Marriage - Married In Haste Part 11

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Brenn went still. "Well, no. My uncle was rather...eccentric."

At that moment, Neil came in and dragged Brenn off to have a drink at his club. Tess watched them go. Twenty families. And she would be the lady of the manor. She had never considered that role before. She knew very little about country life.

Then, the Monday evening before Tess's wedding, Leah pulled her aside. They were at a small soiree featuring country dances. The crowd was young, and the atmosphere lighthearted. Brenn stood to one side discussing farming methods with their host. Such a discussion would usually have caused Tess to roll her eyes with boredom. Now, she wondered how to encourage him to discuss such things with her. She even turned down offers to dance, hoping to capture his attention. If Brenn noticed she was available, he gave no indication.

Leah swept up behind Tess and linked an arm in hers. "It's like churning b.u.t.ter," she whispered in Tess's ear.

"What is?"

"Copulation." She purred the last syllable of the word. "Oh, Tess, I'm in love and it is the most wondrous thing."

"With Tiebauld-?" Rumor said her engagement to the Scot lord was almost finalized, although that hadn

't stopped Leah from contacting Tess twice more with messages for Captain Draycutt."To the devil with Tiebauld! I won't marry him, Tess. No matter what anyone says. I can't! My heartbelongs to another."

"Draycutt?" This was even more alarming information. "Leah, he's a ne'er-do-well. Everyone knows he

doesn't have a feather to fly with. Besides, you've just met him-""You don't know him. Not like I do!" She drew Tess closer. "I've given my heart. I've given himeverything."

"Oh, Leah." The words came out almost as a prayer for protection. "Be careful. Please, be careful."

Leah gave her a swift hug. "How far we've come! Only last week, we were bitter enemies."

"Not enemies. Rivals."

"Oh, Tess, love is sweet, sweet," she said, repeating the lines of the poem. "I feel invincible. As long as I

love, nothing can harm me." She danced off before Tess could ask more. She should have asked more.

In spite of the fact that Leah was playing a destructive game, Tess envied her. Leah knew.

Suddenly, the hairs along Tess's neck tingled. She turned. Brenn watched her. Boldly, she stared back.

His lips lifted into a rueful smile. His gaze lowered and she felt it against her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as surely as if he

touched her with his hand.

For a moment, she lost her breath. Her nipples tightened and she could swear that he knew his effect upon her.

Then the moment was broken when the duke of Westley's son, a lad two years her junior, asked her to

dance. She had no choice but to agree. When she glanced back at Brenn, he was engaged in conversation with their host again.

Stella opened the bedroom door. It was the night before Tess's wedding.

"Not sleeping, are you?" Stella asked. She was still wearing the dress and jewelry she'd worn for thedinner she'd hosted for the wedding party earlier that evening.Tess sat up in bed, so full of anxiety she was happy to see anyone, even Stella. "No."Stella carried a candle to the bedside. "No one ever sleeps the night before her wedding." She sat on the edge of the bed. "Neil has been encouraging me for days to have a little talk with you...but-" Sheshrugged. "Silly me, I put it off.""Talk about what?" Tess asked cautiously."About the wedding bed."Tess pulled the covers up to her neck. "Oh.""Well, I suppose no one has told you?" Stella hinted."I've heard things." She paused. "Stella, do you love Neil?"Stella's eyes blinked wide open at the suggestion. "What sort of question is that?""An honest one." She thought back to the sparkle in Leah's eyes. "Do you love him?" she reiterated."We get along pa.s.sably well.""Did you love him when you married him?"Stella stood. "What is all this about? Why are you asking these questions?"

"I want to know."

"Well, you'd be wiser to concentrate on your obligations and stop talking nonsense. Tomorrow night, I'

ve prepared our best guest room for the two of you."

"What is wrong with this room?"

"This is the room of your childhood. Besides, the other room is further down the hall and you won'tdisturb anyone if there are problems.""Problems?"Stella smiled complacently. "Don't worry, Tess dear. I realize how difficult this might be for a woman as proud as yourself. A couple of of wine should dull the pain. Drink heavily."

Leah hadn't mentioned anything about pain...but then, she was in love. Tess felt her stomach tie up in aknot of foreboding."When the time comes for you to share your husband's bed," Stella was saying, "do as he tells you. Don'

t fight. It never helps to fight."

"Why would I fight?"

"Fear." Stella seemed to enjoy saying the word. "But if you behave-something that has never been yourstrong suit-then the ordeal will be over before you realize it." She walked to the door."Ordeal? Stella, what are you talking about?""Good night, Tess," her spiteful sister-in-law whispered, and left the room without looking back.Tess stared at the ceiling. Obviously, copulation wasn't pleasant for everyone. Only for those like Minnie and Leah who were in love.

