Celta: Heart Secret Part 26

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Grunting, Garrett s.h.i.+fted his eyes back to the high priest in a formal robe. Now that he examined the man, a man who had an incredibly intense presence, he didnat appear very calm, either. Garrett sniffed again and smelled the herbs that absorbed sweat and released a nicer fragrance. Rich herbs, from the high priestas robe.

TaSandalwood bowed. aYou have my a.s.surance and my sworn oath as a spiritual leader that I will keep this session confidential, as usual.a Finally Garrett gave in to the urge to cough and racked a few seconds until his throat was clear. aYou canat tell me that you wonat write everything down that you heard for your records.a He nodded to Cinchona. aAnd that you wonat have him write everything down, either.a Artemisia said, aPriests and priestesses are trained to have excellent memories.a The high priest sighed and met Garrettas eyes with a sober gaze of his own. aThat is true. But I vow to you that I will speak to no one about thisaa"he shot a command at Cinchonaa"anor will FirstLevel Priest Cinchona, unless lives are at stake.a His attention returned to Garrett. aAnd our recordspheres, memoryspheres, and any journals we keep of this incident will be spells.h.i.+elded and not available, except in extreme need, to be opened for two centuries.a aHuh,a Garrett said. He rubbed his neck and sweat and skin flaked into his palm. aI guess thatas the best that I can get.a He didnat like it, though.

He felt hollowed out, scoured by emotions. Feelings he hoped never to live through again. Done with them. Done with all the people head known who head watched die. Done with Dinni and her child, whoad had no chance. Done. Done. Done.

The high priest paused. aI do not usually advocate premarriage counseling for HeartMates, but under the circ.u.mstances . . .a Hot irritation streamed through Garrettas blood as he understood that Cinchona had revealed the whole HeartMate mess to TaSandalwood.

Garrett glared at the high priest, looked again at the pale younger priest. aI thought once I talked this out, I would lance that wound you said I had and be all right. Good enough to woo my HeartMate, my Artemisia.a She still quivered against his side.

Cinchonaas mouth turned down, then he said, aNo guarantees, remember?a aAh, hmm.a TaSandalwood shot a frown at his subordinate. aYou said something like that?a Holding his body with dignity, Cinchona said, aI did. My Flair indicated that GentleSir Primross would be better for such a catharsis.a TaSandalwoodas heavy salt-and-pepper brows dipped in near his eyes. aBetter?a He turned his examination from the younger priest to Garrett.

aMuch better,a Cinchona added firmly. He cleared his throat. aAnd the manas fear of losing loved ones and his grief that such horrific experiences engendered in him have been much relieved.a TaSandalwoodas nostrils widened as he examined Garrett and Artemisia. He turned his palm over toward the ceiling, and curled his fingers. Garrett found himself rising to his feet, no muscles involved, as the priestas Flair lifted him. He had to brace his knees to stand steady, and took a little of Artemisiaas weight, too.

She pulled a large softleaf from her sleeve and mopped her face, drew out another one, and lifted it to his face, murmuring a spell that made it sweetly fragrant and like it had a little lotion to soothe. Since it felt so good, he didnat complain about it being girly.

aI have an alternative to the prenuptial counseling,a TaSandalwood said in a soft tone that made Garrett flinch, knowing it would be nearly as bad as what head already gone through.

aWhat?a His voice rumbled all the way from his gut.

aWe have rituals for survivors of catastrophic events.a aNo!a Artemisia stepped away from Garrettas side. aHasnat he gone through enough? Two fliggering bouts of Iasc sickness and telling Cinchona and me and you and Rusby about the whole dreadful thing?a Garrett stared; head never heard her curse before.

aArtemisia, your natural compa.s.sion is wondera"a TaSandalwood began.

aNo.a She stamped her foot. aI wonat have it. Heas been through enough.a She drew herself to her fullest height and her gaze matched the high priestas. Garrett was impressed.

