Shadowfell: Raven Flight Part 1

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Raven flight.

A Shadowfell novel.

Juliet Marillier.

AS THE LONE TRAVELER APPROACHED, THE FIVE Enforcers spread out in a line across his path. They waited in silence, a team of dark-cloaked warriors in full combat gear, astride their tall black horses. The fellow was roughly dresseda"hooded cloak of gray felt, woolen leggings, battered old bootsa"and carried only a small pack and a staff. His gait was steady, though his head was bowed. He looked as if head been on the road awhile.

aHalt!a called Rohan Death-Blade when the traveler had come within ten paces and showed no sign of stopping. aState your name and your business in these parts!a The man raised his head. The lower part of his face was covered by a cloth, like a crude imitation of the mask Enforcers wore on duty to conceal their ident.i.ty. Above this concealment a pair of clear gray eyes gazed calmly at the interrogator. The man straightened his shoulders. aHave I been gone so long that youave forgotten me, Rohan?a Though harsh with exhaustion, the voice was unmistakable. They knew him before he peeled off the makes.h.i.+ft mask.

aOwen! By all thatas holy!a Rohan removed his own mask, swung down from his mount, and strode forward to greet their long-absent commander. The others followed, gathering around Owen Swift-Sword. aWhereas the rest of Boar Troop? We expected you long ago. When will they be here?a aNot today.a A long pause, as if the speaker must dig deep for the strength to say more. aI must speak to the king. Straightaway. Have you a spare mount?a aTake Fleet,a said Rohan Death-Blade. aIall go up behind Tallis. Youad best get yourself cleaned up before you see the king; you stink like a midden. Donat tell me you walked all the way from Summerfort.a aI have a ill news. Grave news. Keldec must hear it first.a Something in his face and in his voice halted further questioning. They knew that look; they understood the sort of news that rendered a man thus grim and taciturn.

The kingas men mounted their horses and turned for Winterfort. Their troop leader rode with them. n.o.body spoke a word.

aUp, girls!a The sharp command from the doorway was familiar now. No matter how early we woke, Tali was always up before us. She stood waiting as the four of us struggled into our clothes, tied back our hair, and straightened our bedding. When folk lived at such close quarters over a long winter, keeping everything in order became second nature.

aHurry up, Neryn.a Reganas second-in-command leaned against the doorframe, her tattooed arms folded, observing me as if I were a tardy recruit. aI planned to put you on the Ladder later this morning, but two young fellows have turned up at the doora"Black Crow only knows how they got here through the snowa"and Iall have to test them today. So youall be training before breakfast. Itas the only time I can fit it in.a My heart sank. When Iad first reached the rebel base at Shadowfell, Iad been weak. Three years on the road, living rough, moving from one place of hiding to the next, had left me undernourished, sick, and slow to trust. When I was on the run, I had not understood why the kingas men were pursuing me, only that my canny gift was more curse than blessing. Indeed, I had hardly known what that gift was. It had taken a long journey and many strange meetings before Iad learned that I was a Caller, and that my gift might be key to ending King Keldecas rule.

My first weeks at Shadowfell had been spent resting, eating what was set before me, and having occasional visits from my fey friends Sage and Red Cap, who were lodged somewhere out on the mountain. I had not been invited to join strategic discussions or to study the various maps and charts Regan kept in the chamber where he did his planning. Everyone at Shadowfell had daily work to do, but I had not been asked to do anything except recover my strength. Regan and his rebel band had treated me as they might a very special weapona"they had concentrated on returning me to top condition as swiftly as possible.

Of recent days I had insisted on helping Fingal in the infirmary, where I could make myself useful preparing salves and tinctures, rolling bandages, and performing additional routine tasks. That freed Shadowfellas healer for other work. Talias tough winter training regime resulted in a steady stream of sprains, cuts, and bruises for her brother to tend to.

And now, at last, I had been declared well enough to begin that training myself. For my canny gift, so valuable to the rebels, was not enough on its own; Regan would not allow me to work for the rebellion unless I had at least basic skills as a fighter. I would never be a warrior like Tali or Andra or the other women who shared the sleeping quarters. My years on the road had made me tough, but I was too small and slight to be much use in a fight. Still, I needed to be able to defend myself until someone could step in to help me. That was what Regan had said.

aGood luck,a muttered Sula, who had tied up her hair with practiced speed and was heading for the door.

aYouall be fine, Neryn,a murmured Dervla as she pa.s.sed me. Finet thrust her feet into her boots and followed the others out while I was still pulling on my skirt. Andra had been on night guard and had not yet come in. Despite our remote location, Shadowfellas entry was constantly patrolled.

aYou canat wear that.a Talias dark eyes were not hostile, exactly, but they were not friendly either. Even now, when I had been at Shadowfell long enough to be accepted by everyone else, it was plain she still had reservations about me. aHasnat Eva found you some trousers? Get them on, hurry up, and wear your boots, not those soft slippers, or youall end up injuring your ankles.a I made myself breathe calmly as I changed skirt for trousers. Eva, who along with Milla was in charge of domestic matters at Shadowfell, had indeed made me the required garment, since all the female fighters wore male attire for active duty. I should have thought of this. Tackling the Ladder in a skirt would be impossible.

I put on my boots. I plaited my hair. I wondered if Tali would let me go to the privy before we began.

aThat was much too slow,a she said now. aIf we were sleeping in the open and there was an ambush, youad be dead before you could pick up your weapon at that rate. We canat afford any weak links.a There were things I could have said about the numerous times Father and I had melted away into the woods when Enforcers came near. I could have mentioned that we had managed three years on the run without being caught, until the terrible night when the Cull came to Darkwater and my father perished. But I said nothing. Talias job was to keep us all fit enough to fight on, to survive, to spread the message of freedom out across Alban. For now, my job was to learn.

aGo to the privy,a Tali said, athen meet me at the Ladder. Weave got it to ourselves until breakfast is over, and I want to make the most of that. Donat dawdle.a aReady? Fifty steps this time, and I want it quicker. One, two, three, go!a I climbed. Tali followed, apparently tireless, staying a few steps behind and keeping a rapid count. My thighs burned with pain. My chest ached. I hardly had the strength to hate her, only to keep on going.

aa forty-nine, fifty!a I bent over, hands on knees, chest heaving. Tali stepped up behind me, not in the least out of breath. Now I really did hate her.

