Love Under Two Kendalls Part 13

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She did, and s.h.i.+vered when he stopped for just a moment to flex inside her, to let her feel the strength of his c.o.c.k pulsing in her p.u.s.s.y. Then he resumed his careful thrusting.

Ginny had a fleeting thought of what it might be like to make Adam lose his considerable control. And then his hand left her a.s.s, caressing silkily as he made his way around to her stomach. On his next outward stroke, he reached down and brushed her c.l.i.t with his thumb.

"Oh, G.o.d, Adam. You drive me crazy." She pressed herself closer to him, and when he pulled his hand back, she was able to find some wonderful stimulation by rubbing her c.l.i.t against his groin.

"Close, baby?" He nipped her ear. She didn't even mind the humor in his voice. She could beg and feel no shame, understanding he wouldn't withhold himself from her, or use her pa.s.sion as a weapon against her.

"Yes. I'm close. I want to come. I want you to come with me." She didn't mistake the way his c.o.c.k seemed to grow even bigger as she whispered those words to him. Emboldened, she stretched up and bit his ear. "Come inside me, Adam." And she punctuated her demand by clamping down on his c.o.c.k once more.

"Jesus." All humor left his expression as he scooped her even closer, and as his slow pace gave way to faster, stronger, deeper.

"Ah! Oh...oh..." Ginny couldn't speak words as she flew apart, as the ecstasy stole her breath and turned her bones to hot, molten honey. A sound emerged, thin, high pitched, and she realized it came from her.

Then another sound, a masculine growl rumbled hot and heavy against her ear. That sound sated a feminine need she didn't even know she had. Where Adam's c.o.c.k slammed into her and held, she felt him pulse, and then she felt the sudden hot presence against her cervix as his seed filled the reservoir of the condom.

Thunder roared in her ears, thunder from two hearts racing, two sets of lungs struggling for breath. She felt the glorious sensation of Adam's spent body pressing hers down into the mattress, and knew for the first time in her life the unique joy of having given pleasure to a man she loved.

And even though her body still tingled in the aftermath of such rapture, she turned her head just enough to encounter Jake's gaze riveted on her. Her belly clenched in response to the glitter of his predatory stare.

Adam grunted in answer to that inner movement, then levered himself up. Ginny felt his gaze. She felt s.e.xy and sultry as her mouth slowly widened in a smile.

"You look like a very satisfied woman, Miss Ginny."

She reached up and stroked his face, a gentle caress that she knew carried a heart full of love. "And about to become even more so, Sheriff Kendall."

Adam grinned. He bent down, kissed her, and then slowly eased his c.o.c.k from her body. "Indeed, you are."

Adam stood and took two steps away from the bed.

Ginny gasped because before Adam took that third step, Jake rolled himself on top of her, pus.h.i.+ng her legs wider with his own.

Her heart leapt when he said, "My turn."

Chapter 13.

Ginny enjoyed just one moment of feeling the hot reality of Jake Kendall's naked flesh against hers, of her fingers tingling as they smoothed up his muscled arms toward his shoulders.

Then he lifted his hips and entered her in one strong and deep thrust. He closed his eyes, and his face took on the expression of a man reveling in the purest pleasure imaginable.

Ginny wrapped her legs around Jake's waist, locking her ankles together. She flexed, giving him the same welcome greeting she'd given Adam.

His eyes opened, and his gaze seared hers. "That's some d.a.m.n good muscle tone you have going there, Miss Ginny."

"I'm glad you liked it, Mr. Kendall. Here's another for you."

Jake sucked in a quick breath. Adam came out of the en suite bathroom, still naked, and stretched out on the bed beside her.

"She feels wonderful, doesn't she?" He braced his head on his hand as he moved in closer and began to stroke her arm and her side.

"Better than wonderful, but I don't think she likes us talking about her this way. Her eyes just flashed lightning at me. She has the most expressive tiger eyes. Very fierce"-he bent down and kissed her lightly-"and very arousing."

"I've just got ordinary, plain old brown eyes." She didn't know how to handle compliments, didn't know why such words so softly spoken by these men should make her want to grin and cry at the same time. A part of her drank them in as if parched for them her whole life. The other part couldn't quite believe them.

Jake's expression turned fierce. "There is absolutely nothing plain or ordinary about you, honey."

Ginny opened her mouth to tell him he was wrong, but she never got the chance.

He descended on her, his lips opening over hers, his mouth dominating hers as he plundered her, above and below.

There was absolutely nothing gentle about the way Jake f.u.c.ked her. He thrust in and out of her in a relentless, rapid rhythm that excited her beyond words.

Ginny's embers roared into dynamic flames, the heat coiling in and through her so that reason, logic, words, all fled, leaving her a creature of sensation and pa.s.sion.

