Celta: Heart Secret Part 9

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But she didnat listen and vanished.

He gave up and let the sickness take him.

Artemisia had been nappinga"septhours had begun to seem like weeks and shead lost track of timea"and awoke to thready mews and cold.

Too cold, especially for Garrett, who had been nearly steaming with fever.

She hopped from bed and flinched through the two decontamination s.h.i.+elds to find a bare Garrett huddled in fetal position, face gray and sheened, s.h.i.+vering. His Fam was perched on his hip, also curled tightly.

aTQ, raise the heat, fifteen degrees now!a She yanked linens over him, found a blanket and a comforter, and piled them on him, but didnat think it would be enough. aWhat were you thinking to cool the room?a aI was so ordered,a grumbled TQ.

aAnd your orders are not necessary,a said Ura Heather from the sitting room door. aThe room was too warm for the patient.a aThe temperature was fine! Now itas far too cold!a Artemisia repeated, warming a scarf and putting it on Garrettas head. Still not enough.

Her gaze focused on the machine next to the FirstLevel Healer, an experimental med-tech. It was a thin, meter-high domed metal construct with two spindly arms ending in tri-pincers, and an extruded antenna. A light blinked green. aWarning! This unitas previous recommendation to reduce the temperature in the patientas room is not being implemented! Cooling must take place. Waiting for confirmation from FirstLevel Healer to drop forcefields so unit can enter the Healing area. Warning, the room must be cooled,a it said in a tinny voice.

aNo!a Artemisia countermanded. aTQ, keep raising the temperature. Primross is too chilled.a Nothing for it, shead resort to basic body heat and body-to-body warming spells. She stripped and flung her clothes on the floor. Crawled between the linens. They were cold.

Quickly, quickly lift! Garrett and the kitten floated. And warm! She warmed the bedsponge beneath. Nice, toasty.

She lowered the two and spooned around Garrett. His skin was clammy, but he felt like he belonged with her.

aTQ, follow the recommendations of the med-tech,a Heather said. aItas not that cold in here.a aThe temperature in the sitting room is twenty-two degrees Celsius,a TQ said.

aYou see!a Heather said. aStop the heat!a aWarning, the temperature in the adjoining room is too high for good health. Warning. Warning,a the machine said.

aThe temperature in the master bedroom is thirteen degrees Celsius,a TQ said.

aWhat!a Ura Heather slapped her hand on the top of the small machine.

aPerhaps the med-techas readings are wrong due to the forcefields,a Artemisia mumbled. She s.h.i.+vered against Garrett, spending Flair profligately to heat him.

His breathing stuttered. Wrapping her arms around him, she squeezed. I need you to fight! she snapped, aloud and telepathically. FIGHT!


Garrett heard the command. It wasnat Dinni, but he sensed the need came from someone with a claim on him. More soundsa"a small animal whimpering, s.h.i.+vering. Another need he must fill.

But he was so cold.

Let the sleet take him. Follow Dinni down that foggy path.


He was tired of fighting.

Something bit his ear. Ouch! Warm blood trickled down it, and then the cold faded and the rain and sleet and ice and fog stopped and bright primary colors swarmed behind his eyelids.

Warmth. He shuddered. His muscles were all bunched together and warm was becoming hot. Groaning, he straightened his legs. Sighed as they felt better, as a small furred shape snuggled near his chest, just right. Sighed again as the heat behind him lessened as a ma.s.s moved away.

Covers settled around him. He was on a bedsponge. Head made it to the clinic. Head need to wake soon to check on Dinni, but for now head take a little sleep. He could do that, set an alarm in his brain to wake him in a few septhours. Dinni was in good hands.

Doom hovered, and he knew when he woke he would face rending teeth, but darkness tugged at him, offering sweet relief, and he let it suck him into sleep.

Artemisia crawled from Garrettas bed, bent to pick up her clothes. She let her hair fall over her face until she could control her seething anger so it wouldnat show in her expression. Her fingers trembled as she dressed. She knew why FirstLevel Healer Heather had brought the med-tech. To care for Garrett instead of Artemisia.

There had been talk of Flair-tech mechanical servers to replace Healer a.s.sistants and low-level Healers. No doubt the FirstLevel Healer thought she might combine two experiments in one, make more efficient use of funds.

