Genocide Reality Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 – A Country of Evil Spirits

As I entered the fourth floor, the air was becoming chilly.
It’s cold, like the temperature of a morgue.
So that the corpse does not rot, as so it doesn’t collapse.
The stone pavement whose appearance didn’t change much, it was dotted with the dim light of the continuous torches.
Still, it’s cold here.
It’s not a place where living things live, it’s a different world.

“Med Light” (s.h.i.+njo)

Because ghosts are hard to see, I decided to strengthen the light source.
To the extent that such luxury is possible, the upper limit of mana has been growing.
The ‘Mage rank’ is also going up. (TL: Should I keep italicizing things like these? Or just leave the quotations around them?)

“What’s this, people?” (s.h.i.+njo)

People are standing while leaning back onto the stone walls.
I was wondering if they were alive for a second, but it is different as something wrinkled.
I’m glad I made the light source stronger, as when I observed them intently they were wearing clothes but the skin was boggy, and the prototype was firmly left. (TL: Urgh, don’t even get me started on this one.)
However, it’s a corpse that is dead.
I don’t know how it died, but since there are wounds it would be one of them.
It’s not a mummy……it’s said that it’s dead-waxing, it is such a corpse.

Because the temperature is low here, the actions of putrefactive bacteria are weak.
Missing blood from the wound, it happened that the state of preservation was good accidentally probably.

“……When did it die?” (s.h.i.+njo)

If there is little bacteria and it doesn’t rot, the corpse saponifies and it becomes like this.
Because I had thought a zombies or skeletons would come out, this is somewhat disgusting when it comes out instead.

“Hey, start moving already. Get up quickly.” (s.h.i.+njo)

I stick it with the tip of the sword, but it doesn’t move much.
Somehow, it’s creepy.
I don’t want to see it.
I picked up the torch that was leaning in the pa.s.sage and touched it onto the corpse.

“Oh, it burns well.” (s.h.i.+njo) (TL: I’m starting to wonder if I should even bother adding these when he is the only person talking…..)

The fire went up, covering the corpse in flames.
Because of the dead-waxing, the body fat acts as a candle and the body burns.
A monsterーperhaps it wasn’t that.
It arrived here having wounds all over one’s body, it was the dead body of an exhausted adventurer. (TL: Now if only we could find a live one…….no offense Exadventurer-kun!)

The monsters appearing on the fourth floor of Geno-Real are only zombies, skeletons, or ghost.
There can’t be such a thing here.
At leastーthere was no such event in the game.
Actually, if there were people who lost their way and died like us……

“There is no use thinking of things I don’t understand.” (s.h.i.+njo)

In Geno-Real, there are of course settings that adventures had tried in addition to players.
There are a few NPC events as well.
There will also be a difference in each version, NA Version, EU Version, EA Version; there are also differences in the j.a.panese-translated Version. Because remodeling the basic system was popular, it may not be the system I am aware of and there could be ‘plus elements’. (TL: North America, Europe, East Asia; ‘Plus elements’=Added things)

“Well~Tsk, whichever is good.” (s.h.i.+njo)

Either way, there is one thing I’ll do.

“Advance forward.” (s.h.i.+njo)

Just that alone.
But before challenging the boss for a moment, I decided to go down the road.
In the next room, it’s filled with familiar zombies and flocks of skeletons, I was relieved.
Once lured, I pulled out the skeleton’s hip bone little by little, also quickly slas.h.i.+ng the limbs of the zombies before I stopped moving.

The work of turning corpses into meat is fun.
Spirit sword『Gurusendaru』, it functions properly as an undead killer. (TL: Onsatsumaru -> Gurusendaru)
Every time I shake the glowing pale-white blade that ridges like a snake, it returns rotten meat and bones that move contrary to the sense of the world.
After death, it’s miserable they can still move around like this.
This is a memorial service.

Some zombies, they are made of things that aren’t human.
Orc Zombies, Kobolt Zombies, Troll Zombies, and some Slime Zombies.
When coming down from the upper level, everyone that gets killed is turned into a dead spirit.
In this hierarchy, even the slime scavengers that eat the corpses are zombified, so corpses will remain all the time.
Quite so, it’s done well. (TL: なかなか、良く出来ている。)

The underground 4th floor of the Dead Zone, it has the function of separating the living areas of the weak organisms on the upper layer and the stronger organisms on the lower layer.
The ghosts are like spirits of landlords, they will not go outside from the bas.e.m.e.nt floor.
“Invasions” will not happen on the fourth floor, so newbies that can’t deal with the ghosts won’t get attacked and thus won’t die.

If you do decent game balance in such a place, you ought to manage some other balances a bit more.
Regardless of any ghost, you can’t touch it with your hands unless you use magic and weapons that can deal with them.
There are some troublesome monsters like a ghost that can escape through the wall, it would be serious if such a thing overflows to other layers.
Only the 4th floor is the area of the dead spirits, rather it seems to be the conscience of Geno-Real.

