An Evil Eye Part 18

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She looked up and smiled. "I saw you going to the hammam, Hyacinth efendi. And I thought-he'll be an hour! At least an hour."

She raised her eyebrows, and Hyacinth chuckled.

"So you are in perfect time."

With a bow, and the same radiant smile, she offered him a steaming bowl of chocolate.


"THERE." Preen flashed him a look of triumph. "I told you Mrs. Satzos was good."

Yas.h.i.+m nodded in sardonic agreement. "All my worries are over now, Preen. Thanks." He raised a finger and the coffee boy darted forward. "Two, medium sweet."

"She goes to the palace every week. The harem ladies can't get enough of her."

Yas.h.i.+m smiled. "You are a sn.o.b, Preen."

She tossed her head. "We're all, one way or another." When Yas.h.i.+m didn't reply, she added: "It's you, isn't it? The friend-that's just what we say."

Yas.h.i.+m looked surprised. He shook his head. "It's not me, Preen. Not me at all."

"Oh?" She raised a painted eyebrow.

"Forget what you think. I lied, yes-but I lied in saying that he was a friend."

"An enemy."

Yas.h.i.+m took a breath. "I don't know, exactly."


Yas.h.i.+m smiled wanly.

"But you told Mrs. Satzos there were no women in the house."

"Preen-you remember things too well."

The boy arrived with coffee. When he had gone Preen leaned forward. "You told Mrs. Satzos that he'd gone to sea."

"It's better you don't know," Yas.h.i.+m said quickly.

"The Kapudan pasha. Fevzi Pasha, right?"

Yas.h.i.+m ran his finger around the rim of his cup.

"Fevzi Ahmet," she said slowly. "I remember him. At a wedding, where we came to dance. It was a long time ago. One of the bridesmaids went for a walk in the garden. I saw her just as we were setting up, a country girl. I didn't know her. But something happened between her and Fevzi Ahmet, Yas.h.i.+m. Her brother went berserk. He said he'd kill Fevzi Ahmet, wedding or no wedding."

Angry spots had appeared on her cheeks. "Fevzi Ahmet took him for a little talk, instead, strolling about the cypress trees, and us beginning to dance." Preen caressed her neck. "When I saw him walking with the brother, at the wedding, I knew it was all arranged. Fevzi was-I don't know, sneering. He knew that no one could touch him."

Yas.h.i.+m bowed his head.

"They came from Erzurum, the girl and her family. I heard that she drowned there two weeks later, in the pool."

She shuddered.

Yas.h.i.+m bit his lip. He knew what Preen had told him would be true.

"Fevzi Ahmet was my mentor for three years," he said.

He saw her shrink back. Her voice seemed to come from somewhere farther off.

"Mentor? Like-a teacher?"

His own voice sounded harsh. "I worked for him years ago. I was at the palace school, Preen. You knew that. I ran away, like Kadri. My training was almost over, and I didn't know what they had planned for me. I didn't know what I was good for. I was afraid of being ... inactive. I thought they might make me carry shawls for odalisques, or library books, you know. I was afraid of being trapped in the palace."

"You don't like to be trapped, do you?" She nodded. "Go on."

"I went back a few days later. My tutor thought I had been to Eyup, to visit the tomb of the Companion of the Prophet. I don't know why. He thought it was meritorious. That's when Fevzi Ahmet talked to me, the first time. He'd been watching me, he said."

Preen hoicked her shoulders, in a little shudder. "He would."

"He offered me a job, doing something I didn't even know people could do." He cracked his knuckles anxiously. "He was the sultan's tebdil kha.s.seky-his confidential agent."

Preen drew up her chin. "Like you."

Yas.h.i.+m ducked his head and looked uncomfortable. "I try to do things differently."

"Of course."

"I worked for others for a few years at first, to gain experience. That was Fevzi Ahmet's idea. To develop talents, skills, which he could use. Languages, for instance. He knew only Turkish and some Greek."


