Magical Moments Part 16

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"Later," he said with a wink.

Ali winked right back.

Sarina smiled at their teasing antics. She had never seen two people so in love, or perhaps she had never looked before now. Their eyes often settled intimately on each other. They touched frequently, small simple gestures, they stroked with words, and then there were the pecks on the cheeks, a kiss of a hand or what looked like a whisper when really it was a whisper of a kiss.

Their affection was real and they weren't afraid to show it. Had it always been this way for them? This love that could not be denied?

"How did Dagon help bring you both together?" Sarina asked, suddenly interested.

Everyone ignored Dagon's scowl, and Ali related the story. "He was aware of my love for Sebastian and how unhappy I would be without him. And though he wouldn't admit it, he liked Sebastian and knew full well how much he loved me."

"And couldn't live without you, don't forget," Sebastian added.

Ali nodded. "He's right. His life would have been miserably boring without me."

Sebastian also nodded. "She introduced me to the delights of chaos; nothing has been the same since, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Sarina laughed and Dagon shook his head, finally giving up his commanding stance and sat at the end of the small sofa by Sarina's feet to listen to the familiar tale.

Sarina's attention remained fixed on Ali, though she unconsciously stretched her legs out, resting her feet against Dagon's thigh, a relaxed gesture he did not object to.

Ali continued. "I unfortunately was powerless, my energy had dwindled-" She stopped abruptly. "Is your energy low?"

"Finish the story, Ali," Dagon insisted, his eyes warning her not to probe.

Her stubborn return glance informed him that she would have her answers, but for now she would concede to his wishes and proceeded with the tale. "Dagon came to my rescue."

"He's good at that," Sarina agreed with a firm nod.

Ali acknowledged the same with her own nod. "He's wonderful at rescues. He was forever saving me-"

"From yourself," Dagon finished.

"He's got you there, sweetheart," Sebastian said. "It was your own fault for casting that spell and placing our love in jeopardy." "Excuse me," Ali said with an indignant grin. "I believed our love was strong enough to fulfill the spell.

If you weren't such a stubborn mortal-"

"Stubborn?" Sebastian laughed. "Foolish I will admit to, but stubborn-never!"

"Huh, you just proved my point," Ali said with a shake of her finger in his face.

"Watch it, witch," Sebastian warned, still laughing as he drew out his own finger. "This time it's loaded." Sarina smiled; she couldn't help it. They even fought like two people in love. They grinned, teased, and their eyes shared an intimate glow that no witch or mortal could mistake.

They loved to the depths of their souls.

"What spell did you use?" Sarina asked, eager to hear more.

"Magical love," Ali announced with pride while Dagon and Sebastian shook their heads, and Sydney continued to watch in silence.

"Oh, my," Sarina said, stunned and with a twinge of envy. "Only the most powerful love can survive that special spell."

Ali patted her husband's leg that rested against hers. "I believed in our love and I had faith in him."

"But as usual you didn't look before leaping," Dagon said, his hand having moved to casually rest over Sarina's foot.

The intimate scene was not lost to Sebastian and Ali. Sydney simply smiled.

"I looked," Ali insisted and turned to look at her husband. "Right into his eyes and knew then and there he was all I ever wanted, and I intended to have him."

"Was he hard to capture?" Sarina asked innocently.

That caused a burst of laughter from Dagon and Sebastian.

"Ignore them," Ali instructed. "Men, especially mortals"-she paused, glanced briefly to Dagon, and continued-"and a few arrogant male witches are the last to realize and admit that they are in love." "Really?" Sarina asked with interest. "I would think that at least a male witch would be attuned to his emotions and better understand."

"You would think," Ali agreed, "but males, whether mortal or witch, are a stubborn lot."

"That I most certainly agree with," Sarina said and reached out to place her teacup on the table. The delicate china tumbled out of her hand and fell to the floor.

Ali and Sebastian immediately attempted to right the falling cup with a point of their fingers. Dagon simply reached out and caught it in his hand before it hit the carpet. He returned it safely to the table.

Sydney saved Sarina from further embarra.s.sment by saying, "It has been a long journey and I think it's time for me to rest." She surprised all but one with her next words. "Sarina, why don't you show me to my room."

