Love Under Two Kendalls Part 12

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"I love you, Ginny." Jake's gaze met hers. "I want to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much."

Ginny inhaled, unsurprised to feel her throat tighten, and her eyes burn with her unshed tears. Except for her baby, no one had ever said those words to her before.

"I still don't know if I can really satisfy you both. I don't know if I can give you forever. I'm not there yet, and that's on me, not you.

"But I love you both more than I thought I ever could. I love you, and I need you. I need you with me and on me and in me."

"Then come here, sweet baby. Let's go to bed."

Chapter 12.

Ginny couldn't stop herself from trembling.

Adam had taken her hand, so she knew he felt the tremors that shook her. Then as she came flush with him right there in the hallway outside her son's bedroom door, Jake moved in close behind her. She knew he felt her trembling, too.

Adam led her into the master suite, the only room she hadn't ventured into as yet. Her first sight of the bed, as large as the one out at Kelsey, Matt, and Steven's farm, just made her heart speed up even more.

"You have to know we won't hurt you, sweet baby," Adam said. Stopping close to the bed, he turned and faced her. Then he smiled, a slow, sweet, and s.e.xy smile, and began to draw her closer to him.

Since closer to him was exactly where she wanted to be, she went.

"I know you won't." She tugged, and he released her hand. Stepping just a bit closer still, she gently placed both hands on his shoulders.

"Mm, then why are you shaking, honey?" Jake's question brushed the sh.e.l.l of her ear. The heat of him standing snug against her back warmed her. She could feel evidence of both their erections pressing against her body, front and back.

There could be no doubt whatsoever that these men were aroused by her. They wanted her, and wasn't that a wonder?

She licked her very dry lips, and felt a little thrill when that simple act seemed to affect them both. She went up on her toes, leaned forward, and placed a gentle kiss on Adam's lips. Then she lowered herself back down, and tilted her head back toward Jake.

Understanding her silent demand, he bent and brushed a light kiss across her lips in turn.

"I'm shaking because I want you both so very badly. I'm shaking because this is the most important moment in my life, and I don't want to mess it up."

"You're not afraid, then?" Adam bent down and kissed her, a sweet, gentle press of his lips on hers. When he withdrew, he used his tongue to lick her lightly parted lips, as if he needed to taste her.

"The only thing I'm afraid of is that I won't be able to please you, and you'll be disappointed with me."

"That will never happen, honey." Jake's hands rested on her shoulders, and she could feel the tension running through him as he used his thumbs to knead her muscles there.

It was the first clue she had that they were all in the same place, in a state of hunger bordering on desperation.

"We've both wanted you so badly for what feels like forever, honey. Adam and I have loved the small tastes you've allowed us, but we're both at the point that it's h.e.l.l not having you completely. We've both had the devil's own time all evening not scooping you up and bringing you here and having you."

Ginny gasped. Could it be true? Adam and Jake were each so much more man than either Troy or Deke could ever hope to be. Could she really have inspired such want in them both? She opened her mouth, but Adam shook his head. Then he bent to her and kissed her lips again, lightly.

"Hush now, sweetheart," Adam said against her lips, "and let us show you just what you do to us. Let us show you how very much we want you."

He cupped her face and kissed her, a wet and wanton kiss that thrilled her to her toes. Ginny opened her mouth to him and rejoiced when his tongue caressed hers in a provocative dance. Her hands came up, and she held on to his wrists, wanting nothing more than to ensure that he stay right there, that he would continue kissing her.

At the same moment Adam began to withdraw his lips from hers, Jake turned her into his embrace. She lost one set of lips only to receive another. Exchanged one heady, arousing flavor for another and felt herself falling further under the spell of these two dynamic men.

"I've never hungered like this, just from a kiss," Jake whispered against her lips. "You turn me on like no one ever has."

Her head back, her mouth being consumed by Jake's heat, Ginny felt so joyous, she wondered if she'd died and gone to heaven. Then Adam caressed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s through her blouse, and she knew that this was very much a worldly experience.

She wanted more!

A slight draft played across her chest as Jake's tongue continued to tangle with hers and Adam's gentle, competent fingers worked to open her blouse.

The last b.u.t.ton gave way, and Adam eased her arms out of the garment. Jake ended the kiss and looked down at the same instant Adam removed her bra.

They stared at her bared b.r.e.a.s.t.s with such intensity, her nipples puckered. Adam looked up, met her gaze, and grinned. He used the back of his hand to brush back and forth beneath her left breast, and she s.h.i.+vered as delicious arousal coursed through her, touching off tiny fires all along her nerve endings from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s down to her c.l.i.t.

She clenched her inner muscles, an almost instinctive reaction as her horniness grew.

"Your b.r.e.a.s.t.s are very sensitive." Adam bent down, and used his tongue as if her nipple was an enticing candy. "Tasty, too."

