Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 113

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I smiled. "I got the job. In fact, I start tomorrow evening."

"See, I told you, you'd get it."

I looked down at my clothes. For the interview, I had worn a peach silk blouse and mid-length black skirt with heels. My feet were already killing me.

"I guess I know where I'll be eating dinner from now on."

I laughed. "It's your stomach. I'm not cooking, you know, I'm only serving."

He shrugged. "That's okay. I'll come in and be one of those annoying customers who sits and drinks coffee all day long, but I'll leave a much better tip."

"As long as you tip, I'll save you a booth."

"So," he said, changing the subject. "Do you remember anything about the face you saw in the window?"

I shook my head. "No, it left so quickly. I know it wasn't an animal like the sheriff suggested."

"You called the sheriff?"

"He came over for dinner. He has the hots for my mom."

He laughed. "Boy, he works fast."

"My mom is already looking at engagement rings."

He raised his eyebrows.

I laughed. "I'm just kidding."

"I was going to say..."

"No, but she certainly likes him. Anyway, he went out and looked around for a while, but figured it was just a racc.o.o.n."

"But you don't believe it?"

"No," I said. "There wasn't any fur on the face that I saw."

I then explained about the feeling of being watched when we were on the deck and the shadow that flew into the trees. As I went on, his face darkened.

"What?" I asked.

"That's happened to me before, too. I thought I was imagining it and made excuses, thinking it was a large barn owl or something."

I could feel the goose b.u.mps traveling up my arms again. "This thing that I saw stood as tall as you. I couldn't make out what it looked like, but it was something much larger than a bird."

"Hopefully, these cameras will pick something up. They have a range of one hundred feet. I'll make sure some of them are pointing towards the woods, too."

When we made it back to the cabin, it was almost five o'clock and my mother was gone.

"Wow, nice place," said Duncan.

"It is. Too bad I'm not enjoying it because I'm so freaked out at night."

"I don't blame you."

I showed him around the cabin and then he started unloading the truck.

"Um, is there a way that you can put a camera near my bedroom balcony?" I asked.

"Have you seen someone looking through it?" he asked, incredulously.

"Actually, I thought I saw someone staring at me through the window in my bathroom when I was getting out of the tub."

He raised his eyebrows. "He actually saw you naked?"

My face turned pink. "I think so."

Duncan smiled wickedly. "I guess it would be inappropriate for me to say, 'Lucky man'?"

My jaw dropped and I smiled. "Uh, yeah!"

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist."


"I'm sorry, that was uncalled for; a feeble attempt to flirt."

"You were trying to flirt with me?"

His gray eyes burned into mine. "I was. Did it work?"

I s.h.i.+vered in pleasure. "Well, I..."

Thankfully, Nathan pulled up in his car at that moment and I was saved from having to answer anything.

"Hey, guys," he said, slamming the door.

"Hi," said Duncan, walking past him. "Nikki just gave me a tour of the place, so let's start getting these things set up before it gets dark."

"Sounds good," replied Nathan.

"Where's the dry cleaning?" I whispered.

He smiled sheepishly. "Oh, I must have forgotten it."

"You did that on purpose. Thanks," I said, sarcastically.

"You're welcome. Did you guys make out, yet?"

I punched him in the shoulder.

Chapter Eleven.

It took a couple of hours to set up all of the cameras. Mom showed up just as we were finis.h.i.+ng up.

"What's all this?" she asked.

Nathan explained that we were setting up surveillance to catch a Peeping Tom.

"I thought we were through with that?" she said. She was wearing dark and looked like she was still suffering from her hangover.

I cleared my throat. "Duncan had someone looking in his windows last night, too, mom. It's not just us."

She raised her eyebrows. "Really?"

Duncan nodded. "Yeah and it was definitely not an animal."

Mom yawned. "Then I hope you catch whoever is doing it. It's probably some pervert or something."

"Or a killer," I said.

"What?" she asked, incredulously. She'd obviously heard me but didn't believe what I was suggesting.


She yawned again. "Listen, I'm going to lie down for a while. I'm so wiped out."

"Do you want me to make dinner?" I asked.

She grimaced. "Actually, I've been nauseated all day. I'm going to eat a couple more crackers and then go right to bed."

"Duncan, would you like to dine with us?" asked Nathan as mom trudged up the stairs and into the cabin. "I make a mean frozen pizza."

Duncan laughed. "No, I have to head back before my old man starts hounding me again," he said, raising his cell phone. "He's already sent me a message, wondering where I am."

"Okay, thanks for setting all of this up. I kind of hope we see some action tonight," said Nathan.

"Here's my number," he said, holding out a business card. "My dad made these for me to give to customers. Call me if something happens."

"Will do. Your dad has my number, call me if you catch a prowler."

"Okay. Good luck with your new job, Nikki," said Duncan. "I'll give you a couple of days before I stop in and hara.s.s you."


After Duncan left, we walked around the perimeter of the house again to make sure all of the cameras were facing the right way.

"There's even one by your balcony to make sure some Romeo doesn't try and steal you away at night."

I snorted. "If someone shows up on my balcony, I'm going to beat them with my bat while I scream b.l.o.o.d.y murder."

He laughed. "That guy has no chance."

We went into the kitchen where Nathan made a pizza and then joined me on the couch to watch movies.

"So what do you think of mom dating Caleb?" I asked.

"He seems like a good guy."

"You don't think it's too soon for her?"

"I think mom is lonely and wants to feel protected. The town's sheriff sure fits that bill."

I shrugged. "I suppose. I'm just worried about her getting hurt."

"n.o.body can hurt her as much as dad did," said Nathan. "Sad but true."

That was for certain.

I fell asleep halfway through some horror flick about zombies when several loud thuds from outside woke me up.

"What was that?" I gasped.

Nathan stood up and I could tell he was as freaked out as I was. "I don't know."

Something heavy banged against the door, and we both jumped.

"Oh, my G.o.d, Nathan, what's happening?"

He ran into the kitchen and came back out carrying the butcher knife.

"You're not going out there, are you?" I whispered in horror.

He swallowed. "I was considering it."

More loud bangs and I grabbed the phone. "I'm calling nine-one-one."

"Wait, it could be a racc.o.o.n or a bear."

"A bear; like you'd want to tackle that by yourself, anyway."

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 113 summary

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