Celta: Heart Secret Part 5

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Artemisia smiled at the cat. A d.a.m.ned painted, mostly inanimate and unalive cat, and Garrettas heart wanted that smile for himself.

She rose smoothly and glanced around. aA truly lovely chamber.a aI am modern and have much Flair and have had many Flaired people giving me energy and I have the newest Flair tech,a TQ boasted.

aUm-hmm,a Artemisia said neutrally. She crossed to the mural on the north wall. It was a jungle scene with a small round turquoise pool. People moved through the tree shadows. With a little shock, Garrett recognized Tinne Holly and his wife.

Artemisia tilted her head. aThese are your former inhabitants?a aAll of them,a TQ said proudly. aEven the ones that I didnat like much and didnat allow to stay long. They remain mostly behind the trees.a Garrettas breath caught as he stared.

aWill we be there?a Artemisia asked.

aPerhaps you. Garrett has a home in MidCla.s.s Lodge,a TQ said.

And it wasnat nearly as homey as this. This was a HouseHeart and special, but if this reflected how the House above had looked when it had been furnished, head never had a home like the one TQ had provided his tenants. The thought jolted that Garrett had never made a home for himself after Dinni had rejected him so long ago. Head drifted and stayed in places, but he hadnat had or made a home.

Artemisia Mugwort Panax looked completely at ease in the surroundings, a woman who knew about offering comfort and making a home.

No, he wouldnat let himself yearn for her or what they could have together.

Garrettas throat was clogged but he wouldnat clear it. His voice rasped. aWhat do you need us to do, TQ?a Flames in the huge fireplace faded and so did the scent of coal and wood burning, the crackle of fire, even the smoke and heat vanished. All fake.

ah.e.l.luva illusion,a Garrett said.

The House chuckled like settling stone. aMy kind of sleight of hand.a Artemisia went to the fireplace and sat on the high hearthstone, held her hands over the bottom of the fireplace. aItas cool.a There was the of stone and inside the slab tilted up. aMy HouseStones,a the Turquoise House whispered.

Artemisiaas breath was quick and hard.

Garrett couldnat keep himself from lunging to see the rare sight. In a small shallow depression were five glowing pebbles and a chunk of obsidian. How could something as large as a Residence have such a small brain? aWow.a TQ said, aThey need to be moved, rearranged. Also . . .a Several heartbeats of tension strung silence no one broke.

Finally, hand stroking the fireplace wall as if she might calm TQ, Artemisia said, aAlso?a A shower of soot had them coughing. Garrett wiped his nose and mouth on his sleeve; Artemisia pulled softleaves from her long-sleeve pocket and handed one to Garrett.

One good cough to clear his lungs and Garrett said, aNot very good punctuation, House.a aSorry,a TQ mumbled. aI did not think. My HouseStones are bare and vulnerable.a aAnd weare torturing them so badly,a Artemisia said with faint irritation. Soot smudged her light complexion.

aSor-ry!a TQ repeated.

aDo you have a design you want us to put your stones in?a Artemisia asked.

aI want the obsidian one out of the center and to the northwest. It will catch better vibrations from the stars.h.i.+p Nuadaas Sword,a TQ said.

The s.h.i.+p was several kilometers away. Garrett wouldave denied feeling anything from it, but when TQ had mentioned vibrations, head felt a tiny pressure against his skin.

Artemisia lifted the pyramidical piece of obsidian from the center of the stones and it slipped from her grasp, slicing her hand, falling. She cried out. Garrett s.n.a.t.c.hed at the rock, caught it, and swallowed a curse as a sharp edge cut him, too. With great precision he put the obsidian in the northwest point of the depression and withdrew his hand.

Blood from his fingers and from Artemisiaas hands dripped on the HeartStones.

TQ gurgled.

aEww,a exclaimed Artemisia. She grasped his hand in hers and Healed his cuts.

Not before Garrett felt some of her blood invade his, whisk through him, strengthen their bond.

She wiped her hands on the softleaf, but blood welled from the fleshy side of her hand. Clasping her hands together, she Healed her own injury.

aThank you!a TQ sang.

aNot sure that youare welcome,a Garrett muttered.

