Anew: Awakened Part 12

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His c.o.c.k seems to think otherwise, jerking as it does with obvious enthusiasm. I grin but an instant later my lips open in a soft, helpless O of pure arousal. Holding my eyes, Ian wraps his hand around himself and strokes up and down. Despite his release mere minutes before, his erection lengthens and hardens quickly.

My mouth goes dry. What he's doing is so...wanton, so deliberate, so erotic. No wonder I feel like putty in this man's hands. When he chooses, he's a purely sensual being unhindered by any inhibitions. And I actually think that I can take him on and win?

As though he guesses my thoughts, Ian smiles. Still stroking himself, he says, "You're more than welcome to get back on your knees, sweetheart."

I can't endure any more of the fun I've just had, not with my own arousal growing by the minute. Hardly able to breathe, I get out the only word I can manage--'bed'--and gesture for him to precede me.

His eyebrows shoot up and I gather that I'm perilously close to crossing the line but I don't care. In this golden room, I am Venus, embodiment of desire, and he can d.a.m.n well lie down on my altar because I tell him to.

He takes a step toward it...another... His compliance clearly surprises him. "What you do to me," he murmurs.

Implicit in the look he shoots me is what we both know to be true. I'm going to pay for all this and sooner rather than later.

A delicious s.h.i.+ver moves down my spine as I contemplate his retaliation. Perhaps my imagination doesn't reach far enough because it fails to discourage me.

When he is stretched out on his back on the golden bed--a big, fully aroused male with a decidedly dangerous look in his eyes--I press a knee into the mattress and lift myself up and over so that I am straddling him. Settling on his upper thighs, I smile down at his c.o.c.k.

"Hi, there," I say. "Remember me?"

I can't help but giggle when it bobs in response. "We're getting along so well, aren't we? Too bad the grumpy fellow you're attached to doesn't seem to fully appreciate that."

I lean a little closer and whisper to it, "I think he's plotting to get back at me."

The c.o.c.k nods in agreement.

"Oh," I say, "you think so, too? I'll bet you even know what he has planned."

Another nod, more emphatically this time.

"Should I be worried?"


"Really worried?"


"Any way you can convince him to go easier on me? He listens to you."

It sways back and forth in what I interpret as a "maybe yes, maybe no" gesture.

"Oh, I hope so. What can I do to convince you to help?"

Ian gives a strangled laugh. I ignore him and continue addressing his c.o.c.k.

"You're going to make me guess, aren't you? Well, then, let's see--"

I'm at a momentary loss until inspiration strikes. Straightening up, I slide my hands under the lacy top of the bustier and free my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Remembering how he touched me there, I stroke my nipples, catching each between my thumbs and forefingers and twist lightly. His sharply indrawn breath tells me that I'm on the right track.

"You like that, don't you?" I ask his c.o.c.k.


Hmmm, what else would it like? A thought occurs to me so wanton, so naughty that my cheeks flame. It grows stronger and more urgent with each pa.s.sing moment. I want to do this...I need to-- Slowly, not daring to look at Ian, I reach my arms around to my back, in the process causing my b.r.e.a.s.t.s to jut out even farther. I undo the bustier and toss it on the floor. I'm left in nothing but the tiny sc.r.a.p of lace between my legs.

As slowly as I dare, I tug first on one bow, then the other and pull my panties forward so that they rub deliciously against me. Dangling the sc.r.a.p of silk from my fingertip, I toss it over my shoulder but not before noticing how wet it is. Slick, warm juice is flowing from me. I ease a hand between my thighs, catch that moisture on my fingers and-- The inner curves of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s glisten wetly as I rub the warm fluid of my own arousal between them. Above me, I'm distantly aware of Ian's ragged groan but his c.o.c.k gets all my attention. I'm finding that it's much easier to deal with than the man himself. Despite its size and power, it's nowhere near as intimidating or complicated.

I scoot down a little and position my decidedly not little friend between my moistened b.r.e.a.s.t.s, squeezing slowly as I rub up and down. Drops of creamy liquid begin to ooze from the tip. Leaning closer, I catch them on my tongue.