She pistoned her hips, meeting Jake's loving thrust for thrust, the pace so fast, so furious, she could barely breathe. Her skin s.h.i.+vered, need for more and then still more taking her over, while he simply took her.

Jake ended their kiss and changed his position just slightly, and suddenly Ginny was on the very edge of climax. He got on his knees and then scooped her legs so that they were sprawled wide opened over his arms as his hands grasped the globes of her a.s.s in fierce possession. And still he f.u.c.ked her hard and fast and so very deep that he brushed her cervix on every thrust.

"G.o.d, this is hot as h.e.l.l." Adam's words moistened her ear, and then his tongue followed, a teasing, flirty tasting of her that meshed perfectly with his brother's more feral f.u.c.king.

Ginny cried out, the feelings so enormous, so electric, their razor-sharp edges could have been talons that coaxed and coerced, that pierced and held. This was more than she'd known could exist between men and women, more than she thought she could handle.

"Let go, Ginny. d.a.m.n it, woman, let go and give me everything."

The harsh demand shocked her, battered and seduced her, and she shook her head in denial, even as clarity exploded and she understood.

How could they know? How could they know her so well? No time to think, no time to plan, or grasp. Only time to feel, and only time to finally, finally let go.

"That's it, honey, oh, G.o.d, yes!"

Ginny screamed as her o.r.g.a.s.m ignited, as the white-hot shards of lightning touched every part of her, reducing her to a s.h.i.+vering, quivering ma.s.s of pure rapture. Over and over the spasms rocked her to her core, and she could do nothing, nothing, except savor each one as it consumed her, could do nothing but let them take her and make her new and whole and, somehow, other.

"Easy." Jake's voice, rough, breathless, kissed against her face. "Easy, honey. Here, let Adam hold you." He withdrew from her, and Adam turned her toward him, gathered her in.

"We have you, sweet baby. You're safe. You're safe, and you're ours."

She s.h.i.+vered as the o.r.g.a.s.m that had dwindled to tiny aftershocks refused to relinquish its control of her nerves completely. Mere seconds pa.s.sed, and then Jake was behind her again, snuggling close.

Coc.o.o.ned between Adam and Jake, their heat became her heat as the final fragments of bliss dissipated. They held her and warmed her and cooed words that weren't even words, just sounds, until her shaking stopped.

"Not please us?" Adam's tone, total disbelief, blanketed her, a balm to her feminine ego. He cupped her face, raising it so that she could see the truth of his words in his eyes. "You were made for us, sweet baby. We've waited our entire lives for you. How could you ever doubt that you could please us?"

"You're the ideal mate for us both, touching our hearts and filling our needs perfectly." Jake placed a kiss on her shoulder and snuggled against her back even closer.

Not frigid. Not a failure. The scars that had defied logic and reason evaporated, and the blackness within turned to a bright, beautiful light.

"I love you. I love both of you, completely and absolutely. I'm yours, and you both, by d.a.m.n, you both are mine."

She didn't care in that moment what they thought of her fierce avowal. They could deal with it. Her emotions were, they existed and were real, and she would never again be ashamed of them. Despite her best efforts, her eyes drifted shut. She wanted only a short rest, and then she intended to claim more-and give more.

She felt the change in both of them, an easing, as if their bodies, held in tension, finally relaxed.

"It's about time," Adam said.

"d.a.m.n straight," said Jake.

The fierceness in their words made her smile. Even as she felt herself sinking into sleep, she knew one thing. She'd only take a short little nap, just enough to recharge. She wasn't nearly done having her first long drink of these two Kendalls.

Ginny's unique fragrance teased Adam's senses, making his mouth water and his c.o.c.k stir. She'd come alive under their hands and their mouths and their c.o.c.ks-more vibrantly alive than he'd ever dared hope.

Now that he'd tasted her, he could admit the truth to himself. He loved her with his whole heart, and he would never let her go.

Adam closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, drawing her scent into him even deeper and clamping down on his more feral emotions. It was okay for him to feel them, to acknowledge the truth of them. But he didn't think Ginny was ready to bear the full force of them. At least, not yet.

He opened his eyes and looked over at Jake. His brother wore the expression of a contented man. It wasn't a look he'd seen often on Jake's face. His brother had been a restless soul, always. Adam knew there had been times when their mother had thought she'd lose him-to the wild and sometimes dangerous urges that would come over him, or to other exotic places and people he'd encountered in his travels.

Adam couldn't explain it completely, but he sensed that their mother didn't have to worry about Jake in that way anymore.

"Call me an insensitive b.a.s.t.a.r.d"-Jake kept his voice low-"but I don't intend to let her sleep for long."

"That's not insensitive," Adam said. "Or if it is, I must be, too, because I feel the same way."

"I'll just go and have a peek in at Benny." Jake eased from the bed. "Since she'll ask about him as soon as she opens her eyes."

