Exit Strategy Part 43

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I shrugged. "Everyone's ent.i.tled to a fair trial and someone has to make sure they get it."

"If the case even gets to trial. The way we're stringing this thing together, even a pro bono suit could find grounds for dismissal."

"Sure, but-"

"I'm not knocking the plan. I can't think of an airtight way to do it, either. But it's a problem, and the question is: what are you going to do about it?"

I put down my fork. "The question is: can I see a way around it? Do I have a problem with killing Wilkes? Of course not. But what's more important to me is making sure everyone knows he's been caught. If he just drops off the face of the earth, this won't ever go away. The Feds will keep pouring money and man-hours into solving it. The newspapers will keep reminding people that it's unsolved-in other words, that the Feds 'f.u.c.ked up.' Every time a potential suspect turns up, you risk the public taking matters into their own hands. Sure, it'll die down eventually, but you can bet that on every anniversary for the next decade, the media will bring it back up, reignite the fear. Then there's the whole issue of copycats-nutcases thinking they can win instant infamy by pulling one hit and claiming the rest as their own."

"I'm not saying we off him and dump the body. But what if we could toss Dubois a dead suspect instead of a live one?" When I didn't respond, he added, "I know, it wouldn't be as easy as it sounds, but take some time later and give it some thought. Run it by Evelyn and Jack. See what they think."

"I will. And if we can't come up with a way to kill him before we hand him over, we could arrange it afterward." I looked over at Quinn. "I'm sure someone would be able to make sure Wilkes never sees the inside of a courtroom...someone who knows how to do such a thing."

Quinn went still. "So Jack told you what I do?"

"Jack didn't tell me a thing. He said it wasn't his place. I had a hunch."

"That obvious, huh?"

I took a forkful of rice before answering. "I've...heard of things like that. As a cop, you must see things go wrong. Maybe someone offers you money to make it go right." I shrugged. "It might not seem like such a bad idea."

He s.h.i.+fted on the bed before continuing. "If that did happen, you'd think it would need to be something really big that set him off, wouldn't you? One of those awful cases you might see once in a lifetime, the kind most cops go their whole careers and never see."

I thought of Wayne Franco and his victim, Dawn Collins, and concentrated on getting out the last grain of rice.

He continued. "But it wasn't anything like that. It was the kind of situation you see so often you almost start forgetting what a tragedy it is, and you sure as h.e.l.l stop expecting anything like justice to come of it. Woman leaves her husband, guy threatens her, she takes out a restraining order, calls the local cops a few times...sure, they try to help, but there are other priorities. And it seems like half the time when cops do do respond, the couple is making up in the bedroom when they get there." respond, the couple is making up in the bedroom when they get there."

"But this wasn't one of those times, was it? He killed her."

Quinn nodded. "It wasn't my case-that's isn't the kind of work I do. But I knew the woman's father-a friend of my dad's-and my dad asked me to be there, to explain stuff to the parents. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d walked. He leaves the courtroom, grinning and high-fiving his buddies, while her parents are crying, her oldest kid just staring into s.p.a.ce, and I'm thinking how G.o.dd.a.m.n unfair it all is, but that's really all I think because I've seen stuff like that so many times before. Afterward, we're in the parking lot, and her father asks me to do him a favor."

"Set things right."

Quinn nodded.

"And you did."

"Nope. Told him two wrongs don't make a right, and I understood how badly he was hurting, but this wasn't a road he wanted to go down. Two days later, the b.a.s.t.a.r.d's dead, the old man's in jail, his wife tries to kill herself, and the kids...well, you can bet those kids are f.u.c.ked for life. And it could have been avoided if I'd taken that job instead of spouting some 'turn the other cheek' c.r.a.p that I knew was bulls.h.i.+t."

"So that's what you do then," I said. "Vigilante for hire."

Quinn looked at me. His eyes were blue that night. Whenever I saw him, they were blue. I doubted that was his normal color, but he always wore the same contacts when he knew we'd be meeting-the same contacts, the same hair color, the same overall disguise-as if he wanted to show me something consistent.

With Jack, I could look him full in the face and still not have the faintest clue what was going on behind his eyes.

The doors were closed. With Quinn, there were no doors, probably never had been, and I could imagine that it had only taken one look around for the victim's father to know the best person to approach with his offer.

Now, as Quinn watched me, his feelings were written over every feature-the creases around his mouth, the line between his brows, the anxiety in his eyes as he mentally replayed those words "vigilante for hire," and tried to interpret my tone.