As I do so, I glance up. What I see robs me of breath. Ian's features are tightly drawn and beads of sweat glisten on his forehead. But more than that, he has grabbed hold of the headboard of the bed with both hands in what I can only guess is a last-ditch effort to leave me in control.

Before that becomes impossible, I rise and lower myself slowly onto him, taking first the velvet tip so engorged that it's the color of a ripe plum, followed inch by inch by his long, thick shaft. I have to stop several times and take quick breaths, so overwhelming is the sensation of being filled and stretched.

"Don't try to take more than you can, baby," Ian says. His voice is harsh and rasping but his concern couldn't be more clear. "I'll go very deep this way, maybe too deep for you."

I s.h.i.+ft a little, unwilling to give up and my body opens completely, admitting him those last few inches until his tip is nudging against my the wall of my womb and his sack brushes my bottom. The sensation is exquisite--achy without actually being painful. I haven't felt this before and it leads me to wonder if he's held back in the past when he was always in control.

Lowering my head, I rack my teeth lightly over his chest as I begin to move on him. "No holding back this time," I murmur. "I want all of you."

He makes a guttural sound and arches against me. I straighten and begin a long, slow undulation, rippling along his length, moving up and down on the thick iron-hard shaft while curling my hips so that my tight, wet sheath slides caressingly around him.

I want to make this last--forever would be nice--but my own arousal dictates otherwise. My need is building, becoming all-consuming. But I want him with me, want him not merely to give me control but to lose it--completely, utterly, because of what I can do to him.

I, Amelia. Not whoever or whatever he expected me to be and most emphatically not any other woman he has ever been with. Only me, entirely and uniquely myself.

For that, I'm more than willing to hang suspended on the edge of my own o.r.g.a.s.m while using every inch of my body to pleasure him. My thighs tighten around his as I rise again, almost to the tip of him, before lowering myself to take him more quickly, increasing the pace, loving the delicious friction inside me. My hands cup my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, my fingers pulling and tugging at my nipples as he watches, his gaze filled with a wild, primal heat that steals my breath. head flung back, moans I cannot contain escaping me, the musky aroma of s.e.x, the wet slap of our bodies against each other, all combine in a sensory overload that threatens to shatter me. But not yet...not before him...

"I love how your c.o.c.k gets even bigger right before you come," I murmur in between pants. "How you throb against the walls of my..." What was that rather indelicate word he used? "...of my p.u.s.s.y. How you fill me with your thick, hot seed and--"

A harsh, feral roar breaks from him. His hands fly free, seizing my hips, his fingers digging in hard enough to mark me. His grip is merciless, his intent clear. I've had what I asked for and now he's taking back control.

"You want me hot and hard, baby?" he growls. "You got it."

He thrusts hard, again and again, driving me relentlessly. The world s.h.i.+mmers, dissolving and I go with it, falling...flying...both at once. My inner muscles clench, grasping him even more tightly. Distantly, I hear myself cry his name. The sound flings me over the heights and into sweet, incandescent oblivion.

When I'm next aware of anything, I'm sprawled over Ian's body. He holds me close, one hand stroking me gently as the other remains curved on my hip, keeping me in place against him.

I taste his skin and smell the heady elixir of our bodies. A deep sigh of contentment rises from me.

He moves slightly, enough so that our gazes meet. "All right?"

I nod. Being there with him, feeling so safe, emboldens me.

"I'm fine," I say. "Being in control like that was amazing. Although honestly, I didn't think you'd last that long."

His eyebrows arch. "Pardon?

My face flames as I realize how what I just said could be interpreted. "I mean...letting me have control. I didn't think you could keep it up that..."

Gar! I sound like I'm doing it deliberately when I swear I'm not. Am I?

Ian's shoulders are shaking. His laughter is rich and deep but his gaze when he turns it on me again is hot and oh, so breathtaking.

Without warning, he moves, flipping me over onto my back so that our positions our reversed and his deliciously heavy weight bears down on me. His smile is pure salacious challenge.

"Let's find out how long I really can last, baby," he says.