A soulless consideration that might have had terrible consequences.

Self-preservation and confrontation avoidance warred with fury that the Healer would take such a risk at this time.

aIa"a she began, but her throat was so clogged with ire that she barely heard herself. She pulled in a large breath and marshaled her wits.

aIave silenced the med-tech. Report on the patient, Turquoise House,a Heather said.

aHe is breathing well again,a TQ said.

aWhat! Head stopped?a the older Healer demanded.

aYes.a Artemisiaas face was hot and tight, but expressionless, she hoped. Keeping her voice equally impa.s.sive, she continued, aPerhaps this isnat the right project with which to test a med-tech.a aI agree,a TQ said austerely. aAfter I followed your insistent instructions to cool the room, GentleSir Primross stopped breathing. Since I have mitigated the chill in the room, GentleSir Primrossas heartbeat is no longer slow and erratic, and his body temperature is acceptable.a Artemisia sucked in another cleansing breath. Her anger had made her alert. But what was done was done, and she was sure that the FirstLevel Healer wouldnat press the matter further. Nothing to be gained by pointing out her error.

aThatas good to hear, TQ.a Artemisia kept her tone mild. She looked at the med-tech machine. Its arms and antenna were down, its light off. Poor, stupid piece of junk.

aTQ, do you think that the decontamination and forcefields skewed the med-techas readings?a she asked.

aI think the med-tech machine is not as close to completion as many believe. It is obviously a thing without true intellect. I was not informed that it might be used during this project and do not approve. Nor will I accept any further instructions based upon its recommendations. Not enough study has been done for the thing to be used in real-life trials,a TQ said. aEspecially one as delicate as this.a Ura Heatheras roundish face flushed and she banged a fist on the machine. aDefective thing.a She narrowed her eyes as if in warning when she met Artemisiaas gaze. aI will leave you to your regular duties and teleport back to Primary HealingHall. I donat think this small incident needs to be reported to anyone else, does it, SecondLevel Healer?a Garrett kicked aside the covers, stretched, and rolled over. His color was healthy; Artemisia sensed he was in an almost natural sleep. The fever would return, but for now they had a respite. aNo, FirstLevel Healer.a aI also expect you to be discreet, Turquoise House.a Heather and the machine disappeared before TQ could respond.

aIam sorry, Artemisia,a TQ whispered. aI was interested in the med-tech machine. I should not have listened to it or obeyed the FirstLevel Healeras instructions.a Artemisia let her weak knees fold her onto the bedsponge. aNo lasting harm done, TQ?a aI will do a full scan.a Artemisia nodded and rearranged the covers again, then glanced at the timer and saw it was NoonBell. Three cats slept on the windowsill of the bedroom, and beyond in the gra.s.syard lounged the rest of Garrettas ragtag band.

aNo, Artemisia, no lasting harm was done to Garrett.a aThatas good.a aFrom my studies of the Iasc sickness, it seems this might have been the main crisis for Garrett and the sickness will progress more smoothly?a aPerhaps, but there could very well be more than one crisis.a aI will watch him very closely.a aIam sure you will. So will we all.a She stretched. aWhat you need to recall, TQ, is . . .a aYes?a aYou donat mind me giving you advice?a aPlease do, Artemisia.a aMany n.o.bles arenat accustomed to personal failure, so sometimes they ignore risks,a she ended softly. She was all too aware that bad things could happen, that personal failure could be inflicted from outside forces.

aI will remember that, Artemisia.a aOur main goal is to keep Garrett Primross safe, our secondary goal is to observe him and study his blood to help find a cure for the Iasc sickness. Anything else is of minor importance.a aI will not allow anything to threaten him again,a TQ said.

aGood.a aAnd I will not allow anything to threaten you, either.a Artemisia managed to curve her lips, but shrugged. That wasnat in TQas power. She did know that shead have to step carefully with regard to Ura Heather.

Again the fragrance of hidden forests teased his nostrils. He was aware of floating free. Shouldnat he be doing something? Driving?

No, head made it to the clinic. Dinni was in good Healersa hands. This was a dream and he could go where he pleased.