Artemisia huffed. aWhat else, TQ?a Garrett was tired of playing by the house rules. He stuck his hand into the depression and rolled the stones together, flicked and flipped them around until they felt right in a now-theyare-here, now-theyare-gone gesture, then rolled them out.

aOoooh,a TQ said. aVery nice. I never would have considered that arrangement.a Then the House purred like its cat. aI like this. Well done, Garrett!a aWhat else?a asked Artemisia.

aI request you bring me a stone or a rock from your homes.a aMidCla.s.s Lodge? They only have rock paths,a Garrett said.

Artemisia rolled her eyes. aAnd native rock in the garden soil.a aYeah.a The woman was too close. He could smell her skin and her innate scent and blood and breath. Restless, he moved away. aYou want me to get something from TaHawthorn estate, too?a he asked sarcastically.

aI will scry that Residence immediately and ask it and TaHawthorn himself!a TQ exclaimed.

Artemisia chuckled and stood. She waved her softleaf and the bloodstains and soot vanished, then picked up the one Garrett had dropped and tucked them into her sleeve pocket.

Foolish to have wanted to keep it because it was hers. Her nearness made him revert to a boy with a crush.

aTaHawthorn Residence and GreatLord Laev TaHawthorn say they would be honored to provide one of my HouseStones!a TQ announced. aThey are choosing one right now.a aI will bring a stone from my homeas oldest and most sacred grove,a Artemisia said.

aThank you! You can both teleport from here.a aAll right.a Garrett crossed to the west to examine the fountain. He wouldnat be the first to leave.

Artemisia stared at him. Then she tidied her clothes, counted down three teleportation beats, and vanished.

aThis has been interesting,a Garrett said, abut I donat like being manipulated.a aYou like to do that yourself?a shot back TQ.

Garrett shrugged. TQ must have a scrystone here, maybe even a camera. aMaybe.a aThank you for helping me, and for your blood. It will always be a part of my essence.a Garrett jerked. TQ was observant, had winnowed out something it had taken him a couple of years to understand. One thing he wanted deeply was to leave an important legacy. Head lost so much in that mountain clinica"his lover, his hope, the ident.i.ty of the man head been.

Even then, his parents had been long dead. He needed to know something would outlast him. Now the Turquoise House had given this to him and head been ungracious. But head been manipulated into giving himself.

aThe blood must hold surprise at being shed,a TQ said softly.

aAnything else?a In that same tone, TQ said, aI want you to call Artemisia by her given name.a Garrett stiffened and his hand swept into the cool and jasmine-smelling water of the fountain. He grimaced. aOr else?a aWhat?a asked TQ.

aArenat you going to add a threat? You want me to call her by name, or else.a aYou do not strike me as a man who responds well to threats.a aGot that right.a Well, head already made his mark on TQ. And his case for Laev TaHawthorn wouldnat be forgotten soon, and Garrett definitely had had a hand in an exceedingly strange death that Flair scholars were still discussing. So those were ways that head be remembered, too. Three stories with his name attached that would live on. Would that be sufficient?

Inner hollowness still echoed. He didnat think so. This project would do it. But he didnat want to be recalled for his blood, for the worst part of his life. Humans were definitely contrary creatures, himself included.

TQ said, aIt strikes me that refusing to be courteous to Artemisia within my walls, something I deplore, will become more evident and rouse more questions than not.a Garrett flung up a hand as if a fencer had scored a hit against him. aAll right.a aAnd as for the or else . . . if you arenat nice to her within my walls, your avatar will probably spend time hidden in the trees of my mural.a Humor in the Houseas voice now.

aLike I care about an avatar.a aI will be disappointed in you. You will not be the man I thought you to be, the courageous and compa.s.sionate man who volunteered for this project.a aLike I care about that, either.a aI wonat ever let you come back, especially here. Which I antic.i.p.ate you might need after your ordeal.a aA bribe?a aA reward. You live in a busy lodge and share your office building, yet I believe you are a man who treasures being alone. How often do you get to be completely private?a aAnytime I take off out of Druida and spend some time in the countrysidea"on a beach or walking in woods.a Never hiking in mountains. aYou do have another point.a aThe countryside is not as secure or as fascinating as my HouseHeart. I will have my person, my couple who will be the start of my Family, within three years.a aAn interesting notion.a One that had Garrettas curiosity throbbing again.