Yas.h.i.+m blew out his cheeks. "I thought it sounded like a fine thing-to be the sultan's arrow, carrying his messages and his private orders. Watching over his safety. I was young and-well, Fevzi Ahmet seemed very energetic, and very sure of himself."

"So I've heard."

"He was obviously a tough b.a.s.t.a.r.d-even I could tell that much. But I thought that was how it had to be. Hard, but loyal. People were afraid of him because he had the sultan's special commission."

"Are you sure?" Preen leaned forward. "I thought people were afraid of him because he did frightening things, Yas.h.i.+m."

"Sultan Mahmut needed loyal men back then, when Fevzi Ahmet began," Yas.h.i.+m said. "He needed men like that. He was trying to reestablish control. The Janissary time. You remember."

"And you became his boy."

Yas.h.i.+m nodded. Fevzi the Hunter.

"That was our understanding. I had gained experience of the outside world. Or so I thought."

He put his hands on his knees, remembering Russia.

The bitterness of Fevzi's debt.

"It seemed like a way into the world outside."

"And was it?"

"We operated in different ways," Yas.h.i.+m said finally. "It took me a while to understand that. I think there is always a little gap somewhere, however hard you try to fit everything together. A small s.p.a.ce, for something like grace, or mercy."

"Or error."

"Or error," Yas.h.i.+m nodded. "After that, when we both knew-we couldn't trust each other anymore."

Preen was silent. Yas.h.i.+m heard the coffee cup c.h.i.n.k against the saucer as she put it down on the divan.

"He fixed it so that I could live here, like this, and for that I am grateful. But I think he did it to save his own skin, too."

On the divan Preen was sitting with her elbows in, holding her hands palms up. Preen was a dancer and her gestures were expressive and precise. Yas.h.i.+m recognized her pose immediately. It was a gesture as old as Istanbul itself. The Greeks had captured it here, in light, fastened to the domes of their churches; but it was common to all the city's faiths, and to the people of the city in the centuries to come.

The gesture of acceptance.

It lasted only a moment before Preen rolled off the divan and sprang to her feet.

"You owe him something," she said emphatically. "Getting you away from Topkapi."

"I don't owe him anything, Preen." Yas.h.i.+m gave a curious half-smile. "I think I saved his life."

She paused on the tips of her toes and whirled a finger at him.

"For that, Yas.h.i.+m, I think he will never forgive you."


"YOU will do this, Yas.h.i.+m, because I order it done. I do not wish to repeat myself."

"I can talk to them. I think they are only afraid, Fevzi efendi."

"Give me the torch."

"Wait, efendi. They spoke Georgian."

But Fevzi efendi does not wait.

Later, when the fire is dying down, he seems to have forgotten all about Yas.h.i.+m's protest. He slaps him on the back.

"This is how it must be done," he says quietly. "Permanent."


IN the palace, in Bezmialem's room, Ibou gave a small cry of disgust.

Ibou had always hated mice. Topkapi had been patrolled by a small army of cats, who came and went from the harem quarters at will, padding along ledges, creeping from rooftops and the branches of trees, invading the sanctuary night after night. They were tolerated as long as they kept quiet; only recalcitrant toms were dropped into sacks and drowned. The girls were amused by their feline affairs; some of them even put out milk.

But there were no cats at Besiktas. No cats, and now-mice.

With a moue of distaste, Ibou dropped the skirt onto the floor.


He heard the eunuch padding along the corridor.


"This!" He pointed to the offending ma.s.s. "A mouse nest"-he dropped his voice to a whisper-"under a skirt that hasn't been moved for days. It is too much."

Tulip peered apologetically at the little brown heap. Then his long black face turned green, and he looked up wide-eyed.

"No, aga, it is not a nest. I cannot touch it! Allah preserve us!"

"What is it?" Ibou felt the eunuch's horror invading his scalp: it made his hair crawl. "What is it, then?"

He peered more closely, then started back as if he had been stung.

"Bezmialem-where is she?"

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An Evil Eye Part 18 summary

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