I moved the take-out boxes aside, folding each and laying it on the table.

"So, you, uh..." He rubbed his chin. "You think..."

"What do you want me to say, Quinn? That I'm impressed? That it puts you a cut above guys like Jack? Like me?"

He grabbed the last box. "No. Absolutely not. I don't kid myself that it's some n.o.ble cause. I get paid for it...well, not always, but, yeah, you're right. Vigilante for hire. Maybe it's a f.u.c.ked-up way of looking at the world if I think that makes me any better than the guys I off. I just...That's what I do, and I wanted you to know..." He let the sentence trail off.


He scooped up the forks and shrugged. "Maybe I just wanted you to know because I wanted you to know."

I watched him as he dropped the forks into the garbage, his hand hovering there a moment even after the forks had thumped into the bottom, as if reluctant to turn toward me, dragging the distraction out as he tried to think of what to say next. His jaw tightened and relaxed, as if practicing a line.

My gaze slid down to his arm, muscles so tense I could see the tendons against the fabric of his s.h.i.+rt, and I had to fight the urge to slide over there, put my hand on the dip between his shoulder blades, rub away the tension. I resisted, but not because I was afraid where that would lead, because I was pretty sure where it would lead and, at that moment, I was almost as sure I'd let it. I held back because I couldn't tell him it was all right, when I wasn't sure that it was. But there was one thing I could say, and honestly, so I did.

"Thanks," I said. "For telling me."

A half-smile and a nod, then he moved back onto the bed. As he did, his hand brushed my foot, stopped, and squeezed in a slow rub.

"You might not want to do that," I said. "I spent half the day in boots."

A burst of laughter, not-I'm sure-because it was terribly funny, but just because it gave him something to laugh about. He took a better hold on my foot and kept rubbing.

When I arched my brows, he laughed again.

"Don't worry. This isn't step one to seduction. I meant what I said earlier. I won't push."

"No, you said you didn't have any ulterior motives."

"And I don't. There's nothing at all secret about my motives. I think I've made them perfectly clear."

"Ulterior motive doesn't mean 'hidden agenda.' It means planning to do more more than you let on. In other words, bringing me here for more than dinner." than you let on. In other words, bringing me here for more than dinner."


I smiled and shook my head. When he let his hand wander up my calf, I gave another head shake, then another smile.

"Not that I'm averse to the idea in general..." I said.

"But this isn't the time or the place. I know that, despite what Jack thinks."

"He said something to you?"

"With Jack, it's not what he says. It's all about the body language, which has been screaming 'don't even think about it.'" He moved back. "This is probably a dumb thing to ask, because even by bringing it up...But I have to, because I know how it probably looks, me chasing you when I have a beef with Jack, and I wouldn't blame you for thinking this is all part of that, another bit of know, rivalry."

"Well, if it is, then you're wasting your time because there's nothing going on between Jack and me. Like I said, to him, I'm a partner, maybe a student, but that's it."

"Yeah, I knew you two weren't...well, I didn't know, know, but I figured if there was, he'd be doing more than shooting me nasty looks. And I can't imagine-You don't seem the type who'd be here if there was someone else." but I figured if there was, he'd be doing more than shooting me nasty looks. And I can't imagine-You don't seem the type who'd be here if there was someone else."

"I thought I was just here for dinner."

"And talking." He slid over to me. "Talking's good."

"And dinner was good."

"Wasn't bad. Not exactly the victory meal I had in mind..."

"Better than McDonald's."

"That's good."

He leaned over and kissed me. The first touch was soft and light, his lips barely brus.h.i.+ng mine, ready to move back fast at any sign of rejection. I hesitated and, for a moment, we seemed to hover there, lips touching, looking at each other. Then I closed my eyes. His arms went around my waist, mouth pressing against mine, lips parting.

He leaned into me, not squeezing, not pulling me closer, just...kissing. A very nice, sweet kiss. No pressure, no urgency. Like embers in a campfire, you can see the glow, feel the heat, but there's no danger there, not unless you want it.

When that first spark ignited, Quinn's tongue darting into my mouth, testing, hands sliding to my rear, a low, almost inaudible groan rumbling up from his chest, I knew if I wanted to stop it, this was the time. But I didn't want to. I wanted to close my eyes and drop...and I couldn't.

I didn't break the kiss, but I must not have reciprocated the way he'd expected, because he pulled back his head, eyes glazed and hooded.

