Celta: Heart Secret Part 22

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The bond between himself and Artemisia was narrow and he got nothing from ita"though it took no special Flair to feel the hint of despair radiating from her.

He was concentrating on her so much he didnat much notice the other items on the deska"a scattering of several equal-armed crossesa"until Fol Berberis stepped up, chose one, and handed it to Garrett.

He looked at the wooden cross in his hand, made the deduction. aThis is an altar knife?a aYes,a Rosa Milkweed said.

Garrett turned it over in his hand. The arms were rounded and carved with what he now saw were elongated faces. He grimaced, not to his taste. He saw the crack around the bottom of one of the arms where it joined the rest in the middle.

He pulled it apart, saw a narrow pointed blade with sharp edges, and raised his brows. aHmm.a He didnat look at Artemisia, who was probably the only one familiar with such a weapon.

aItas an altar knife. Used as we would use a bolline, a white-handled knife in our rituals. A tool,a Artemisia said.

aItas a concealed weapon,a Fol Berberis said.

Garrett sheathed the thing and put it in another belt pocket. aThe murder weapon was like this?a aBigger, prettier.a Berberis shrugged. aOur weapons specialist is still studying the actual knife.a aAnd it came from Primary HealingHall,a Garrett stated. His gaze skipped across those of the three guards in the room. aWeall go check out the chapel ourselves.a Again Winterberryas brows went up when he looked at Artemisia. aSounds good.a Garrett held out a hand to Artemisia. aShall we go?a Her round chin turned stubborn. Her emerald eyes were cool. aWhy do you think I should go with you?a aAre you familiar with the cross-folk chapel in Primary HealingHall?a aYes.a Her mouth turned down. aThere will be traces of my presence.a She looked at Winterberry. aI occasionally visit the chapel. Itas a sacred place and usually empty, unlike the Ladyas and Lordas Temple. A good place to relax.a aAnd your mother is cross-folk, so you are used to the vibrations of such a religion,a Winterberry said.

aYes.a Winterberry waved a hand. aThen you will notice if there is anything unusual about the chapel.a aThe altar missing the knife is unusual,a Artemisia said.

aBeyond that.a Winterberry was unruffled at her irritation.

aI suppose,a she said. She took a pace so she was outside Garrettas reacha"an action that made the back of his neck heat. She glanced at him, then at Winterberry. aI donat know the chapel well enough in all light to be able to teleport there now, but I can teleport to the pad outside my office cubicle.a Garrett stepped up and took her hand. Warm and soft and feeling right in his. She frowned. He ignored that. aWeall head out, then.a He nodded to Winterberry. aIall give you a report in a septhour or so.a aFine,a Winterberry said. aI prefer you take a guard also.a Guardswoman Milkweed inclined her head at Winterberry. aIall accompany them.a aA lot of time and effortas going into this investigation,a Fol Berberis said.

Rosa Milkweed nodded. aYes. If wead caught the guy with the others, all those years ago, head have been dead like his cohorts. Youa"wea"all missed him for years.a aEvery guard in Druida regretted that, wanted to close the case,a Winterberry said stiffly.

aGuy who killed him should get a medal,a Berberis said.

aFor murder?a Artemisia asked.

aJustice, not murder,a Milkweed said. aJustice has finally been done.a The rest of the guards nodded, then the guardswoman continued, aLetas head to the HealingHall and get on with it.a Garrett nodded. aRight.a aOn three.a Artemisia began the teleportation countdown, lacing her fingers with the guardswomanas. aOne, GentleSir, two, Guard Milkweed, three.a And they arrived in the corner of one of the most miserable working s.p.a.ces Garrett had ever seen, including at the beginning of his own career. The room was large but depressingly filled with rickety-walled part.i.tions around desks. Bright, harsh light emanating from Flair-tech panel squares showed every flaw in the furniture, and there were many. The ceiling was only a few inches above his head and there were no windows. His nostrils stung with the odor of astringent cleansers.

He was nearly shocked. Head have never considered such a place would exist in Primary HealingHall, known for its luxury.

