By The Sword Part 25

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Unfortunately he kept his face straight ahead, providing only a high-angle profile that Hideo doubted would provide sufficient mapping points for the facial recognition program.

Hideo called up the map of traffic cams in Jamaica and found one two blocks north. He prayed again to his ancestors, begging them to go back in time and guide this man on a straight path to this intersection. Then he accessed the new cam and began his review at 19:52. He did not fast-forward but waited patiently, praying for the man to appear. If he had turned left or right at the preceding intersection, Hideo might never find him again.

Finally, miraculously, he appeared. Hideo closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief and thanks, then focused on the man with the rug. He crossed the intersection heading north, then turned west and waited for the green.

"Look up," Hideo said aloud, earning a puzzled look from Kenji. "Look up and check the traffic signal. Look up up!"

And then, almost as if he'd heard him, the man looked up, almost directly into the camera. Hideo froze the frame, enlarged, enhanced, and saved. He would enter it into the facial recognition program later. But first...

He returned to the view of the entrance to Gerrish's apartment building and watched until he saw himself and the three yakuza exit. He let the recording run even longer, but no sign of Yos.h.i.+o's ronin ronin.

He sighed. He didn't see any way of finding him. But he should be grateful. At least he'd secured a picture of the current owner of Sasaki-san's katana. That was the important thing. Of course it would all come to nothing if he had never been arrested and entered into the system. But Hideo had a feeling that a man who would slit another's throat to acquire a sword would have to have been arrested at some point during his adult life. And if he had, Hideo would find him.

The ronin ronin, however... the odds were high against his ever having another chance at that man.

But Hideo had a feeling that, with the help of his ancestors, he might beat those odds.


Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Someone had seen her. She totally knew it.

All right, she didn't know know it, but how could someone it, but how could someone not not have seen her? She'd got on the C without knowing where she was going, but that had been okay. What had counted was being off the street. Then she'd looked around the subway car and seen her face on half a dozen flyers. have seen her? She'd got on the C without knowing where she was going, but that had been okay. What had counted was being off the street. Then she'd looked around the subway car and seen her face on half a dozen flyers.

She'd kept her head down, her mind screaming for a solution. Finally it hit her: tourists.


Native New Yorkers would have her face burned on their brains by now, but tourists came and went. And tourists usually spent their time gawking at the sights and gazing up at the skysc.r.a.pers and such, not studying posters. So where could she find the most tourists? In the Times Square/theater district, of course.

Tons of tourists. of tourists.

She'd ducked out of the C at 42nd Street. The Port Authority had tempted her-hop a bus to New Jersey where Jerry would never find her. But she knew nothing about Jersey, and figured she'd probably need a car there. She didn't know if they even did abortions in Jersey.

No, better to stay where she knew her way around. At least for now. Lots of abortion clinics in the city. Once that was over she could think about relocating.

She'd wound through the crowds on Eighth toward the theaters. When she saw a bunch of men wearing John Deere caps and string ties come out of the Milford Plaza, she knew that was the place for her.

But checking in hadn't been easy. They'd been totally suspicious about her wanting to pay cash, but she had no choice. She couldn't use a credit card-someone watching her account would know exactly where she was. They'd wanted ID and she had to show her driver's license. That put her real name on the register.

And then the room. A single. Dawn could so not believe how small it was. A postage stamp with like four feet between the walls and the king-size bed. Even the mirrored wall couldn't make it look bigger. Plus the bathroom had fixtures that looked fifty years old.

All for the bargain price of $326 a night.

She guessed she could have chosen a better grade, but that meant more money and she wanted to conserve as much of her cash as possible. She had no idea of how long it would last.

So for the time being this would be home.


She went to the window and looked out at the night. She couldn't see the street, only rooftops and the glow from all the lighted marquees on 45th Street directly below. Was someone down there in the crowds, watching the hotel, waiting for her to come out? Waiting so he could collect his reward?

She couldn't leave, couldn't even risk going to the hotel restaurant. She'd have to order room service and hope the delivery guy didn't recognize her.