"No go, huh?" he said.

"I'm sorry," I said, disentangling myself.

"Not your fault." He sat up, concentrating on tucking in his s.h.i.+rt. "If you don't feel it, nothing you can do about that."

I gave a ragged laugh. "Oh, I feel it."

His gaze shot to mine, lips curving slightly. "Yeah?"

I kissed him lightly. "Trust me, that's not in question. But our timing really sucks."

He laughed, put his hands around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. "The others wouldn't appreciate it if we showed up tomorrow too tired to pull this thing off." He nipped my earlobe. "And something tells me, if we start this, the night's not going to be over anytime soon."

I s.h.i.+vered and tried hard-really hard-not to think too much about that. He ran his teeth up my ear, and I ducked away.

"Enough." I laughed. "I'm trying to be responsible here."

"One of us needs to be."

He slid his hands under the hem of my sweats.h.i.+rt, tickling my sides, his grin threatening to take his hands farther north. I scrambled backward. He grabbed my hips, toppling me down on my back, then moved over me, on all fours above me, crouched there, grinning.

"Not going to make this easy for me, are you?"

"That depends. Am I close close to getting a yes?" to getting a yes?"

"That depends. Can I be upstairs in about thirty minutes? Before Jack comes looking for me?" I arched my head back and pointed at the suitcase on the floor. "And before Felix wants his room back?"

"s.h.i.+t. Forgot about that." He tickled his fingers across my belly, where my sweats.h.i.+rt was riding up. "Hmmm. Part of me is screaming to take what I can get. But there's that other part that's saying if I do, that might be all all I get. Thirty minutes isn't really enough to make a lasting impression...." He met my gaze. "And I want to make a lasting impression." I get. Thirty minutes isn't really enough to make a lasting impression...." He met my gaze. "And I want to make a lasting impression."

Something inside me flip-flopped and I'm sure I blushed.

His lips lowered to my ear. "We could just make out for a while. Hands-over-clothes rule?"

I sputtered a laugh. "I haven't heard that since high school."

"I have maturity issues, in case you haven't you noticed. Is that a yes?"

"Hands over clothes it is."

"Does it still count if I take mine mine off ?" off ?"

I put my hands on the back of his neck and pulled him down.

Quinn did manage to get his s.h.i.+rt off, but I didn't complain. Otherwise, he stuck to his rules-just kissing, a relaxed, sensual intimacy that, in some ways, I needed more than s.e.x.

After about ten minutes, Felix unlocked the door, but the chain stopped him from opening it. He must have figured out what was going on and called that he'd be in the lounge, and for Quinn to come get him when he was "un-occupied."

We lay there for another minute, Quinn's hand resting on the curve between my waist and hip.

"When this is over..." he began. "I know I can't exactly ask you out to dinner and a movie, but I would would like to keep in touch. It doesn't matter how. Cell phone, e-mail, whatever you're comfortable with. I just want...I'd like to stay in touch, whether anything comes of it or not. It'd just be nice. To talk sometimes." like to keep in touch. It doesn't matter how. Cell phone, e-mail, whatever you're comfortable with. I just want...I'd like to stay in touch, whether anything comes of it or not. It'd just be nice. To talk sometimes."

I smiled. "It would be. Nice, I mean."

"Good." A light kiss, then he pulled back.

"I should go," I said. "Jack's probably pacing by now, figuring I've done something stupid again and wound up in a ditch somewhere."

"More like figuring I've put put you in a ditch somewhere. Go on then. Get a good night's sleep." you in a ditch somewhere. Go on then. Get a good night's sleep."


By the time I got upstairs, it was past one. I opened the door. The sitting room was dark. As I slid inside, I realized this was Jack's room, now that I'd moved in with Evelyn. I started to back out, but before the door closed, I remembered something else, namely that I didn't have a key card for the other room.

I tiptoed to the door joining the other sitting area. As I drew near, I heard voices. Typical hotel-you can sh.e.l.l out for big suites and nice views, but don't expect soundproofing. It was Evelyn talking, though I could only hear s.n.a.t.c.hes of the conversation.

" do about it?...sit back and feel sorry..."

A low rumble. Male, probably Jack, but too low to hear clearly. I considered knocking, but didn't want to interrupt. Maybe I could watch TV, turn it up loud enough so they'd know I was here, in case they were waiting for me. And the blare of a TV would be less intrusive than a polite knock?

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Exit Strategy Part 43 summary

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