Magical Moments Part 15

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giving it thought."

"Which means you're only interest in me is s.e.x."

"No," he said firmly.

"An afternoon romp?" she persisted, her own temper rising.

"No," he said even more firmly and controlled.

She sat up, rising to her knees. "A s.e.x play toy to amuse you."

He reached out, grabbing her by her shoulders. "No!"

"Then what am I to you?" she challenged.

"d.a.m.ned if I know," he said and charged at her mouth.

They could not quench the fire that raged in them. They could not understand the desire that burned inside them, and they could not break the undeniable tie that bound them.

"You're like a constant fire in my soul," he whispered harshly near her ear.

And she understood, for she felt the same familiar burning deep within herself.

"Yet you look to mate with another," she reminded him and herself.

"I don't know what I look for," he admitted.

"But you look," she said, "which tells me you have yet to find."

He raised his head and stroked his thumb over her sensitive lips. "You are wise for your young years."

"I am aware," she said. "Aware that there is more to mating than l.u.s.ty cravings and heated moments."

"Magical moments," he said without thinking.

"You believe in them?" she asked hopefully.

His answer was a simple, "I do."

Her hand reached out to cup his cheek. "Then understand this, Dagon. I wish for magical moments and will settle for nothing less."

Her pale blue eyes captivated, and for a brief startling moment he thought he saw an aged wisdom in their depths that could only belong to a wise one. A witch born many centuries ago and with knowledge and powers that far surpa.s.sed his.

But that was not possible. His eyes merely played a trick, or perhaps his thoughts drifted to the Ancient One and he saw what he wished to see. Sarina possessed no such skill or wisdom. She had much to learn, and as for magical moments?

He wanted those moments as badly as Sarina did.


Sarina couldn't sleep. It was one in the morning, and she had lain awake for the last hour unable and not wanting to slip into a troubled slumber. She decided that her thoughts were much too chaotic to make sense of them, and she was simply much too exhausted to try.

Tea sounded the proper antidote for her dilemma, and so she scooped up a grumbling Lady Lily off the bed, slipped her thick white socks on her feet, but left her bathrobe behind. Her long white flannel nightgown kept her warm enough, and besides she only planned to make the tea and hurry back to her room. She didn't wish to disturb anyone, it being so late.

Lady Lily snuggled in the crook of her arm as she carefully made her way down the two flights to the kitchen. Margaret kept a small light burning in the kitchen at all times, a sure sign that anyone was welcome at anytime.

She set the kettle to boil, fixed a mug with raspberry tea, and while she waited for the water to boil, she fixed Lady Lily a small bowl of milk. She kept her thoughts silent the whole time she worked, focusing on her task at hand.

Sarina grabbed the kettle before it whistled, filled her mug, and looked down at the kitten to see if she was finished with her milk.

Lady Lilly sat on full alert, her green eyes fixed on a spot near the kitchen door. Sarina turned to see the little mouse sitting in the doorway staring back at the kitten. Neither one moved, they both sat poised and waiting.

Sarina doubted she could scoop up Lily before she took off, and she was at least grateful the castle was quiet and all were asleep. It would make the chase after Lily that much easier.

But then she forgot how fast Lily could run.

The little kitten sprang after the tiny mouse so fast Sarina caught only a blur of white fur zipping past her. She didn't waste a minute taking off after her.

Dagon pulled his long black hair back and fastened it with a pewter clip, the design the Celtic knot. He then dressed quickly in black wool trousers and a light gray wool sweater. The phone call had come only a few moments ago informing him that Alisande, Sebastian, and Sydney would arrive shortly. He had called Bernard and informed him of their imminent arrival and requested that Margaret prepare light refreshments.

He was eager to visit with them, not having seen Ali and Sebastian since their wedding and wondering how the newlywed couple was faring. He was more than pleased that Sydney had joined them. He wished to speak with her; actually he required a touch of her wisdom and was glad for her presence.