She felt just as trapped as she had at Mr. Osala's, but at least there she'd been safe. Here...

This was a nightmare.

Why not just call Henry and have him pick her up? But then she'd be back where she started.

She couldn't take it. She'd been ready to end it all before but had let Mr. Osala talk her out of it. Why not finish the job now? Get it done this time.

She tried to open the window but it wouldn't budge. She picked up the room's one chair and slammed it against the gla.s.s. It bounced back. She tried it again with the same result. Some sort of safety gla.s.s.

She dropped onto the bed and began to cry.

She had to find a way out of this. She'd formed the beginnings of a plan on the subway. Maybe she should go with that.

She pulled herself together, grabbed the bag of stuff she'd bought at the drugstore, and headed for the bathroom.


Using his flashlight sparingly, s.h.i.+ro rushed back through the dark woods to his teacher, praying the news he brought would not cause him to abort the test.

"Sensei, there are people in the little cabin there!"

Akechi-sensei, a faintly limned shadow in the starlight, nodded. "All the better. Proceed."

"But what if they interfere?"

"They will not." He pointed back toward the woods. "Go. Hurry."

s.h.i.+ro obeyed, returning to where Tadasu waited with the shoten shoten. The chosen site lay half a mile north of a golf course and barely more than half a mile from any dwelling, yet here among the silent trees, civilization could have been a thousand miles away.

That changed as he neared the rotting cabin in a tiny forgotten clearing.

Not completely forgotten, obviously. Four teenagers-two couples-had driven a battered Jeep to the cabin and begun an impromptu party. They had beer and were playing loud music.

He found Tadasu about fifty yards from the cabin. The shoten shoten lay bound and gagged on the ground before him. lay bound and gagged on the ground before him.

"Sensei says to proceed," he said when he arrived. says to proceed," he said when he arrived.

Tadasu nodded, then knelt next to the shoten shoten. He pulled a blue vial from his pocket.

"Hold his head and remove the gag," he said.

s.h.i.+ro did as he was told and the shoten shoten began cursing. began cursing.

"What the f.u.c.k you sonab.i.t.c.hes-"

"Drink this," Tadasu said, forcing the mouth of the vial between his lips.

The old drunk apparently never refused anything to drink because he swallowed it in one gulp. Then he made a face.

"s.h.i.+t! What is that s.h.i.+t?"

s.h.i.+ro reapplied the gag, then stepped away. Tadasu remained kneeling.

"Now we wait."

The shoten shoten's m.u.f.fled protests and struggles against his bonds slowed, then ceased. When he lay quiet, Tadasu removed the gag and then produced a red-striped wooden sliver.

"A doku-ippen doku-ippen?" s.h.i.+ro said.

"Akechi-sensei's idea. Just to be safe." He p.r.i.c.ked the shoten shoten's neck with it, then rose and stepped over him. "Back to sensei sensei. Quickly. We don't know how soon it takes effect."

s.h.i.+ro led the way, and soon the three of them were standing together next to their car on an empty side road, staring in the general direction of the shoten shoten.

Suspense gripped s.h.i.+ro like a vise. His breath felt trapped in his chest.

"What will happen, sensei sensei?"

"Something wonderful, s.h.i.+ro. No one alive has seen a Kuroikaze. We shall be the first in a generation."

"Why did we use a doku-ippen doku-ippen?"

"The ekisu ekisu causes the one who drinks it to become a focus for the Kuroikaze. The Black Wind will last as long as the causes the one who drinks it to become a focus for the Kuroikaze. The Black Wind will last as long as the shoten shoten survives. Because this is an experiment to test the survives. Because this is an experiment to test the ekisu, ekisu, I do not want large-scale death. We will save that for later. I had you choose a sickly I do not want large-scale death. We will save that for later. I had you choose a sickly shoten shoten because, while the Kuroikaze is sapping the life from all it touches, it is also diminis.h.i.+ng the life of the because, while the Kuroikaze is sapping the life from all it touches, it is also diminis.h.i.+ng the life of the shoten shoten. The longer the shoten shoten survives, the more fierce the wind, the greater the radius of death. The particular survives, the more fierce the wind, the greater the radius of death. The particular doku-ippen doku-ippen used will bring death shortly after it is introduced into the body. So even if this wasted used will bring death shortly after it is introduced into the body. So even if this wasted shoten shoten taps into some hidden reserves of strength, he won't survive long enough to raise a full-fledged Kuroikaze." taps into some hidden reserves of strength, he won't survive long enough to raise a full-fledged Kuroikaze."