aAnd so have I.a She pounded a fist once on her chest over her heart. aI tended him through his second Iasc sickness, and I just listened to his words of that terrible time in his life. As far as I am concerned, Garrett is far more stable than either of you priests. And far more heroic.a aA HeartMate would saya"a TaSandalwood once again was interrupted by Artemisia.

aOh, letas go,a she said, tugging on Garrettas hand. aWeare done here. Iall transfer gilt from my account.a aI can do that,a Garrett croaked. Making sure his hand was steady, he scooped up Rusby and put him on his shoulder. He sank a little into his balance to ground himself, get his legs. He didnat think anyone noticed. When he felt strong again, he straightened his knees, then stretched longa"shoulders, arms, hands, then thighs, calves; arched and flexed his feet.

He turned and bowed to the high priest, who was having a stare off with Artemisia. Then he turned back to Cinchona and bowed. Much as he didnat want to, he said the courteous word. aThanks.a aMy apologies for . . .a The younger priest raised and dropped his hands.

Garrett snagged Artemisia with an arm around her waist. aCome on, woman, we have things to do.a He met the high priestas eyes. aInteresting to meet you.a aIall expect a clean mental and spiritual bill of health from you, TaSandalwood, on my HeartMate,a Artemisia said.

aAnd may I officiate at your wedding?a he asked.

Garrettas sweat turned cold. Artemisia noted his slight hesitation, before he lied as well as he could, aSure.a He met the older priestas gaze with a straight one of his own.

He left arm in arm with Artemisia, but she knew head withdrawn a bit. Wasnat really ready for marriage. Not. Quite. Yet.

He wondered how much slack shead give him. A week, maybe two? Not nearly as much as she would have if he hadnat screwed up the whole thing.

They leaned on each other as they exited the Temple and into the evening. Garrett winced. His story had taken a lot longer than head realized. But here he was, hand in hand with his HeartMate. All to the good, he supposed. He really didnat feel that much better.

But if the nightmares would go away, it was also worth it. And thinking of dreams, the image of the turquoise Healing pool slid into his brain. aI could use a good soak.a He glanced at her from the corners of his eyes. She hadnat reacted, thinking of something else. Not thinking of him.

aBest in a Healing pool. You live near one, donat you?a That had her stiffening against him.

aHow do you know that?a she asked.

Rusby spoke up from his place on Garrettas shoulder. The ferals told him.

Her stare was accusatory.

aI didnat ask them to spy on you,a he said, aggrieved.

True, Rusby said. I am hungry. I have missed TWO feedings.

How could that be? But when Garrett counted the minutes, he found the kitten was right.

aI canat go anywhere in this condition,a Garrett said. He put a little distance between himself and Artemisia, squeezed her hand, but his voice was harsh when he said, aAnd youare still keeping secrets.a Her chin lifted, she didnat look at him . . . but she didnat pull her fingers away, either. Their bond had reduced a bit, and he thought shead done that as much as he.

aThere are things I canata"a h.e.l.lo, Garrett. h.e.l.lo, Healer. Sleek Black trotted beside them. He looked up at Garrett and wrinkled his nose. You smell, Garrett. You smell, Healer. He snickered.

Rusby stared down at him. You are not polite. I was being polite.

Sleek Black ignored the kitten. We have tracked all four of the racc.o.o.ns. Two are with this Healer.

Garrett stopped. aI understood that one is her Fam. Whom I need to speak with. Keeping more than one secret, it appears.a aJust because you let all your secrets out, I need to tell mine?a Her eyes had lightened from the dark green that he preferred.

aOf course. Thatas how HeartMates work.a He was sure of that.

aHumph.a She scowled at Sleek Black. Thanks a lot, cat.

You are welcome.

Artemisiaas lips flattened, then she said, aYou must have reviewed my interrogations. As you know, my Fam didnat see much, only experienced theaa"she swallowed harda"athe hatred of the murderer. I donat know of the other racc.o.o.n.a A pa.s.serby grumbled as he walked around them. Garrett drew Artemisia into the deep doorway of a restaurant that served only breakfast and lunch and had already closed. Rusby sniffed deeply; Sleek Black sat and watched them with a smirk.

aAll your secrets revolve around your home.a Head wanted her to tell him of it freely, but now it didnat look like that would happen, and it hurt.