Well, in reality there is no way to consider newbies.
Because the monster becomes a zombie when it’s killed by a zombie, I guess the entire Geno-Real won’t become a zombie game. (TL: Shouldn’t it be……well, raws know best?)

“Well……” (s.h.i.+njo)

I won’t go straight to the boss room, but to the small room at the back.
When you thrust the tip of a sword into the floor, a pitfall trap opens.
Before the peculiar hole, hit the peg and hang a rope. (TL: Like a tent-peg, but…well, ya know.)

Using a rope, you can get off without getting damaged by falling.
There are 2 kinds of pitfalls: One that takes impact damage and returns to the upper level, and the other that leads to the lower level.

The place where I’ll get off, it comes to the fifth floor of the underground.
This pitfall, it doesn’t communicate with the floor on the fifth floor, and I go further ahead.
In the end, there is a door fitted with an iron grille.
Before that, I can see the b.u.t.ton-style door.

Here is supposed to be a point that can’t be advanced into in the game.
Did they abandon it during development, or was it abandoned with the intention to build onto?
There is nothing meaningless in Geno-Real so there isn’t much worry about it, but I know how to proceed further.

On the side wall of the grid, go forward and advance sideways.
In other words, move diagonally.
Then somehow, the body through to the other side of the grid.

I wonder, is this really a bug?
I don’t really think so, as it’s a kind of hidden door.
Then, when opening the b.u.t.ton-type door in the back, there is a brilliant huge room spreading there.
The light of suns.h.i.+ne after a long time.

“Dazzling.” (s.h.i.+njo)

So despite being the underground’s fifth floor, the sunlight is falling here.
Looking up, you can see that a reflector is installed over the sky separated by a large circle.
To collect light sources and reach so far, it seems ingenuity has been devised for daylighting.
It is realized everywhere.

Because there is sunlight, plants grow here, there is a wooden log house and swimming in the fish pond leads to the underground water vein.
Although they are small, there are fields; An environment where comfortable self-sufficient life can be maintained is being developed.
I call this place ‘The Garden Without Permission’.

Why the Geno-Real developer make a hidden room like this villa, there was nothing to hint on.

“Maybe it’s a rest area.” (s.h.i.+njo)

In the room of the fifth floor just before, there are other hidden doors.
The pa.s.sage that continues so as to surround the underground fifth floor, it has become possible to check the circulation of pores and spring water in the large room, ーI think that it is a kind of maintenance room.

A genius game designer who developed Genocide Reality, at exactly at the middle of the labyrinth, he took a break here.
After making it halfway and stopping here, I wonder if he began to create a continuation.
If I think like that, it’s a little fun.

Alternatively, if you see that it leads to a maintenance room, it may have been prepared as a staff room for maintaining the labyrinth.
Although Geno-Real would become a MMO (Ma.s.sively・Multiplayer・Online) later, it may have been designed with the concept drawn from the beginning.

The maintenance system surrounding the labyrinth is said to be a waste to produce Geno-Real’s inherent reality, but it was prepared as a behind the scenes to make it an MMO from the beginning.
Trying to think so will meet with trouble.

What a distant plan.
In the year 1989, the n.o.ble Knight was incorporated into the design in antic.i.p.ation of the current net gaming environment……
It’s only my delusion in the end, but there’s something that goes wrong.
Here, the legendary genius game designer was drawing a concept.

“Fu~mu, as I thought.” (s.h.i.+njo)

I went into the log house.
With a simple bed, desk and chair, bookshelves, a closet, cookware such as kettle-pots, cupboards are placed, there isn’t any feeling of life at all.
When I saw the death-waxed corpses, I thought that someone could have come here, but was there such a thing?

When opening the item box attached to the log house, it is packed with rare items with reasonable magic effects.
Guardian Amulet, Giant Bracelet, Defensive Pendant, Health Pendant, Ring of Mana, Ring of Resistance, Ring of Warning……
A kind of magic accessory is rumbling.

“Here too it’s like that……” (s.h.i.+njo)

Magic accessories with an auxiliary effect, there is only one type of effect.
I wondered if there were c.u.mulative effects, I had tried a lot of rings on my finger, but it seems that only the first one is effective.

“Well, I don’t have such a nice story.” (s.h.i.+njo)

Certainly, it was a setting to offset the same accessories with each other.
Equipped with a ‘Bracelet of Gusts’, it rose speed for the time being.
There is another important item here.
An ‘Infinite Storage Rucksack’. (TL: Achievement Get: STORE ALL THE THINGS!)
The s.p.a.ce in the bag is magically distorted, and in theory the items enter infinitely.

Of course it’s theoretical.
Although there is some gravity reduction effect, the more items you put in the more acc.u.mulated gravity, soon it would be impossible to carry around.
Conveniently you can funnily pack a lot of items in large amounts so you can’t carry it anymore, then throw it into the enemy to kill them. (TL: Guess you just need to….weight for it to kill them……I’ll walk myself out.)