They'd said as much to her that night on the deck overlooking the ocean. "Only the two of you have ever made my b.r.e.a.s.t.s sensitive. Only the two of you have turned me on this way." It had to be them, because she'd never derived pleasure from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s before.

They said nothing to that, just continued to pet her and tease her, taking turns "tasting" her in a way that slowly drove her mad.

With a hand fisted in each lover's s.h.i.+rt, she let her head fall back as her soul tried to absorb every nuance of their wickedly wonderful wooing.

"That's it, sweet baby. Just hang on and feel what we have to give you. You're so very beautiful and so very desirable when you're hot like this-when you surrender like this."

"I must be beautiful all the time, then, because whenever either of you are near me, I'm hot."

"Well we certainly think you are, honey. Give me your mouth."

Ginny turned her head at Jake's command, eager to do some more tasting of her own. His kiss, so hot, so wet, and the flavor of him, so addictive, compelled her to open wider. She used her tongue to explore him, to drink from him.

How amazing to have two men focused so completely on her, on kissing and petting and pleasuring her.

Adam's mouth traded one nipple for the other, as he suckled her as strongly as a babe. His hands bracketed her waist, his thumbs caressing her stomach lightly. And then those hands blazed a trail down just a tad, to the snap of her jeans. Releasing it, they then grabbed the zipper, and Ginny swore she could hear every snick, snick, snick as each tooth let go.

She gasped, breaking Jake's kiss, when Adam swept jeans and panties down her legs then off her body in one smooth, unhurried move.

Ginny Rose stood naked between two Kendalls, but before she could even think about that or become embarra.s.sed, Adam brought his hand up and brushed back and forth between her legs, teasing her slit.

"Oh, G.o.d, oh G.o.d, do that again." Ginny felt her arousal shoot up high and fast.

"Are you wet for us, honey?" Jake didn't give her a moment to answer. He ran his hand down her body and plunged his fingers into her.

"Oh, please." So much sensation bombarded her she couldn't think. She could only moan and groan, beg and feel. She'd never known she could burn like this, on the very edge of oblivion.

"Very wet, and very fragrant. Tasty, too, I'll bet." Jake's voice had gone deep and rough, another thrill to her senses.

Adam's hands had left her, his touch replaced by the sense of his nearness, as he began to throw off his clothes right there, just inches from her. But her attention was riveted on Jake, her gaze caught by his as he worked his fingers in and out of her, slowly, deeply.

Then he withdrew them, and raised them to his lips.

Ginny watched, wide-eyed, as he sucked those two fingers into his mouth. His "mm" sound made her s.h.i.+ver. Moisture gathered at the opening of her slit, and it occurred to her that she'd never been so wet, that she'd never needed to come so badly.

"You wouldn't believe how tasty our woman is." Jake's gaze ensnared hers as he spoke, as he smiled and reached down and palmed a breast, tweaked her nipple.

"I'm about to find out. Ginny, look at me, sweet baby."

Was she in a trance? Surely no woman could stay aware and in control under such an onslaught of tender teasing and pa.s.sionate petting.

Adam's demand registered at about the same time she understood that Jake had been talking to him and not her. She responded, moving her head, and then her gaze downward, until she could see Adam's dark, dark eyes, like black onyx, glittering with the heat of his banked fires.

Oh, my G.o.d, he's gloriously naked and kneeling in front of me. She luxuriated for one moment in the impression of his rugged masculinity, like a coiled panther approaching its mate...

And then he set his mouth on her.

Arousal, need, heat all combined together inside of her, exploding within and shooting out to every part of her body. She couldn't hold back the shocked cry of wonder any more than she could stop her knees from buckling. Yet still her arousal climbed, climax teasing her, just out of reach.

Adam's hands gripped her hips while his mouth plundered her p.u.s.s.y as if she was a tasty dessert and he was determined to gobble down every bit of her.

Jake s.h.i.+fted so that he stood more behind than beside her, taking her weight and holding her close. His heat warmed her, his arms and body, even through his clothes, coc.o.o.ning her in a chrysalis of care.

"Mm." Adam's eyes had closed so that his gaze no longer held hers prisoner, but she couldn't look away from him. He seemed lost in her, all sleek muscle and lithe power.

He continued to use mouth and tongue and teeth on her p.u.s.s.y, and steadily drove her out of her mind.

Jake turned her face toward him for his kiss, and she closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and blindly reached to give, to take and taste and drown in this new and exciting world of s.e.xual abandon. The slippery slide of Adam's lips on her slit, across her c.l.i.t, and then the surge of his tongue into her c.u.n.t battered her with wave upon wave of the most profound pleasure she'd ever known. The commanding plunge of Jake's tongue into her mouth became the perfect counterthrust to Adam's.

Ginny couldn't think. Reason and talk were impossibly beyond her. She could only feel. She could only bask, as the wonderful climb shot her higher and higher until she went over the edge of the world into heart-pounding, life-altering ecstasy.

