Celta: Heart Secret Part 2

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Lark Holly said, aOpul Cranberry is Healer Panaxas patient, and needs her.a Heather waved that aside. aPanax will be of more service by tending to Primross. You, FirstLevel Healer Holly, can supervise the childas case. When can we see the Turquoise House?a Lark Hollyas sigh was faint. aIall scry the House that we are on our way.a aGood.a Heather snapped her fingers, then smiled in satisfaction. aThe glider awaits us at the main entrance.a She strode from the room.

The other two Healers fell in behind her, Lark Holly commenting quietly to the younger woman, aIall make sure that you take no harm from this project, financially or otherwise.a aThank you,a the SecondLevel Healer said politely.

Garrett strolled behind them, thinking how he could broach the matter of losing several daysa worth of work to Heather. Did she expect him to donate his time as well as his blood? He supposed so.

As he brooded, he realized his gaze was fixed to the SecondLevel Healeras a.s.s. Nice and high and round, though he couldnat see much because she had on trous and a long tunic over that. He liked the way she moved, gracefully, elegantly.

Not at all like Dinnias bouncy step. The Healer had long dark brown black hair tied back in a severe braid. Her face was roundish and he preferred pointed chins. She had a creamy complexion that showed she didnat spend much time in the sun.

Not at all like Dinni.

But SecondLevel Healer Artemisia Panax was his HeartMate.

He didnat want her.

Head never wanted her.

Now theyad be together for as long as his sickness ran again. Shead see him at his absolute worse.

That was good.

Throughout the drive from Primary HealingHall to a mid-n.o.ble-cla.s.s area, Artemisiaas mind buzzed. From the glare head given her, Garrett Primross wasnat happy with the plan. Who would be? She must have made a terrible impression on him since head barely looked at her. His animosity sent a thorn of unexpected hurt into her she tried to shake off.

She wasnat pleased, either. Caring for a very sick person developed an intimacy, and her feelings toward him were mixeda"attracted but wary. She wouldnat have trouble being professional but wasnat sure how head react toward her.

And shead have to leave her home. She hadnat lived away from the hidden sanctuary in Druida City since she and her Family had been named caretakers years ago.

No lover had been strong enough to break those bonds. She didnat know if that was depressing or not.

They pulled into the glider drive and the courtyard of the Turquoise House and Artemisia understood why it was called that. The outside walls were a s.h.i.+ny blue green. The door of the sprawling one-floor House was an equally glossy oak with bright bra.s.s latch and fittings.

Lark Holly walked up to the entrance and Artemisia followed. Primross was behind her and FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather brought up the rear. The door swung open and they stood in a bare entryway.

aGreetyou,a said the House in the mellow tones of a famous actor, lilting with satisfaction.

Primross stiffened. aYou speak with Raz Cherryas voice?a aYes,a said the House. Ita"hea"chuckled. aWe came to an agreement years ago, when I first became aware of myself and wanted a male voice. I am pleased you recognized it, Garrett Primross.a Garrett made a half bow and said, aWhere would you prefer me to stand so you can scan me?a aVery intelligent!a the Turquoise House said. aVery courteous. Please move to the mains.p.a.ce fireplace, down the hall ahead and to your left, first door on your left.a The man took the lead, Lark Holly appeared amused, and Heather reluctant. Artemisiaas shoulders relaxed. She lived in a Residence now, one who was like a crotchety old man who had to be catered to. This House seemed much more cheerful. That would be helpful in the trying days ahead.

aYou and SecondLevel Artemisia Mugwort Panax will stay for a week?a the House asked as they stood around the empty mains.p.a.ce.

Artemisia tried not to wince. The Turquoise House had included her real surname. Her shoulders tensed, but a sliding gaze at the others showed they appeared focused on the bare House. A week seemed a long time to her, though the sickness had lingered and been fatal for as long as three weeks.

aYes, a week,a Heather said brusquely. Artemisia wondered if the woman was trying to ease her out of Primary HealingHall. Artemisia straightened her spine. She was sticking. She wasnat flashy, but she was determined and knew how to do stubborn.

And she hoped she had a supporter in Lark Holly. Still, there were more detriments to this project than advantages.

aAh,a the Turquoise House said in a tone that had her listening closely. aI know of both individuals, Garrett Primross and Artemisia Panax.a Now it was being discreet. So Artemisia knew that her home, BalmHeal Residence, had been too chatty with the Turquoise House. How many of hera"and her Familyasa"secrets did this House-becoming-a-Residence know? How would the House use what it knew? Would it? How ethical was it?

aYou know of me, do you?a Primross said coolly as he stopped near the empty fireplace. He reached into his trous pocket and pulled out a gold coin, rolled it across his knuckles, made it disappear. aYou know that?a aSleight of hand!a the Turquoise House said delightedly. aMore!a aWant to learn more secrets?a Primross shrugged. aMaybe, maybe not.a He left the impression head established dominance in the relations.h.i.+p. Artemisia could only envy how quickly and easily head done that.