aRest to the count of ten. One, two aa The precipitous stone steps known as the Ladder lay at the end of a long, winding pa.s.sageway, part of the network of cavelike chambers that was Shadowfell. Who had made the place, n.o.body knew. It was old and uncanny. From time to time it changed its shape, forming new caverns or hallways, or opening new doors and windows to the outside. There was a clan of Good Folk here, the fey folk of Alban whom the king had decreed human men and women should shun. They lived in the mountain beneath the rebel headquarters, or so my small friend Sage believed. Without the useful gifts they left, the human folk of Shadowfell could not have survived the harsh highland winters. Firewood. Freshly killed livestock. Vegetables that could not grow here on the mountain. The Good Folk teased the rebels with their closeness, but never showed themselves. When Iad first come here, Iad thought it might be easy for me to find and befriend them. My gift as a Caller allowed me to see and speak to uncanny folk of every kind. At least it had in the past. But these particular folk were proving as hard to coax from their bolt-hole as a hazelnut is to prize from its sh.e.l.l.

The Ladder went up the wall of a high, narrow cavern. At the top, the steps opened out to a broad ledge. People said that on a good day the view from up there was breathtaking: a sweeping vista of snowcapped peaks, high fells, and deep valleys. If you were lucky, you might see eagles soaring on the currents of air.

I had never been up before. Clearly the steps had been carved out from the rock by someone with a wicked desire to challenge folk to the breaking point. Either that or their creator had not imagined the use Tali might make of them.

aa ten. Ready? One, two, three, go!a I climbed. I might have been almost too tired to move, but I could still obey an order.

aGood,a Tali said as I reached the hundredth step and bent double, gasping for air.

aThanks,a I wheezed. From her, this was extreme praise.

aDonat waste your breath talking. Rest for the count of fifteen. Then weare heading for the top.a She counted. I breathed. In the chill of the cavern, I was drenched with sweat.

aa fourteen, fifteen. Ready? One, two, three, go! Pick up the pace, Neryn! Move those legs!a There were one hundred and twenty-seven steps in all. By the time we reached the ledge at the top, every part of my aching body wanted to collapse. I held myself upright, leaning back on the rock wall, working to slow my breathing. If there was anything Tali despised, it was lack of self-control. And she had a habit of springing surprises. It didnat pay to lose concentration, even for a moment. She was perfectly capable of making me go all the way back to the bottom and start again.

aYou can sit,a she said, moving out along the ledge and seating herself with her back against the rock wall and her long legs stretched toward the sheer drop. aYouare not a warrior; I do make allowances for that. And the way down is hard on the knees.a Since she had given permission, I sat down beside her. The air was icy. It was a still day, without the whipping northerly that so often came up in the mornings. Low cloud wrapped the mountain closely. No view today beyond a few rocks here, a patch of barren hillside there. Shadowfell sometimes felt like the end of the world.

aWhat lies north of here?a I asked when I had enough breath to speak. aAre there settlements beyond those mountains?a aWhy do you ask?a aIt looks empty. Trackless.a When I had discovered I was a Caller, with the ability to summon the Good Folk to the aid of humankind, I had also learned that I must seek guidance in my craft from the Guardians of Alban. These ancient beings of great power had retreated to places of hiding when Keldec came to the throne. They could not bear to see our peaceful realm turned to a place of fear and cruelty. If I could find them, their teaching would enable me to use my gift to the full, and wisely. Iad met one Guardian already. The Master of Shadows had found me and tested me, then told me in his cryptic way what I must do next. I had three journeys to make and three more Guardians to find: the Lord of the North, the Hag of the Isles, the White Lady. North, West, East. aThe Lord of the North must live in those mountains, or beyond them, so when the winter is over, Iall have to go there.a aWithout a guide, you could wander about in that area until you died of starvation,a Tali said flatly.

aI can forage. I can fish. I know how to make a snare.a aItas not easy terrain. There are few settlements, few good tracks, few bridges. Even in summer, not much grows there.a aAt least there will be no Cull and no kingas men to contend with, if the north is so empty.a aOne thingas certain,a Tali said. aYou canat do the trip on your own, no matter how much of a warrior we make of you by springtime. Regan seldom sends people out alone anyway, Flint being the obvious exception. Heall insist you take someone with you as pathfinder and bodyguard.a She stared out over the cloud-veiled mountains. aIf I were you, Iad go west first and seek out this Hag of the Isles,a she said. aSave the north for summer. Or do you need to follow a particular order?a aThe Master of Shadows didnat say anything about that. I only know that I need to learn something different from each Guardian.a aMm-hm.a Tali was noncommittal; I could not tell what she was thinking. She lifted an arm ringed with tattoosa"spirals, swirls, flying birds to match the ones around her necka"and pushed her dark hair back behind her ear. aItas a long way to travel, Neryn. Perhaps farther than you realize. The north a itas an unforgiving place. Weave lost a lot of good comrades there.a aI suppose I could go west first.a That would mean retracing the path I had taken to come to Shadowfell, a path full of difficult memories. Still, I had to do it sometime. If I went west, there was a possibilitya"slim but reala"that I might see Flint. The thought of him was both joy and sorrow, for when he had left Shadowfell, we had spoken sweet words of forgiveness and hope. We had not spoken of love, not in so many words, for soft feelings were forbidden among Reganas Rebels. But something deep and real had pa.s.sed between us. Now Flint would be back at Winterfort and living his perilous life as Reganas eyes at the heart of the kingas court. Keldecas Enforcer; Keldecas confidant; Keldecas most trusted man. A rebel spy. Treading a very thin line, and in constant danger. I still dared to hope he might return to Shadowfell in time to travel with me in spring. But, knowing he would need to explain away the loss of an entire troop of Enforcers, I doubted the king would let him leave court again so soon.

aHave you thought of asking your uncanny friends to go with you?a Tali asked. aOr one of those folk that are supposed to be living downstairs?a aThe Folk Below, Sage calls them. You sound as if you donat believe in them.a Tali gave me a sideways look. aIam not stupid, Neryn. I know thereas something in these caves apart from us. Especially now Iave seen your unusual friends. Wead never have survived in this place without fey help. But they canat be down that spiral stair. It leads nowhere. Youave seen it for yourself. The pa.s.sageway at the bottom ends in a solid rock wall. Yet Sage insists thatas where they live.a I had nothing to say to that. Not even Sage had been able to raise so much as a squeak from the Folk Below.

