, until he tired of her, and decided to return to his two girls.

"I need your cooperation today. Can you do that for me? Please?"

Put like that Meggie couldn't be a shrew and continue to harangue him. She nodded.

He kissed her nose. "Good girl."

Kiera and Ellen kept a steady conversation between each other as they drove to the mall. They ignored Meggie, which was fine. Despite her cooperation, Christopher's audacity still chafed. She couldn't believe he was heartless enough to make her spend time with his lovers.

It took forty-five minutes to reach the mall and, for half the day, Meggie roamed from shop-to-shop, listlessly going through the racks, not really seeing anything she wanted. Meanwhile, Ellen and Kiera were spending nonstop.

Around lunchtime, they went to the food court. Meggie watched while the two women pigged out on burgers, fries, and sodas.


Meggie jumped as Kiera's voice penetrated her moroseness.

"C'mon. We're going to the van to save our purchases. Maybe, we can speed things up, huh, babe? Try to find some clothes when we get back in."

Outside, the sun had vanished and gray, drizzly skies promised a drop in temperature, which would bring the air from cool to cold. She trailed behind the two women. They hadn't warmed up to one another and Meggie doubted they ever would. She hated they knew more about Christopher than she did. He'd given Kiera money, only backtracking and giving Meggie money when she complained. They stopped in front of Ellen's pink utility van. Yes, pink and peeling. What a way to stand out. The aggravating woman would want something like that.

As she unlocked her door, Ellen blew smoke from her nostrils. They threw their packages in haphazardly, then shut and secured the van. Kiera sat on the b.u.mper and took out a small mirror to apply lipstick.

"You planning on buying anything?" she asked.

"Yeah." Ellen put in around her cigarette. "You think we like this s.h.i.+t?"

"It seems so," Meggie sniffed, nodding to the cargo hold of the van overflowing with their purchases. "For someone who doesn't like this s.h.i.+t, you have no problem spending Christopher's money."

Ellen lifted a thin brow. "Christopher, huh?" She took another drag of her cigarette. "I have no problem sucking his d.i.c.k while he eats my p.u.s.s.y. I should have no problem spending his f.u.c.king money."

Nausea churned in Meggie's stomach and she looked away.

"Idiot!" Kiera chirped. "You know what Outlaw said, so shut up."

Ellen threw her cigarette on the ground and crushed it beneath her boot. She glared between Meggie and Kiera before grabbing her cigarettes again and lighting another one.

"Megan," Kiera began. Though her tone was clipped and her features tight, her body language was much friendlier than Ellen's. "This isn't easy. Okay? B-but he wants you to buy some clothes and he isn't going to be happy if you don't go back with new things." She s.h.i.+fted her weight. "He would've brought you himself but he"

Meggie glared at her. "I know what that means. He told me."

Kiera nodded. "So you know he has a lot of s.h.i.+t to worry about. He...he doesn't want you upset." She shrugged. "I don't know if that means he's keeping you. But I'd prefer not to upset you and still be allowed to be friends with Outlaw then him bar me from the club. You seem to be pretty nice, if a little young."

"I'm eighteen."

"Outlaw will be thirty-three in a month," Ellen said around smoke and laughter. "Put jail f.u.c.king bait p.u.s.s.y on him and I guess his nose would open wide. Motherf.u.c.kers go crazy when you hit 'em with that young, tender flesh. Suddenly, women his own f.u.c.king age ain't good enough for him. Not when he has a sweet, tight p.u.s.s.y to f.u.c.k."

"Shut up, Ellen," Kiera warned, "or I'm telling on your crude f.u.c.king a.s.s."

"Oh, shut the f.u.c.k up, Ki. You know what I'm saying is for f.u.c.king real. He ain't never f.u.c.ked either one of us on our own. We always had to tag team him. Suddenly, he's calling us to be her f.u.c.king babysitters."

Meggie processed Ellen's words and narrowed her eyes, thinking about yesterday. Unless Ellen had been hiding somewhere-which she knew she hadn't because Christopher had already told her-Kiera had been with Christopher on her own. Oh. Oh. Her gaze flew to Kiera's and the other woman straightened. Kiera knew she'd guessed she'd crossed some line with Christopher that Ellen knew nothing about. But that was between them and Meggie wouldn't pit one against the other just because Christopher had hurt her. She shrugged, a small, minute gesture she hoped conveyed the message to Kiera. At Kiera's flash of relief, Meggie lowered her eyes.

"So that's all I'm f.u.c.king saying."

Meggie frowned. Ellen had continued talking while she and Kiera had gone through their silent exchange.

"Oh f.u.c.k," Ellen snarled.

Meggie thought it was something else she wanted to argue out, but Ellen was glancing behind Meggie.

"Oh f.u.c.k," Kiera breathed, her eyes traveling in the direction of Ellen's attention.

Meggie decided she should turn around. When she did, her eyes widened. Snake. She hadn't seen his face but she'd know those green and black reptilian boots anywhere. He halted next to Ellen, while five other guys, rigged out in cuts and leather, blocked their exit. Snake was a tall, intimidating figure and, when Meggie's perusal reached his face, she did a double take, her breath catching. She swore she was staring at her father. A tremble pa.s.sed through her. Her mind had to be playing tricks on her. It just had to be. He resembled Big Joe right down to one nostril being noticeably bigger than the other one. A ponytail queued his ponytail and his blue eyes held no warmth. Really, no anything. They were the eyes of a killer, cold and dead, as if his soul and conscience had been sucked away-if he'd ever had either.

Snake walked over-Boss's swagger-and Kiera and Ellen flanked her.

She knew why and she'd keep her mouth shut. She wanted to ask the ident.i.ty of his father, even though his physical features screamed the answer. She should've lowered her lashes, looked away, and minimized attention. She couldn't, though. Her heart and her head hurt. She'd always believed she was her father's only child. And, she told herself, she still believed it. The only proof she had to any family connection with Snake were her eyes-and her instinct. He might've looked like Boss and walked like Boss, but he didn't have Boss's deceptively calm demeanor. One look at Snake and Meggie knew he had ice in his veins. She decided to keep quiet about her suspicions. She didn't know how these things worked, but it might cause deeper animosity between him and Christopher if he discovered she was Christopher's lover.

Something resembling a smile curved his mouth. "Who's the new b.i.t.c.h?"

Kiera and Ellen glanced at each other.

"I'm Meggie," Megan responded, raising her chin and folding her arms. She urged herself to proceed with caution, but her unhealthy curiosity wouldn't allow it. "Who are you?"

Ignoring her question, Snake stepped closer and bent to eye-level with her. "You're the b.i.t.c.h, yeah?"

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Misled. Part 14 summary

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