Ura Heather had stayed near the door. Did the older Healer wonder what her own ancient Residence might have said about her to the Turquoise House?

Even if Artemisiaas home blabbed of her, it would have been complimentary. It loved her more than anyone else who lived in it, which had also kept her close.

Staring at the slick-looking walls, Heather said, aYou have inst.i.tuted sanitation, decontamination, and sterilization procedures, I see. Well done.a aThank you,a the Turquoise House said with an edge of irony. aIt is very important that the human populace of Celta declines no further. If I can help in that endeavor, if I can save lives, I am well rewarded.a There was a drop in the air pressure in the room as if the House gave a soft sigh. aUnlike any of the HealingHalls, I can monitor all the organisms within me, understand the slightest changes in my walls and beings.a aResidences are uniquely suited to do that,a Lark Holly soothed. aOnly one had the sickness within.a aTaHawthorn Residence,a Primross said. He leaned an elbow on the mantel as if he were already at home within the spare and sterile walls.

The emptiness would take Artemisia some getting used to. Her home was the most comfortable place shead ever lived, including the Family estate theyad lost when she was a teen.

aYes, TaHawthorn Residence had a death,a Lark said.

aI have spoken at length with TaHawthorn Residence,a said the House. aI need all records of the sickness from the Healers and HealingHalls transmitted to my Library.a Heather gasped. aWe donat share confidentiala"a aYou want me for an experiment.a Turquoise Houseas tone was harder. Artemisia was amazed at its range of expression. aI will not accept this project without sufficient data. Change the venue to a HealingHall, or your fatheras home, TaHeather Residence. Your Residence is interested in the sickness. We all are. Or use the stars.h.i.+p Nuadaas Sword. I know it has laboratories, sick bays, and sterile rooms.a aNot the stars.h.i.+p,a Artemisia said. aI donat work well there, not where Flair is diminished or suppressed.a She couldnat offer her own home, BalmHeal Residence, the original HealingHall of the colonists, now a hidden sanctuary for the desperate of Celta.

Not many of those suffering from the sickness had made it to the old BalmHeal estate in time. She and her mother had had only two cases during the epidemic. Both casualties were buried in one of the sacred groves. Artemisia was sure the Turquoise House knew everything that BalmHeal Residence did. Their Residence had taken the deaths very hard.

aIall transfer the information,a Lark Holly said.

Ura Heather walked out.

aThank you both.a Lark Holly curtsied to them and swept from the room, leaving Artemisia with a man who still hadnat met her eyes. Awkward.

If shead had regular clothes on, shead have tucked her hands in the wide opposite sleeves, but she was wearing a work tunic with tight cuffs. She stood by the open door, but he didnat move.

aYou arenat going to refuse our request?a she asked him.

aItas mostly the Heathersa request, isnat it? FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather and Lark Holly, whose mother was a Heather.a aThe Heathers have always been the best Healers.a aThat doesnat bother you? That no matter how hard you try, youall never be their equal?a Artemisia blinked. aWhy should it? The Heathers are from the FirstFamilies, are descended from people who had psi power on ancient Earth. My Family isnat so old, our Flair isnat as evolved.a She lifted her chin, held out her hands, and flexed her fingers. aIam sure youave practiced your sleight of hand for a long time. If I began now, would I ever reach your level of competence? I doubt it.a A corner of her mouth quirked. aEven if I had the natural dexterity you do.a He nodded. aIam good with my hands.a Then he swayed back, b.u.mping against the mantel as if surprised at his own words. His heavy brows lowered. aI have a problem with the power of the entrenched n.o.bility. I also happen to agree with the Turquoise House. This situation is about saving lives, but with Heather itas all about status. The first epidemic happened on her watch as the highest Healer of Celta. Her father had to come out of retirement. I donat think sheall ever forget. If she could eradicate the disease, shead be redeemed and go down in history as the savior.a Artemisia stared at him. Now that she looked more closely, an element of his natural intensity was anger. Another reason to be wary. aI get the impression that you donat want me to be with you in this project.a aI want you,a said the Turquoise House.

aThanks,a she replied but didnat take her gaze off Primross.