aSo why not ask them to go with you? Sage and the other one? Their magic could help protect you on the way, couldnat it?a aI donat want to ask them. One of their kind died protecting me, on the way up here. You know iron is a bane to the Good Folk, as deadly as poison. Sageas dear friend died with a chain wrapped around his neck and an Enforcer holding it tight. It was hideous. Cruel. He was just a small being, a creature of the woodland, and he stood up to the kingas men so I could escape. Sage has given up a lot for me already. Red Cap has a little baby to look after. If I ask them to come with me and it happens again, I donat think I can aa I felt the weight of Talias gaze on me. aBelieve me,a she said, aI know how that feels. Itas something you learn to live with, because itas the nature of what we do. This war wonat be won without losses. Regan will balance up the value of your gift against the risk of someone getting hurt protecting you, and heall insist you have a guard. If not one of the Good Folk, then one of us. Youall have to swallow your scruples.a When I said nothing, she went on, aThe north isnat entirely empty. Thereas a regional chieftain there, Lannan, sometimes called Lannan Long-Arm, with a number of district chieftains answering to him. Lannan is kin to the leaders in the northern isles. Weave been told his personal fighting force is substantial.a She hesitated. aOur negotiations with Lannan are at a delicate stage. Of Albanas eight regional chieftains, this is the most powerful. He hasnat attended the Gathering for several years; his relations.h.i.+p with the king is less than cordial. Distance is his friend. Keldecas unlikely to send a war band rus.h.i.+ng up there only to see them lost in the mountains.a There was a pause.

aYou understand what Iam telling you, Neryn?a aThat whoever wins Lannan over to their side has a big advantage. Yes?a aMm-hm.a aDoes that mean Regan is traveling north himself in spring?a Tali shook her head. aNo need. Weave a team talking to Lannan already. Thereas more to Reganas Rebels than this small band at Shadowfell, Neryn. This is the center of the operation, yes; Regan is the beating heart of the rebellion. But we couldnat do it with so few. Weare spread out in many parts of Alban, in places where a single dissenting voice has grown into a force for change. We do have to be careful. You know what happens when the king gets the merest whiff of disobedience.a I knew all too well. I had seen villages burned, the innocent put to the sword, leaders who stood up for justice summarily executed. I had lost my entire family to the Cull, the seasonal sweep of Albanas villages that weeded out the rebellious and those with canny gifts. Keldec feared magic above all else. And yet he used it for his own ends. His Enthrallers, of whom Flint was one, were able to work an enchantment to turn someone who had displeased the king into a flawlessly loyal subject. Sometimes, though, the charm went wrong, and the victim became a witless husk of his former self. That too I had seen. It had been the worst night of my life.

aIf Reganas teams are spread out all over Alban,a I asked, ahow do they communicate? How can you put a complete strategy in place when the time comes?a aWe have folk here and there who carry messages. Trusted folk. Believe it or not, there are some of those in Alban still. But, yes, it is a weakness. These things take time.a I thought of the boy who had brought messages to Flint, when he and I had spent the long days and nights of my illness in a little hut halfway up the Rush valley. I had wondered about that boy; wondered if he was like my brother, who had died with a spear through his chest when the Enforcers raided our home village, less than four years ago. Only a fool or a hero would dare carry messages for the rebels. Perhaps such folk were both heroes and fools.

aItas not a quick process,a Tali said. aWinning the chieftains over, I mean. Those who are prepared to support a rebellion dare not be open about their intentions. In every stronghold thereas someone ready to slip word to the Enforcers for a few pieces of silver. And once they do that, whether their information is true or false, the kingas wrath comes down like an ill-aimed hammer, striking innocent and guilty alike. All of us want the rebellion soon, as soon as possible, before people are too worn down to care anymore. But a word to the wrong ears could wreck the whole endeavor.a She glanced at me sideways, her dark eyes narrowed. aThat means no blundering into unknown parts and saying too much, whether itas a chieftainas hall or a cave housing an uncanny creature of some kind.a aI wasnat intending to do any blundering. And Iall be staying away from chieftainsa halls. Iam hoping to avoid human settlements altogether, if I can. But I do need to go, and go as soon as the season allows. If Regan wants my gift as a tool for the rebellion, I must find the Guardians and complete the Calleras training. Though by the time I get back down the Ladder, I may not be able to walk to my bedchamber, let alone all the way to the western isles.a aBy springtime,a said Tali, standing and reaching out a strong hand to pull me to my feet, ayouall be running up and down these steps without a second thought. Youare tougher than you look; must be those years on the road. If youare heading west first, maybe we should be practicing swimming.a aWonderful,a I said, not mentioning that I could not swim at all. aWhere would we be doing that, in some icebound mountain tarn?a aDonat put it past me.a The merest trace of a smile touched Talias features. aNow weare heading back down. Donat be too cautious, keep the pace steady, and lean back slightly as you go. Iad prefer not to have to catch you. I wonat count, but I want you to imagine thereas a big fellow with a big weapon right on your tail. Dawdle, and heall make sure you get to the bottom uncomfortably fast.a Once I began training with Tali, my daily routine changed. The Ladder was in heavy use during the day, with everyone at Shadowfell but Milla and Eva required to complete a certain number of ascents and descents to maintain their fitness. I took to rising early and going up and down while everything was quiet. The only ones on the Ladder before me were Tali and her brother Fingal, who fitted in the same combat training as everyone else. People said Shadowfellas healer had a rare skill with the knife, and not only for surgery. As for Tali, she worked everyone hard, and herself hardest of all.

When the folk of Shadowfell were not on the Ladder or in the training yard, they were busy with other work: helping Milla and Eva maintain the household, keeping weaponry in top condition, fas.h.i.+oning maps, making plans for the springas trips out from Shadowfell. I wondered, sometimes, if Regan had established this routine so there would be less time for arguments. Disputes did tend to break out when a small community was cooped up in a confined s.p.a.ce, as we were over the long highland winter. It was rare for anyone to venture outside, apart from their activities in the training yard with its sheltering stone walls. The fells were blanketed with snow; ice made the paths treacherous.

I learned new skills. Andra, a strapping red-haired fighter of one-and-twenty who could match the best of the men in hand-to-hand combat, trained me to use my staff as a weapon. Muscular, hard-faced Gort, who had once been a chieftainas master-at-arms, taught me to wield short and long daggers in self-defense. I was not trained alongside the new recruits, who had been given a trial period over the winter to prove themselves. Regan had ordered that my lessons be conducted in private. Knowing how vital it was for me to be ready when spring came, I worked hard and asked no questions.