aWill you treat Artemisia well? Like she is a partner?a aSheas a Healer,a Garrett said drily. aAnd there will be other Healers. I doubt any want to interact with me other than professionally.a aArtemisia has a tender heart,a TQ stated. The House knew her better than Garrett had thought. aHer blood pressure rises, her breath comes quicker, and she shows signs of s.e.xual arousal when you and she are together. So do you.a aYou keep track of such things?a Not hard to put appalled in his own voice.

aI got new medical spells and was shown how to use them as soon as I heard the Healers might need a venue. Be glad the TaBlackthorn garden shed isnat being readied.a aThrilled.a Garrett ran his coin through his fingers. aBelieve me, House, neither your tenants nor your Family will welcome hearing such bits of information about themselves.a aYou think not?a TQ asked in surprise.

aIall be back in a while.a aTaHawthorn Residence has agreed to return you here by one of the Family gliders.a aThank you. Later.a He went from the lush HouseHeart to his Spartan mains.p.a.ce, landed harda"head been off-balance for the last couple of daysa"shook his head, and strode to a comfortchair to line up all the things said and unsaid that morning.

But the Turquoise House is your friend; you should want to gift him with a stone!a Artemisia protested to BalmHeal Residence. She sat on the window seat in her bedroom and looked in the direction of the first sacred grove made by the Earth colonists when theyad arrived on Celta. aWhy donat you want to donate a rock for his HouseHeart?a aUpstart,a BalmHeal Residence sneered, deep in his grumpy-old-man persona. aWead be tied together forever.a She raised her brows. aThat a.s.sumes that every rock on this estate belongs to you.a aThey do!a aAnd you can feel each and every bit?a aYou want to take it from my best grove.a aThatas right. A grove established several years before your walls and the oldest of your foundations. If anything defines this place, itas the groves and the Healing pools.a All the open doors of the Residence slammed shut. There was a short cry from Artemisiaas mother.

aBe careful,a Artemisia snapped.

aNo one is careful of me or my feelings,a the Residence rumbled.

aThat is not at all true.a Artemisia sighed in exasperation and donned patience. Shead had to learn it as a Healer, and it usually came in handy more with the Residence. aWe love you. The Turquoise House deeply, deeply admires you. He is thrilled that you would so condescend to allow him to have a pebble for his HouseHeart.a aA pebble! Who does he think he is? He believes he can store data and think in pebbles! Rude upstart.a The shutters on the wall outside the window clacked shut, then open.

It wouldnat be wise to inform BalmHeal the upstart already worked with pebbles. aI suppose you could, perhaps, donate a large stone, then? Perhaps even a dressed one, like one of those in the outside storage area?a She put a wheedle in her voice. The Residence liked that.

aAnd you will be staying away from me.a This time the shutters clapped over the window as if to hold her in. aA whole eightday.a


Yes,a Artemisia said. aIall be away from you and my Family and the estate for a week. Thatas the term of the project. None of us antic.i.p.ates the experiment will take that long.a Her voice lowered. aThe FirstLevel Healers think it will take Primross no more than five or six days to throw off the sickness.a She heaved a sigh for the Residence. aToo bad we couldnat bring him here; you are the best HealingHall in all of Celta.a aYes.a The slats of the shutters opened and she could see the green of verdant summer outside the window, the swathes of lawn, the glitter of Healing pools, the tall tops of trees. Familiar, exquisite, beloved.

aThat young House has no occupants?a BalmHeal asked.

aNo. And itas empty, white walls. Pitiable.a A groan of the wood of the window seat under her was disconcerting.

aIt is, perhaps, lonely?a aMaybe,a she agreed.

aIt knows nothing of abandonment, of loneliness.a Back to sneering. That was the issue. BalmHeal Residence had been abandoned for centuries, so long it had nearly died. The estate had welcomed the desperate, but few had gone to the House, even fewer pa.s.sed its s.h.i.+elds and inside.

