Whiskey Creek: Take Me Home For Christmas Part 23

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Smiling at the suspicion in Cheyenne's voice, she played innocent. "What?"

"What aren't you telling me? Are you seeing someone?"

Eve couldn't help it. She was too happy to hold back the truth, especially from Cheyenne. They'd been best friends almost since Cheyenne had come to town as a high school freshman, and they worked together. How was she supposed to keep anything this monumental a secret from her? "I am."

Cheyenne swung her chair around so they were practically nose to nose. "Who?"

"I can't tell yet," she said. "But you're gonna die!"

"Don't leave me in suspense! Why is it such a big secret?"

"Because...because we want to see how things go for a while before everyone else...reacts."

"Everyone else being..."

"Our family and friends."

"So he's local."

She nodded.

"And I know him?"

Pursing her lips, Eve folded her arms. "Quite well."

Cheyenne whistled. "It's not Joe...."

There'd been a time when Eve had wanted to date Gail DeMarco-O'Neal's brother. He hadn't returned her interest, but she preferred to blame that on the fact that he'd been through such a painful divorce. "No, it's not Joe."

"Is this guy...marriage material?"

"Definitely. He's a good man, a smart man. Handsome, too."


"No. I told you it's not Joe."

Cheyenne propped her elbows on her armrests and laced her fingers together. "I can't think of anyone else you'd be this excited about. How old is he?"

"Our age," Eve said with a grin. "He went to school with us."

"Now you really have me stumped." She got up and began to pace-as much as the s.p.a.ce would allow. "Who's our age that you'd be willing to date? All the really great guys are part of our group of friends."

When Eve covered her mouth, Cheyenne's eyes flew wide. "Don't tell me you're seeing Kyle. No, he's divorced. Riley, then. Or Ted. Ted!" she screamed. "I saw the way you stuck by his side on Halloween. You're seeing Ted!"

Eve rocked forward. "Can you believe it?"

"I can't. I mean, I've never sensed know...sizzle between you two."

"Until Halloween, there wasn't any. But after everyone left..."

Cheyenne grabbed her by the shoulders. "You didn't sleep with him!"

Eve suddenly questioned her sanity in finis.h.i.+ng what she'd started here. "I did."

Some of Cheyenne's excitement dimmed, and she let go of Eve. "Oh, no."

"What's wrong?" Eve sobered, too. "There isn't a better guy out there."

"I agree. I adore Ted. But...that doesn't mean he's right for you."

Disappointed by Chey's response, Eve sank back into her seat. "Don't be such a killjoy! Why wouldn't he be right for me?"

Chey began to pace again, this time wringing her hands. "I don't know. Don't you think you would've felt something before now?"

"Not necessarily. A lot of people are friends before they fall in love."

"Whoa. You're saying you're in love?"

"We're not that far down the road yet, but we're both excited by the possibility of it."

Cheyenne pivoted toward her. "Yet you've slept together. That's a pretty big risk to take."

"Ted and I know what we're getting into." She wasn't willing to let Cheyenne destroy the hope she felt for this new relations.h.i.+p.

"I'd like to believe that," she responded. "Because Kyle and Callie got burned when they-"

"This is different," she broke in. "We're not just...hooking up."

"You're sure."

"Positive. This is Ted we're talking about, not Noah."

"Noah's married. What does he have to do with this? You didn't sleep with him, too...."

"No! Never! He was a playboy, that's all. Ted's never been free and easy. His approach to life is far more serious. He was raised by the of our elementary school, for crying out loud!"

She came to a stop. "So you're actually seeing each other."

"We are." Eve got out her iPhone to prove it. "Look, I took this picture of him when he came over last night. Cute, huh?"

Cheyenne pushed back her hair as though it was too hot in the office, but it wasn't. "Ted's handsome. There's no denying that."

"So...why are you acting like this might be a mistake?"

"I'm shocked, I guess."

"Could you at least be 'happy' shocked?"

"I'm trying," she replied. "It just feels...odd."