"There!" Tadasu cried, pointing. "Something is happening!"

s.h.i.+ro strained to see, but the starlight was dim, and the trees dark.

And then he saw it-a layer of blackness overspreading an area of trees... a cloud, blacker than s.h.i.+ro had ever seen... so black it didn't reflect the meager starlight, but rather seemed to absorb it... devour it.

The way it oozed across the treetops made s.h.i.+ro's gut crawl. This was evil, and he didn't like to think of the Order to which he had devoted his life as dealing with evil. But then, this was certainly no more evil than the atomic bombs that killed so many in Hiros.h.i.+ma and Nagasaki.

Yes, if he thought of it that way, he could accept.

He watched and waited, expecting to see the inexorable flow of the blackness slow and then begin to ebb. But it continued to expand, coming their way.

"Sensei? Shouldn't it be stopping now?"

Akechi-sensei turned to Tadasu. "You are sure the point pierced his skin?" turned to Tadasu. "You are sure the point pierced his skin?"

"I saw blood, sensei sensei."

"Then he should die any minute."

But the blackness showed no sign of slowing, let alone retreating.

"Perhaps we had better move farther way," Tadasu said.

"No," said their teacher. "If you did your duty, we have nothing to fear."

s.h.i.+ro felt he had a lot to fear. That blackness... it made him want to run, and hide, find his mother and cower behind her.

Abruptly the blackness changed. Instead of spreading toward them, it began expanding upward, shooting a towering ebony column into the sky, reaching toward the stars.

And then it was gone, and the blackness over the trees evaporated like smoke in a gale.

"Quickly," Akechi-sensei said. "Into the woods. We must see what it has done." said. "Into the woods. We must see what it has done."

s.h.i.+ro led the way, directing his flashlight beam ahead of him. He moved cautiously at first because he didn't know what to expect. But then, seeing no trace of the blackness, he picked up speed...

Until he came upon the dead vegetation-like crossing a line of death where everything on one side thrived and everything on the other was dead. Every leaf on every tree and bush was wilted and brown, every needle on every pine was brown, even the weeds were dead. Nothing moved. No owls hooted, no crickets chirped, no mosquitoes bit.

All this death... from the Kuroikaze?

He came upon the shoten shoten. The flashlight beam revealed a shrunken cadaver that looked as if it had been dead for weeks.

s.h.i.+ro backed away, then approached the shack. Entering, he found the structure intact but its inhabitants... he had to look away.

He had only glimpsed them before the Kuroikaze, so he didn't know how they had changed. They looked shrunken, though not so much as the shoten shoten. But what s.h.i.+ro found most disturbing was their expressions. Each open-eyed, openmouthed face carried the same look: a great sadness, an unfathomable hopelessness.

"And this is how it will be."

s.h.i.+ro started and turned at the sound of his sensei sensei's voice. He found him gesturing to the corpses and to the shack around them.

"They firebombed Tokyo, atom-bombed Hiros.h.i.+ma and Nagasaki, but worst of all, they humiliated the Son of Heaven, made Him bow to them, made Him surrender. Now it is their turn. We will set up strong, vital shotens shotens around the city. We will feed them the around the city. We will feed them the ekisu ekisu and we will and we will not not pierce them with a pierce them with a doku-ippen doku-ippen. Then the clouds will rise and merge, creating such a Kuroikaze as has never been seen. It will leave the entire city like this. Millions dead, yet the buildings untouched. Imagine, the entire city silent, unmoving. All the structures intact, unmarred, just as they had been before the Kuroikaze, but filled with the dead, millions and millions of dead."

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By The Sword Part 25 summary

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