She tilted her head up and looked him in the eyes. aI am sworn to secrecy.a Bad things happen if she tells, Sleek Black said.

aWhat bad things?a Garrett grabbed her shoulders. aHow can I help?a aI canat say.a Artemisia formed each word coldly.

aFligger.a Garrett dropped his hands from her.

aPlease donat curse at me.a She s.h.i.+fted and he suddenly knew she was about to teleport away.

aNot you, never you, at the situation. Our situation.a Secret place. Sleek Black flicked his whiskers.

More synapses connected in Garrettas mind, until he was sure. aThe hidden garden. The first HealingHall established by the colonists. BalmHeal estate, the secret sanctuary that lets in only the desperate.a Artemisiaas eyes flickered. aI canat say.a She slipped around him, back onto the sidewalk. aIall go find Randa and the other racc.o.o.n so they can speak to you about the murder. Iall scry you later, when the racc.o.o.ns are available.a aWait, you must know that our . . . bond is more important. That Iave had a change of hearta"a Garrett said, but she disappeared anyway.

Sleek Black angled his head. You are not good with females.

aNo.a But he could be persistent. aDo you know where this secret garden is?a Of course. All ferals know. A cat shrug rippled down his back. Some go there sometimes and some donat. But all know.

aTake me there.a We are going to THE sanctuary, Rusby whispered in his mind.

aThatas right. Now.a Food! Rusby said.

aAll right, food first.a Sleek Black stretched, back end up, tail swis.h.i.+ng. I could eat, too. Itas a long walk.

Didnat sound like the cat knew a better way. d.a.m.n.

Artemisia aported directly to the empty pad set in a trellised area close to the main Healing pool in BalmHeal estate. She wasnat really surprised at the tears running down her face. Shead cried a lot during Garrettas tormented story.

She hurt for him and for herself so much she was tired and dizzy with it. She shucked her clothes and put them in a cleanser that would translocate them to BalmHeal Residence. Then she slid into the hot water and sat on the stone seat.

As had happened so often in the last eightday, jumbled emotions clashed through her.

Randa? she kept the mental call quiet, easy to ignore if her Fam wanted. And no matter what Artemisia had said to Garrett, she wanted the comfort of her Fam more than to convince Randa to speak to Garrett.

I am here. Randa moved in the almost graceful lumbering run toward her, stopped near her, and sniffed, held out her paws over the gently steaming water. Nice.

aYes.a Artemisia leaned back and closed her eyes but lifted her arm to pet Randaas thick pelt.

The racc.o.o.n made a pleased noise, nothing like a catas purr, but Artemisia smiled. She had a prized racc.o.o.n Fam that Garrett had wanted. Small of her to enjoy that, but she did. Randa settled beside Artemisia, gently humming.

Artemisia sighed and simply enjoyed the heat of the pool soaking out the tension in her muscles and the soft rustling of leaves in the quiet breeze and the crickets beginning to chirp around her.

Such a wrenching day! The calmness of her time in the chapel this morning seemed months away. That her job was in jeopardy, her whole career, only merited a long and tired sigh. Then came a tiny jolt that shead forgotten to speak with Laev TaHawthorn as shead told her parents she would. Well, she would do that tomorrow and shead let them know that her meetings at DaAshas and the guardhouse, and work, and the appointment with Leger Cinchona had eaten up all her time today.

Of course she thought of her HeartMate. Poor Garrett, the time head driven to the clinic and his experiences there had been harrowing. But head let the memories of it control his life, and that had affected Artemisia, too.

After a few minutes, she let Garrettas words filter back into her ears. Iave had a change of heart.

He seemed honest when head said that, a hint of desperation in his tone.

Change of heart.

What a phrase. Could he have had a change of heart? Had he truly allowed himself to put away his grief for Dinni, for those head known who had died? Turned his heart from an old love to a new?