Adam had been about to do the same thing. So he nodded, and then gently pulled the sheet off Ginny's body.

He wasn't an innocent. He'd had women in his bed before. He and Jake had even shared a couple, which was how they knew a menage arrangement would suit them.

Now he thought of the words of that old Randy Travis song as his eyes took in his woman. He had already forgotten every woman but her.

Jake came back into the bedroom, a soft smile on his face. "He's got a choke hold on poor Mr. Tusks," he said. "Kind of reminds me how, at about that age, I couldn't go to bed at night without that old stuffed beagle, Freckles."

Adam grinned. "I remember. I think I actually bloodied Morgan's nose once when he teased you about it."

"You did." He ran his hand very lightly down Ginny's body. "I think it's going to be harder for me to go to bed without Ginny, now, than it ever really was without that old stuffed dog."

"That is a comfort to know." Ginny's words sounded sleepy.

Adam chuckled. "We Kendalls tend to be possessive of our women, Ginny Rose. Best you know that now."

"It's how Kendalls do things," Jake agreed.

"Well boy howdy, if I didn't already know you were both that way." She met his gaze, and then looked over at Jake. "I'm likely to be more than a little possessive myself. I should go check on Benny."

"Already done," Jake said. "He's sound asleep. He'd kicked his blankets off, so I covered him up again."

Ginny looked down at her body. "I don't usually have that habit myself, but it would seem my blankets have been kicked to the bottom of the bed, too. You fixin' to cover me up as well, there, gentlemen?"

"h.e.l.l, no," Adam said. "Not for a while, yet. Unless, of course, we cover you with our bodies."


Ginny raised her arms above her head and stretched, her gorgeous lushness surely the most tempting sight Adam had ever seen. He couldn't help that his c.o.c.k got stiff just looking at her. He'd dreamed of being able to do just this for so long.

Oh, and look at that coy little grin! Adam flicked a glance at Jake and saw, in his brother's eyes, complete appreciation for Ginny's subtle, s.e.xy, and very deliberate teasing.

And wasn't it wonderful that she felt she could tease them this way?

Before Adam could take her up on her silent invitation, Ginny moved. In one lithe and fluid movement she rolled over onto her knees, leaned over his c.o.c.k, and fisted him. She looked up, met his gaze.

"I've never wanted to do this before. But I do now." She licked her lips, then looked over her shoulder at Jake and smiled. "I'm going to taste you both."

She turned her attention back to Adam. He felt as if everything inside him had gone perfectly still.

"Unless of course, you don't want me to, Sheriff Kendall."

Adam reached out and combed his fingers through her hair. When he grabbed hold, she gave him that sly grin again.

There were times when bold action was called for. He pulled her head toward his c.o.c.k. "Suck my c.o.c.k, woman."

Ginny didn't seem to need any coaxing. She opened her lips and took his c.o.c.k inside her hot, wet mouth, sliding him deep.

Adam groaned from the twin arousing sensations of watching her suck him and feeling the wonder of her mouth sliding up and down his shaft. With motions far from practiced but all the more arousing because of it, she sucked on his flesh, moving her hand up and down his shaft as she did. She slid her lips off him, and then used her tongue as if his c.o.c.k was an ice cream cone that she just had to lap at. Then she opened wide and took him deep once more.

"Lord, woman, your mouth feels f.u.c.king fantastic." Adam inhaled through his teeth and fought to control the urge to thrust in her mouth.

"Looks f.u.c.king fantastic, too," Jake said. He moved closer and reached out and ran his hand over Ginny's naked a.s.s. "You look good with c.o.c.k in your mouth, honey."

Ginny s.h.i.+vered, telling him she was enjoying what she was doing. Adam had kept one hand on her head, his fingers still clutching her hair. He relaxed his grip now, smoothing his palm over her head.

Jake moved, kneeling on the bed beside her, and began to run his hand over her a.s.s, dipping down between her legs. Adam didn't need to see it to know Jake had inserted a couple of fingers into her p.u.s.s.y.

His brother's touch distracted her, and she paused, moaning around Adam's c.o.c.k, and then wiggling her a.s.s in obvious appreciation of Jake's attention.

Adam used his other hand so that he cupped her head. And then, slowly, gently, he began to thrust his c.o.c.k in and out of her mouth.

She glanced up and met his gaze. He tried to read the emotions he saw flicker in her eyes, but couldn't. Her mouth was giving him so much pleasure that his thoughts simply splintered. He began to shake with the effort it took to control his actions, keep his thrusts gentle, and hold off o.r.g.a.s.m.

Ginny pulled her mouth off him with a slow, delicious slide. "Let go of that control of yours, Adam. You won't hurt me. Give me the same measure you demanded."

It was different for him. She couldn't possibly know what she asked of him. Letting go would take him back to the raw, the feral, and he needed to protect her from that.

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Love Under Two Kendalls Part 13 summary

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