Whiskey Creek: Take Me Home For Christmas Part 37

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She held them out as if she hadn't even looked at them in a while. "I didn't drink tonight. How much more do you want?"

"I plan to tell you as soon as we get back." The second he slipped his fingers through hers, the knot of tension in his stomach eased. He could buy some more Band-Aids to protect her cuticles; she was going to be okay.

This time Sophia was different when they made love. Ted couldn't explain exactly what was missing, but she seemed a bit...disengaged. Or maybe she was just tired. It had been a long night.

"You're not still upset about my mother, are you?" he asked in the quiet aftermath.


He pressed his lips to her neck. "That run-in with my mother. You're not letting it bother you...."

"I'm embarra.s.sed that she walked in on us, but I'm not dwelling on it. I knew she didn't like me."

He kissed her neck. "Do you have to be so frank?"

She laughed. "The truth is the truth."

"Well, I'm glad you're not the type to hold a grudge."

She rolled over to face him. "That's your department. And you can hold one for a really long time."

She was referring to what he'd felt about her before she'd started to work for him.

"What did you want me to do, carry you off in the middle of the night? You were another man's wife." He had to admit it had been hard to forgive her for marrying Skip. He'd wanted her every day for so many years.

"That would've been nice," she said, running her fingers through his hair. "We could've run away together.'d never want to leave Whiskey Creek."

He was drifting off to sleep, so he didn't answer until she prodded him.

"Am I right?"

"About what?"

"Would you ever be willing to leave this town?"

"It's home. And I just got my house the way I like it. So...I wouldn't be thrilled about leaving. I want you to stay here with me."

She didn't respond. She was probably falling asleep, too, so he was content to leave that discussion for another night. It would take her quite a while to save the money she needed, he told himself, so he had nothing to worry about.

Sophia borrowed Ted's car under the guise of going Christmas shopping while he finished his book. She promised she'd only be gone for the morning and would work late to make up for it, but he didn't seem to care one way or the other. He said she'd already worked plenty of extra hours, that it was Christmastime and she could take the whole day if she wanted.

She was grateful for his generosity, because if she'd had to wait until quitting time to drive clear over to Sacramento, S. Hoover Fine Jewelry would likely be closed. And if she waited until tomorrow, Alexa would be home.

Just in case Mr. Hoover still had possession of her ring and could conceivably give it back-or finish the sale and provide her with the money-she took Skip's death certificate, as well as a copy of his will and her ID. Then she dressed up in a Versace dress with matching coat, Jimmy Choo pumps and a Gucci handbag. She wasn't the one who'd dropped off the ring, so she needed to look like a woman who might own such an expensive piece of jewelry. No doubt Mr. Hoover had to be extra careful about handing over something so valuable.

She put a picture of herself wearing the ring, taken the night Skip had given it to her, in her purse for good measure. Then she walked through the side yard instead of going through the house so Ted wouldn't see her and wonder why she'd gotten dressed up for a visit to the mall.

Her nerves were getting the best of her an hour and a half later when she pulled into the parking lot at the jeweler's. Two hundred thousand dollars was a lot of money. It would release her from the terrible panic she felt when she went over her finances. It would also enable her to get a car, cover the security deposit plus first and last month's rent on a nice condo somewhere. She and Alexa could move just about anywhere they wanted to go. She'd finally have the means to escape Whiskey Creek and would no longer have to face the people Skip had cheated, including Chief Stacy.

But it meant she'd have to leave Ted. That thought made her sick-and yet how could she miss this opportunity? Nothing like it would ever come again.

And what if Ted's interest in her lasted only a few weeks, like it had with Eve? He could decide that she wasn't what he wanted, after all, especially with his mother trying so hard to pry them apart. So she'd be foolish to depend on him. This was her chance to leave the past behind and start over.

The bell jingled over the door as she walked in. The store was small and carried only high-end jewelry. She could tell that from a glance at the cases as she approached the saleswoman who'd looked up when she walked in and now asked if she needed any help.

"I'm Sophia DeBussi," she said. "I'm here to pick up my wedding ring."

The woman threaded her fingers together, showing off her lacquered nails and a gorgeous tennis bracelet and opal ring. "Do you have the claim check?"

"I'm afraid not. My husband dropped it off for an appraisal at least four months ago-" she lowered her voice as if this was painful to get out "-and then he pa.s.sed away."

"I'm so sorry." If she recognized Sophia's name, she was too polite to let on.

Sophia managed a grateful smile. Anxiety tempted her to speak too fast, to push too hard, but she had to ease into this, act the part. "Thank you. Anyway, I didn't know where he'd sent my ring, so I thought I'd lost that, too. Imagine my surprise and excitement when I came across this letter in a pile of discarded mail." She showed the young woman what Mr. Hoover had sent her.

"Oh," she murmured after reading it. "We've been wondering about this piece." So she hadn't recognized Sophia's name, but the letter had reminded her. "Just a moment."

Taking the letter with her, she went into the far corner where a man who seemed to be about sixty was working with a loupe. After she murmured in his ear, he lifted the loupe and looked over. Then he got out of his chair to come and speak with her.

"I'm Sam Hoover," he said. "And you are..."

"Sophia DeBussi."

"I'm sorry about your husband, Mrs. DeBussi. I remember hearing about what happened on the news. I'm sure it was tragic for you and your daughter, and it probably hasn't gotten any easier since."

"Truer words were never spoken."

"To be honest, I thought I might be hearing from the FBI. But...they haven't called. Maybe it's because this is your wedding ring."

Sophia was willing to bet they just hadn't known where to find it. How would they if she didn't?

"I'll admit I have no knowledge of how a probe works," he added.