The guardswoman pulled her hand from theirs and took a stride from the teleportation pad before setting her hands on her hips and looking around. aNot inspiring.a Artemisia did a hunched-shoulder shrug and went to a counter in one of the few tiny s.p.a.ces that appeared occupied. aThis is for the temporary staff. There are only three of us up here.a Milkweed sniffed. aThe rest of Primary HealingHall is lavish enough. I have friends who work in AllCla.s.s HealingHall who have better offices than this.a aYes, well, I donat antic.i.p.ate staying here very much longer. Hopefully, I will share an office on the administrative floor.a She glanced at an old-fas.h.i.+oned scry bowl. aI have no messages in my cache that I need to deal with.a She said nothing but crossed to an opening between the cubes that Garrett realized was a main thoroughfare between them. Milkweed followed Artemisia, and he fell in last. As they walked to the stairwell, he understood that they were on the top floor, the third, of the HealingHall.

The wide stairs were equally vacant as if they werenat much used. When they reached the doors to the main floor, he saw Artemisia take a big breath and glance at the guardswoman and himself. He couldnat help but smile back at her. She shouldnat worry so much. True, she was escorting a Druida guard, but Garrett himself was with Artemisia. And he was sure by now that he was the talk of all the Healers in Druida. Him being seen with her would remind everyone how Artemisia had taken part in the project that would stop the Iasc sickness.

But when they walked through the richly appointed hallways, more gazes went to the guardswomanas uniform than to Garrett and no one greeted Artemisia. His jaw clenched. Even when he was a guard for merchant traders, head never let anyone treat him like thata"as if he didnat matter.

It irritated him that she accepted the slights.

After a couple of long corridors, they reached a double door with a sign over it that read, aSacred s.p.a.ces.a Artemisia pushed through, and the fragrance of incense tanged the air.

There were only three doors, two on either side of the short hall and one set in a curved wall ahead of them that was obviously a regular round Temple. To the right there was a square cross over the door, and to the left, a series of symbols of religions that Garrett didnat quite recognize. Most people of Celta were comfortable with the culture that their colonist ancestors had established. He understood that the cross-folk beliefs spun off from other Earthan religions. There were a few other faiths that had followers. And some folk didnat believe in any sort of religion at all.

Artemisia automatically swung to the right.

The voice of the HealingHall came. aOne moment, please, SecondLevel Healer Panax. FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather noted that you arrived with a guard and requests you await her. The door to the cross-folk sacred s.p.a.ce has been spells.h.i.+elded against all entry.a The HealingHall wasnat so much a sentient ent.i.ty as an automatic monitoring system. Garrett wondered how close Primary HealingHall was to becoming an intelligent being, but decided no one would answer the question if he asked.

Artemisiaas face had hardened. aHas anyone needed the chapel?a she asked.

aThe s.h.i.+eld has not been disturbed since it was placed,a answered the system.

The doors behind them opened and FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather swept in. Garrett noted that she was wearing elaborate n.o.ble robes with long pocket sleeves, a long tunic, and heavily bloused trous billowing over the ankle cuffs. All in a lush purple-and-gold-patterned silk.

He bowed a little short of what the woman should have received. aGreetyou, FirstLevel Healer,a he said.

aPrimross? I thought Winterberry was handling this mess.a Garrett angled his head. aAs he handles all FirstFamily messes?a The womanas mouth turned down.

Garrett continued, aIt appears that this mess is connected with the murder of the last Black Magic Cultist.a He aimed a smile meant to irritate at her. aYou must have forgotten that his wife was a victim of that cult.a Heatheras lips soured more and she set her hands in her opposite sleeve pockets. aSo?a aSo, it was thought by the FirstFamilies Council that he should not be the primary investigator on this case.a aAnd you should?a He made his smile more patently charming. aThe FirstFamilies Council has faith in my skills.a aDo you often work for the Druida guards?a Heather asked.

aOccasionally,a he lied. aAnd I must tell you that this project is much more to my liking than the previous one I was involved in.a Artemisia made a small sound. aA man has been murdered.a FirstLevel Ura Heatheras brows lowered. aWhy are you here at the HealingHall so soon before your s.h.i.+ft, SecondLevel Healer?a aShe has been requested by the guards to help with the investigation,a Garrett said smoothly. Another way to keep close to her.