He shook his head; his wide mouth thinned. aI donat, but I donat dare refuse you.a aWhy not?a aVinni TaVine, the prophet, visited me this morning and insisted I follow all the wishes of the FirstLevel Healers.a Her chest went tight. No one liked hearing a prophecy featuring himself or herself. She focused on what Primross previously said. aI donat agree that the n.o.bles are too powerful. I think theyare doing their best.a His eyes widened. He shook his head. aYou are naive.a aYouare cynical. All the FirstFamily n.o.bles Iave met have been decent people.a It hadnat been the FirstFamilies whoad demanded the Mugwortsa t.i.tle be stripped from them, but other n.o.bles of their own rank, at the instigation of the newssheets.

He jutted his chin at the window facing the courtyard where the HealingHall glider was pulling away. aYou think FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather is decent?a Artemisia flushed. Shead had unkind thoughts about the lady but wouldnat admit them. aSheas doing the best she can. If weare in this together, I donat want to talk politics.a He nodded slowly. aDone.a aI suggest you take a tour of my premises,a the Turquoise House said. aSecondLevel Healer Panax can determine how things should be arranged best for this experiment.a aFine,a Artemisia said.

Primrossas mouth twisted, but he said, aSure.a aThis is the mains.p.a.ce,a the House repeated. aI have a MasterSuite and MistrysSuite and several bedrooms and waterfall rooms, a kitchen as well as many no-time food and drink storage units. I have a plays.p.a.ce and a den and a library.a aGive us the tour.a Garrettas half bow to Artemisia held a mocking quality. aAfter you.a She sniffed and went into the hall, followed the Houseas instructions, and studied the rooms. Lovely proportions but all were set up to contain and destroy the sickness with sticky white walls and no furniture. Bare, bare, bare.

The more time she spent with Primross, the more it seemed as if she became sensitized to him. Her skin felt hot, and it wasnat the sickness. She was all too aware of his size, the way he moved, and his deeper and rougher tones that contrasted so well with the Houseas actor voice.

Time and again she had to yank her focus from the virile man to the stark House.

Garrett was too aware of the woman he didnat want to replace his lost love and tried to concentrate on his conversation with the slyly knowing Turquoise House. That ent.i.ty hinted at more than one secret regarding itself, the woman, and Garrett.

The Turquoise House had figured out that riddles itched Garrett like a bad rash. The House dropped innuendos, ensuring Garrett was intrigued. Why, Garrett didnat know, but the House had an agenda.

So the obligatory tour wasnat over when a data stream came from Primary HealingHall, officially approving the project. Garrettas last trickle of hope that head be spared the whole terrible thing was squashed.

He and the SecondLevel Healer stood in a small bedroom that connected through a dressing and waterfall room to the bedroom of the MasterSuite. The view out the undraped windows was the only thing that made the place tolerable. The Healer had decided the chambers were right for the experiment. This would be her room.

Garrett glanced at his wrist timer. aI need to make arrangements for my business.a aYou are a private investigator.a The Turquoise House rolled the sentence. aA fascinating business.a Garrett grunted. aI like it well enough.a The Healeras delicately curving brows arched. aYou wouldnat pursue a vocation if you didnat enjoy it.a She already sensed too much about him. Every instant he was with her, the innate bond between them grew from the wispy tendril theyad always had to a thin thread. It would only get worse.

aYou will tell us of some of your cases?a the House asked. aThough that business with the Hawthorn jewels earlier this year was well publicizeda"a triumph for you!a The woman blinked as if she didnat recall his greatest case, the juicy events of kidnapping, attempted murder, accidental death, jewel theft, and a G.o.ddessas curse. Garrett shouldnat have been irritated in the slightest, but he was. People were contrary.

aMaybe Iall tell some general stories. Nothing confidential.a He wanted the woman to ask. But she stared around the place, frowning. She wasnat comfortable in the House and he wondered why.

No. He would not wonder about her. She presented no intriguing puzzle. aIall go to Primary HealingHall and let them take my blood for the boy. Then pack my stuff,a he said.

She sighed. aI must, too.a aDo you teleport?a he asked. She should be able to at her level of Flair.

aYes,a she said, not sounding offended as he wouldave been if shead asked him. She didnat appear to be easily offended. Easygoing. Soft.

Not like Dinni, whoad been adamant in her refusal of him.

The Healer wet her lips and his reluctant gaze went to her wide, tender mouth. She said, aI must plan procedures with the FirstLevel Healers. We probably wonat start the project until tomorrow morning. Youall be scried with the information.a aFine.a He gave her his briefest nod. Again no reaction from her at the slight. Garrett teleported away from the disturbing female and to Intake at Primary HealingHall.