Every few days Sage came to the door of the rebel headquarters, and the guards put away their iron weapons, respecting what she was. They would call me, and I would go to talk to my friend in a little chamber set aside for this purpose. Sometimes Red Cap came with her, but not often. His infant was still very small, and it was cold out in the snow, going to and fro. My fey friends did not like to come farther inside our dwelling, for there was iron everywhere, not only weaponry but Millaas kitchen ladles and tongs, the soup pot, the trivets, and other paraphernalia.

Sage and Red Cap, with the babe, had followed me all the way from the forests by Silverwater in the west, where I had first encountered them. They had helped me, had stood up for me in the face of their clanas doubts, and convinced others of their kind to aid me on my journey. Indeed, Iad discovered that Sage had been keeping an eye on me since I was a child, suspecting that my special ability went something beyond the canny giftsa"unusually good sight or hearing, a particular talent at music, an exceptional knack with animalsa"that a scattering of human folk possessed.

So Sage and Red Cap were here on the mountain, not lodged with the rebels or with the mysterious Folk Below, but in some place unknown to me. Sage had been confident, at first, that the Good Folk of Shadowfell could be persuaded to come out and talk to us, but thus far our efforts to contact them had been fruitless. I had hoped to enlist their help; I had promised Regan I would do my best. Although the Good Folk in general were distrustful of humankind, the Folk Below, with their gifts of food and fuel, had shown goodwill toward the rebels since Regan and his band had first moved into Shadowfell. I had thought I could ask for their help in finding the Guardiansa"they should know, at least, where to start looking for the Lord of the North. More than that, Iad thought we could win them over to the cause. If the Good Folk could be persuaded to join the rebellion, we had a much better chance of removing Keldec from the throne. The most famous Caller of the past had united fey and human armies to defeat a common enemy.

All very well. Thus far I had not even persuaded these folk to open their door to me. And there lay the problem. My gift was powerful. I had used it to turn the tide of a battle last autumn; I had called out a rock being, a stanie mon, to fall on a party of Enforcers and crush them. That deed weighed heavily on my conscience, and not only because one of the rebels had been caught up in it and had sustained an injury from which head later died. Reganas fighters had hailed me as a hero that day. But I did not feel like a hero. Wielding that kind of power horrified me. It made me determined not to use my special talent again until I knew how to do so wisely. I must reach the Folk Below without using my gift; I must not compel them to come out. Sage and her clan had befriended me without my needing to call. Why should not the Folk Below be the same?

My health improved. My strength increased, thanks to good food, enough rest, and rigorous training. I became more used to living at close quarters with many folk. That had been hard at first, for it was years since I had lived in the village of Corbieas Wood, with a family and a community. Father and I had been on our own a long while; and after he died, it had been only me. And then Flint and me. I tried not to think too much of him, for my imagination was all too ready to paint me pictures of Flint at court, Flint in trouble, Flint under suspicion of spying. I dreamed of him sometimes, confusing dreams that I could not interpret. I kept them to myself. He had been my companion in times of trouble, sometimes trusted, sometimes doubted, in the end a friend above all friends. And now he was gone. I must not waste time regretting something that could not be.

I had not kept count of the days, but others had. It was close to midwinter, and even Ban and Kenal, the two lads most recently arrived at Shadowfell, were starting to look like warriors, thanks to Talias training and their own hard work. We sat in the dining chamber, the only place big enough to accommodate our whole community at once, working on various tasks by lamplight after supper had been cleared away. At one end of the chamber, Millaas cooking fire burned on the broad hearth, filling the place with welcome warmth. Regan and Tali sat together, red head and dark bent over a map spread out on the table before them. They were arguing, though they kept their voices down. Tali had her arms tightly folded. Reganas handsome features wore an uncharacteristic frown.

Eva and I were working our way through a basket of mending. Killen, Shadowfellas most expert archer, had fletching materials laid out on the table before him. Andra was sharpening my knife for me, her eyes narrowed as she worked it against the whetstone. The special sheath I had made, with its protective wards, lay close by. She had not asked me about it, and I had not volunteered any information. I had learned the making of such things from my grandmother, a wise woman. Grandmotheras story was too hard to tell, too raw and painful, even now. She had fallen victim to the Cull in the cruelest way, turned into a witless sh.e.l.l by an enthrallment gone wrong. Destroyed before my twelve-year-old eyes as I hid and watched. I had learned to set the memory away where it would not cripple me, and I did not bring it out for sharing.

When Flint had told me he was an Enthraller, one of those who performed the same vile magic those men had worked on my grandmother, I had fled in revulsion. The news had made me physically sick. Mind-mending, Flint had called it, a fine old magic that had been warped and perverted under Keldec. In time I had come to accept the truth of this: that mind-mending had indeed once been a force for healing. Still, I did not speak of my grandmother: neither of the time of her wisdom and love, her strength and goodness, nor of the frail, lost thing she became. Her death had been a mercy.

Big Don was adjusting the binding on a spear. Little Don, a marginally shorter man, was plucking a tune on a three-stringed fiddle and humming under his breath. Others played gamesa"stanies, hop-the-man, or a form of skittles with an elaborate scoring system that seemed to change from night to night. Running totals were marked up on the stone wall with charcoal, and friendly disputes as to their accuracy were common.