The Healer pivoted to glare at Rosa Milkweed. aIs that so?a With an arch of her brows, the guardswoman said, aYes.a A slow smile showing teeth appeared on Heatheras face.

aThe guards have requested you, Artemisia Mugwort, as a consultant in this matter,a Ura Heather said with a satisfied smile. aSo you are released from the staff of Primary HealingHall to fulfill that position.a


Shock. The death of her career echoed in Artemisiaas mind, as did Ura Heatheras words. You are released from the staff of Primary HealingHall to fulfill that position.

Artemisia had never known why the FirstLevel Healer didnat care for her, and lately the womanas malice had gotten worse. A wave of cold nausea washed through Artemisia and she locked her knees to stay upright, opened her mouth to gulp more air.

aTemporarily,a Garrett insisted, his voice sounding too loud to Artemisia. Head moved very close. Supposed to be supportive?

FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather bridled. aI donat thinka"a aIf SecondLevel Healer Panaxas consultation will impact her career poorly, the guards will, of course, understand and forego her help on this matter,a Garrett said.

Anger, accompanied by vicious threata"toward the FirstLevel Healera"throbbed along the bond between Garrett and Artemisia.

A too strong bond. Artemisia would have to do somethinga"she didnat know what, but soona"about that.

When she looked up at him with eyes that had dilated due to the emotional blow, she saw he was projecting an easy manner. Not even the guardswoman seemed to notice how furious he was. That Artemisia had was a warning sign.

Then she blinked as his words repeated in her mind. He was keeping her career as safe as he could. Her head went a little light. Would the guards have requested her help, like he had? Yes. And Ura Heather would have used that for dismissal, as she did.

Sounded like Artemisia was hanging on to her place here at Primary HealingHall with her fingertips. She let a breath sift out. Life as usual with the FirstLevel Healer.

aVery well,a Ura Heather snapped. aThe SecondLevel Healer can consult with the guards and keep her position here.a aGood,a Garrett said.

aThatas good,a the guardswoman said. aWe should proceed into the Temple.a aYes,a Garrett agreed. aWho discovered the altar knife was missing?a aOur FirstLevel Housekeeper, who personally checks these rooms every eightday.a Heather stared at Artemisia. aSheas been on our permanent staff for thirty years.a aIs she cross-folk?a Garrett asked.

aNo, but she knows the inventory of each room,a Heather said.

Artemisia winced at the word inventory but said, aThen you donat need me to tell you what might be missing.a All of them looked at her.

aPlease, stay with us,a Milkweed said and gestured for Artemisia to open the door. She turned the k.n.o.b and went in first. Milkweed followed, looking around. Garrett held open the door for FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather, but she shook her head and marched back to the main doors at the end of the hallway and through them.

Garrett entered and scrutinized the room with a glance. Definitely religious, with the heavy fragrance of candles and incense; tiny tiles made up a mosaic on four sides of a plinth. He sc.r.a.ped his grovestudy memory for something on the cross-folk and finally recalled they had a four-spirited G.o.d. He still didnat know what that meant.

He didnat like the ambiance of the chapel . . . It felt graver, less joyful than what he experienced when he went to Temples of the Lady and Lord.

Artemisia stopped a pace away from the altar, and Milkweed, who was close behind her, came up short and off-balance. Taller than Artemisia, she fell forward and had to grab the edge of the velvet-draped altar table to steady herself.

The cloth skewed, and with a couple of smooth pulls, she made it straight.