With that thought he found himself liberated from the endless trip and struggle. No longer spring, it was full, hot summer and he was walking toward rusty iron gates that framed a secret garden. A cool turquoise pool beckoned, since he was beginning to get hot again.

Maybe if he reached it, the fever would not come.

Lovely thought.

He s.h.i.+fted his shoulders. He wore a fighting harness more appropriate for an arena sword bouta"yeah, his longsword was angled across his back, and a blazer at his hipa"than for traveling or guarding a merchant. Or being a private investigator, which he was now.

But hadnat someone demanded he fight?

Yeah, he remembered that.

And he remembered head have to.

But not until he got a peek at the garden.

The wonderful fragrance wrapped around him again and spun him away.

Near MidAfternoonBell during the third day, Garrett went completely still. It took a minute for Artemisia, nearly dozing in her chair, to realize his breathing had quieted, he no longer thrashed. She leapt up, papyrus medical records falling out of her lap, and lunged toward Garrett.

For an instant her breath stopped as she thought head died. A crus.h.i.+ng sense of loss pervaded her. Worse than when she was a teenager and her Family had lost everything.

His face dribbled sweat, but when she put her hand on his cheek, it was cool. Breath fast, she moved her hand to his heart. The strong and steady thump rea.s.sured her.

Then his eyes opened and a piercing gaze pinned her. His hand covered hers. She said the first thing that came to mind. aIam not Dinni.a aI know that.a His voice was low and raspy. aThe lovely Artemisia Panax, SecondLevel Healer.a aYou are awake and aware!a TQ said joyfully. aYou have survived the sickness once again.a Garrett grunted. aGuess so.a He tried to lever himself up and Artemisia put her arm behind his back and helped. He was a big and muscular man and she used Flair.

aI have informed the FirstLevel Healers,a TQ said. aGrandLord TaHeather and Ura Heather and Lark Holly are arriving.a aGreat,a Garrett muttered.

aAnd I will initiate the celebratory actions.a aHuh?a Once again Garrett looked Artemisia in the eyes. She shrugged.

His hands went to the fluid belt.

aLet me do that.a Artemisia moved his fingers away.

aI donat want youa"a But shead dispelled the suction and whisked it off him and into the container to be studied before he finished his sentence.

He drew in a long and uneven breath, seemed wobbly sitting up, but she wasnat going to say a thing.

aWant a waterfall,a he grumbled. aFeel filthy.a aYou had a full sponge bath a septhour ago,a Artemisia said.

This time his gaze was hot and deadly. aDid you do it?a aOf course.a His jaw flexed.

aYou must be examined by the FirstLevel Healers,a TQ admonished.

Garrett mumbled a curse.

The alarm from the decontamination field sounded loud and raucously and three people stepped into the bedroom. Artemisia withdrew to her chair as Lark Holly rounded the bed to take her place, and the Heathers stopped on the other side.

aIncredible.a GrandLord TaHeatheras s.h.a.ggy eyebrows rose. aYouare awake and sitting up. Look a little rough, though. I suppose it felt as if you crawled down to the Cave of the Dark G.o.ddess and back.a aExactly,a Garrett said, and his shoulders relaxed. Artemisia wasnat sure whether it was having the greatest Healer on Celta in the room or having another man with him that changed his att.i.tude.

aDonat need all these people in my bedroom right now,a Garrett said. He stared at her, then switched to Lark Holly.

TaHeather rumbled a laugh, snagged a large water bottle, gave it to Garrett. aMust be dry; drink up, son.a aThanks. My fluid belt is in the d.a.m.n canister.a aOf course,a said Ura Heather.

aTQ, can you report?a Lark Holly asked.

aGarrett Primrossas levels of the microbes of the Iasc sickness are decreasing. If his recovery follows the same steep arc of his succ.u.mbing to the illness, he will be free of Iasc by NightBell and could leave here by NoonBell tomorrow.a Garrett made a satisfied noise.