The games, I did not care for. No one at Shadowfell knew Iad first met Flint when he beat my father at stanies and won me as his prize. That night was etched on my memory forever. Not long after the game the Cull had swept down on Darkwater and my father had been burned to death. I had trained myself to be calm when folk brought out the board and pieces. I had taught myself not to start in fright every time they made the call: Spear! Hound! Stag!

aYou should go off to bed,a Eva said, giving me a glance. aYou look worn out. Been having bad dreams again?a In a place like this, there was no avoiding scrutiny. aIam all right. Let me finish darning these leggings, at least.a aAnother pair of Talias,a Eva commented. aShe wears them out faster than anyone else, and since Iad rather not get my head snapped off, I donat ask her to do her own mending. Itas not as if sheas ever idle. Does the work of four men, that girl.a Plying my bone needle and hoping Tali would not complain about my uneven st.i.tchery, I allowed my thoughts to wander back to Flint, for it was a dream of him that had disturbed my sleep last night. It was hard to say exactly what we were to each other. Not lovers. Not sweethearts. What lay between us was too deep and too complicated for such words. I feared for him. Despite what he was, despite what he did, I longed for his return. But only if coming back did not place him in still greater danger. I yearned for the time when we could be together in a world without fear. I hoped that time would come before we were too old and tired to care anymore.

aWhat are you dreaming of, Neryn?a I managed a smile. aBetter times. Opportunities. Good things.a aAh, well. We all dream of those.a aEven Tali? I wonder what she would do if Alban were at peace.a Talias dispute with Regan had intensified; she smacked her hand on the table for emphasis.

aI donat see peace coming in a hurry,a Eva said. aEven if it does, folk will still need guards, protectors, sentries. Thereas always work for fighters.a aTali as a sentry? Give her a day or two and shead be running the whole army.a I realized halfway through this comment that the chamber had fallen quiet and my voice had carried clearly to both Tali and Regan. aIam sorry,a I said quickly, glancing over. aI meant no offense.a aA song!a put in Big Don before Tali could say a word. aWhat better for a winter night? Whoall oblige us? Brasal, how about you?a Brasal was Fingalas other infirmary a.s.sistant, a young man of brawny build who could lift a patient with ease. His strong hands were useful for bone-setting. He also had a deep, true singing voice.

aCome on!a Little Don plucked the start of a tune on his fiddle, then reached for the bow. aSomething cheerful, none of those forlorn ballads of lost loves and misfortunes.a aIall sing if Regan sings with me. And the rest of you join in the refrain, even you, Tali.a aMe?a Talias dark brows lifted. aYou know Iave got a singing voice like a crowas, Brasal. Iall leave it to the rest of you.a After a moment she added, aSing that thing about catching geese, I like that one.a The goose song was lengthy and became sillier as it progressed. Regan added a higher counterpoint to Brasalas melody, and we all joined in the refrain with good will. This made a change from the pattern of hard work that filled our days, and it pleased me to see people smiling. Eva and I sewed as we sang, and Killenas big hands stayed busy with his arrows. When the goose song was done, requests came from all over the room and the singers obliged. Reganas singing voice was lighter than Brasalas, clear and sweet in tone. The fiddle added an anchoring drone and sometimes inserted its own line of melody. The fire crackled; the mead jug was pa.s.sed around; the mood was mellow.

aRegan.a Milla spoke into the silence after a song. aDo you remember that old tune for midwinter, aOut of Darkness Comes the Lighta? Iave always loved that.a She glanced at me. aMy man used to sing it, back in the early days. Back when we needed every sc.r.a.p of hope we could find.a I nodded understanding. At two-and-thirty, Milla was the oldest person at Shadowfell. She and her husband had been with Regan from the first, along with Flint. Fingal and Tali had joined them not long after. Those six had been the sum of the rebellion then, the tiny flame from which a great fire of hope had flared. Millaas man had died for the cause. Exactly how, I did not know and did not ask. Folk only shared their stories if they chose to; it was an unspoken rule that one did not pry. Likely every person at Shadowfell had a tale of loss and heartbreak in their past, just as I did.

aI remember it,a Regan said. aBrasal?a Brasal shook his head. aI donat know it. You start, Iall try to pick up the tune.a Regan lifted his voice, unaccompanied in the quiet of the chamber. The firelight played on the strong bones of his face; his deep blue eyes shone with feeling. And while his singing voice was pleasant rather than exceptional, suddenly everyoneas gaze was on him. Fingers stilled in mid-st.i.tch; playing pieces were set quietly down.

Out of darkness comes the light, Out of night comes morning, Out of sorrow rises joy, In the new dayas dawning.

Courage, wanderer! May the sun Cast its light upon us, Showing us the path ahead Into springtimeas promise.

Rise up, weary traveler, rise!

Hopeas bright beacon lights the skies.

The melody died away; this song had no refrain. For a count of ten n.o.body made a sound. I could swear not one of us took a breath. Then, into the quiet, there came a din of clas.h.i.+ng metal and raised voices. Tali was on her feet in an eyeblink and in front of Regan, s.h.i.+elding him with a skill born of long practice. Andra and Killen were up a moment later, moving in on either side, she with her staff, he with an ax. Talias knife was at the ready; I had not even seen her draw it from the sheath. Brasal moved into position in front of me and Eva. Five people headed out toward the entry, drawing weapons as they went.

aItas the middle of winter,a muttered Eva. aWhoad come knocking but an ice trow or a madman?a I s.h.i.+vered, waiting. It was all very well to joke about trows. I had met a brollachan last autumn, and although the fearsome creature had proved to be a friend, that was only after he had dangled me by the ankle over an abyss and frightened me half out of my wits.

Shouts from the entry; someone exclaiming in astonishment, aCian! By all thatas holy!a Regan made toward the door; Tali halted him with a raised hand. She formed a word with her lips, making no sound. Wait.

We did not have to wait long. Big Don and Fingal came back into the chamber supporting a man between them. He was wrapped in thick woolen clothing, a cloak, a cloth around his head and shoulders, mittens that looked heavy with damp. A dusting of snow lay on his head and shoulders. Within the shawl-like wrapping that swathed his head, his eyes were strangely bright against a death mask of a face, gaunt and pale with exhaustion. His boots were cracked and worn. The two brought him to the fireside and sat him down on a bench. All around the chamber, weapons were slid back into their sheaths.

aOn his own,a said Big Don succinctly.