A flushed Milkweed moved to face them and nodded. aMy Flair includes an excellent memory for faces, and a small aspect of a talent like Captain Winterberryas. I can tell how many and who have been in this room.a She looked at Artemisia. aYou have been in the room before?a aOf course,a Artemisia said. Her lips hardened, as if she were tired of the questions. But investigation was checking every detail from every aspect. aLike I said, I sometimes come here to relax or meditate.a Milkweedas brow furrowed. aIt seems like your vibration has been here for a long time.a aMy mother worked here for years. Also, when I was hired on, she wished that I light a candle of thanks to her G.o.d here in the chapel. She asked me to check on the chapel every other eightday or so since there is no cross-folk priest on staff.a aWhen was the last time you were here?a asked the guardswoman.

Artemisia frowned and her gaze went blank as if calculating. aIt would have been two eightdays ago on TwinMoonsday.a Her smile was faint, then she gestured to the Celtan Temple. aThe last couple of days, I spent more time in the Ladyas and Lordas Temple here.a aDid you touch anything on the altar?a aOf course not. The pieces are consecrated by a priest of the cross-folk and not to be handled by unbelievers. I would not do such a thing!a aDidnat light the candelabra on the altar?a Garrett asked. The wicks of the sixteen candles in the stand were burnt.

aNo, I used those candles.a Artemisia gestured to a small alcove in the side wall and an iron stand holding three rows of small tapers. Only three melted stubs showed use. aThose candles are for anyone who has a prayer.a aHuh,a Garrett said. The more he stayed in this place, the less he liked it. As if eyes watched and judged.

Milkweed stared at the altar that showed a large empty s.p.a.ce in a row of three crosses, where the missing knife would have stood. Her gaze swung back to Artemisia. aBut youave been in here several times?

aYes.a aAnd you found the murder knife, which is a blade and three arms of a square cross, but didnat recognize it as coming from here?a Artemisiaas eyes had deepened to forest green and again Garrett was aware of secretsa"but not lies, not this time. Nor did her tone waver when she answered. aI didnat pay much attention to the altar or the knife upon it.a She shrugged. aAnd it looked ordinary to me. A cross that would be used in a public place like this, not one in a dedicated cross-folk chapel. I didnat realize that it was a work of art.a That was news to Garrett since he hadnat had time to review Artemisiaas statements to the guards.

aI do feel your presence in this room before today,a Milkweed continued to press.

Chin lifting, Artemisia tilted it in the direction of the Celtan round Temple. aAnd if you go into the Ladyas and Lordas Temple, you will find my presence there, later and more often.a Milkweed nodded. aIall check that out.a She pursed her lips. aToo bad Winterberry isnat considered reliable in this matter. His Flair for that is better than mine.a She turned to Garrett. aWhat of your Flair?a Before he could form an answer that revealed very little about himself and his Flaira"how he could speak with all Fams, and even meld minds with thema"the door opened and the FirstFamily GrandLord Straif TaBlackthorn entered the room.

Either FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather or Garrettas own friend Laev TaHawthorn must have asked him to come. He was the best tracker on Celta.

aGreetyou, guardswoman, greetyou, GentleSir Primross. And SecondLevel Healer Mugwort Panax.a The GrandLord bowed.

Artemisia curtsied deeply. Milkweed angled her body in a short bow. Garrett nodded.

Straif TaBlackthorn said, aI was briefed by a few members of the FirstFamily Council on the death of Modoc Eryngo and was asked to look at this chapel for tracks of the one who disposed of him.a Garrett itched to ask whoad spoken with him and whether it was Laeva"who was nearly a generation younger than TaBlackthorna"but kept his mouth shut. Head find out later.

TaBlackthorn scanned the room with a penetrating stare, particularly the floor, which Garrett had heard would show the GrandLord the trails of each individual whoad been in the room. aI can tell you that I see nothing unusual here.a Then he crossed his arms. aAnd thatas all I will tell you. As far as Iam concerned, the fliga"a His gaze seemed to snag on the altar and the image of the four-spirited G.o.d and he stopped the curse word. aModoc Eryngo got what he deserved. Iave fulfilled my annual n.o.bleGilt public service and if the guards wish to request the councils hire me, be aware that my fee for this matter is high.a He quoted a figure that had Garrettas mouth dropping at the sheer size of it.

