Fat Hen Farm - Fowl Play At The Fair Part 4

Fat Hen Farm - Fowl Play At The Fair -

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"Recipes? He gave you a box of old recipes? How romantic." Tina tried not to laugh out loud.

"Just because you don't even know how to boil water, doesn't mean I can't be interested in some recipes."

"Kitty, you are hopeless. I'l humor you. Let's have a look in the box." Tina pul ed the box across the table and scooped out a handful of papers.

"Meatloaf. Pea Soup. Macaroni and Cheese. Roast Chicken. Apple pie. Any of these excite you yet Kitty?"

"Tina. Look at this. There's no recipes in this folder." Kitty pushed the other recipes aside and opened the nondescript folder. She looked up at Tina. "This has information on me. In Frank's recipe box. What's going on?" Tina grabbed the folder. "Let me see that. What else is in there?"

Flipping through the papers, Tina lined up pages on the counter. "Information on you. Frank. Sheila. Harry. Nicole. This can't be Frank's folder.

Someone else stuck this in here. Maybe Blake was hiding them here? Look at this Kitty. A note. If you find these files, it means I'm in trouble.

Watch your back."

"Should I cal Frank?" Kitty went to get her phone.

"No. He's got other things on his mind at the moment. Let's read through this information and see what we can figure out." Tina picked up her dessert and started to dig into the melting sweet mix before tackling the papers.

Chapter 6.

Kitty heard someone driving up her driveway when she was in the barn watering the animals. Who could that be? I don't want to see anyone right now. If I don't go out, maybe they'll leave.

"Kitty. Kitty. Can I see Henry?"

Kitty couldn't help but smile at the sound of Maddie's voice. She walked outside and was engulfed by two little arms hugging her. Frank walked over with a bouquet of tulips for her.

"Sorry I didn't cal you last night. Sheila showed up and I had to sort through a lot of drama with her." Frank lowered his voice. "We brought you some tulips. Maddie picked them out."

"Maddie. These tulips are beautiful. Thank you."

"They look like a rainbow. I'm going to go find Henry."

"Thank you Frank. I love tulips." Kitty felt her heart quicken. "I saw you and Sheila at the restaurant last night."

"I would have rather been with you. She's making my life miserable."

Kitty smiled and breathed again.

"Tina and I found an interesting folder in that recipe box you gave me." Frank looked confused. "Folder? On what?"

"On me, you, Sheila, Nicole and Harry. And a note. I'l show you when we go in. First I'd better get this pony out so Maddie can take a little ride." Frank just stared at Kitty trying to understand how a folder ended up in his mother's big box of recipes.

Kitty found Maddie in Henry's stal , talking to him and brus.h.i.+ng his mane. Licorice was keeping them company too. The little black cat adopted Henry and never strayed far from his stal . "Frank, hurry up, take a look at this." Kitty cal ed and broke Frank out of his thoughts.

With a smile creasing his whole face, Frank told Kitty. I've never seen Maddie so happy."

"What is Sheila going to do now that Blake is dead?"

"That's what I need to talk to you about. She wants to stay here in Wil ow Fal s, at least until she figures out what's next for her. She's looking for a room or apartment to rent and Maddie wil stay with me." Frank fidgeted and looked down at his feet when he told Kitty this bombshel .

Kitty was helping Maddie get up on Henry and her back was to Frank. She couldn't face him now and let him see her disappointment. Sheila in Willow Falls? She didn't like that idea at al .

Kitty was surprised to see Mia's blue mini cooper pul up to the house.

Mia hopped out. "Hi. Is that your new pony? He's adorable. And who's the cute cowgirl riding him?"

"Mia, do you remember my friend Frank? This is his daughter Maddie. She's taken quite a s.h.i.+ne to Henry."

"Of course I remember Frank. Long time no see. Looks like that pony was made for Maddie. Kitty, did you forget we were getting together to finalize the surprise party for Dottie?"

"Of course not." She laughed. "Just let me take Maddie for a couple of loops around the field then we can go in and figure the party out. I'l be right back."

"Faster Kitty, faster Henry." Frank and Mia laughed watching Maddie trying to get Henry to speed up his slow walk.

"Are you going to be around for a while Frank?" Mia casual y asked, always hoping to get something to gossip about.

"Actual y, now that Maddie is living with me, I wil be around most of the time. She had been living with my ex-wife, Sheila, until her husband got murdered at the fair."

"That's horrible. I didn't know who that guy was."

"He was Sheila's husband. They were just returning from their honeymoon to pick up Maddie and now everything is up in the air. Sheila is talking about renting in Wil ow Fal s so she can be close to Maddie at my house. It's a mess."

"Daddy. Daddy. Watch me. Henry is trotting." Maddie hung onto the saddle horn as she bounced up and down in the saddle shrieking with delight.

"That looks like so much fun. Can I try too?" Mia begged Kitty.

"Sure. Down you go Maddie. It's Mia's turn." Mia put her foot in the stirrup and pul ed her smal , wiry body into the saddle.

"How do you make him go?"

Kitty pul ed Henry's halter to get him started.

"Let's go Henry. Yippee. This makes me feel like a little girl again." Mia hol ered as Henry walked around the field.

Mia managed to get Henry al the way around the field but then he headed straight into the barn.

"Thank you Kitty. That was absolutely wonderful. Thanks Maddie for sharing Henry with me." Mia's eyes sparkled with delight.

"Frank, can you take Mia in the house? Give me a few minutes to get Henry back in his stal and I'l join you inside. Maddie you can help me feed and brush Henry."


