Fat Hen Farm - Fowl Play At The Fair Part 3

Fat Hen Farm - Fowl Play At The Fair -

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"I didn't at first but I talked to Sam earlier. I don't want to waste your time now. Stop by after work and I'l fil you in. Or we could meet someplace for a drink. Cal me when you're done here."

"I'l show it to Mr. Hal when he's free."

Kitty cal ed Frank and left a message. "I want to cal that private detective that was Blake's partner. Do you have his number?" Next stop was the library. If there was anything to Nicole's story, the senior ladies that hung out playing cards at the library would know. They were always ready for some intrigue.

Kitty parked and headed downstairs to what she referred to as, the dungeon. The senior center was in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the library building, dingy and damp, but that didn't affect the mood of the ladies enjoying their card game.

"Kitty. Did you come to play with us? Sam didn't show up so we have room for one more." June enthusiastical y asked.

"No, not today. I need some information from you girls." Kitty looked around the table at the expectant eyes giving her their complete attention.

"That sounds like more fun than playing cards. Don't you think so?" June asked Mia and Dottie.

"Do any of you remember a girl named Rebecca Flemming? Maybe you remember her as Becky?" Kitty waited for a sign of recognition.

Dottie, the oldest in the group, nodded. "I remember Becky. She was obsessed with your grandfather. Ya know, Kitty, we al had a crush on Bernie. He was the most handsome boy but he only had eyes for Frannie. They had such a nice wedding at the farm. We al went."

"Why do you ask?" June looked puzzled. "Becky moved away when she was sixteen or so and no one ever heard from her again." Kitty sat at the table with the others. She got comfortable, hoping for more information to fil in this puzzle. "Do any of you know why she moved?" Al three ladies glanced guiltily at each other. Kitty leaned forward staring at each one. "Tel me what you know." Mia broke the silence. "There were rumors Kitty. We al thought Becky left because she was pregnant. Back then, that's what girls did. Go live with a relative or someone, have the baby, come back home. But Becky never came back to Wil ow Fal s."

"And? I can see in your faces, there is more to this story. Spit it out."

"And, we always wondered if your grandfather had given in to her forward advances. We never heard that she had an interest in any other boy."

"Wel , that can't be true and you al know it." Kitty sat back in her chair smiling. "My grandparents couldn't have kids. They adopted my mom."

"Yes, that's true, but do you know why they couldn't have kids? Was it Frannie or Bernie that had the problem? We never knew. You wil have to look back at medical records if they stil exist." June patted Kitty's arm. "Why these questions? What's going on?"

"I need your help. A girl named Nicole Flemming came out to my farm claiming my grandfather gave her grandmother, Becky, twenty five percent of the farm. Becky is dead and now Nicole has come to claim what she says is hers."

"What proof does she have?"

"Nicole gave me a doc.u.ment that I left with Tina for her boss to take a look at."

"How can we help?" June asked enthusiastical y.

"I saw Nicole working at the coffee shop. What if one of you goes there and tel s her she looks just like a girl you knew as a teenager. Catch her attention. June you'd be great with this. My gut feeling is that if it's a scam, she's not going to want too many people asking questions. This might get her nervous. Want to help?"

"Of course. I love messing with these youngsters heads." June laughed.

"Great. By the way Dottie, how's Alex doing? Is he stil friends with Corey? I haven't seen him at the farm in a while."

"Definitely. Corey has been spending more time at his house. I think they are very serious." Dottie smiled. "He's finis.h.i.+ng up his novel and wil be publis.h.i.+ng it soon."

"That's so exciting. You must be very proud of your grandson." Kitty rose from the table. "Let me know what you find out. I think Nicole is lying and just wants money from me. And I need to know if she's working with anyone else. See you al later."

Kitty checked her phone. Great, Frank sent me the number for that private detective.

"Hel o? I'd like to speak to Harry Parsons please. . . . My name is Kitty Wilson . . . Okay, I'm on my way. Thank you."

"Frank? Just want to let you know, I'm heading to Harry's office now. Cal you later." Kitty fol owed the directions and pul ed up in front of a smal yel ow building. The sign outside said B & H Investigations. Okay, that's pretty simple, Blake and Harry, she thought.

A smal bel tinkled when she pushed the door open. The receptionist looked up and smiled. "Kitty Wilson? Harry is expecting you. Go right in." A tal , thin man wearing a basebal cap stood up, holding out his hand to Kitty as she entered. "Hel o Ms. Wilson. I'm Harry Parsons. Pleased to me you. Have a seat and tel me how I can help."

"Thank you Mr. Parsons. I'm looking for someone to do a background investigation on a person." Kitty sat on the edge of the chair.

"Please, cal me Harry. I'l need a name?" He smiled, relaxing back in his chair.

"Oh, yes. The name is Nicole Flemming." Kitty mumbled.

"What? Nicole Flemming?" Harry sat forward looking more directly at Kitty.