"Neither do I, really," she said. "Except they froze all my credit cards and bank accounts and took every other a.s.set my husband and I owned. It's been difficult to get by."

"I bet."

"Is my ring here?" she asked.


She let her breath seep out. "Then I'd like to claim it."

"Of course. But...your husband wanted to sell it. I don't suppose you have any interest in that."

She cleared her throat. No doubt Mr. Hoover would receive a handsome commission for brokering the deal, which was probably why he hadn't called the FBI. If he'd seen the news, it was odd that he'd sent a letter addressed to Skip. The one she'd received was dated two weeks after his death. But she didn't mention that. Perhaps he'd been hoping to reach her-as, in fact, he had.

"Actually, I would be interested," she said. "Like I told you, I'm in a very precarious situation."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. I understand. I'll contact my buyer, let him know the deal's back on."

"Can you tell me how long that might take?"

"A day, two at the most, provided I can reach him during the holidays."

"So I might hear from you before Friday-Christmas Day?"

"It's possible."

"That would be wonderful since it would allow me to get a few gifts for my daughter."

"I'll call you as soon as I've received the funds, and you can come in and pick up a certified check. Meanwhile, you might want to open a bank account-" he lowered his voice "-in someone else's name, just so you don't send up any red flags."

In other words, he thought the FBI might still be watching her. And maybe they were. She hadn't heard from Agent Freeman since he'd left Whiskey Creek, but she didn't know any more about how a probe worked than Sam Hoover did.

"Right. I'll take that under advis.e.m.e.nt. Thank you," she said. But the thought of having to go to such lengths to hide the money troubled her. She'd come here feeling she deserved to get something for what she'd been through with Skip. She'd been a loyal wife-even if she was unhappy. She'd seen that letter as the universe's way of making life a little more fair. Nearly a quarter of a million dollars would give her safety, security, independence. All the things she'd lacked since Skip ran out on them; all the things she craved.

But setting up an account under a different name felt so...underhanded and sneaky, not all that different from what her late husband had done.

Did she really want to sink to his level?

Since Alexa was home that evening, Sophia didn't spend the night with Ted. The three of them had dinner together, and Alexa admired the presents Sophia had wrapped and arranged under the tree. But at bedtime, they said goodnight and went their separate ways, like they had in the past. Then Sophia spent the next two hours with her daughter in the guesthouse, talking about all the fun Alexa'd had on the snowmobile trip, what she hoped was in those Christmas presents and what she might get for Royce. Alexa fell asleep around eleven and Sophia had been lying awake ever since-for an additional two hours-staring at the window that looked out on Ted's house.

She missed him, wanted to feel his warm body beside her. Now that she knew their time was so limited, she hated the thought of wasting it and that left her too unsettled to sleep.

She considered calling Madge, her sponsor, a matronly and sympathetic woman. But she wasn't particularly tempted by liquor. She just needed a distraction. Otherwise, she might give in and text or call Ted, who was proving to be a far more powerful addiction. Part of her insisted it wouldn't hurt anything. The other part didn't want him to know she couldn't get through a single night without craving his touch. It made her fear that even if she took the money and ran, she'd never be happy without him.

"Go to sleep!" she ordered herself. But after another hour, she broke down and texted him.

I want you, she wrote.

His answer popped up almost immediately. Thought you'd never ask.

Relieved that he seemed be having just as much difficulty as she was, she smiled.

Is it safe to leave Alexa here alone?

If you lock up, she should be fine. I've never had any trouble out here. I'd come to you, but it might be awkward if she gets up during the night.

He was right; it had been humiliating when his mother walked in on them. I'll be there in a minute.

He met her on the deck wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. "I thought I'd have to go all night without seeing you," he said as he drew her into his arms.

"I was on my way in. You didn't have to brave the cold."

"I came to make sure you didn't change your mind."

She chuckled. "You have to be freezing!"

"I'm feeling pretty warm, if you want the truth. Somehow I always feel warm when I'm with you."

Slipping her arms around his neck, she hugged him as tightly as she'd always wanted to. "G.o.d, I love you," she whispered.

He pulled back to look into her face.

"Did I really say that out loud?" she said with a laugh.

"You did."

"Well, so much for pretending you don't really mean that much to me."

His teeth flashed as he smiled. "I just want to know one thing."

"What's that?"

"Since when?"

Sophia could feel her pulse all the way to her fingertips. But what did she have to lose? This was potentially goodbye. "Since forever," she admitted.

He ran a finger down the side of one cheek and over her lips before bending his head to give her the softest, sweetest kiss. "Good. One down, one to go."

She felt like she was floating on air when she opened her eyes to look up at him. "One to go?"

"Now I just need to convince Alexa," he said with a wink and led her into his house.


An hour later, Sophia knew what she had to do, but she was terrified to follow through with it, especially since she had a child depending on her. Alexa figured into every attempt she made to justify keeping the money. For one thing, Sophia would lose her job if she and Ted broke up, and that could happen well before she was capable of getting anything else.

But even then her conscience wouldn't allow her to do what Chief Stacy had feared and suspected she might. She was finally in the driver's seat of her own life, no longer had to kowtow to Skip's wishes and demands. She had the opportunity to build her future on the basis of her own talent and ambition, not other people's money, and she wanted to do that.

She s.h.i.+fted in the bed so she could see Ted's sleeping face. To be honest, she couldn't bear the thought of leaving him, not for any amount of money. This time around she was going to hold out for love-and trust in his love-so that maybe they could spend the rest of their lives together. If that meant she had to take on everyone in Whiskey Creek whenever she left the house, so be it. She would stand her ground and fight.

"Why are you so restless tonight?" Ted asked sleepily.

"I have a lot on my mind."

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Whiskey Creek: Take Me Home For Christmas Part 37 summary

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