Marriage - Married In Haste Part 16

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When she started to pull away, he captured her hand and brought it back. He curled her fingers around him. "Hold me, Tess."

She couldn't let go.

He leaned forward and kissed her breast, her collarbone, the corner of her mouth. Nuzzling her ear, he said, "Stroke me."

She didn't know what he wanted! She felt a second's panic and then his hand covered hers. He began

teaching her a movement, a way he liked to be touched.

"That's the way, Tess. Gentle, la.s.s. But firm." His voice hummed through her body, only heightening her awareness.

When he felt she had it right, his hand left hers. It slid down her stomach. His fingers touched her and

began moving to the same rhythm.

At his first touch, a quiver of sensation shot through Tess and then it continued, wave after wave. She caught herself pressing against his hand, her body arching up to meet him.

His lips came down on her breast and she thought she would die from ecstasy. Nothing had prepared her

for this. Sweet, sweet copulation!

"Tess." Her name on his lips sounded like a benediction.

He moved, rising up over her. She let go of him. He s.h.i.+fted and settled himself between her legs. They fit

very well together that way, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against his chest, her legs around his hips. It wasn'tuncomfortable at all.But she missed his touch. Deep inside of her, she ached for something she didn't know. But he knew. He knew.

He kissed the lobe of her ear. "After tonight, Tess, there will be no others. Just the two of us." He kissed

the sensitive skin under her jawline. His lips nibbled their way down the curve of her neck.

She whispered his name.

He smiled against her skin. She could feel the movement. She laughed at the feel of his rough whiskers.

"Tickle?" he asked.


His tongue circled her nipple. She laughed, instinctively drawing her legs up. The action positioned him

even more intimately against her. He rubbed her with his length.

Pa.s.sion burned in her blood. She began moving, stroking herself against his body.

"Ah, Tess," he whispered. "You are so perfect."

"Yes, perfect," she repeated dreamily. This was all so wondrously perfect.

"I can't wait to be in you." His voice sound hoa.r.s.e with a pent-up need that mirrored her own.

Sweet, sweet copulation. I take my lover in to me.

His hands slipped under her hips. He lifted her up. In one smooth, fluid movement, he plunged himself

deep into her body!

Pain stabbed her.

But worse was the shock. She cried out, digging her heels into the mattress, trying to move away from


His weight came down on her, pinning her in place, his eyes bright with surprise. "You're a virgin."

Chapter Eight.

"Of course," Tess answered. "What had you expected?"

"I thought you and Draycutt had-" Brenn broke off.

"You thought Captain Draycutt and I had what?" she prodded. He was still inside her but the pain had

pa.s.sed. It almost felt...comfortable. Her heartbeat steadied.

Brenn opened his mouth. Words didn't come out. A lock of his hair had fallen over one eye. He pushed it back, s.h.i.+fting his weight, and she could feel the movement of his body deep within her.

It tickled; it did more than tickle. She moved, uncertain.

His reaction was instantaneous. "Tess, hold still," he warned, "or we shall be over before we've begun.""We aren't finished yet?" She panicked. She wanted to toss him over the side of the bed and run.He must have sensed the direction of her thoughts. Capturing her hands, he pressed her back on the bed.

"No, we aren't finished. The best is yet to come."She didn't know if she believed him. Her muscles around him involuntarily tightened.His breath caught in his throat. "Ah, Tess, you are incredible." He began moving, slowly, carefully.

"Relax. Open to me, love," he commanded softly.


There was that word.

He kissed the crook of her neck, the curve of her ear, whispering words of love to her. She felt herself

respond. The hot, swirling sensations he'd inspired began to build again inside her.

He pushed himself in deeper.

His voice rumbled through her, telling her how beautiful she was, how much he wanted her, how he had

to have her. She could hear her own heart beating in her ears and the next time he thrust, she raised her hips to meet him.

"You're mine," he whispered. "Mine."

Yes, his, her body echoed. His, his, his. His to do as he wished; his to guide and direct; his to command.

She responded to him. Only to him.

He repeated her name over and over as if just as lost in the heady whirl of pa.s.sion as herself. Tess clung

to him, having no choice but to trust that he knew what she needed, what she wanted, better than herself.

The movements of his body became more demanding. And inside her she felt a peak building. She strained to reach it, feeling him push her higher and higher and higher-

Suddenly she was there! A shooting star. Chinese fireworks. A blaze of light.

He buried himself deep within her, crying out as if caught by surprise. His seed spilled into her; her senses were full of him.

And then she felt herself fall to the earth.

He collapsed, drained. His heart pounded against her chest. "It was good. So d.a.m.n good," he whispered

to himself.

Yes, it had been good.

He rolled onto his back, carrying her with him in his arms. He kissed her forehead. "My proud-" He

kissed her eyes. "-beautiful-" He kissed her nose. "-Tess." He kissed her lips. "I couldn't move if I wanted to." He sank into the feather mattress, snuggling her to him. Closing his eyes, his cupped her breast, his thumb flicking the nipple that was still red and extended from his lovemaking.

Her head resting on his chest, Tess listened to his heart slowly steadying. Her own was beating at a much faster pace. Her reactions to him had stunned her. How could she have lost control that way? It was as if

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Marriage - Married In Haste Part 16 summary

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