Eager to be downstairs to greet them, he hurried from his room. Ali had explained they would arrive by car, Sebastian insisting that until he was proficient enough at travel spells, he would travel the old-fas.h.i.+oned, mortal way.

Which meant they would be arriving by car. He planned to be at the door himself to greet them. He quickened his step, anxious and happy over their impending visit.

Sarina chased Lily and the mouse down the hall, into and out of Dagon's study, around the dining room, through the receiving parlor back down the hall to the kitchen, sliding on the tile floor around the kitchen table to the surprise of Margaret and herself.

"Oh, dear," Margaret said, her hands steadying Sarina as she tilted to one side as she rounded the table on a fast glide.

"A mouse," Sarina said, attempting to explain as she slipped away from Margaret and continued her chase.

Margaret smiled with delight. "It's going to be an interesting night."

Dagon was descending the staircase to the foyer, Bernard was opening the front door to greet the guests who had just arrived, and Sarina was about to scoop Lady Lily up when her sock-covered feet hit the marble tile in the foyer.

Everything happened so fast Sarina didn't have time to react. She slid straight for the front door that Bernard had just opened, her arms flew out in a frantic attempt to stop her frenzied flight, but she could grasp nothing but air. She saw the crash coming and could do nothing to prevent it, and neither could the startled man she collided with.

His body was solid enough to take the unexpected impact, and they tumbled together to the floor, he landing on top of her.

Sarina blinked several times and with rounded eyes looked at the strange man who lay stretched out over her. He was a good-looking man, not near as handsome as Dagon, but a man who could turn a woman's head, and he certainly was firm in body and she imagined strength as well. She immediately sensed he was a fair and reasonable man and quite new to the craft.

He smiled at her. "h.e.l.lo there."

"Hi," came another greeting and Sarina blinked twice at the woman who leaned over her head, peering down at her.

She was beautiful. Long blond hair, stunning features, intriguing green eyes, a charming smile, and she wore a white wool suit that accented her eye-catching figure. And besides all those qualities she was a witch, a witch of enormous power.

"h.e.l.lo, dear," another voice said before a new face popped into view.

Her eyes rounded even wider and she found herself speechless. This woman she knew, though she remained silent, preferring to keep that knowledge between them.


For once she was grateful for Dagon's familiar voice, though when he peered down over her, his expression was anything but happy.

"A mouse" was all she could say and the strange man laughed, moved off her, and with gentle hands helped her up.

"Sebastian Wainwright," he said and took her trembling hand in his.

"Sarina," she said and held on to him for dear life.

"Alisande Wainwright." The beautiful woman introduced herself and gave Sarina's back a comforting


"And I'm Sydney," the woman who needed no introduction announced with a smile.

Dagon stood with his arms crossed over his chest in a pose that demanded she explain.

"Lady Lily went after a mouse," she said to him, clinging to Sebastian's hand. It was warm, comforting,

and rea.s.suring. "Lady Lily, what a charming name," Alisande said with a sprinkle of laughter that sounded like wind chimes. "And a name that suits her well," Dagon said and looked down to see the little precious kitten winding her way around Sarina's sock-covered feet. He stared at her white socks, noticed the way she held tightly to Sebastian's hand, and raised an arched brow at her. "Did she catch the mouse, my dear?" Sydney asked, reaching down to cup the little ball of fur in her hands. Sarina shook her head and s.h.i.+vered. "Cold?" Sebastian asked and slipped his arm around her, drawing her near. Dagon did not at all care for the intimate gesture. He stepped forward, yanked Sarina out of Sebastian's arms, and lifted her up into his own arms, shaking his head. He then walked into the receiving parlor. Sebastian laughed and hugged his wife to him. "He's got it bad." "How do you know?" she asked with a gentle kiss to his cheek. "He shakes his head. It's a sure sign that you think you're losing your mind, which you are, but you don't know and when you find out it's too late." Sydney smiled. "Your wit and wisdom amaze me." Sebastian held his arm out to Sydney. "I learned from a very wise woman. Now let's go torment Dagon." Dagon sat Sarina on the small sofa, retrieved the moss green chenille lap throw from a nearby chair, and covered her legs, making certain to tuck the blanket over her feet. "Those d.a.m.n socks are going to drive me insane," he mumbled. Sarina heard him and smiled.