"Yes Maddie?"

"Do you like my daddy?"

"Yes, and I like you too. Why?"

"Mommy doesn't like you, but I do. I like it here in the barn with Henry and Poco and Licorice and Max and the chickens and Garbanzo."

"Henry likes your company and I do too. You can come here anytime you want." Kitty picked up Maddie hugging her as she twirled her around the stal . "Let's go inside and get some chocolate chip cookies and milk. How does that sound?"

"Yum!" Maddie rewarded Kitty with an ear to ear smile and a tight squeeze around her neck.

Opening the kitchen door, Kitty heard the tail end of Mia's comment. ". . .moving in with someone."

"Did anyone think to put the tea kettle on? And I've got a hungry cowgirl here that would like to know if she can have some cookies and milk." Kitty eyed Frank getting an approving nod.

"I'l get the water going Kitty. I was just fil ing Frank in on my conversation with that new girl in town, Nicole." Mia grabbed the kettle, added water and turned on the burner. "Where do you keep your tea in this beautiful kitchen?"

"Here, I've got a basket ful of choices right here. Maddie, hop up next to your dad on that tal stool and I'l fix you up with my to die for chocolate chip cookies and a tal gla.s.s of milk."

"To die for? Why do you cal them that Kitty?" Maddie's look of concern made Kitty realize it probably wasn't the best choice of words.

"Oh, it's just a saying that means they are so so delicious that you would do anything to get one. And look, I'm giving you two! Anyone else want a cookie?"

"Are you kidding? I thought you'd never offer." Frank grabbed one before Kitty had a chance to cover the cookie jar." Kitty poured the tea and sat on the other side of Frank. "So, what did I miss?"

"Not too much. June and I did manage to get Nicole's attention at the coffee shop and she sat with us for a bit. She's very interested in finding out more about her grandmother, especial y any boyfriends she had. She even stopped at the senior center after work. That's the interesting part that I was just tel ing Frank about. She said she ran into someone else at the coffee shop and they are going to rent an apartment together."

"And?" Kitty sipped her peppermint tea wondering where this conversation was going.

"And. This other person..." Mia glanced at Maddie dipping her cookie into the milk. "Wel , it's not important now. We should be talking about the party for Dottie. Are you ready for everyone to come here this afternoon Kitty?"

"I guess so. What do I have to do?"

"If you have time, make a salad. June is bringing pizza from Paul's Pizzeria and I'm making Dottie's favorite cake. Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. It wil have to be big to fit al seventy five candles on top. Hope we don't set your smoke detectors off." Mia snorted with laughter. "I can't wait to see the look on Dottie's face. She doesn't have a clue."

"How are we keeping it a surprise?"

"Everyone wil park at Sam's house, walk here around three thirty and I'l bring Dottie and June over at four, our usual time to come for the card game. Dottie wil be so busy complaining in the back seat of my car that she won't notice anything."

"Can I come too?" Maddie piped up after finis.h.i.+ng her snack.

"Of course you can come, Suns.h.i.+ne. Mia, do you want me to pick up some wine or beer?"

"Oh, that's a great idea, Frank. Dottie loves red wine. Not sure if that real y goes with pizza but who cares. She's reaching this milestone and can do whatever she wants. Kitty, maybe you should cal Tina, Sam, Aaron, Corey and Alex and remind them what's happening. I've gotta run and get going with the cake. See you later."

Maddie slid off her chair. "See you later al igator."

"After a while crocodile." Mia finished and gave Maddie a big hug. "I'l make some cupcakes too so you can decorate them later. How does that sound Maddie?"

"Yes, yes yes! Can I decorate with pink and purple?"

"Anything you want cowgirl. Bye you al ." Mia put her tea cup in the sink on the way out the door.

Frank picked up Maddie. "We better get going too. Come on Maddie. We'l be back later."

"Can I say goodbye to Henry, daddy?"

"I guess we can swing by the barn on the way to the car. Are you coming too Kitty?" Frank's eyes pleaded with her to come.

"Sure. Maddie, here's a carrot you can bring out to him. "

Maddie ran ahead with Max at her heels.

Frank held Kitty's arm to slow her down. "I wanted to tel you what Mia was talking to me about."

"Yeah. I heard the tail end of a comment about someone moving in with someone?"

"Nicole told Mia that Nicole and Sheila are renting an apartment together. Obviously, they don't know that you already figured out that they are related. Now, I'm wondering if this is why Sheila wants to stay here in Wil ow Fal s."

"Maybe they're working together to scam me out of part of this farm. I think I'l make friends with Nicole. Get on her good side. I'm going to tel Mia to invite Nicole to the party. She wants to meet everyone, find out more about her grandmother. What do you think Frank?"

"Good idea. Do you have some good information you can casual y reveal?"

"You bet I do. I'm feeling so much better about al this. Here comes Maddie."

"Kitty. Daddy. Henry ate the whole carrot and he said thank you."

"Real y? How did he say thank you to you?"

"He swished his tail and nuzzled my cheek. And then he said thank you. But no one else can hear that part." Maddie explained with al seriousness.

"You are special, Suns.h.i.+ne. Hop in the Jeep. We'l be back later."

Maddie watched out the back window and waved the whole way down the driveway.

Chapter 7.

Kitty had just enough time to clean up, take a shower and make a big spinach salad before she heard the front door open.

"Tina! Just who I was hoping would arrive. You need to help me with something later."

"I can see the wheels turning in your brain. You are scheming something my friend. I'm in."

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Fat Hen Farm - Fowl Play At The Fair Part 4 summary

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