Raising himself onto his knees, he takes hold of both my ankles in one hand and lifts my legs, bending them to either side of me. Gazing down, he gives me a smile that is pure s.e.xual invitation.

"I've been looking forward to seeing you like this," he says.

My face flames. I've never felt so vulnerable. "Ian...?"

"Easy, baby," he says soothingly. "I'll take care of you." He strokes a finger along my hot, swollen cleft and smiles when I quiver. "G.o.d, I love your p.u.s.s.y, so tight and hot. I want to take all the time in the world with you, keep you hovering on the edge, watch you writhe and listen to your little cries. All night, maybe, after I've had you and you think you're sated. Only you'll discover that you aren't, far from it."

Another stroke, ending with a flick against my distended c.l.i.t. "Men are dumb s.h.i.+ts to ever think that we're superior to women," he muses. "Your guts, your stamina, your willingness to create the future by bearing and nurturing children is awe-inspiring. It's only fair that your capacity for pleasure is so much greater than our own."

He raises his head and smiles at me. "All we can do is sit back and enjoy it."

But he isn't, sitting back that is. He continues stroking me, his fingers gentle but remorseless, sliding through the silk fluid oozing from my v.a.g.i.n.a, spreading it to my c.l.i.t which he circles slowly, a little faster...a little more-- I can feel my o.r.g.a.s.m close-- His tongue replaces his finger, lapping at me in long slow strokes...sucking...

Moaning, I arch higher, closer to him, desperate for what he is giving me. I am on the very edge, teetering when he suddenly draws back. I sob in protest. In response, he runs his hand from my drenched s.e.x all the way up my body to my mouth, thrusting his fingers saturated with my taste into me.

"I want you to come on my c.o.c.k," he says and drives into me in a single, relentless thrust that buries him to the hilt.

I have no time to adjust to him and I don't want any. He puts his weight on my legs, stretching me even further. I've never been so full, so ready... One thrust, another, one more and that's all it takes. I explode, my inner muscles clenching him so tightly that he groans in turn but continues to move, driving me higher and higher until at last he finds his own release and sags against me, his c.o.c.k still in me, his weight holding me down, his breath hot against my b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"I can't get enough of you, Amelia," he rasps. "I want you beyond madness. Where you're concerned, there are no limits."

I am drifting, my body limp, when he stirs against me. In the darkness of the golden room, he raises his head to kiss me deeply, a sweet, tender kiss at first but soon his tongue is plundering my mouth. There is a fierceness in his touch that I cannot fully grasp. I can only reach for him, meeting his pa.s.sion with my own.

The first gray light of dawn is edging up over the balcony beyond the golden room when I stare into the mirror on the wall opposite the foot of the bed where I am kneeling. My wrists are lashed behind my back with the leather belt, my legs are stretched over the lean hips of the man who is pounding into me, maintaining a cascade of that have come one after another and another without respite for so long that I have given up pleading, if only half-heartedly, for them to stop.

The woman in the mirror looks like a creature of pure carnality--without mind or will or reason, her existence entirely focused on her v.a.g.i.n.a, her c.l.i.t, her nipples, anywhere, everywhere the man chooses to make the focus of all sensation. The hours of ecstatic torment have left her a slave to the endless, unrelenting cycle of arousal and release. And yet gleaming deep within her eyes is the glow of primal satisfaction, a kind of freedom in its own right that will not be denied.

Ian gives a final thrust, his head thrown back, his mouth open in a roar of pleasure. My body arches weakly as yet another o.r.g.a.s.m ripples through me. All I can manage is a faint moan. Slowly, he lowers my exhausted body to the bed and undoes the belt from around my wrists. Rubbing the soreness from them, he leans closer, his breath warm on my ear.

"Sleep now," he whispers.

Obedient to his command, I let go of the last shreds of consciousness and tumble gratefully into sated oblivion.

When I next open my eyes, the sunlight of late morning is streaming into the room. I blink and struggle to orient myself. My head is on the pillows and a light cover is drawn up to my chin. Still not entirely centered in my body, I feel at once exquisitely shaky and deeply content.