Regan crouched before the traveler, gazed up into the drained face. aBy sun and moon, Cian, you look like a ghost! Welcome home. No, donat try to speak. Letas get you warm first. Millaa"a Milla was already ladling broth from a cook pot into a bowl while one of the men poured mead into a cup and set it by Cian. Plainly this was neither madman nor ill-doer, but one of us.

aNot too much,a Fingal warned as Cian lifted the cup in shaking hands. aA sip at a time. Thatas it. Get that cloak off, man. And the boots. Black Crow save us, look at the state youare in. How far have you walked today?a aSave the questions for later.a Regan gestured and folk moved back, giving the traveler room. Milla brought the broth; Brasal went out and came back with a blanket, which he wrapped around Cian in place of the cloak and shawl. Under Millaas direction, Little Don carried in a tub of warm water for the traveleras feet. Cianas face regained some color, but bouts of s.h.i.+vering still coursed through his body.

aWho is he?a I whispered to Eva.

aOne of ours,a she murmured. aFrom the north. Heall have news. Head never have attempted the journey in winter otherwise. Just hope itas not bad news.a After some time Cianas trembling lessened, though he still looked shattered and weary. Regan sat close by him, murmuring rea.s.suring words, while Fingal checked the traveleras pulse, looked in his eyes, then sent me to the infirmary to make up a restorative infusion.

aThank you,a Cian said in a thread of a voice when I returned to set the cup before him. aWho a?a aNeryn,a Regan said. aA Caller.a Cianas eyes widened.

aShe came last autumn, with Flint. A long story, which can wait for tomorrow. As can yours, my frienda"Fingal should take you off to the infirmary and get you to bed.a Despite these words, there was a question in Reganas voice.

aNo. I must tell you first.a Cian made a visible effort to sit straighter, to gather himself. I did not like the look in his eye. All around us, folk were waiting in silence.

aGood news or ill?a Regan was calma"outwardly, at least.

aBoth. It cannot wait for tomorrow.a Cian glanced at me, then over toward the new lads, Ban and Kenal. aIs it safe to speak?a aItas safe. Tell us. You come from Lannan Long-Arm. Does this concern the proposed alliance?a aI have news of that, yes. But a there is something else.a Cian drew a deep breath; there was a rasping sound in his chest. aThree of us set out to bring word to you. Arden and Gova were with me. They are a they are both lost, Regan. We were caught in a storm, heading back over the pa.s.s north of the Race. Gova fell; we could not reach her. Arden perished from cold.a A silence, then; heads were bowed all around the firelit chamber.

aWhat news could be so urgent that it demanded the sacrifice of two of our finest?a Talias voice was tight with what might have been grief or fury. aWhat news could not wait until the were safe to cross?a aTali,a said Regan in an undertone. It was a warning; Tali fell silent, though her anger was a presence in the room.

aThe news is this.a Cian looked straight at his leader. aLannan Long-Arm will support the rebel cause. He has promised to bring a substantial force to Summerfort and to stand up beside us when we challenge Keldec.a Then, as the rest of us were about to break out into a chorus of amazed congratulations, he added, aThereas a condition. Lannan believes that if our preparations draw out too long, the king will inevitably get word of what we plan. Should that happen, our cause is lost before we can put the final pieces in play. Our whole strategy depends on keeping the plan from Keldecas knowledge.a Regan was frowning. aI understand Lannanas concerns. Weare working toward putting this in place as soon as we can. Did you offer him the incentives I suggested?a aThat was discussed, yes. Should we succeed in removing Keldec, Lannan wants a position as regent, or coregent, until the heir comes of age. If as coregent, he wants the power to approve whoever shares the position. He suggested a couple of names.a aHe knows, I a.s.sume, that Keldec is likely to bring magic into play in any confrontation with us?a Cian nodded. aHe does; and suggested, almost as a jest, that we attempt to harness the support of the Good Folk in order to counter that. At the very least, he said, if our own folk possess canny gifts, we should make use of those. But aa He looked at me.

aBut Lannan does not knowa"cannot knowa"that we now have a Caller,a said Fingal. aA Caller gives us an immense advantage.a I cleared my throat, not sure if I should speak. These people had just learned of the deaths of two of their own; it seemed no time for a strategic discussion. aBut not yet,a I said to Cian. aI have only recently discovered the nature of my canny gift. I need time to learn its wise use. Two years, maybe threea"I wonat know how long until I find the people who can teach me. They are all in different parts of Alban.a Cian said nothing.

aOut with it.a Regan fixed his gaze on the traveler. aLannan has set a limit on how long we can rely on his help, yes? Tell us.a aHe knows we plan to confront the king at one of the midsummer Gatherings, when the clans are all together in the one place. His ultimatum is this: if we cannot do it by the summer after next, heall withdraw his support for the rebellion, and instead step away from both Keldecas authority and any alliance with the other chieftains of Alban.a Horror filled me. The summer after next? How could I possibly be ready in time? There were gasps and murmurs all around the chamber; Brasal uttered an oath.

aYouare saying that if we canat do this in a year and a half, the north will secede from the kingdom?a Talias voice was hushed with shock.

aThatas bold,a said Big Don. aSome might say foolishly so.a aLannan has kin in the northern isles,a Milla said. aAnd his territories are guarded by the mountains; even Keldecas Enforcers would have trouble sustaining an armed conflict in those parts. Provided his northern kin could supply him, Lannan and his folk could survive without Keldecas support.a aSupport!a put in Big Don with a grim smile. aNot the word Iad have used.a n.o.body else was smiling.

aThe Gathering after next.a Regan spoke calmly, but his face told another story. aI would say that was impossible. But here at Shadowfell we donat use that word. Neryn, you understand how much this depends on you. Can you learn the skills you need by the summer after next? Will it be long enough?a I bit back my first response. Three Guardians to find, all in different corners of Alban; three branches of knowledge to master; and then, the disparate talents of humankind and Good Folk to be brought into an alliance strong enough to stand up against the might of Keldec and his Enforcers a all that in a scant year and a half? When I had thus far failed to exchange even one word with the Folk Below? It was a I must not say impossible. I was one of Reganas Rebels now, and I must not even think it. aIall try my best,a I said.

WHETHER SAGE SENSED, SOMEHOW, THAT FINDING the Folk Below was more urgent than ever, there was no telling, but the next day she was at the entry to Shadowfell, asking to see me. Sula had been on guard duty with Gort and came to fetch me from the infirmary. At the entry Gort was wrapping his weaponry and Sulaas in a cloth, and beyond the opening stood the small figure of my fey friend, her hood up against the cold, her worn green cloak covering her to the ankles. She would not come inside until every piece of iron in her path had been s.h.i.+elded. A chill wind blew the highland winter in, setting a s.h.i.+ver deep in my bones.

