Winds Of Eternity Part 43

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"I'm just - curious. You left several hours before sunrise."

"I merely went for a walk. Nothing more than that. Satisfied?"

"Where did you walk to?"

"If I didn't know how much you trust me, my dear, I'd say you were checking up on me."

"That's nonsense! Forget I mentioned it. I'm going to bed." She was halfway up the stairs when she stopped and looked back at him. He had returned to his contemplation of the fire. "Are you coming up?"

"Not right now. Later, perhaps."

She tried to hide her confusion and disappointment. "I'll say goodnight, then."

He didn't answer.

Roger was at his desk in the study going over some papers when a sharp pain shot through his chest. He slumped over the desk, unconscious.

Barnabas let a very distraught Carolyn into the Old House a few hours later. "Oh, Barnabas. I was afraid no one would be up."

"I was about to go upstairs. Is something wrong, Carolyn?"

"Is Julia here, by any chance?"

"I believe she is - Willie! Is someone ill?"

"It's Uncle Roger."

Willie came into the room. "Did you call me, Barnabas? h.e.l.lo, Carolyn."

"Willie, go see if Julia's still here. Tell her that Roger is ill."

"Sure." He disappeared toward the kitchen and the back cellar steps.

"Barnabas? Is something - " Angelique appeared on the stairs, wearing her robe. "Carolyn."

"I came to get Julia. Uncle Roger - I'm afraid he's dying!"


"Are you sure, Carolyn?" Barnabas asked calmly. Too calmly for Angelique's peace of mind. Glaring at her husband's lack of real concern, she led Carolyn into the parlour.

"Pour her some brandy, Barnabas. What happened, Carolyn?"

"We don't know. After you left, he went into the study to do some work. When I went in to check why the light was still on, I found him there, unconscious."

Julia came in and, after hearing Carolyn's story, the two women left immediately. Julia pulled Angelique aside, said that she would try to get back before dawn, but in case she couldn't, everything was ready. Angelique nodded in understanding as she watched them drive away. "Do you think we should go too," she asked Barnabas.

"Julia will let us know if we're needed," he said, sounding much more himself. "I hope it's nothing serious. Surely it's not. Roger seemed well enough earlier."

"Yes. Yes, he did, didn't he? I hope Amy sleeps through all of this. She'll be so upset -"

"I know." He took a deep breath. "I think I will go over and make sure that Amy is all right."

"Let me get dressed and I'll go with you -"

"I'd rather you stay here and get some rest before you have to give me that injection. Besides, if Roger is very ill, you'll81.

spend all day over at Collinwood, and you'll need your rest."

He put on his coat and gave her a rather absent-minded kiss before leaving. Angelique watched him through the window until he was disappeared into the darkness. "Is Roger gonna be all right?" Willie asked from behind her.

She jumped. "You startled me, Willie. I don't know the answer to your question. But I have one for you. Did you notice anything - different about Barnabas this evening?"

"Different? I'm not sure what you mean," he said nervously.

"Yes, you do, Willie. You saw him before dawn yesterday, didn't you?"

"Yeah. He - he'd gone for a walk.


"How should I know? But he did ask me something. I still don't understand it."

"What did he ask you to do?"

"He told me to go to Eagle Hill -"

"Eagle Hill?"

"He wants me to straighten the headstone on a grave."

"Whose grave, Willie?" she wanted to know, but the answer was hovering around the edge of her consciousness already.

"J. Zachary."

Angelique gripped the doorframe as a wave of terror struck. "Did - did he say why?"

"He just told me to do it. And when Barnabas talks like that, ol' Willie don't ask any questions."

"Did you mention this to Julia?"

"No. I was going to, but Barnabas kept me busy all evening."

"Probably so you wouldn't have the chance to talk to her."

"What's goin' on, Angelique?"

"I don't know, Willie. At least, I hope I don't. I'm going back upstairs. Make sure that I'm awake no later than three."

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Winds Of Eternity Part 43 summary

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