Ruthles: An Extreme Shock Horror Collection Part 23

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David Bernstein When David, A.K.A. MacabreZombie, isn't writing horror, he can be found reading or watching it. He won the prestigious Macabre Zombie award for best horror fiction in 2009 and believes he'll win it again in 2010. He's been published in Blah-Blah, and the awesome Yada, Yada, Yada Magazine of bulls.h.i.+t. He loves chocolate ice-cream loaded with other chocolate goodies, but finds it's like a tasty boogeyman that lurks around the corner and is always stalking him, wanting to envelope his tongue and invade his stomach. He lives in the NYC area and believes car horns should be banned while within city limits.

A.J. Brown He was sworn to secrecy by a muse with dark hair, dark eyes and a wickedly delightfuly whip. For each accepted story he receives twenty lashes... For each rejection, well, that's where the secrecy comes in. Some of his beatings have occurred at SNM Horror Magazine, Liquid Imagination, and Static Movement among others.

Tom Olbert I come from a great family. My dad is a physicist who emigrated to the states from eastern Poland where he served with the resistance during WWII. My mom's a great lady he met here. (She keeps us all on our toes.) My sister Elizabeth is a fascinating individual. She marched against the Vietnam war back in the day. She's an artist whose had a number of gallery shows in New York City. She now teaches art at a college in Maine and lives on a farm with three horses, all of whom she loves dearly.

My family and I are all die-hard democrats. Me, I volunteer with local organizations hoping to advance the causes of clean energy and affordable healthcare. I'm also concerned about human rights, including a woman's right to choose. I tried to ill.u.s.trate that theme in my story "Mother's Little Helper."

Nate Burleigh Nate is the father of 3 fantastic children. He's been married for 14 wonderful years to his best friend and number one fan. Since becoming a father, the conglomerated stories in his mind have come to fruition in the form of bedtime stories, but the inner horror writer in him has reared its ugly head.

He's only been writing prose for two years. But, he just completed his first book "Sustenance" and has had many of his short stories publish in various online magazines such as Horror Bound Magazine and SNM Horror Magazine. He also has a children's story published at, (shhhhh, don't tell anyone.)

Telling stories is something he loves to do, putting them on paper for the to devour-his dream. Be forewarned, he spent many nights as a child sitting on his Mother's lap watching horror movies. They may have rubbed off a little.

John Arthur Miller John Arthur Miller, known as "JAM" to friends and fans, eviscerates his mind with anathema and borrowed nightmares from the criminally insane. This has delivered over to him over sixty publis.h.i.+ng credits, an online magazine garnering around a thousand internet hits per day, and an abundant supply of bodies in the bas.e.m.e.nt. Because he enjoys murder, he would rather promote others more than himself at his ezine, so that he remains beneath police radar. Find out more at

Thornton Austen A retired political writer and avid treasure hunter, Thornton Austen lives deep in Southern Arkansas on Swamp Music farm with his wife, daughter, and an ill-tempered Ba.s.set Hound. There, Austen enjoys playing his fiddle on the front porch while contemplating the deeper mysteries of life at the end of the power line. His latest novel, Blood Knowing, will be available in April 2010 from Arkansas Traveller Publis.h.i.+ng.

Aaron J. French Aaron J. French lives in a deep dark hole somewhere in the American Southwest, from which he occasionally emerges to splatter his unconscious demons across various small press publications. He can be summoned at [email protected] Eric Stoveken Eric Stoveken is a writer of strange and unusual tales. He occasional entertains very dark thoughts. This is usually done with a blood-drenched puppet show.

Alec Cizak Alec Cizak is a writer from Indianapolis. In his spare time, he collects roadkill off of I-65 and I-74, skins and prepares the meat and freezes it in packages he mails to starving children around the world. In a smug manner, he encourages the rest of us to be so generous.

D. Krauss I'm an old guy, in my fifties, did shadowy things for shadowy agencies and lived to tell the tale (and not telling the tale keeps me alive). I live near DC, too near, and spend my days laughing at all the sincerity. We are just one temper tantrum away from the Dark Ages and the only real progress is in cell phone apps, each one making us a little more stupid. I am a cheerful person.

Airika Sneve Airika Sneve is a writer and musician from Minnesota who is currently pursuing a B.A. in psychology. Readers often cite a compulsive need to shower after reading her stories, as well as Tourette's-like symptoms and violent language regarding the fate of many of her characters. When she's not inflicting her poetically disgusting brand of "Ick-Lit" upon readers, Airika can usually be found rocking out with her band at

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Ruthles: An Extreme Shock Horror Collection Part 23 summary

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