Of course he couldnat love her.

Not the way she already had come to love him. More fool she!

Shead realized that she loved him when head fallen to the floor during his retelling of his ordeal and shead curled around him. And what a time for such an insight! What a very sick time to understand that. To understand that her own heart had managed to forgive him his hurtful words.

Again, so many events and feelings had happened since the night before last that it seemed like a long time ago. And shead changed. She wasnat sure how, and didnat want to scrutinize herself in that much detail now, but she hoped shead grown.

Shead respected him from their first meeting, had probably fallen in love with hima"as prompted by the HeartMate bonda"somewhere during the time theyad spent in TQas HouseHeart or in that peaceful walk after the project was over, before they found the body.

They certainly hadnat had much normal time together. So she supposed they should take it slow. But for once she didnat want to take it slow. Shead put her life on hold for him long enough.

You are thinking of The Man Who Feeds, Randa said.

aYes, how do you know?a His image is very strong in your thoughts.

He is my HeartMate. She didnat say it aloud, not here, in her home that she shared with her Family.

I have heard of mates, but it makes little sense.

aThatas all right.a Artemisia petted Randa; her fingers went to the place where her Fam had been wounded, but there wasnat even a scar. Randa flinched.

aHeas a good man.a Artemisia reluctantly began to don responsibility again. aSince heas my mate, you will be able to speak to him mentally.a She was pretty sure that was standard for Fams. Garrettas Fam, Rusby, had called her FamWoman. She hadnat had any trouble hearing him telepathically.

We watched him a long time. He fed us. He liked us, we could tell.

That was the very best thing Artemisia knew about Garrett, his love for feral Fams.

She wet her lips. She had to proceed carefully. aIave heard that someone else from your Family is here in the estate.a She opened her eyes and turned her head to meet Randaas black ones.

The young racc.o.o.n had rolled to a sitting position and was grooming her tail, but stopped. Yes, my dam is here, denning for a while. But I am not hers anymore. I belong to myself and you.

aI would like to meet her, and to thank her for making such a wonderful daughter.a That was true at least.

Randa grinned.

We can go see her. The racc.o.o.n tilted her head. She will be stirring soon, and perhaps exploring the estate. It is a good place.

aYes.a Artemisia exited the pool and took a thick, fluffy robe from a nearby storage shelf they used in the summer. Wrapping it around herself, she lifted Randa. aWeall go home and get dressed and eat in my rooms.a That way she wouldnat have to confront her parents right now about not following their advice, and wouldnat have to talk to them about her miserable day. aThen weall go find your mother.a Randa licked Artemisiaas face. Yes.

The walk to the abandoned warehouse district in the northeastern corner of Druida City was long. Garrett had pa.s.sed from nicely kept city blocks to rubble-strewn pathways between decrepit and tilting buildings. The colonists had laid out Druida City and built most of it with their machines, but the Celtans hadnat been as prolific as their ancestors, and there was still plenty of free building s.p.a.ce on the outskirts of the city. And the number of Celtans had declined even more due to the Iasc sickness.

Finally, Sleek Black had led him to a narrow path outside a tall tangle of th.o.r.n.y brush. It is here, the tom said. Now I wish to join the hunt in south Druida. Be back tomorrow morning for food! He popped out of sight.

Squinting, Garrett could see an old, old wall behind the vegetation. He forced his way through it and touched the wall.

And was shocked and flung back into the path three meters, landing hard.


A long time latera"Garrett couldnat tell how long, head lost track of time with every attempt at the wallsa"scaling, jumping with Flair, pounding againsta"he was still trying to get in.

The door is over here, Rusby chirped helpfully in his mind, laughing at Garrett, he could tell.

How come you can get in and I canat? He knew what was behind the wall, but it felt like head been thras.h.i.+ng through th.o.r.n.y bushes for septhours. His mind was dim as to exactly where in Druida City he was, though he knew head known that a few minutes before.

Because I am FamCat to the HeartMate of Artemisia who lives in here.

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Celta: Heart Secret Part 26 summary

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