"Yes. Do you know her?"

"Ah, no, but I have heard the name. What is it you're hoping to find?"

"General information about her. Where she's from. Relatives. Work. If she has any police record."

"Why did you come to this agency Ms. Wilson?"

"You were recommended by a friend." Kitty was starting to think this had been a bad idea. "Can you help me or should I find someone else?"

"I can help you. I'm just curious since my late partner had a file on Nicole Flemming. Did you know my partner? Blake Weaver?" Harry was curious about this connection.

"No, I never met him but I met his wife on the day he was murdered." Kitty noticed that Harry flinched when she said murder. "Why did Blake have a file on Nicole Flemming?"

"I don't know for sure. Blake did some investigating that he didn't share with me. I've been going through his files since he died and found some interesting doc.u.ments he put together. Maybe you can make sense out of the information in Nicole's file. Harry reached behind his desk and sorted through a few files before finding the one he was looking for. "Here it is. Take a look at this and let me know what you think. This is probably the quickest investigation I've ever done. Give my secretary your address and she'l bil you and cal me if you need me for anything else. It's been a real pleasure Ms. Wilson." Harry shook Kitty's hand and she left his office.

Kitty was excited. "Frank, meet me at my house in about a half hour. I've got something to share with you."

Kitty and Frank sat across from each other in Kitty's kitchen. "Take a look at this Frank. Harry gave me this file on Nicole that he found in Blake's office."

"He gave it to you?"

"He's going to bil me. Said it was the easiest investigation he ever did." Kitty jumped up. "I found something. It says here that Nicole's grandmother, Rebecca, stayed with her aunt and uncle in Connecticut when she was sixteen and pregnant. Rebecca and her aunt both had babies about the same time. One baby was Nicole's mother and the other," Kitty paused and looked at Frank, "is Sheila's mother. Sheila and Nicole are related? Did Sheila ever talk about her when you were stil married?"

"No. I never heard that name before. Do you see anything about who the father is?"

"Nothing. She gave the baby her last name, Flemming. I don't know what this means but we need to find out why Blake put this information together."

The doorbel rang. "Who could that be?" Kitty opened the door.

"Hi Kitty. I guess you have a secret admirer. Someone cal ed an order in this morning and said to surprise you with this lilac bouquet." Suzy, from White Lily Florist, handed Kitty the flowers.

Kitty walked back to the table. "I have an eerie feeling about this Frank."

"Why? They're beautiful and smel fantastic. Is there a card?"

"It says, from Bernie. I think Nicole sent these. Somehow she knows information about my grandfather. Lilacs were his favorite flower and he always picked a bouquet for grannie Frannie when they were in season." A tear spil ed down Kitty's cheek. "I have to figure this out." Chapter 5 June and Mia headed to the coffee shop, not sure how they would approach this Nicole Flemming person. They took the last open table and June headed to the counter to order coffee and m.u.f.fins.

A girl with bleach blond hair and a pink stripe looked up with a friendly smile. "Can I help you ma'am." June saw the name tag and smiled warmly. "Nicole? You look just like a friend I had when I was much much younger. It's so long ago, it's like it was another life. But you are the spitting image of her. Wel , maybe not the pink stripe. But that's just the kind of thing my friend would have done if it was al owed back then. Isn't life fil ed with surprises?"

Nicole's smile cooled a bit. "Real y? What was your friend's name?"

"Hmmm. I haven't thought about her in such a long time. Seeing you is like a flashback to my teenage years. You wouldn't believe it, but we were pretty naughty back then. What did you ask me dear?"

"I was wondering what your friend's name was." Nicole repeated.

"Oh, yes. Her name was Rebecca but we al cal ed her Becky. She moved and we never heard from her after that. She was such a nice girl too.

Could I have a couple of black coffees and two blueberry m.u.f.fins? I'm sitting right over at the table by the window with my friend Mia. She's not going to believe the resemblance. Are you new in town?"

"Yes, but I'm planning to stay. Here's your coffee and m.u.f.fins."

"Thank you dear."

June and Mia sipped their hot coffee and chatted about their childhood. They both remembered Becky but it wasn't always with fondness like June had told Nicole. She was bossy and obsessed with Sam. It had been awkward at times. They didn't exactly miss her when she moved.

"Can I join you for a few minutes?" Nicole sat down, not waiting for an answer.

"The girl you remember? The one you said I look like? That was my grandmother. I knew she lived here but she never talked about Wil ow Fal s to me. What was she like back then?" Nicole waited like an eager puppy expecting a treat.

June patted Nicole's arm. "Oh, she was such a nice girl. We al liked her. She was smart too. One of the top girls in the cla.s.s. Where does she live now?"

Nicole looked away but not before June saw her eyes mist over. "She died three years ago. I miss her terribly."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. How did you end up back here, dear?"