Ginny cried out, the physical and the emotional and the spiritual delivering a triple whammy to her body and her heart and her soul. Wave after wave of o.r.g.a.s.mic release washed over her, thrilled her, and she wondered if she wouldn't faint from the sheer magnificence of it all.

Pa.s.sion had become an o.r.g.a.s.m outside of her control, and she reveled in the freedom and the bliss of it.

Adam's lips finally released their hold on her c.l.i.t, but his hands still held her. He placed b.u.t.terfly kisses on her thighs and on the soft pad of her pubic mound. He blew tiny puffs of breath against hair that decorated her p.u.s.s.y, and she s.h.i.+vered from the teasing caress. Then he rose up, lifted her, and laid her on the bed.

Her eyes widened as he spread her legs wide, as he set one knee on the bed and she got her first look at his c.o.c.k, already covered with a latex condom. He stayed there, not moving, letting her look her fill.

Boy howdy, when did they start making c.o.c.ks that big?

As if he could read her thoughts, he grinned. "I'll fit inside you, baby, don't worry. Are you ready for me, sweet Ginny?"

"Yes, please, Adam. I need you." She glanced over, appreciating the sight of Jake tossing his clothes off as if he was in a race. This was real, this was happening, and she couldn't be happier. "I need you inside me. I need you both inside me."

"Good thing, because you're going to have us both inside of you." Jake stretched out beside her and ran his hand down her body. The touch of his fingers rekindled her fires when she'd thought they might be truly spent.

Then he bent over her and kissed her-a chaste kiss that touched her deeply. "One day soon, you'll have us both inside you at the same time."

Ginny knew of a couple of ways that could be accomplished, but she didn't let herself think of the mechanics at the moment. Her fires burned hotter and higher with each pa.s.sing second. She only had to imagine the overwhelming dream of having them both be a part of her at the same time to get her super h.o.r.n.y again.

She'd barely had time to understand she had a dream, and here her dream sat on the verge of coming true.

Jake dipped his fingers into her c.u.n.t, then moved his hand back up, to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Adam's the oldest."

Ginny understood the reference, because she'd lived in l.u.s.ty for a while, and she'd listened. The oldest man was the head of the menage family, and even though they weren't technically a family, she'd always known that if this moment ever came to pa.s.s, that she'd have Adam inside her, first.

Even as she turned her head to look at Jake, she kept Adam in her peripheral vision, and the intense way he stared at her as he ran his hands up and down her spread thighs made the woman within her fairly quake in antic.i.p.ation. But to Jake, she said, "I don't think he still wants me. He's just standing there looking-"

Adam moved, crawled up her body, and impaled her in one slow, steady, deep thrust.

She'd teased at such a moment, yet she couldn't regret it. Her gaze now on him, she clenched her inner muscles, her p.u.s.s.y giving his c.o.c.k a loving welcome-home hug.

"Mm, yes, I want you all right, Miss Ginny." He withdrew just as slowly, nearly all the way out, and Ginny felt everything inside her nearly weep with her need for him.

"I want you here." He thrust into her again and held himself deep.

Ginny wrapped herself around him, arms and legs, her gaze locked onto his. The fire in his eyes obliterated for all time the last trace of the wounds a too-hard life had inflicted upon her.

"I want you now." His words were a vow, spoken with reverence.

He withdrew again, the power of his muscles rippling under her hands. His heat seared her, captivated her, so that the wonder and the joy blossomed inside her, starting deep inside where his flesh touched hers, flowing to every fiber of her, body and soul.

"I'll want you forever." He thrust and held himself still within her.

The look he gave her made her heart simply melt.

"Kiss me, sweet baby. Taste us together on your lips as I take us both to heaven."

Unable to resist the command in his voice or the love in his eyes, Ginny opened to him, giving herself over completely, knowing in her mind that she was his to do with as he would.

She gave him her mouth, and tasted for the first time the musky combination of her feminine juices and his masculine flavor. s.h.i.+vers of need wracked her as her arousal grew. He slid a hand beneath her, his palm on her bare bottom, urging her closer.

Adam began to move within her, his rhythm slow and deep, the power of each thrust creating a wondrous friction inside her, a friction that fuelled her excitement. Heat traveled to her c.l.i.t, and tiny tingles of electric energy zapped along her flesh.

Her p.u.s.s.y felt full of hot, hard c.o.c.k, and for the first time in her life she reveled in the wondrous sensation of being f.u.c.ked.

Beside her Jake continued to caress and pet whatever parts of her he could reach, and the reality of having one man inside her while the other played with her thrilled her beyond measure.

"It turns me on, watching Adam f.u.c.k you."

The dark words tingled with the allure of the naughty, and Ginny reacted by clenching her inner muscles and giving Adam a long, slow caress.

Adam inhaled through his teeth. "Baby, that felt so d.a.m.n good. Do it again."

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Love Under Two Kendalls Part 12 summary

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