"So tell us about Sarina, Dagon," Sebastian said entering the parlor with Ali on one arm and Sydney on the other. Sarina obliged him, hoping to prevent an awkward situation from turning worse. "I'm a servant at Rasmus Castle. I tend to Dagon's quarters."

Sebastian smiled so broadly he almost laughed.

Dagon sent him a lethal look, but Sebastian continued to grin.

Bernard entered with a tray of tea and scones, and conversation came to a brief halt. "Shall I serve,


"That won't be necessary," Dagon informed him.

Bernard nodded, saw to lighting the logs in the fireplace, took Sebastian's black wool overcoat from him

and Sydney's white wool cloak, cast a notable glance at Sarina, and then quietly left the room.

"Margaret's scones. Blueberry and cranberry," Alisande said with excitement and proceeded to pour tea for everyone, though not before taking a bite of a scone.

Sebastian sat beside his wife, and Sarina noticed what a perfect pair they made. That they loved each

other was obvious, that they were a perfect match was also obvious.

"Now about Sarina," Sebastian persisted, accepting a cup of tea from Ali.

"How are we doing with our new skills?" Dagon asked, pointing to a filled teacup on the table. The cup

floated up and over to him, and he took hold of it, carefully offering it to Sarina. She nervously accepted the delicate cup with trembling hands. Dagon wrapped his hand around hers to calm her tremors and offer his comfort. She sent him a grateful smile, and the affectionate exchange was not lost on the three people watching them. "I'm getting better," Sebastian said proudly and pointed his finger at a sugar cube in the sugar bowl on the table. The tiny cube swiftly rose up and shot at Sebastian's cup, pinging off the side and landing in his wife's lap. "That's all right, dear," Ali said, picking up the cube and dropping it into his cup. "Practice makes perfect."

Sebastian leaned over and deposited a tender kiss on her cheek. "So patient with my b.u.mbling attempts." "Darling, you never b.u.mble," Ali said with a wickedly sinful smile that made Sarina blush. "I can see that you're in love with this mortal as much as ever," Dagon said, sounding irritated and causing them all to stare at him with surprise, though Sebastian grinned as if he was having the time of his life. "Is something troubling you, dear boy?" Sydney asked with concern and settled back in her chair with a cup of tea in hand, a white linen napkin spread over her lap, and a sleeping Lady Lily curled in a contented ball right in the middle of it.

Sarina felt responsible for the early morning events and voiced her own concern, pus.h.i.+ng the blanket down and slipping her feet to the floor in an attempt to make a wise and hasty exit. "I must apologize, this is all my fault and-"

"Stay right where you are," Dagon ordered firmly and shoved her sock-covered feet back up on the couch, pulling the blanket over her.

Sebastian gently poked at his wife's arm, and she smiled knowingly.

Sydney showed no reaction at all, she simply watched.

Dagon offered a brief explanation. "Sarina has been under the weather of late."

"Have you tried a comfort spell?" Ali asked, reaching for another scone.

Sarina answered quickly. "He's been more than generous in helping me."

"Dagon is always there to help a friend," Sebastian said, stealing a piece of his wife's scone and getting a slap on the hand for his sneaky action.

"If it wasn't for Dagon's help, Sebastian and I would have never gotten together," Ali informed her and with a crook of her finger directed the teapot to refill her cup.

"Let me try that," Sebastian insisted, drawing his finger out as if it was a gun ready for action.

"That's my antique china," Dagon warned.

Ali placed her hand over her husband's trigger finger. "Another time, darling."

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Magical Moments Part 15 summary

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