aWeare clear,a said Gort, tucking the bundle of weaponry away in the alcove near the entry, a place that had not existed within the intricate plan of Shadowfell until the need for it had become clear with the arrival of Sage and Red Cap. It was no wonder the Good Folk referred to the area around Shadowfell as the Folds. The terrain was steeped in earth magic. It seemed to change of itself, bare fell becoming forested hollow, dry stone suddenly shaping itself to hold a mirror-clear mountain tarn, ridge and cliff and cave forming and vanis.h.i.+ng in startling defiance of any rules known to humankind. It was a deeply odd place, but one thing about it seemed plain: whoever controlled those changes was not ill-disposed toward Regan and his band. If the land altered, if something appeared where there had been nothing, it always seemed designed to give our band an advantage. The appearance of the storage area near the main entry was one of those useful changesa"it allowed not only the temporary concealment of the iron weaponry so feared by the Good Folk, but also ready retrieval of the replacement spears and knives fas.h.i.+oned of other materials, which our guards subst.i.tuted for their usual armory when Sage and Red Cap came to visit me.

aCome in,a I said, ushering Sage through to the small chamber set aside for our meetings. The two guards rearmed themselves with wooden spears and returned to their positions. All the rebels were accustomed to these visits now. aI need your good counsel.a As briefly as I could, I told her of Cianas dramatic arrival and the dilemma that now faced us. I did not know if a year and a half would be sufficient time for Reganas forces to prepare a successful challenge to the king. It didnat sound long; but then, Tali had implied that the northern chieftain, Lannan, had a substantial personal army. The most doubtful part of it was my contribution. Even if I could find the Guardians, even if they agreed to teach me, even if I could learn to harness my gift, what about the Good Folk? It simply wasnat in their nature to cooperate with humankinda"Sage and Red Cap were notable exceptionsa"and I faced the daunting task of persuading them to help us despite the very real likelihood many of them would lose their lives in the process. And all by the summer after next. Regan had made it plain to me that without their aid, the rebellion was unlikely to succeed. The might of Keldec was formidable; fear would keep most of the chieftains loyal to him.

Sage listened quietly as I set it out for her; indeed, she spoke not a word, but rested her chin on her hands and regarded me with grave eyes.

aI donat really see how I can do it in so short a time,a I said. aItas perilous to travel anyway, with the kingas men possibly on the lookout for me, or for someone like me. I have no idea where the Guardians are, except west, north, east. Iam hoping I need not seek out the Master of Shadows again; from the way he spoke to me, it sounded as if I might see him from time to time along the way, perhaps when I least expect it, and perhaps that means I donat have to travel south. But the others a how do I even know where to start looking? I thought I could ask the Folk Below, but they wonat come out. Wonat even open their door to us. Yet I have to do it. Regan believes in me. His plan depends on me. I canat let him down.a aThereas one answer within your grasp, at least.a Sage spoke briskly. aYou know it full well.a aYou mean I should call them. Use my gift, compel them to open their door to me.a aWhy would you not do that, with time running so short? Since they will not open to you when you wait politely, this seems the only way.a There was nothing to say to this. The last time I had used my gift as a Caller, men had died horribly. It hadnat seemed to matter that they were Enforcers, the enemy, and that my action had turned the tide of a battle. Looking at their broken bodies, I had not thought of them as kingas men, but as brothers, fathers, sons, and comrades. To wield such power was monstrous. It was only in the face of Reganas eloquent arguments that I had agreed to learn the skillful use of my gift and to aid the rebels in their struggle. The fact was, every rebel faced the same kind of dilemma. Freedom could not be won without immense personal cost. But it felt wrong to use my gift here at Shadowfell. I would hardly endear myself to the Folk Below if I forced them out against their will. And what if something went wrong, and I caused more damage?

aA year and a half,a murmured Sage. aNot long. Not long at all.a aThereas no need to keep telling me that!a aNo?a She regarded me with brows raised and a crooked smile on her small features.

aIave tried already, Sage, you know that. Every single day Iave gone down the spiral stair and waited by that stone wall, thinking theyad come out if I gave them enough time. When I met you and the others in the woods above Silverwater, I didnat have to call. I was by my campfire, and there you were. Later on tooa"when I needed you, you came.a aAh,a said Sage in a weighty tone. aBut weare different.a aYou and Red Cap are my friends, as Sorrel was; but not all of your clan believed in me back then. Silver and her cronies were quite hostile. But they came out too, without my making any sort of call.a aWeare Westies,a Sage said, as if that should explain everything.

aWestiesa"youare talking about belonging to the Watch of the West? What difference does that make?a She shrugged, as if the distinction should be obvious. aWeare quick, like water. Fluid and adaptable. The Northiesa"a She lifted her hands in a gesture I took to mean the Northies were almost beyond hope. aThey hold fast to their ways. If they choose to, they can make themselves deaf as stone. Youad need something akin to a bolt of lightning to s.h.i.+ft them. Theyall be aware of your presence; theyall be able to feel it even through that wall theyave put up. But theyave chosen to ignore you.a aIsnat it more likely they donat know Iam here?a Sage shook her head of gray-green curls. aYouare a Caller. All the Good Folk feel your presence, like a tune they canat get out of their heads, or something buzzing around them that canat be swatted away. Itas a matter of how long they can hold out against it. Could be the Folk Below will hold out a year and a half, or longer. Either you head off on your journey in spring without talking to them, or you use your gift to summon them.a aBut what ifa"a aNo what if. You need their help. Call them, explain the wee difficulty Reganas faced with, and ask for their advice.a A pause. aNot that itas for me to tell you what to do, la.s.sie.a A plan began to form in my mind, based on what I knew of the Good Folk already. Not that I had ever met a Northie, except perhaps for the owl-like creature that had saved me from dying of cold on the way along the valley to Shadowfell. A being of some power, it had summoned a pack of wolves and turned them small so they could snuggle around me in my makes.h.i.+ft shelter. So perhaps I already owed the Northies a favor.

aWe need to offer them something. A meaningful gift, not just the usual offering of food and drink. And it should be Regan who tells them about the rebellion, not me. When he talks, everyone listens; everyone is caught up in his hope and courage. I might only have one chance at this, Sage.a aIf you ask me,a Sage said, aa council would be the thing. A grand council, rebels and Northies, with everything set out for them and a formal request made for their help. Regan could do it, I suppose. But youad be the one would have to get them up here.a aUp here? You think theyad come, even if we s.h.i.+elded every sc.r.a.p of iron in the place?a aTalk to Regan. Talk to that cook of yours. See what theyare prepared to offer. Then weall go down and you can call them out and issue an invitation. The sooner, the better, thatas my thinking on the matter. Youall have heard what they say about Northies.a aWhat?a aAsk a Northie a question, and youall wait a year for an answer. Ask two Northies a question and youall wait two years while they talk it over. Ask three Northies and theyall still be arguing when theyare dead and in the grave.a While she waited, I went to find Regan. He was in the dining hall with Tali, Big Don, and Andra, deep in discussion. Milla was stirring something on the fire and contributing a suggestion from time to time.

