Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 112

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My stomach clenched up like a fist. "Really?"

He nodded. "It was just before midnight and I was in the kitchen, having a snack. I heard some weird noises near one of the windows, and when I looked up, I could have sworn someone ducked away. I even went outside to check it out."

I s.h.i.+vered. "Did you find anyone?"

"I didn't. But I felt like someone was watching me when I was outside, too. I have to admit, it kind of scared the s.h.i.+t out of me."

I turned to Nathan. "So, do you think I'm still seeing things?"

He looked at both of us and shook his head. "Fine, I believe you. Maybe it's a Peeping Tom?"

Duncan shrugged. "Could be, or something worse. It also happened to me a few weeks ago, too, but I thought I was just imagining things. In fact, now that I think about it, I believe it happened around the night that girl went missing, Tina Johnson."

I looked at both of them. "And last night, Amy was murdered."

Nathan groaned. "Nikki, quit it already. You watched the news! They have evidence that she committed suicide. They found drugs in her car and her wrists were slashed. She was messed up. Caleb's daughter even told him she had issues."

"Maybe, but I still have a hard time believing it. Someone could have killed her and covered it up. She was terrified of something. Why would she warn us if she wasn't?"

Nathan walked over and shook me playfully. "You're making something out of nothing. Okay, even if someone was watching both of you last night, it's probably just some pervert."

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" I asked incredulously.

With a determined look on his face, Duncan said, "You know what? I think we should try and catch whoever's doing it."

"How?" I asked, my heart beginning to race. It sounded frightening and exciting at the same time.

"We could set up video cameras. I have some extra ones in storage that we keep for the marina. Hey, we could monitor both our cabins."

I nodded, feeling the surge of adrenaline strike every part of my body. "I think we should! If we get it on camera, the sheriff will take us seriously!"

"Fine," replied Nathan. "If it's going to help you get over your paranoia, Nikki, I'll help Duncan set it up."

"Okay," said Duncan. "I'm pretty busy this morning, but around lunchtime, I can get them out of storage and start setting things up."

"I have to bring Nikki to her interview this afternoon. We'll stop by your place after and you can follow us out to the cabin to set up something there."

Duncan nodded. "Sounds good."

"Thanks, Duncan," I said softly. "I've been going nuts about this."

Duncan's eyes met mine. "You're welcome."

"We'd better get back," said Nathan, looking at his watch. "I'm hungry and Nikki probably wants to prepare for her interview."

His eyes lowered and he grinned. "If she keeps that outfit on, she'll definitely get hired."

My cheeks burned red. I didn't know what to say, although I had to admit, I was beyond delighted.

Nathan snickered. "Wow, Duncan, I've never seen Nikki at a loss for words. Do you want to move in with us? Could sure use the peace."

I flipped him the bird. "Very funny."

Nathan untied the boat and pushed us away from the dock. "See you later, Dunc."

"Yeah, see you," I said.

"Goodbye and good luck with your interview," he replied.


As we drifted away and Nathan started the engine, I put my on and watched as Duncan began fueling another boat. Not only was he cute, but he believed me, without question. So far, he was the only real good thing I'd encountered in Sh.o.r.e Lake.

Chapter Ten.

Three hours later, I sat across from Rosie, who'd inherited Ruth's diner from her mother several years back. As she looked over my job application, I studied the rail-thin, bleach-blond woman and gathered she was somewhere in her sixties because of her weathered skin. She did have a cigarette resting behind her ear, so she could have actually been younger.

"You're new in town?" she asked in a gravelly voice.

"Yes, we just moved here a couple of days ago."

"Have you ever waitressed before?"

I sighed. "No. I worked at a boutique, though, so I've used a register before and have experience with customers."

She nodded. "You'll be on your feet a lot. Do you have any problems with that?"

I shook my head.

"Are you available to work nights?"

I bit the side of my lip. "I'd prefer days, if that's possible."