TQ continued, aThis room has a medium level of the Iasc sickness microbes. I will sterilize it after everyone leaves tomorrow. The sitting room has a very low level of Iasc, and the dressing room and Artemisiaas bedroom has a low infestation of the microbes.a Everyone stared at Artemisia. She stood straight. aI followed all the procedures and am perfectly fine.a aThat is correct,a TQ said. aThe levels of the sickness in the dressing room and adjacent bedroom are below our original projections. SecondLevel Healer Panax herself has no microbes of the virus within her.a aSuccess!a Ura Heather said.

aYes, but the whole reason for this experiment was to study GentleSir Primrossas blood and determine how he survived the most virulent sickness and whether we could develop a precautionary serum or cure,a Lark said. aAnd Artemisia should be examined, too.a Lark went toward the door of the sitting room and gestured to Artemisia. aCome along, Iall check you in here.a Garrett grinned at her with a certain amount of glee. Then he yelped and his expression turned to surprised horror as he stared at a small lump under the cover by his foot. aWhat is it? Get it off me!a TaHeather yanked up the cover and roared with laughter at the beige kitten with brown spots sitting on Garrettas foot.

I am his Fam, the little cat said.

Glaring, Garrett said, aI donat recall agreeing to that.a The kitten ignored him. I was very helpful, wasnat I?

aVery,a Artemisia murmured, returning Garrettas smile with an overly sweet one of her own as she entered the sitting room.

Stubby tail straight up, the kitten walked up Garrettas s.h.i.+n and to his thigh before TaHeatheras hand engulfed him. aWhy donat you sit on the table here.a aYou can supervise,a Lark Holly said, sounding as if she said those words often.

aContinuing my report,a TQ said, aI have scanned all my s.p.a.ce and have no cell of the illness beyond these rooms.a aGood job!a TaHeather said. aNow letas check you out, young man.a Lark gripped Artemisiaas upper arm. aAnd Iall do your examination. You look weary.a aIt wasnat an easy project,a Artemisia said, and wondered when she could go home. And wondered why the idea of going home didnat bring a rush of joy.

aStrong, active men are rarely good patients,a Lark murmured.

aHere, Ura,a TaHeather said to his daughter. aYou want all the blood and fluid samples and the reports. Take aem home to one of TaHeather Residenceas sterile rooms.a aI have sent you and TaHeather Residence all my raw data,a TQ said.

aThank you, Father.a FirstLevel Healer Ura Heather gave a little cough. aThank you, Turquoise House.a aYou are welcome,a TQ responded.

Ura Heather nodded, organized the various containers, and teleported away with the samples.

Artemisia admitted to herself that she was glad to see the head of Primary HealingHall go.

Larkas examination was quick and professional, the results what Artemisia expected. She was a little dehydrated and exhausted. She didnat show any signs of the sickness.

Lark shook her head. aI wish you had had relief, another Healer. The Turquoise House is wonderful at monitoring, and can manipulate the atmosphere in amazing ways, but it doesnat have hands, or physicality.a aI was fine.a She wasnat about to mention the med-tech. Yesterday seemed like years gone, anyway.

aYou certainly were. And you didnat get the disease. What I saw of the studies is promising. I really want to develop a prophylactic for the sickness from Primrossas blood.a aEveryone wants that,a Artemisia commented. aHim, too, or he wouldnat have suffered through this.a Lark stared at her sharply.

Artemisia raised her hands, palms up. aI have great admiration for him. I comported myself professionally,a she said before she remembered the time during TransitionBell when she sat by his bed and stroked his forehead, bathed his face, held his hand.

aHmm.a Lark went to the no-time food storage and took out a large bowl of furrabeast stew, set it on an old table. aEat.a aI smell good food. Furrabeast. I want some of that,a Garrett called from the other room.

TaHeather said, aYou get clucker soup.a Garrett groaned.

aHere, this is for you, a token of appreciation from me,a Lark said. aIt is free of any Iasc germs and has a decontamination spell woven in every fiber.a With wide eyes, Artemisia accepted the robe of silver-shot gray silkeen Lark had translocated into the room. aThank you.a She hadnat had such a garment since her teens before her Family had been disgraced. She wrapped it around her, letting the soft fabric slide against her skin in comfort. She had risen to the task shead been a.s.signed and done well, had survived. Had accompanied a man down the path to the Cave of the Dark G.o.ddess and helped him fight the disease and return.

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Celta: Heart Secret Part 9 summary

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