"Because it'll change the dynamics of the group. But that doesn't have to be for the worse."

Cheyenne sat down again. "When will you tell the others?"

"Ted said we should give ourselves time to make the adjustment first."

"Probably good advice, but-" she pulled her chair closer "-wasn't it kind of...distasteful sleeping with him? I can't imagine having s.e.x with him or Noah or any of the other guys we've hung out with for so long."

"I thought it might be," she admitted. "But it wasn't. Like I said, plenty of relations.h.i.+ps are based on friends.h.i.+p."

"Could you see yourself marrying Ted someday?"

"Of course!"

Cheyenne sighed. "Wow."

"You're not even a little excited for me?"

"I am. I'm just worried that it might blow up in your face."

"Why would it?"

She wrinkled her nose. "The timing is off."

"No, it's not. We're getting older. We're both ready to have a family. We care about each other."

"But why is this happening after so many years? Why now?"

"I told you." Suddenly, she caught on. "Wait, you're thinking it might have to do with Sophia."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but she started working for Ted the same day he slept with you."

"So? I fully supported him giving her a job. I still support it. What else would she do?"

"Her return to his life doesn't concern you?"

"Why would it? We've talked about it. He says he's over her."

"Eve, he's been saying that for years."


"No one believes him."

She understood what Cheyenne was getting at but didn't want to consider it. "Stop. Don't ruin this." Her phone rang, and she checked Caller ID. "It's him." She raised a finger to her lips before answering. "Don't tell him I told you. And don't tell anyone else about us. Not yet, okay? You promise?"

Cheyenne's smiled looked pained, putting even more of a damper on Eve's excitement. "I won't. I promise."

Trying to throw off the odd feeling she'd gotten since revealing her relations.h.i.+p with Ted, Eve answered the phone. "h.e.l.lo?"

"Hey, what's up?" he asked.

"Not much." She stepped out of the office so she could talk without Cheyenne listening in. "Are you getting some pages written today?"

"Not too many. I've been busy with...other things."

This surprised her. He'd gone home early last night because he was under so much pressure to get the rest he needed so he could work. "What other things? You're on deadline, remember?"

"I'm afraid this couldn't be helped."

"What's 'this'?"

The resulting pause told her he was searching for the right words. "I had to move Sophia and Alexa into my guesthouse."

Her blood ran cold. She liked Sophia, felt sorry for her, but on the heels of what Cheyenne had just said.... "What?"

"Someone's been hara.s.sing them, vandalizing the house, even threatening them."


"I wish I knew. Maybe then I could put a stop to it without having to go this route."

"'re already helping her. Isn't there someone else who could come to her rescue?"


"If she's being hara.s.sed, the police would be a logical choice."

"Chief Stacy is no fan. Not anymore. I told you what he said when he came here on Monday."

But Sophia was still a citizen of Whiskey Creek, and the citizens of Whiskey Creek should be able to count on their chief of police to do his job. "That means she'll be around you almost 24/7."

"Not for long. She's planning to get out of town as soon as she can afford it."

"That could be months."

"I realize this isn't what either of us would wish for." He lowered his voice as if he was afraid someone-Sophia?-might overhear him. "But they couldn't stay where they were. They're not safe there. Not only that, but she can't afford to heat that big house."

Eve remembered her relief and excitement when he'd hired Sophia. She'd been so grateful to him. But now...jealousy bit deep. Was Sophia using her situation to get closer to Ted? Was she playing the martyr, preying on his sympathies?

It was even possible that Sophia's house hadn't been vandalized. Maybe she'd done it herself.

As much as Eve hated suspecting the worst, she couldn't forget who Sophia had been in high school. "Ted, she must be aware that you're...successful." And still single. "Maybe she hasn't changed as much as I thought. Maybe she's a...a parasite looking for a new host."

"I doubt it. If so, she's not looking to me. I saw the damage at her place with my own eyes."

How? Why? Had she called him? Asked him to come by?

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Whiskey Creek: Take Me Home For Christmas Part 23 summary

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