Memory floods back, a kaleidoscope of images and sensations. Ian...myself... Ian... My face flushes as I am swept equally by disbelief at my own daring and quivering shock at what I experienced in the hours after he took back control.

s.h.i.+fting a little, I discover that although the muscles of my inner thighs are stiff and sore from being spread wide for so long, I can move my limbs. Slowly, with care, I ease myself from the bed and stand, holding on to one of the columns at the foot of the bed until my balance steadies.

I take a step and feel the stickiness from my cleft all the way down my legs, around my a.s.s, and even over my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and throat. I am saturated with the evidence of our mutual l.u.s.t, marked in the most primal way. Marked, too, by Ian's hands as I see when I finally make it to the bathroom and look in the mirror there. Staring at my flanks, I remember him taking hold of me. Remember, too, all that followed.

A s.h.i.+ver runs through me, inspired as much by carnal gratification as by shock. I already knew that he is a ruthless, if generous lover but to go to such extremes? What could possibly have driven him? Did giving up control to me even for such a short time affect him that greatly? Or did he have some other motivation?

For long minutes, I stand under the steaming hot water as I become steadily more aware of how sore and used my body feels. And how strangely satisfying those sensations are. The heat eases my strained muscles and goes some way toward restoring me but it can't banish the questions clamoring in my mind.

Finally, I rub body wash into my hands and begin to clean myself carefully. My skin is still extremely sensitive all over. My nipples are tight and hard, my b.r.e.a.s.t.s engorged. The folds between my legs are puffy and tender. The slightest touch there makes me quiver.

When I'm finally clean, I dress quickly. On some level, I want to remain hidden in the golden room until I have a chance to recover. But far more urgently, I need to find Ian. Our night of unbridled excess has left me shaken and uncertain. I need to know how things stand between us.

I delay only long enough to compose myself as best I can, dressing with care, taming my hair which is even wilder than usual, and adding a few touches of make-up in the hope of concealing the lingering evidence of my own willing debauchery.

I am half-way down the wide, curving staircase when I hear voices. Or more correctly one voice--a man's--shouting. The other is far more muted but I think it is Ian's.

"What the h.e.l.l were you thinking?" the man demands. "You should have told me the moment you found out!"

I can't hear Ian's response but quickly the man says, "I don't give a d.a.m.n about the law! And as for protecting her, I have far more right to do that than you ever will!"

They're talking about me! Someone else knows of my existence and he clearly has strong opinions about it.

Without stopping to think, I speed down the remaining steps and cross the entry hall to the door of the library. It stands partly ajar. I can see Ian beside his desk but I can't make out his visitor.

I take a breath, square my shoulders, and push the door fully open. Both occupants of the room turn toward me at once. Ian looks as starkly compelling as always, dressed in his usual black jeans and T-s.h.i.+rt. But I can't help noticing that his eyes are shadowed. He is clearly surprised by my sudden appearance but there is something else in his gaze. Something that looks strangely like regret. Even guilt?

I have no chance to think about that. Seeing me, the other man gasps, at once drawing my attention. He is in his late twenties, tall, well built, and handsome with chestnut hair and... His eyes are the same distinctive shade of aquamarine as my own.

The implications of that have scarcely occurred to me when he says, "My G.o.d, it's true!"

He spears a glance at Ian that combines both anger and an unmistakable warning. Stepping forward swiftly, he takes both my hands in his. His touch is gentle, his voice even more so.

Softly, he says "Please don't be afraid. I understand that you don't know me but I'm Edward McClellan, Susannah's brother." His gaze is intense and his smile, when it comes, makes me feel unaccountably warm and safe. Gently, he adds "Which means that I am also yours."

Before I can even begin to grasp that, his hands tighten on mine. With implacable determination, he says. "Amelia, I've come to take you home."

Chapter Thirteen.

Amelia The landscape slips by beyond the tinted windows of the limousine, countryside giving way to hamlets and small towns. Under other circ.u.mstances, I would be excited to see more of the world but I gaze out at it sightlessly. All I can really see is the moment in the library when I turned to Ian, stunned and shaken as I was by the discovery that I have a family, only to confront his impenetrable gaze.

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Anew: Awakened Part 12 summary

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