"I would love to," she agreed and hurried off the couch and over to Sydney. "It has been a pleasure meeting you," she said to Sebastian and Ali, feeling awkward standing there in her flannel nightgown, vulnerable and all too powerless.

"We'll talk again," Ali a.s.sured her.

"A pleasure running into you," Sebastian said with a teasing smile.

Sarina blushed with the reminder of their unusual meeting.

Sydney stood, lifting Lady Lily along with her, bringing Dagon and Sebastian to their feet, and she bid everyone good night. She reached out and took Sarina's arm and leaned close, whispering softly near her ear. The two left the room with whispers trailing them.

Dagon looked directly to Sebastian. "There will be no plotting against me."

"Like the way you did against me?"

"My plotting worked well."

"And you think mine wouldn't?"

"Boys, boys," Ali said sweetly, "if there's any plotting to be done, I will see to it."

"Good lord, you're in trouble now, Dagon," Sebastian said with a hardy laugh.

"Sit down," Ali ordered the two men. "Tell me about Sarina. She is quite lovely, utterly charming, and

she appears young to the craft. Have you mated with her?"

The two men shook their heads and dropped back into their seats.

"That is none of your business," Dagon said.

"I don't know about that," Sebastian said. "Since you interfered in our relations.h.i.+p, I think it is only fair

we interfere in yours."

Dagon found the situation amusing and smiled. "And do you think I would allow your interference?"

"Darling," Ali said on a dramatic sigh, "you have no choice."

Sebastian reached for another cup of tea and poured it the mortal way. "Now tell us about Sarina."

Sarina sat with her legs crossed in the middle of Sydney's bed while Sydney proceeded to change behind the painted wooden dressing screen that depicted the beauty of the highlands.

"Dagon knows nothing?" Sydney asked.

"Nothing," Sarina confirmed.

"Do you plan on telling him?"

Sarina rubbed the back of her aching neck. "Admitting my ident.i.ty would do little good and perhaps would even hinder my chance at breaking the spell."

Sydney walked from around the screen, tying the royal purple velvet robe she wore securely at her

waist. "You feel keeping yourself a mystery would better serve your purpose?"

"What good would the truth do me or him? It would only make a difficult situation more difficult. And besides, I look for-"

Sydney finished, "A love that is rare."

"Is there such a love?" Sarina asked as if her life depended on the answer.

"You ask me for advice?" Sydney seemed surprised.

"I feel lost," Sarina said candidly. "All that was familiar to me is gone. All I depended on is no longer. I

feel like a babe just born with no place to turn."

"But you have loved before."

"Simple love yes, but then most of us are capable of that basic emotion. A love that is rare is almost impossible to find. It is said to exist, but yet I have never met anyone who claims to have experienced it."

"And do you think Dagon is capable of this love?"

Sarina laughed softly. "Strangely enough I sense that he himself searches for it."

"And you?" Sydney asked, sitting down at the bottom of the bed.

"My feelings for him frighten me."

"How so?"

"That's the problem," she said looking to Sydney with concerned eyes. "I don't know. My emotions are completely out of control when it comes to Dagon. I cannot understand my actions or reactions toward him, they make no sense. And then there are these feelings of safety and comfort when he is near, but the most disturbing emotion of all is the unrelenting need for intimacy with him."

Sarina shook her head at herself and continued. "Not just mating, but more." She sighed in frustration. "Does that make sense? This need to touch not only his naked body but deep within him, to reach out to his soul and touch on a level a rare few are ever able to do."

Sydney remained silent, sensing she wasn't finished.

"I ache for him more times than I care to admit or is even possible to act upon. It is an endless feeling of desire that haunts my body and soul." She cast Sydney a gentle pleading look. "With all my wisdom I don't know what to do?"

Sydney reached out and patted her hand. "I suggest you do nothing."

"That does not seem a wise choice."

"You once told me that not all choices are wise, some are necessary, though necessary choices often turn out to be the wisest ones of all."

"So nothing then is necessary?" Sarina asked.

"What other choice is there?"

Sarina grew silent in thought. Sydney pointed out the obvious. She could do nothing about Dagon, only herself. She had to trust her own emotions and not fear them, but let them take flight, let them soar, let them free. Only then would she truly discover what she searched for.


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Magical Moments Part 16 summary

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