aI know Lannan favors Keenan of Wedderburn,a Tali was saying. aBut Wedderburnas a high risk for us; I donat need to spell out the reasons why. Any approach to Keenanas household would have to be made with the utmost caution. There isnat time for that now, and I donat believe thereas need. We have Gormal of Glenfalloch. We have Lannan, and his army is the biggest in Alban, after the kingas. Shouldnat that be enough?a Milla straightened with the ladle still in her hands. aLannanas hardly going to march his entire army south to Summerfort for the Gathering. That would be like waving a flag to warn Keldec somethingas amiss. Not to mention the difficulty of moving a large force over those mountains, even in summer.a aWedderburn is the closest chieftaincy to Summerfort,a Andra said. aIf we had Keenanas approval to cross his land, we could move men into place without using the kingas road.a aThe risk is too great.a Tali was intent on Regan; I suspected this was an ongoing debate. aI donat know why you insist on pus.h.i.+ng this argument. Itas quite simple: you canat put your trust in anyone from that family. And besides aa She fell silent.

aGo on,a Regan said, and the look on his face was one I had never seen before; there was a darkness in it, the shadow of something unspeakable. aBesides what?a aYou know what,a Tali said, then looked up and saw me standing in the doorway. aNeryn. What is it?a aIave been talking to Sage. I think I might aa I hesitated, not wanting to confess that I could perhaps have spoken to the Folk Below much earlier, if Iad been prepared to compel them out. aI believe I may be able to speak to the Good Folk today, and I want your permission to invite them to a council. It would be on midwinter eve, and wead need to offer good hospitality, a feast, maybe music. And a gift; I will arrange that.a All eyes were on me, showing varying degrees of surprise; it was known that I had failed so far to speak with the Folk Below, but not exactly why. n.o.body said anything, so I cleared my throat and went on. aIf they agree to come, weall have to s.h.i.+eld every piece of iron at Shadowfell.a Milla smiled. aPrepare a feast without pots and pans, ladles or knives? Thatall be a challenge and a half.a aRegan would talk to them about the rebellion and how they can help us. And I would ask them for help in finding the Guardians, the ones who can teach me. Thereas another thing.a aGo on,a Regan said.

aIave talked about this with Sage and Red Cap, and they think we should suggest it to the Folk Below. Some of the Good Folk have the forms of birds, or something close. I have met one, Daw, who called himself a bird-friend. Daw is able to send crows to spy and to carry messages. This could be a way of getting word from one of your teams to another very quickly. A crow could fly from Shadowfell to the north, or from the Rush valley to the isles, in far less time than it would take a man to ride.a After a moment I added, aI believe that would reduce our losses. It would mean folk wouldnat need to take the kind of risk Cian and his comrades did.a aBirds that talk.a Andraas tone was flat with disbelief.

aLet Neryn tell us,a Regan said. aYou were at the battle last autumn; you saw what she can do. There are wonders here that we can hardly imagine. Talking birds are probably the least of it.a aDaw can certainly speak as we do. And he can make the birds understand.a I thought of the owl-like creature that had helped me survive a chill night. aAmong the Northiesa"the northern Good Folka"thereas at least one that has a bird form.a aThis could make all the difference.a Talias face was alight with enthusiasm now. aIt would allow us to coordinate our forces, to ensure everythingas in place at the same time. Provided the Good Folk can be trusted, it would allow us to pa.s.s on information ten times more quickly. And secretly, since these folk only make themselves visible to humankind if they choose. We must hold this council; we must persuade them to do this.a Her tone troubled me. aIt may not be so easy,a I told her. aThe Good Folk have difficulty agreeing even among themselves. And in times of crisis they mostly go to ground, hide away until the threat is past. Sage and Red Cap are exceptional. Itas very possible the others may refuse to help.a aBut youare a Caller,a said Tali. aCanat you make them help us?a I hesitated. My instincts told me compelling uncanny folk into action could only lead to disaster. Surely it was best that they stood up for justice because it was what they believed in.

aSeems to me,a Milla said, athe first thing we should be doing is thanking them. After all the good theyave done us since we came to Shadowfell, itas past time for a bit of recompense. A feast, yes. And a payment of some kind, like the offerings folk used to put out on the doorstep to keep the Good Folk happy.a There was a silence while everyone considered this.

aCanat imagine what such folk would have need of,a said Little Don, who was toying with the playing pieces for stanies.

aIn the longer term, ridding Alban of its tyrannical ruler is the best gift we can offer,a Regan said. aYou say the Good Folk would rather hide away. Donat they value the notion of an Alban at peace, a country where they can go unmolested?a aThey may doubt our ability to deliver peace,a said Andra. aWe are of humankind after all, the same kind as Keldec and his Enforcers.a aThen itas up to Regan to convince them,a said Tali. aWe need these folk on our side. Once Neryn gets them to this council, heall have to make the speech of his life.a The spiral stair led down into the heart of the mountain. The first time I had entered the maze of pa.s.sageways that made up the rebel headquarters, I had almost fallen down here while trying to find my way around. A chill draft blew up from below, turning my flesh to goose b.u.mps. Sage drew her cloak more tightly around her.

aDown we go, then,a she said.

I held the lantern; Sage walked ahead. Shadows danced on the stone walls as we descended; the air grew colder.

aSage,a I whispered. aI donat really know how to do this. Call them, I mean.a Twice I had summoned stanie men, great, slow beings of stone. I had relied on instinct when I called them, and chanted verses from a childhood rhyme. Stanie mon, stanie mon, doon ye fa#x2019;. But the Good Folk were of many kinds: brollachans, trows, urisks, selkies, smaller beings like Sage and Red Cap. Perhaps each must be called in its own particular way.

aNo need to whisper, la.s.sie. Northies only hear when they choose to. As for how to do it, youall know. Youare a Caller.a We reached the foot of the stair. Before us the stone of the mountain rose up in an unbroken wall. This was the spot where I had waited, day after day, in hope that someone, something, would come out to talk to me as Sage and her kind had done in the forest, knowing I was in need. Plainly, in the case of the Folk Below, needing was not sufficient. I set the lantern on the bottom step.

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Shadowfell: Raven Flight Part 1 summary

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