It was a long time before she fell asleep.

Chapter Six.

Brenn had never been so nervous as he was on his wedding day.

Waiting at the front of the church, with Bishop Walters on one side of him and Sir Charles on the other, he was conscious that all eyes watched his every move. And why not? The bride was late.

Guests were packed into the pews. Everyone of importance attended this wedding. In fact, no less a

personage than the Prince Regent himself, fondly known as Prinny, sat in the second row.

Brenn watched Prinny's expression change from one of supreme boredom to surprised interest as people started checking fob watches. The minute hand moved slowly toward half past the hour.

Where was Tess?

Sir Charles leaned close. "Your bride may have bolted."

"Not Tess." Even as he said the words, Brenn prayed they were true. Last night, for the price of a

guinea, Harve, the Hamlin footman, had conveyed the information that Tess had sent two more messages

to Draycutt over the past week. Draycutt had been wise enough not to answer them.

Brenn had sought out the footman after meeting Deland G.o.dwin in his club. The publisher had whispered in his ear that all might not be as it should be with Tess.

"I'm pa.s.sing on that tidbit for your own good," G.o.dwin had told him with sanctimonious sincerity.Brenn had been tempted to ignore him. Who in his right mind would trust a journalist? But he also fearedG.o.dwin might have found out about Tess's baby. Tess had seemed unusually preoccupied over the lastfew days, as if something weighed heavily on her mind. The thought of her pining for her cavalry officer made him almost dizzy with jealousy. Not to mention the public humiliation she might be handing him.

What if G.o.dwin printed what he suspected?

And yet, running away seemed out of character for her...So did having an illicit affair.

Fears, hopes, and dreams for their future together sparred with self-doubt. He wished now he had

honestly confessed how desperately he needed her money.

Or had she already found out and that was why she was missing?

Sir Charles's voice brought him back to the present. "She isn't coming, Merton. We can't keep standing


"She'll be here."

At that moment, there was a stir at the door of the church. Heads turned. Watches checked. Eyebrows raised. And Brenn released his breath.

Tess had arrived.

The wedding began without further delay. The first person up the aisle was Stella. Sophisticated, elegant, so obviously pleased that she was the center of attention, she took her time walking to her place in the first pew.

Then came Anne Burnett. Tess had chosen the sweet, una.s.suming girl to be her single attendant. She wore a dress of gold and sea-foam-green muslin. Spring flowers peeked out from the curls of her hair.

A murmur from the guests drew his attention to the back of the church. He turned to see Tess standing there, escorted by her brother.

Dressed in lavender satin trimmed in lace, she had never looked more stunning. His doubts evaporated.

From a hidden alcove, Lady Ottley's Italian soprano began singing a lilting aria of love blessed. Tess glided up the aisle. Her dressed s.h.i.+mmered with her every movement. The noonday sun coming in through the church's antique stained-gla.s.s windows played on the fiery highlights of her hair.

Brenn felt his chest swell with pride.

And then she was beside him. Her brother placed her gloved hand on Brenn's arm and stepped back.

She was trembling. Brenn tried to give her a rea.s.suring smile but she wouldn't raise her gaze to meet his. He moved his arm so that he could clasp her hand. Her fingers were stiff and awkward.

Emerald pins held her hair in place and a necklace of blood-red ruby flowers chained together by emerald leaves circled her neck. They reminded Brenn of how much she was bringing to the marriage and how little he had to offer.

The moonstone wedding ring in his pocket dimmed in comparison to the precious gems she already wore.

He should stop the ceremony. Tell the truth. That there was no castle at Erwynn Keep except in his imagination.

But he wouldn't do that.

He wanted her. The future would take care of itself. Right now there was only this moment.

Bishop Walters began the ceremony. He'd earlier told Brenn that he had baptized Tess when she was a wee babe. Listening to their vows were men and women of wealth and means, the very ruling cla.s.s of England...and they accepted Brenn as one of them because of his t.i.tle and his a.s.sociation with this woman.

Brenn repeated his vows to "comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health" but then quietly broke tradition. Lacing her fingers with his, he said in a voice low enough for the two of them alone, "You will never regret this marriage."

Her lashes swept up and for the first time she looked at him. Her clear blue eyes were a mirror of her soul-but instead of appreciation, acknowledgment, or even that most feminine of all emotions, love, he read panic.

For one insane moment, he had the impression that she was ready to cry off, that she wished to turn on her heel and run for the door of the church.

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Marriage - Married In Haste Part 11 summary

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