Milkweed choked.

The FirstFamily GrandLord nodded to them all again and vanished.

Artemisia expelled a breath that was loud in the silence, then murmured, aWell, I suppose that isnat surprising.a aNo?a asked Milkweed.

Artemisia shrugged. aHeas married to a Clover, after all, like Winterberry.a The guardswoman shook her head. aI canat always keep the tangles of FirstFamily relations.h.i.+ps straight.a Garrett frowned. aHow, exactly, is he related?a Pressing her lips together as if in thought, Artemisia replied, aI think TaBlackthornas wife is cousin to Trif Clover, who is wed to Winterberry and was one of the two surviving Black Magic Cult victims. But the other who lived and is close to Winterberry is of his blood. Another FirstFamily Lady, wed to Saille TaWillow.a ac.r.a.p,a Garrett said, and didnat like the ripple of disapproval that even that mild oath provoked in the atmosphere. Nope, he didnat think he liked this cross-folk G.o.d.

He rubbed the back of his neck. His senses and Flair were clogged here. Head have to sort through his impressions later.

Milkweed completed a prowl through the room. aI think weave seen everything we need?a She held the door open. aI want to do a quick check of the Lordas and Ladyas Temple, then speak with the housekeeper andaa"she grimaceda"aGrandMistrys FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather.a The guardswoman ended with a low mutter under her breath, aSure wish her father, GrandLord TaHeather, was still in charge here.a Artemisia exited first, saying, aYou wonat need me for that.a She glanced at a pretty timer on the wall. aAnd my s.h.i.+ft starts in about twenty minutes.a aYouare with me now,a Garrett rumbled. aAnd we have things to do.a aNo!a aIall be in the Lordas and Ladyas Temple.a Guardswoman Milkweed hurried away.

aDo you really think that FirstLevel Healer Heather hasnat already rea.s.signed your cases?a Garrett asked.

aAgain?a He didnat want to disillusion her, but she should face reality. aUra Heather probably flexed your work time the minute the knife was discovered missing.a Artemisiaas face stilled in that way women have when they are fighting tears. He hated to see that, held out his hand.

She dodged around him. aI still must check my s.h.i.+fts,a she said in a choked voice.

She had to turn away from him, from all the hurt pounding through her. Nothing had gone right lately, so many things had tested her inner calm, her strength. She knew she was strong, she didnat need to prove that to herself or anyone else. aIall join you in a few minutes,a Artemisia said, insides wavery. aI also need to program my scrybowl to forward to my perscry.a She strode away and wound through the building to her sorry cubicle.

One glimpse of the aAmended Work Schedule, Artemisia Panaxa posted on the inside part.i.tion showed that Garrett was right. She was slated to start work in a couple of septhours and her s.h.i.+ft was truncated enough to give her the minimal amount of work timea"and gilt.

She unfolded a temp-sit chair from the wall of the part.i.tion and sat. Options must be considereda"for her job, first, then her personal life. How much did she want to work in this HealingHall? A great deal. The energy felt right, but Ura Heather would rule for a long time. Artemisia grounded herself, let her tumbled feelings drain. Maybe she could hang on to her position here. She was a good Healer and if Lark Holly would be her advocate . . . if all this mess pa.s.sed without more irritation of Heather, and Artemisia sank below her notice again, she had a chance. If, if, if. She wouldnat give up yet, but one more incident and shead have to walk away.

The smooth surface of the water in the scrybowl caught her eye. As for her personal life, she had to get beyond her own hurt and pain to do that, which meant she had to follow up on her promise to her relatives. She needed a counselor and at least one session. She thought of the priests and priestesses shead met through Tiana over the years. Some were too high to call on. Some were so close to Tiana that advising her sister would put a strain on the friends.h.i.+p.

Artemisia sighed. There was something easy about Leger Cinchona that she liked. So she put the call through.