"I have a friend I'm visiting but I think I might stay since I have this job now. Tel me more. Did she have a lot of friends? Any boyfriends?" Nicole asked conspiratorial y.

"Oh, that Becky. She was a flirt back then. We al hung out together in a group. Went to the movies. Had dances. We didn't pair off like you young folks do now. No, I don't remember that Becky had a boyfriend. She did like that Bernie Watson though. But we al had a crush on him back then. Do you have a boyfriend?"

Mia's phone buzzed. "Oh June, I just remembered. I have to get over to the library to meet someone. It's been nice b.u.mping into you Nicole. We al hang out in the senior center in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the library. Stop on by if you want. You can meet some of your grandmother's old friends." Nicole smiled. "I'm so glad you recognized me. I'd love to find out more about that part of my grandma's life." Thinking as she watched Mia and June walk out of the coffee shop, I can't wait to get my land from Kitty Watson.

Kitty checked her messages and saw that Tina wanted to meet her at the diner at five. Glancing at the kitchen clock, she had just enough time for a quick walk with Max, a shower and clean clothes. The walk was an important part of her day. It helped her to clear her head and refocus on priorities. She knew that some people did yoga to relax but walking in the fresh air was what did it for her. Max ran ahead flus.h.i.+ng out a couple of rabbits hiding in the tal gra.s.s. Looking at her beautiful farm, she was determined not to let that Nicole cheat her out of what was rightful y hers.

Kitty grabbed her keys on the way out the door and just about b.u.mped into Corey. "I'm just leaving. Did you need to talk to me?"

"Actual y, I need a ride to the library if you're headed in that direction. I'm meeting Alex for dinner."

"Sure. Hop in. I hear he's about to publish his book."

"Yeah. He's pretty excited about that. He keeps tel ing me I should start to write too. What would I write about?" Corey stared out the window as the truck headed into town.

"Anything you want Corey. You have the makings for a good thril er if you use your marriage with Brad and how he fol owed you here and was murdered. Add some more twists and turns and it could be a best sel er! Give it a try and see what happens."


"Here we are. Say hi to Alex for me. You two are seeing a lot of each other lately." Corey grinned. "He's so nice to me. I stil have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure I'm not dreaming." Kitty pul ed into the parking lot of the diner and saw Tina's new Volvo parked off to the side next to Frank's Jeep. That's a nice surprise, she thought as she walked into the diner.

Tina waved her over to the booth in the corner but Kitty looked around before joining her. Kitty's heart lurched. Frank and Maddie were sitting at the other end with Sheila. His back was to Kitty and he didn't see her walk in. Kitty hurried to join Tina.

"What's Sheila doing back here?" Kitty asked Tina as she slid into the booth.

"I don't have a clue. So, tel me the background info with that paper you dropped off today."

"Did your boss think it's legit?" Kitty picked up the menu and glanced at the sandwiches.

"He's not sure. You need to find out more about Nicole's grandmother if you can. Put your menu away, I ordered for you already. Hope you don't mind. Sweet potato fries and a chicken salad sandwich."

"Great. Sounds perfect. Here's what I know." Kitty leaned as close to Tina as she could and kept her voice low. "Nicole's grandmother, Becky, left Wil ow Fal s when she was sixteen to go live with her aunt and uncle in Connecticut. Becky had a baby about the same time her aunt and uncle had a baby. Becky's daughter is Nicole's mother. Guess who that other baby was?"

"I don't know. Give me a clue."

"Her daughter is in this diner right now."

Tina's eyes were huge. "Sheila? Sheila and Nicole are related?"

"Looks that way. I talked to Blake's partner, Harry, and he gave me a file on Nicole that he said he found in Blake's office. I think I may need to visit him again."

"Is he handsome?" Tina was always on the prowl.

"Come with me and you can find out for yourself. This sandwich is delicious. I didn't realize how hungry I was. Let's go back to my place when we're done or do you have plans tonight?"

"Nope, no plans."

"It doesn't look like Frank wil be able to help me if Sheila's back in the picture." Kitty sounded disappointed.

Tina's eyebrow went up. "Jealous?"

"Of course not. Let's go. We can have brownies and ice cream at my house."

"And Kahlua on top?"

"Why not?" Kitty and Tina drove to Kitty's house.

"What's going on between you and Frank?" Tina casual y asked as they scooped ice cream onto the warm fudgy brownies.

"Going on? Nothing. We're just friends. Why?" Kitty poured a big shot of Kahlua on her dessert bowl.

"You seemed a little put out when you saw Frank sitting with Sheila. That's al . Pour some of that on mine too."

"Just surprised I guess. He's a great guy. Easy to be around. Handsome. I'm comfortable with him. Maybe he's not over Sheila and now with Blake out of the picture, wel , time wil tel . Let's take a look at this box Frank left here. It's recipes from his mom."

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Fat Hen Farm - Fowl Play At The Fair Part 3 summary

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