The irritating Garrett Primross was gone. Artemisia relaxed her shoulders.

aMy HouseHeart is quiet and serene if you wish to rest,a the Turquoise House said.

The offer to visit its most secret room surprised Artemisia so much that she stretched out a hand to steady herself. Her skin cringed at the tacky feel of the wall.

aAll organisms deposited by human contact have been destroyed,a said a flat voice.

The House rushed into speech. aMy apologies, Healer. The decontamination and sterilization system came with med announcements that I have not yet programmed into my own voice.a Artemisia never recalled an apology from her own sentient home. aItas very brave of you to host us, Turquoise House.a aPlease call me TQ. TaHawthorn Residence said it took no harm. I want to be able to offer my humans the very best.a Strong, solid, and determined tones.

aI canat understand why youad let me in your HouseHeart.a If the inner sanctum of the HouseHeart was destroyed, the Residence died.

aI trust you,a said TQ. aBalmHeal Residence and I talk a lot.a There came a cacklelike sound Artemisia couldnat place, but she knew it as punctuation. aHe is very old and I am very young, but I was there when he stirred from sleep. My inhabitants at the time were with us both. BalmHeal Residence speaks of you a lot.a A short silence hung. aMy HouseHeart needs maintenance,a TQ said, embarra.s.sed.

aYou donat have permanent caregivers?a aNo. FirstFamily GrandLady DaBlackthorn decorated me, and will help me later. Others who have helped have agreed to have their memories bespelled so they forget details.a Artemisia rocked toward the wall again, moved to the middle of the room. aNo one knows how to reach your HouseHeart?a aNot at this time,a TQ whispered.

She wouldnat say that was foolish. aIam extremely honored.a aI believe I need a failsafe human.a She let out a held breath. aSo another Residence has information on how to reach your HouseHeart and about your HouseStones?a aYes.a aIall be glad to help you, and agree to memory blurring.a aWould keeping your memory be acceptable until my true person comes?a aYour true person?a aI have had tenants, but am waiting for my Family.a She didnat suppress her curiosity. aAre you waiting for a destined person?a aLike humans wait for HeartMates?a His voice lilted. aNo, I know the Family I want.a aOh.a A long creak came from a distant room. aMy HouseHeart is very restful and you have had a difficult morning. I am sorry I mentioned your surname.a aI donat think that will be a problem.a Though Garrett Primross seemed an observant man. But she hadnat hidden information about herself. If he checked, head know who she was and of the Familyas scandal.

aAnd I am sorry about Opul Cranberryas illness,a TQ said.

aHow do you know of Opul?a aTaHeather Residence heard Ura Heather speaking to her father about the child. The GrandLord cautiously approved the experiment. TaHeather Residence told me.a aAh.a aIncoming scry from Lark Holly at Primary HealingHall. Visual on your bedroom wall.a A second later the whole wall rippled, then showed a huge image of Lark Holly.

aGreetyou, Artemisia. Opul Cranberry is being prepared for the blood transfusion from GentleSir Primross. We antic.i.p.ate all will be well, but Opul is upset Iall be his primary Healer.a Lark smiled. She probably wasnat often considered secondary to anyone else. Artemisia was glad Lark was amused. aCan you come say good-bye to Opul? Itas essential he remains calm.a aOf course.a aYou can give me your recommendations for contamination spells.h.i.+elds and such to keep you safe, as well as the rooms you chose for the project in the Turquoise House. We antic.i.p.ate starting at WorkBell tomorrow morning.a Artemisia swallowed and kept her gaze steady. aIall be ready.a aI know you will.a A warmer smile from Lark. aPrimary HealingHall is lucky to have you.a They signed off and the scry faded and the wall went back to blank white. Artemisia breathed deeply. aTQ, can you scry BalmHeal Residence, please? I must talk to my parents.a She was sure her younger sister, a priestess of the Lady and Lord, could set up a blessing ritual that evening.

aOf course,a the House said.

aI promise Iall come this afternoon and help you with your HouseHeart.a aIt can wait.a His voice was soft. aWe are patient beings.a aThank you for your support in this endeavor, TQ. It will be a difficult process.a aThe experiment will be fun and interesting!a Artemisia was sure it would be fascinating . . . and terrible.

At the HealingHall, Garrett was met by a worn Lark Holly. aThank you for returning. Little Opul needs your help. Heas responding very slowly to the new medicine.a Larkas expression hardened into sheer resolve. aWe will save him. We will not have another epidemic.a Garrett made a noncommittal noise.