His mobile face fell when he understood that she wanted to consult him as a priest, then he smiled and waved the slight regret aside, accepted her as a client. She took his next free appointment which was at EveningBell.

Now to find her spine and face Garrett.

Her perscry lilted a dance measure. Her parents were calling. She pulled the pebble out of her sleeve pocket and put it on the counter. aHere,a she said.

When she saw their serious faces, her stomach jittered. This wouldnat be good news, either.

aWe have discussed the matter,a her father said, with his implacable judge face on. Whatever decision theyad come to, there would be no appeal. aWe can only believe this murder situation will become increasingly unstable and affect your career. We want you to go to TaHawthorn Residence and speak with Laev TaHawthorn, call in the favor he owes us to exert influence regarding your position there.a Artemisiaas voice was high. aWe saved his HeartMateas life, wead have done so for anyone, but Camellia is our friend.a aYes,a her mother said.

aBut he offered the favor,a her father continued inexorably, aand we accepted on your behalf.a She remembered and resentment spiked. Theyad always thought she was softer, less a fighter than her younger sister.

aItas not that youare gentler than Tiana,a her mother said.

aThatas exactly what it is,a Artemisia said.

aYou helped save Camelliaas life,a her father pointed out, aso the favor was also for you. Tiana did not. And Tianaas colleagues accept her. Yours do not.a aWhen the scandal broke sixteen years ago, FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather at Primary HealingHall was quick enough to tell me my services were not needed,a Artemisiaas mother said. aAnd GrandLord TaHeather did not overturn her decision.a Artemisiaas father ran a hand up and down her motheras tense back. aIt was not a battle he could have won.a aSo he didnat fight it.a Artemisia frowned. Her mother brought the steely will to fight to the Familya"that of a Healer battling for life and death. Artemisia was more of her fatheras contemplative temperament, unless she was engaged in that Healing struggle. And, like him, she understood not fighting battles she couldnat win outside Healing. aIall go see Laev.a Tomorrow. Maybe.

aThank you.a Her father dipped his head in understanding that shead do this because they asked.

Her mother smiled her usual serene smile. aThank you.a They didnat fear for themselves, though Artemisia was beginning to think that they should. They worried about her. That was Family. aI love you,a she said.

Her parents answered in unison, aWe love you.a Her mother blew her a kiss that made Artemisia smile and the scry ended.

Artemisia let her shoulders slump and wallowed in self-pity for a few seconds before she stood, returned her perscry to her pocket, and walked down to meet Garrett.

To her relief, he and the guardswoman were speaking with the housekeeper. Artemisia thought from the simmering irritation through her narrowed bond with Garrett that Ura Heather had given them a perfunctory interview.

The Healing Grove was crowded and Artemisia didnat want to stay in the Hall when she couldnat work. She didnat know who took care of her patientsa"people shead almost begun to knowa"but it was disheartening to be there and not allowed to help. So she waited outside, sitting on a smoothly sculpted bench, soaking in suns.h.i.+ne, until Garrett reappeared. Alone.

Her hope of keeping the guard and a professional att.i.tude between herself and Garrett was futile. aWhereas Guardswoman Milkweed?a aShe was called to duty at another venue.a He glanced at his wrist timer. aSame place we need to go. A viewing of Modoc Eryngoas body.a aA viewing of the body!a Artemisia was shocked. That wasnat a usual part of death rites in their culture, though some cross-folk practiced such.

Garrett slanted her an ironic look. aApparently the Familya"and the All Councilsa"agreed a viewing to show everyone the last Black Magic Cultist is truly dead was necessary.a Artemisia swallowed. aI donat like this.a aI donat think anyone does.a Garrett gestured to the public carrier plinth and offered his elbow.

She ignored it.

He scowled. aBetter get used to being with me today outside your work schedule at the HealingHall, Artemisia.a The guards had wanted her at the memorial, and had requested he keep an eye on her. If her being there would fix in their minds that she was innocent, head get her there. But with regard to the murder, he had a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that head missed some simple clue that head seen or heard.

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Celta: Heart Secret Part 22 summary

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