She studied me. "To be honest, I really need the help at night. I don't expect you to work past midnight, but my second s.h.i.+ft is really hurting right now. I'm even willing to pay you an extra dollar an hour."

I sighed. "That's fine. Is there a chance that I can switch to days in the future? When school starts, my mom won't want me working past ten."

She nodded. "We won't make you work past nine during the week, but we'd need you until midnight on Friday or Would that be an issue for you?"

"No," I answered.

She asked me a few more questions then hired me on the spot.

"Wow, that was fast," I blurted out.

She smiled. "We need the help, desperately. Can you start tomorrow?"

I nodded. "That shouldn't be a problem."

"You'll be training with Susan. So, we'll see you around four, tomorrow afternoon?"

I agreed and then she found me a uniform, which wasn't easy with my short frame. When it was all said and done, I left the diner so giddy that I wanted to scream.

"Let me guess, they hated you," smiled Nathan as I got into his Mustang. He'd been listening to the stereo and waiting for me in the parking lot.

I held up my hand. "I start tomorrow."

He slapped it. "Good job. I also have awesome news; Sonny called my cell phone and I start next Monday. Pending a drug test. I'm sure Duncan had everything to do with it, but I'm not complaining."

"That's great!" I said and then swore. "So, how are we going to work this out? I need a ride to and from work until I'm able to get a car. They want me working second s.h.i.+ft."

"If I'm at the marina, I'll try and work something out with Sonny. Maybe I can take my lunch break and pick you up at the cabin? I'm sure he'll be cool with that. It'll just be for a little while, anyway."

I smiled. "Thanks. I know it isn't easy driving me around everywhere."

"Yeah, you're kind of a pain in the a.s.s," he smirked.

I smacked him in the shoulder again. "You are an a.s.s so I guess it kind of makes sense."

He rubbed his arm. "I must have a permanent bruise there from you beating up on me all the time. Show your brother some love," he pouted.

"Shut your yap and you won't get hurt."

"Ho, ho... big words from such a little twerp," he said.

I raised my fist again. "You don't listen very well, do you?"

He snorted and shook his head. "You're so violent."

I smiled. "Just remember that."

"So, let's head over to the marina and check out the surveillance equipment," he said.


Nathan gave me a sideways glance. "Although I'm sure Duncan will be monitoring someone else."


Nathan smiled. "Oh, come on. You know he has the hots for you."

"Whatever," I said, looking out the window.

"He does, but that's okay because he seems like a decent guy. I think you should go for it."

I snorted. "Go for it? Look, I'm not interested in going for anything right now."

"Right. That's why you blush every time he looks your way."

"I do not!"

"You're face turns as red as a tomato."

I could feel it burning right now as he teased me.

"See!" he laughed.

"It's just a sunburn!"

He shook his head and gave me a knowing look.

I turned up the radio and tried avoiding his smarta.s.s grin.

When we arrived at the marina, we walked over to the cabin next door, where Duncan was adjusting his surveillance equipment.

"All set?" asked Nathan.

He nodded. "Yeah, I've got cameras set up all around the perimeter of this place. There's no way I'll miss this guy if he comes back."

"You still want to do our cabin, too?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I'll follow you in my truck. I'm ready whenever you are."

"Shoot, I just remembered, I have to pick up mom's dry cleaning. Is it okay if Nikki rides with you and shows you where we live? I'll meet you both at the cabin as soon as I'm done."

My eyes narrowed, I didn't remember her requesting anything like that. In fact, she was supposed to drive into town herself sometime today. I didn't mention any of this, however. I didn't want Duncan to think Nathan was trying to play matchmaker.

"Sure," replied Duncan. He looked at me. "Should we get going?"

I nodded and then followed him to a white pickup truck with "Sonny's Boat Repairs" on it.

Duncan apologized. "Sorry, it's nothing fancy but it gets me places."

I smiled. "It's better than what I have, which is nothing."

He turned the radio on and glanced at me. "You look nice. How did your interview go?"

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 112 summary

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