Although it’s a rare item available in the middle level, because I have no 『Trap-Removal』skill, I can’t open the trapped chest so I’m thankful for getting it here.
Also, here is the『Crystal of Distant Vision』which plays the role of a videophone, there’s no use at all but interesting items are packed. (TL: Wouldn’t a video phone be nice? I mean, I would TOTALLY make a doc.u.mentary with an Australian accent monologue in it.)

In addition to the log house, other tools such as an axe for splitting firewood, a rope ladder, a hoe, a scoop, and a rolling tool like a fis.h.i.+ng rod.
In the yarn-spinning machine, there is also a weaving machine.
It isn’t about decoration, but you can actually make cotton and cloth.

Looking at the environment here, it may have been a laboratory of production skills that were almost useless even though they existed in Geno-Real for a while, such as Culinary Arts, Sewing skills, Wood-cutting skills, Carpenter skills, etc.

To use the playful skills, a rare offering to the extent that game balance doesn’t collapse, it is a little service to the player who searched for such a hidden area and enjoyed it.
That’s right, I should bring the『Ring of Warning』and whatever else to Seki.

A beginner wish item that vibrates to tell you about the danger whenever a strong monster approaches or there’s a trap.
Even though it doesn’t have much meaning, it would increase the survival rate of beginners.

Wait, k.u.miko is going to be noisy if I give a ring to only Seki.
Because the baggage won’t be much heavier, I’ll take some more accessories as well.

“Well, somewhere like this…” (s.h.i.+njo)

Perhaps, the genius game designer, n.o.ble Knight, sitting on a wooden armchair in the log house might not be greeted with a smiling face with a “no players came often”.
I also held such a delusion, there may not be any real producers in this world.

“Well, if I say you are my only sanctuary, it makes me feel better doesn’t it.” (s.h.i.+njo)

This hidden area, no one knows about it because it wasn’t on the overseas sites either.
It may only be the developer and I who know about it. (TL: On the bright side, no one can interrupt your private life……probably.)
It is a great bliss as a player.

In the suns.h.i.+ne for the first time in a while, I peeled the tomatoes off from the field and dug into one, the freshly juicy taste spread.
I wasn’t usually conscious of this.
Even though it is thought that the tomato has a thin and unpleasant taste, it’s truly fresh and delicious.
It was delicious till the gentle odor of the hedge, I was rolling around. (TL: This sounds weird, but the raws…)
It is a taste that the body is pleased with.

Tomatoes here, they would make an agricultural revolution as they grow in 3 days if seeds are planted.
That is why there isn’t a special taste.
Because I wasn’t eating red-blooded things I was short on vitamins, just because I didn’t feel because my tongue was luxurious, vegetables are probably foods with enough sweetness.

“Come to think of it, how long have I been in the labyrinth?” (s.h.i.+njo)

Because of all the time I’ve spent underground, my sense of time was ambiguous.
Tentatively, I thought that I should take a bath.
In this break room, there’s a drum-bath. (TL: Those big-a.s.s pot baths.)
Well, I guess I should say it’s being heated from directly underneath.

Even though I could finally bathe, I drew water in a large tub because it was long-awaited.
There are prepared wooden gridirons which draws downwards, so if you’re careful you wouldn’t get burned.

Even if you do burn yourself, it’s a useful world as it’s cured with potion.
Picking up the suitably fired wood, it is the beginner’s fireball that caught it on fire.
After that, pick up a watermelon in the field, just hit it and wait for it to burn while you eat the melon.

“It’s almost time to burn it. It’s been a while since then. Would I also like to wash these at the same time?” (s.h.i.+njo)

It’s a poor smell, but it is rather stiff.
Both clothes and body, they were stinky with the body fluids of monsters, so it wouldn’t come out with a bit of gentle laundry.
It’s prepared so far, but I don’t have soap or detergent.
Even if I think I should have bought it in the town, it would be too late as I didn’t think I would need that sort of baggage.

“Whatever.” (s.h.i.+njo)

I’m the only one, so I’m going to get naked and clean the leather clothing properly, then let them dry. (TL: Translating ジャバジャバ服 as leather clothes because I could not figure it out for the life of me. If anyone knows the correct TL, let me know)
I have no idea how to care for my leather armor.
I’d better not do bad things, so I just enjoy the bath.
As soon as my body gets dirty by exploring the labyrinth, I don’t mind the details as long as it will decrease the body’s filth.

“Fuu, do not revive.” (s.h.i.+njo)

In the human body, Vitamin-D isn’t formed unless the body is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
I may get sick because of calcium deficiency like this, so it would be better to consciously be exposed to the sunlight like this.

Perhaps, the recovery potion may solve the problem of stranding, but there are mood problems as well.
If I had been staying in the dungeon for a long time, I would be depressed as much as I could withdraw from it.
I decided I would return to the labyrinth after I had sun bathed until the clothing had dried.

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Genocide Reality Chapter 12 summary

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