Artemisia hauled up another sigh, let it out noisily. aI was not exactly asked.a She rubbed the molding around the window up and down, s.h.i.+ny because of her habit.

aYou could always stay here, always.a An old argument. aOutside I can meet a man and have children for you.a The Residence wanted children. Might not want the man. aTiana will most likely live outside for several years.a Artemisia pressed her palm on the window gla.s.s. aSo my children are the ones who might tend to you.a Her door latch depressed and the door opened. BalmHeal Residence knew she hated that, but she said nothing.

aThe new young House may have a rock from the summerhouse.a aNot from the oldest grove? Ple-ease?a aVery well. A largish stone from the summerhouse. A pebble from the sacred grove.a aThank you so much!a aYou will be back this evening?a aFor dinner, I promise.a She raised a hand.

aYour pillow is on its way to the youngster,a BalmHeal said.

aNot my favorite.a aNo.a aThank you.a She ran through the door, closed it behind her, and patted it, then took off for the summerhouse that was not really on the way to the sacred grove, which was in the far southwestern corner of the estate. She was pleased with herself for cajoling the Residence and being able to fulfill TQas dreams. And pleased with the Residence for being so generous. It, too, was Healing well, emotionally. But slowly.

Arranging the four stones in TQas HouseHeart had been an experience Garrett prized: the welcoming ambiance of the place, TQas comments, Artemisiaas easy presence. This time there had been no blood or reason for her hands on him, a disappointment. Head enjoyed the HouseHeart, held to that even after the details of its location had begun to fade as he went up the steps. There had been steps?

By the next morning, the conversations head had in the HouseHeart were still clear, everything else was dim, superseded by the nightmares that had plagued him. His clenched gut was ample reminder that today head have the Iasc sickness introduced into his body again.

One small rea.s.surance was that when head contacted Primary HealingHall to check on Opul, head been told the youngster had pa.s.sed the danger point and was recovering.

Garrettas blood had kept the kid alive, had helped. Maybe Garrettas advice, too. If his blood and advice could help the child, theyad carry Garrett through. He dreaded the time between now and then.

The Healers would be studying him and maybe theyad find a cure for the sickness. Thatas what this whole d.a.m.n thing was about.

He didnat say a shaving spell. Why bother?

This morning he arrived at TQ early. He preferred to be the first on the scene, especially if he might be ambushed. Though the ambush had taken place two days ago.

The front courtyard was shadowed, showing only a few patches of sun, yet still looked welcoming. TQ radiated cheer, but no pleasing atmosphere could chisel away Garrettas irritation and discomfort.

He prowled the courtyard, the curving irregular flower beds bright with colorful blooms, the verdant bushes, the staggered trees. All charming.

Cats streamed from the back gra.s.syard to surround him for scritches and pets and rubs.

We like this very much, said the leader. We are pleased to be back here. He lifted his nose. Though We had to show the three local cats who den here that We were tougher. A twitch of whiskers. They do not want to become part of Our gang. They wish to always stay here.

One of the reasons that the cats were so useful to Garrett was that they ranged the whole city, saw and heard things that humans paid no attention to or missed.

TQ cracked open the front door. Only three crept close to the stoop. One was an orange tabby mother and her kitten, who was beige with the dark brown spots of a hunting cat.

The tom standing next to Garrett made a disgusted noise. Smells bad and scary.

And that was before the sickness.

No human smells, no Fam smells, no cloth or wood or metal smells, another cat said, waving her white tail.

The kitten, smaller than the front step, mewed a question that wasnat formed enough for Garrett to understand.

Not inside today, the mother said decisively. Not soon.

The kitten mewed defiance and his dam picked him up by his scruff and trotted away from the door. She studied Garrett with narrowed eyes and came over.

Treats? Treat for Momcat and Kit?

All the cats perked up. They could smell the jerky bites in Garrettas trous pockets. His feral mob moved into the pattern of status, a fluid thing that changed from day to day as to which had the best hunt in the night.

He pa.s.sed treats outa"left a small pile of three in front of the mother and kitten.

Like! the kitten said, seething with excitement. The mother snapped her paw on the treats and broke them into smaller bits. The kitten snarfed them up, then jumped onto Garrettas boots and looked up at him with wide yellow eyes, purring with enthusiasm.

aWhat if I had to run?a he asked the kitten.

With you!

There was a small creak as TQas door opened wider. Cats scattered. The little one tumbled off Garrettas shoes and tried to catch up with the ferals, his dam behind him. A few seconds later, all indications of life were gone from the courtyard, though Garrett sensed where they watched in the bushes of the back gra.s.syard. He had no doubt theyad crawl out to sleep in the sun as the morning drew on.

TQ remained quiet. At least the House was giving him a little privacy, now.

The realization that soon he wouldnat have any privacy crashed down on him, wiping out the lift the cats had given him.

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Celta: Heart Secret Part 5 summary

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