Her lavender gaze lasered in on his. aI give you my personal word on that.a He held up a palm. aThis situation is not under your control.a Her breath huffed. aYouare right, but we know this sickness now. We will not let it win. Please follow me to the transfusion room.a He hardly needed to, head been here to donate his blood so often, but he was glad to stop talking and take action.

He was placed on a bedsponge near the sick child, a young boy who stared at him with bright blue eyes in a pale face. Even his red orange hair seemed subdued.

aYouare not pretty Artemisia,a the boy whispered, voice rougher than a childas should be.

aNo, but he will help you.a Lark Holly pulled up a stool between the two beds.

aHeas big.a Garrett managed a smile. aYeah, I am.a The boy turned his head and closed his eyes and Garrett saw pain roll through him. He engulfed Opulas hand in his own. It was small and hot and reminded him of Dinni and her baby. He didnat know how to avoid the past. How many times would he be expected to relive it?

Then the child looked at him again and tugged words from him. aIam here to help. It will be all right.a Opulas chin trembled, his lips compressed, then words tumbled from him. aI was bad and opened the box that came from GaUncle Hulten before he died.a a.s.shh.a Lark Holly held out a softleaf to the kid.

He grabbed it and scrubbed his face. aNow Iam sick and Iall make everyone else sick and more of my friends will die.a The boy bit his lip b.l.o.o.d.y. Lark exclaimed and touched it, Healing the small wound.

aNo,a Garrett said and knew head make more promises that could be broken by death. He squeezed Opulas small and sweaty fingers. aI got the sickness and lived and so will you.a Slow blinks at him. aYeah?a aYes.a He struggled to think of something to help the boy. Struggle was right. Head struggled all through the sickness to get the bus to the clinic. aWhat do you want to do most?a aGentleSir Primross.a Lark Hollyas voice cooled with warning that he was not an expert in this area. Healers generally wanted Iasc patients to stay quiet, relax, and rest.

He met her eyes. aI survived,a he said. That was the bottom line. Head lived when others died.

aI like to run best.a Another chin wobble. aIam going to miss the southern district race because I did something stupid!a An idea came to Garrett, dried his throat. His glance clashed with Hollyas intense stare; she watched him closely, listening hard. For something he hadnat put on the record? Who knew what worked? He reached for the tube of water and swallowed fresh liquid. aListen, Opul.a The childas pale blue eyes looked into his own. aWhen the fever and shakes come again, pretend youare running a race. Know that you have to reach the finish line, must win.a Like head had to get through the mountains.

With a little quiver, Opulas fingers clamping on his hand, the boy said, aHard, to be sick and in a race and try to win, not stumble or fall, make mistakes.a Hard to be driving a strange vehicle and know he had to get to the clinic. But head had a goal; everyone else had been giving in to their misery, even Old Grisc.

Garrettas teeth clenched on the tube of water, pierced through it, and liquid spurted everywhere. Cold and shocking.

With a ladylike snort, Lark Holly rhymed a spell couplet and the water evaporated, even from his clothes. An odd feeling head brought on himself. She took the split tube away to the disintegrator and gave him another.

aYou think that would really work? Thinking Iam running a race?a Opul asked.

aHaving a tough goal worked for me.a Eyes wide and with trust, the boy nodded. aIall think of that.a aA good idea,a Lark Holly said softly. aNow letas get some of GentleSir Primrossas strong blood and Flair into you.a Another nod from the child.

aIall come to your next race,a Garrett said.

aI live in Toono Town,a Opul said. aSometimes adult work makes it difficult to attend races.a Garrett didnat like the excuse. aYouare a priority for me.a He didnat have any hot cases, could use more work. If something heated up, head still make the time. It was rare he had emergencies, life-and-death situations.

aYouare a priority for all of us,a Lark Holly said.

aEven pretty Artemisia?a Opul asked. aSheas not here.a aNot her choice,a Garrett said. aShe was a.s.signed away.a aSheall come say good-bye,a Lark Holly said.

The boy pouted, then his fingers were twisting, growing hotter. aI donat feel good. How long will I be sick?a He didnat seem to be thinking head die, at least. Not that that had helped many. No one Garrett had known with the sickness had thought they would die.

aPerhaps a week,a Lark Holly said.

aLetas get this done,a Garrett said.

Lark Holly said, aI doubt heall have more lucid moments. I helped clear his mind for the transfusion and now will put him into a trance. Can you self-trance and stay grounded?a aOf course.a Holly counted down and Garrett sank into a meditative state. He was aware of hands on him. A Flaired suction tube was placed against an artery in his arm. Hurt flashed; his blood flowed. This wasnat the first time head had his blood and Flair sent into someone with the sickness.

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Celta: Heart Secret Part 2 summary

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